Progressive 3; Argo the Rat

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There is a certain distance between us and Miss Fencer. While Kirito walks beside me (he loves doing that for some reason), the girl is walking a few meters behind us. Currently we are making our way to Tolbana, the north gate already in sight.

[Inner Area]

Immediately the letters showed up once we stepped through the gate, signaling us that we are now in a safe town area. Kirito sighs in relieve. Afterall, any trip to the instances are tiring. I glance over my shoulder. The rapier user. To believe that this person spent so many days fighting without proper rest. What an idiot.

"The meeting is supposed to take place in the town center, at 4 PM in the afternoon." Kirito tells the girl but said doesn't respond. Silent, the girl passes us and keeps walking. I pout. Honestly.

"A strange girL."

[Apparently Argo accents the last syllable of a sentence. To show that, the translators decided to capitalize the last letter of the sentence. I'll do so as well.]

I look around for the source of the voice.

"…I thought she would soon die, but she did noT. No matter how
you look at it, she is a net game beginner, but her skill is fearsomE.
What kind of person is shE?"

The player was a head shorter than Kirito but still slightly taller than me. Her armor consisted of full-body clothes and leather. Her weapons, small claws strapped on her left waist and throwing nails on her right waist. Certainly not weapons used in the front. Her face has weird markings, three whisker-like stripes drawn on each cheek and her hair curly and auburn colored.

"Do you know something about that fencer?"

Kirito looks somewhat uncomfortable when asking the stranger. He even grimaces. So he does know her. The girl holds up five fingers.

"I'll sell it cheaP. 500 Col."

Oh, so an information broker huh? I wonder from where Kirito knows here...Huh. Why should I care?

"I feel awkward about buying a girl's information, so I will refrain
from doing it."

I am right here you now. Might tell me whats going on?

"Nihihi, you have a good hearT."

I pout. Maybe I should just leave? Apparently Kirito notices my annoyance because he awkwardly coughs. Then he points at me. "This is my friend Emerald by the way. Emerald, Argo the Rat." He introduces us quickly. Suddenly the girl, Argo, is right in front of me. "HeH~." She smirks knowingly. I don't like it one bit. Then she elbows Kirito. "Not just one but two, huH? Boys these days, never satisfieD." To this Kirito blushes. "I-It's not like that! I just met that Fencer on accident so-!" He stutters not looking Argo or me in the eye. Argo's grin widens. "HuH. So only that Fencer, eH? But that girl actually-?" Kirito turns even more red. I don't get it. "No! T-That's not-! Argo, don't you dare-!" Yeah I don't get it. It takes some time until Argo stops teasing Kirito.

"So? Today once again, you aren't here for normal business talk,
but as a proxy negotiator as usual?" Kirito looks exhausted while asking. Suddenly Argo grimaces before pushing both Kirito and I in a nearby alleyway.

"Well, yeaH. It’s been raised to 29,800 Cor." Argo leans at a house.


"The offer has reached 29.8k Cor now, huh." Kirito shrugs. "…Sorry, but no matter how much Cor is offered, my answer remains the same. I don't want to sell it."

"I also already told the client that the last timE."

I step on Kirito's foot to make clear that I don't like being kept in the dark. His yelp makes me believe he understands. "S-Sorry." He says with a pained expression. I can hear Argo snickering. Suddenly Kirito's expression turns into a serious one. "It's my sword." Huh? I tilt my head. Kirito pats my head, smiling slightly. "Someone wants to buy it." I frown, tilting my head again. "It's just...a beginner equip... You would use it up to floor 3 or 4 at best... Why would anyone...want to pay so much money for something like that?" It just doesn't make sense. Kirito nods.

"I agree. It's weird. But more importantly I don't want to sell it." I stare at Kirito in surprise. "But...the money..." Again Kirito smiles. "I don't care. It's the reward for the first quest we did as a group. I don't plan on selling it." My eyes widen. I look at the ground. "...Idiot..." I mutter while pouting.

"……The hush money the person paid was 1000 Cor, right?"

Oh so Kirito doesn't actually know the buyer's name.

"That's righT. Are you willing to raisE?"

"Hmm, 1k huh?"

Kirito thinks for some seconds before sighing. "……Good grief, you can’t just sell information, since even when
you're not selling something, it's a business, huh…that really is
one impressive merchant's spirit……" To this Argo snickers. "That's the true joy of this businesS! When I sell someone information, at that instant the story that «Someone bought such and such information» is borN." Then her face turns into a serious one. "Anyway, I will tell the client the offer was rejected this time as welL.
Also, that this deal is impossible toO. See you theN, Ki-bou! Oh and Emerald-chaN! Tell me if he bothers you alrighT? I'll take care if iT! " And with a quick wave she disappears into the crowd.

"Well that's that, I guess." Kirito says before turning to look at me. "It's probably already around 3 pm so wanna get something to eat?"

I should say no.

I look at Kirito, his smile gentle yet open minded.

"This is my friend Emerald by the way."


Kirito laughs.

"I take it as a yes."


That chapter was kinda hard to write. Lot's of monologue. Regardless how do you like the Progressive chapters so far? No one's really telling me so~. Who am I kidding. The lack of comments lately is making me lonely!

Question (cause I don't get comments otherwise lol):
Have you guys started to watch GGO Alternative? If so what is your opinion on it so far?

I really like the new tactical aspect they are putting in but the second and third episode are kinda boring to me (too much lack of action lol). I like that LLENN is the agility type aswell! I love agility /speed based combat in games the most XD

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