Chapter 12 - Crimson Bloodthirst

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Yo guys! Firestorm40 here. Here is the duel that you've all been waiting for! Kirito vs. Heathcliff! Shoto vs. Raphael! Will Asuna be set free? Or will the Moonlit Black Cats be absorbed into the Knights of the Blood-Oath?

This is one of the longest chapters that I have ever written for this story I hope you all enjoy it!

(Opening theme)



Real World

Something was weird, that's what Suguha concluded.

Just like her routine, she went and visited the Hisaki hospital which held both Shoto and her brother Kazuto, carrying a small bouquet of flowers that she bought on the way to the place.

But when she entered the vicinity and gave a nodding greeting to the reception, she noticed something different.

The atmosphere was different than usual.

The more she walked towards the room of Kazuto and Saito, the more she noticed something else as well. It's something that she, the person who visited weekly, would noticed if she looked around.

There were more guards than usual.

She could see some guards that she remembered, but there were now more guards here than any other day, and for some reason they were all tense, as if ready to jump any suspicious person they could spot.

That truthfully made her nervous since there weren't any people here passing by in the first place and she silently regretted coming here more early than usual.

After awkwardly walking through the hall while ignoring all the guards around her, she arrived at her destination.

But the two guards that usually guard the room weren't there, in their place were a pair of weir-Er, unique looking males.

One of the male is a black colored hair that seems to defy gravity, wearing a full black suit that the other guards seem to wear. But what caught her attention was that he wore a face mask that covered half of his face.

He seems to read a blue book that her male classmate sometime brings.

The other one had brown straight hair; he too wore the same suit as the other one. What made him strange was that that he looked incredibly flamboyant. 

Of course, the two males noticed the girl as she seem to stand there and stare at them for a minute or so.

"Hey, what's wrong?" The black haired color male asked with a bored tone. His eye stares at the surprised form of the girl. "You lost?"

"Melzez! That is not the way to greet such a young woman! Those bored tones of yours are not manly at all!" The brown haired one said, his voice is as loud as he looks.

"Keep your voice down, Ren. We're in the hospital." Melzez retorted calmly, still with a bored tone.

For some reason, Ren seemed to clench his fist in anger. "Ugh! Such hip retorts! You are indeed manly enough to be my rival!"

"I said keep it down."

Suguha sweatdrop as the two seems to bicker and ignored her existence. If it wasn't for the fact that she needed to enter the door behind them, she would've left the two of them alone.

"Excuse me..." She began saying, but the two didn't seem to hear her. "Excuse me!" She said more loudly. The two stopped and stared at her, making the black haired girl more nervous than she already was. "I-My name is Suguha Kirigaya, I-I'm the sister of Kazuto Kirigaya and the friend of Saito Hisaki! A-And I've come here to visit them!"

"Ah! So you're Suguha Kirigaya-san! Yes, Robert-dono has said that you might come." Ren nodded his head. "Such a womanly sister and friend you are!"

"Ignoring him, you can go ahead and enter." Melzez said, earning a shocked expression from Ren since he was easily brushed aside.

Suguha bowed her head and walked towards the door, knocking on it three times, she opened the door.

Only to be greeted by the sight of a beautiful woman.

She has a long beautiful blonde hair, matched with a pair of green eyes that seems to be quite familiar to the girl. The women wore a green kimono with a floral pattern, something that she didn't see every day.

"Oh my, good morning." The women greeted Suguha with a kind smile. Flustered, the black haired girl bowed her head to greet the woman.

"G-Good morning!"

The blonde haired woman chuckled. "There's no need to be so formal with me."

Suguha honestly didn't know how to respond, for some reasons there was something inside her that told her that this woman was not just an ordinary woman. Call it a woman intuition.

"Hm, are you perhaps Suguha Kirigaya-san?" The woman asked.

Suguha nodded her head. "Y-Yes! And I'm here to visit-"

"I know dear." The woman interrupted. "Ah, are those flowers for them?"

"Ah, yes." Suguha handed the flowers to the woman, who gingerly accepted them and put them inside the vase in the room.

"What a coincidence, I was just about to buy some since the old ones already wither." The woman then smiled at the girl. "Thank you for visiting my son, Suguha-chan."

