Progressive 1; Shooting Star

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Progressive is a canon reboot of the SAO franchise written by Reki Kawahara. I doubt you will be in need of actually reading the LN if you wish to read this chapter, in fact I'm trying my best to tell the story so you won't have to read them at all. Still if you wish to read the LN, they are available as an English PDF download.

[Aria of a Starless Night]

Aincrad 1st Floor, November 2022


I jump. I just finished to beat one of the level 4 wolfes when I heard him. Turning around, my eyes see a young swordsmen with minimalistic armor, a chest guard and a dark-grey leather coat. Though my eyes are fixated on the heavy looking sword on his back, «Anneal Blade». The sword that was a reward for a high-difficulty quest. The quest where I accompanied a certain someone (sorta against my will) to completion. Immediately I turn around. "H-Hey, wait it's me! Kirito!" The familiar swordsman says. I knew it. With an annoyed look, I glance at him again. Kirito and I have met each other on different occasions and for some reason he decides to continue to talk to me, much to my annoyance. We are solo players after all.

"Ah. You're still annoyed from that time I take it...A-Anyway I was just thinking, uh, maybe you want to accompany me to the upper levels of the labyrinth. I mean, you and I are both pretty close to Level 10, the level of the top class group so..." Kirito rambles nervously to which I sigh. Personally, I'd just want to go back to Tolbana but I know how persistent that little pest is. "Well, considering from what I know about you, I guess that that is a yes." He says but I'm ignoring him, already walking. "Huh?! Ah, wait! Where are-?!" Kirito asks in surprise so I turn towards him. "....Labyrinth..." Then I turn again and start walking. As usual my voice is still quiet and cracking at some parts. I just am not used to talking to other people. "You..."I hear Kirito mutter before I hear a chuckle (and I'm sure my ears must have deceived me here because I do not make people chuckle). Soon Kirito walks next to me.

"Sooo...what have you been doing since that time?"

"Your fighting was interesting to look at, like always!"

" are having?"

"I should just shut up, huh?"

I nod, finally giving some sort of reaction. We have already reached the labyrinth and are currently walking towards the entrance. Kirito sighs next to me. What did he expect? Me, actually talking? He must be delusional. Immediately in the labyrinth, monsters are already spawn. Me and Kirito get into our fighting position, grabbing each our weapons, him his sword and me my dagger. "I bet I'm gonna defeat more than you." Kirito says smugly. This is somewhat of a tradition between us, a little contest. "...Don't cry later..." I hiss. I'm too a hundred percent sure he's just doing that to rile me up (I tend to talk more when I am) but I don't care. I would lie if I were to say that I don't enjoy this challenge. With a jump I begin to attack the level 3 kobolds from above. I might even have grinned slightly.


"Finally a safe room!" Kirito is clearly relieved. For how long have we been here now? Regardless, we both move towards the room signaled by the special colored torches placed onto each four corners. "So what should we-?" Before Kirito can continue I let myself fall on the ground. "Huh? What are you-?" Again I interrupt him. "Sleeping..." What else does it look like? "Slee-? W-Wait you can't do that!!" Kirito looks at me flabbergasted. I push myself up with my arms, still lying on the floor. Tilting my head slightly I ask. "Why not?" Mentally I pat myself on the head for such a clear response. "W-Why? Uh, y-you can only stay in a safe room for one hour." For some reason Kirito doesn't want to look me in the eyes. "...You will...wake me." What a stupid question. Yet, Kirito doesn't look satisfied. "S-Still! Sleeping defenseless next to a guy is just-!" Again, I tilt my head. "Why...?" As a response Kirito just sighs. "You're lucky it's just me..." He mumbles with a pout. I don't really get what he means but I decide not to question it.


After spending some time in the safe area (for some reason Kirito kept bickering that I should stop this habit cause it's not safe, which is stupid because why else would a safe room be called that), we continued with the battle. Right now most of the monsters are level 6. After defeating a share of monsters myself I walk towards Kirito. After all, we fight solo not team. To my surprise I see him staring at a person fighting, roughly 15 meters away from the intersection where he is hiding. I move behind him, hide myself against his back and look at the battle from his side. Like in those detective cartoons. I feel Kirito jump slightly. He turns his head looking at me. "Listen I, wait are your eyes shining?" He whispers so I just look him in the eyes. Like in those detective cartoons!

He turns his head again towards the battle. Suddenly the player uses the skill «Linear». My eyes widen in surprise. Even though it was just a basic skill of the rapier category the speed was terrifying. Only the trajectory line appeared the rapier almost invisible because of the speed. This was clearly not just the system. After a few more seconds of battle the monster was defeated and the player leaned him- or herself against the wall, slid down and began to breath heavily. Suddenly I felt Kirito move. With wide eyes I seem him walking towards the fencer before stopping two meters in front of him. This guy-! Now, normally I would have just stayed here and waited. But I can't deny that that player intrigued me. Reluctant, I began to follow.

A skinny figure wearing a dark red leather tunic and a lightweight copper breastplate so as neat leather pants, the boots reaching up to the knees. A hooded cape hides the face. "...That was an extreme overkill just now." Kirito simply says. I agree. The second use of Linear was unnecessary considering the small amount of HP the monster had left. Regardless I tune out Kirito's voice who begins to explain what he meant because the player didn't seem to understand.

Just like me the fencer uses «Minimal Side Step Defense». A high counterattack speed and no decrease in armor or weapon durability. Yet with bad timing, a failed attempt could result in a stun, something fatal in solo battles. My coat has the special effect to negate stun so I don't have to worry about this, this player on the other hand...

"...Overkill, is there any problem with it?"

I blink surprised. Kirito as well looks shocked. That player was one of what most would call one of this world's extraordinarly rare, a «Female Player».

After the true gender of the players were revealed the amount of females decreased drastically. I remember how often people started talking to me simply for my gender. To my relief it stopped after I began wearing my coat. I guess that girl had the same idea. Kirito looks uncomfortable. I guess he doesn't want to look like one of these guys (he certainly is not) and I can't blame him. Regardless, because the person asked a question he answers. And again, I tune out. Most of the stuff I know anyway. It's simple common sense.

"...Then, there's no problem. I'm not returning."

This sentence catches my interest. Is she planning to stay in the dungeon and just sleep in the safe room for who knows long? Safe rooms might be great napping places but they are not places where a player could actually really rest.

"......How many hours has it been?"

I look at the girl, now realizing in which poor state her coat is. Has that girl already given up?

"Three days...or four days...Is that all? The monsters around here
will revive soon, so I'll be going."

With that she pushes herself off the wall and starts walking again. I look at her with a cold gaze. Seems like it. How disappointing.

"Continue like that and you'll die." My voice is steady yet cold. How foolish. You're not dead yet you know?

"......Everyone is going to die anyways."

I close my eyes. As expected. What an utter disappointment. Suddenly I hear a loud flash. My eyes wide, I look at Kirito who has the player in one of his arms, the other holding the sword which has been pushed into the ground to steady him, the white shards of a defeated monster falling down on him slowly. For a second it looked like white snow. The picture,...had something elegant to it.

I can already say that there will be lots of progressive chapters lol
Regardless I must say that Progressive (I'm reading it while writing those chapters so I don't always have to get back) is much better written than the previous SAO novels and I salute Kawahara for that. One can clearly see that he has gotten better at writing and now has a better understanding of MMOs, something I as an MMO fan appreciate.

Btw, I recently started playing the MMOs SoulWorker and Blade and Soul. In both games my user name is «Ziaine» for anyone who is interested.^^

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