Suguha blinked. Son? Does that mean... "Y-You're Saito-kun's mother?!"

"I am, the last time I check." She giggled at her own joke. "My name is Ikumi Hisaki. It's nice to finally meet you, Suguha-chan."

"H-Hai! It's nice to meet you too!"

"What's with the surprised expression? My son never mentions me?"

"W-Well... He mentioned you a few times..." Suguha answered awkwardly. The blond rarely mention his parents for some reason and the time he did mentioned them could be counted with two hands. And she didn't think that she'd meet his mom like this.

"I see. So he rarely mentions us, huh?" The surprised look from Suguha confirmed it. But Ikumi wasn't surprised. "I guess it can't be helpeed. We are rarely there to support him after all." The woman's expression changed into a sad one. "We always left him to Robert, always too busy with our work to see him everyday. Moving from one place to another, almost acting like we never had a son. Only now that he's in a comatose state that we act like parents."

Ikumi smiled sadly. "I wouldn't be surprised if he hated us-"

"That's not true!"

Ikumi looked at Suguha in surprise, "Wha..."

"Saito-kun rarely mentions you... But he never said that he hated you. He's just... Sad that he can't spend time with you, Ikumi-san." Suguha smiled in melancholy. "He acts rebellious and acts kinda stupid and goofy sometimes, but he's a very kind person, always helping people, though he never admits it, he forgives a lot of people even when they've done something bad. So I believe..."

Ikumi's eyes widened when she saw the eyes of Suguha. Those eyes... They were the eyes that held confident of what she had said, eyes that held complete trust with Saito.

"That he will never hate you, Ikumi-san."

The blonde stared at the younger female with wide eyes, though her expression changed into a softer and kinder one. "Is that so? Thank you for putting me at ease then, Suguha-chan. You're really kind."

Suguha flushed a bit at that. "T-Thank you..."

"Say, Suguha-chan, do you want to be Saito's wife?"

"... Eh?" It took several seconds for Suguha to process this. "EEHHH?!"

"You see, I've been thinking about Saito's future. My husband and I wanted him to marry a kind girl that understands him." Ikumi sighed. "It has been a bleak search, but then you came!" She smiled at her. "You've impressed me by how you understand my son. So, do you want to become my daughter in law?"

"But... I... He... We..."

"Oho~So you ARE interested in my son! Okay then! It's a deal!" She grabbed her purse on a nearby table and fished out a cellphone. Flipping it open, she press a few buttons before putting it beside her ear.

"Honey! It seems I just found a perfect bride for Saito!"

"Aaah! No, wait!"

"And her breasts are huge!"


The teasing torture of Suguha had only just begun.



Floor 75: Collinia

A lot of players gathered at the 75th Floor's main city , in a Colosseum to watch the fight between the highly-skilled players. Tickets were nearly sold out, and seats were filled rather quickly.

"Hello everyone!" The announcer said over the arena. "It's a beautiful sunny day here on the 75th floor! In the wonderful town on Collinia! You couldn't pick a better setting for today's match between-" He was soon cut off.


"A-are those nicknames official?" The first announcer asked, as he was heard flipping through something. "I'm not seeing anything in my notes."


 "Are you guys stupid?!" Asuna shouted, frustrated. "How could you agree to a duel like that?!" She was within an ace of slapping Kirito, who tried to calm her down before she actually did slap him.

"Sorry, sorry!" he said as he held his hands up in front of him. "It just kind of happened!"

"Ugh..." Asuna groaned. "When did you become Shoto?"

"What's that suppose to mean!?" Shoto exclaimed. "Besides, why are you so worked up? You have to know that we'll beat your number three guy. Even if Kirito doesn't beat Heathcliff, we'll double team him. I wager that you'll be a free woman before sundown."

"I know, but..." Asuna groaned again sat down heavily.

Shoto put a arm on her shoulder and grinned. "Don't worry, Asuna. We've got this one in hand. After, we beat the Commander, we can go home early. "

"I hope so," Kirito muttered, his chin now in both his hands. "Nobody's ever seen his health bar drop below yellow, though. That's not a great stat for us to face."

"Well, even if you do lose, I've got you covered, bro." Shoto said as he swung his blade. "I'm not letting some second-rate nerd beat me in a swordfight."

"I can't imagine you losing to anyone, Sho," Kirito chuckled. "I'm still confused why you chose not to fight Heathcliff in the match."

"It's an honor thing," Shoto smirked. "I would love to go aganist the big man, but I couldn't very well deprive you the honor of facing the living legend himself. Besides after I beat Raphael, I'll jump in and help you take down Heathcliff, so it's a win-win." Before any of the others could utter retorts against him, the horns sounding for the match went off, and Shoto grinned.

"That's our cue," he said as he twirled his sword. "Time to kick some ass! Let's show the KOB what we've really got, Ki."

Kirito grinned before he stood up and said, "I think they already know." Then he snapped his gaze over to Asuna, who nodded her approval.

"Go get 'em, Kirito," she encouraged her friend. "Just promise me you'll be careful, okay?"

"I will," he grinned. "You'll be free to take off as many days as you want once this is over, Asuna." He added a small wink, to which Asuna blushed furiously, much to the amusement of Shoto.

"Wow, you two are meant for each other." The blonde laughed. "Now, let's go win this thing!"

With that, Shoto and Kirito started walking towards the gate, as Asuna moved forward to watch the match.


"Man, word got fast about this, huh?" Shoto said in awe, as he looked around the arena with Kirito. 

"Yeah." Kirito nodded. Looking around, he could tell that the crowd was even more riled up than they had ever been for any event. And really, he couldn't blame them- they were about to see three unique skill-users, and go toe-to-toe, not to mention that they were two of the top guilds in Aincrad, with two in one and the other being the leader of his. Still, the reclusive part of Kirito that still existed wished that they could have done the duel in a less public setting, even if it did mean that there were more witnesses to assure Asuna's freedom when the whole thing was over.

The two boys then looked over to their opponents. Standing twenty paces from the pair were Heathcliff and another man who was a sword-and-shield user. His name was Raphael, and he was the third-in-command, only under Asuna and Heathcliff in terms of authority, although according to Asuna, they were almost completely matched in skill. Sometimes she had even wondered if Raphael was actually better than her, and Heathcliff just had her as the Vice Commander not only because of her skill with a rapier, but because of her natural beauty. It would certainly explain why so many top-level players would be eager to join up with the KOB.

Heathcliff seemed to be having some similar thoughts as the two boys when he looked around and said, "My apologizes. I honestly didn't expect this to become such a big event. It's crazy." He added a wry smile at the end as he looked at his black-coated opponent and his red/orange-coated partner.

"Maybe Shoto and I can get a cut of the tickets, then," Kirito smirked.

"No," Heathcliff said, all business. "But since your guild is willing to put up a fight , I'll make sure to forgo the normal initiation procedure once you're all part of the Knights of the Blood-Oath. You will even be free to make your own party if you wish."

Suddenly, a grin came across Shoto's face, catching the attention of Raphael.

"What are you smiling about, Yellow Fang?" the young man facing the blond asked with a trace of hostility.

"Just the thought of moping the floor with your asses ," Shoto replied, his smile changing from thoughtful to smirk. "You might be skilled, but I doubt you could be able to best me in a duel. Don't get cocky on me- it makes for overconfident, easy opponents."

"Hmph," Raphael snorted as he sent his opponent a duel request. "I could say the same to you. Just don't ask me for any favors once this duel is over."

Shoto snorted back and watched as his opponent draw his sword and heft his shield into position. When he failed to draw his own blade, Raphael cocked his head. "Do you plan on fighting me with your bare hands?"

"Not exactly," Shoto grinned more, as he activated his Limit Break. "Although I gotta admit, the thought of beating you senseless is rather tempting."

"You dare address me like that, you bastard?!" Raphael shouted, his eye twitching slightly. The movement reminded Shoto a bit of Kuradeel, although he doubted that Raphael was that level of mental.

"I'll address anyone anyway I choose," Shoto replied as he settled into a fighting stance, still unarmed. "Kirito and I are free men, and I'll be damn before I let any guy tell me or him how to speak or not speak." The timer went off, and Raphael charged with his shield forward and sword coming up with a blue glow. Exactly as Shoto had hoped he would.

As soon as Raphael came in for an overhand attack, Shoto darted forward and grabbed his shield with both hands, much to the shock of the knight and the crowd. He then used the tightly strapped shield to his own advantage, heaving mightily with his boosted strength, using Raphael's momentum to his advantage and throwing him a number of meters with his own shield to sprawl in the dust.

Raphael looked up in shock to see Shoto draw his own blade with great speed and charged at him. Since he had managed to interrupt Raphael's attack, which meant that the Blood-Oath knight was paralyzed for five seconds- more than enough time for Shoto to cross the distance and get in a good stab in Raphael's leg. The attack drained his health by about one-sixth, shocking the young man.

But he was far from being out of the fight. Sword glowing ice-blue this time, he unleashed a rapid-paced attack, much like the one that Asuna favored in combat. It hit Shoto a couple of times, despite his lightning reflexes. It also forced him to retreat, allowing Raphael to scramble to his feet.

"Well, you are no slouch, I'll give you that," Shoto nodded with a trace of respect.

"And I admit that I expected slower reflexes from you," Raphael replied. Shoto chose not to reveal that he had invested a good number of his experience points gained from defeating the Gleam Eyes into his agility stat. He already had a very high attack/strength stat, and he believed that speed was always the most decisive of the three stats in a battle. Attack was a good one to have, and defense wasn't really necessary for him because of his reflexes, though he didn't completely neglect to invest in it. He wasn't arrogant to believe that his abilities were infallible, as Raphael had just demonstrated.

The two young men clashed again, Raphael's attacks swift and accurate, Shoto's speedy and powerful. Of the two of them, it was clear that Shoto was the better fighter, but Raphael was quite skilled at using the auto-assist function to chain his attacks together whenever he could.


Kirito and Heathcliff watched as the young men clashed over and over again. "I must say," Heathcliff began. "Your friend is much skilled than I thought."

"Heh," Kirito snorted as Heathcliff sent him a duel invite, which he accepted. "You've got a thing or two to learn if you think that Shoto is going down even if you beat me. He's the Yellow Fang, remember? Known for being of one the most strongest and deadliest players specifically?"

"I'm well aware of that," Heathcliff replied evenly as he drew his straight sword out of his crucifix shield and gripped each one tightly. His red armor gleamed brightly, though not overtly so in the noontime sun. "Honestly, I had expected him to lose to Raphael, which is why I insisted on all four of us fighting at the same time. I wanted to have this whole ordeal over by the end of this fight, but it seems that won't happen now. We might as well give the audience a show, right? Although, I doubt that Shoto will last very long against Raphael, despite his unique skill."

Kirito's eyes narrowed and his teeth became bared in a soundless snarl. "That's crossing the line, Heathcliff," he growled as the counter hit five.

"Hmm?" Heathcliff seemed honestly confused.

"Don't ever mock my best friend!" Kirito roared, launching himself at Heathcliff at top speed even as the battle began. "Starburst Stream!" The sixteen-hit combo was on its way, and even the living legend himself was surprised at the ferocity behind the blows.

'I won't let them down', Kirito vowed. More than just Asuna's freedom depended on this fight- His life, Shoto's life and their guild were involved now, too. When his attack ended and Heathcliff came out from behind the shield, Kirito stabbed at his exposed ribs. The man parried and then slammed Kirito with his shield, sending him reeling.

The black Swordsman glared at the armored paladin as he thought, 'So the system recognizes the shield as an attack, even if it's a basic move. He might as well be dual-wielding himself.' This did nothing to deter him from aiming towards victory, though. Both swords glowing yellow, he unleashed another combo attack against Heathcliff's seemingly impenetrable defense, landing a few hits, but being stabbed himself twice with heavier attacks.

When the two combatants separated for a moment's respite, Heathcliff nodded approvingly at his younger opponent. "Your reflexes are incredible," he said with a slight smile.

"Heh, and your defense is impenetrable," Kirito replied in the same manner. Then the two of them collided again, with the teenager unleashing Starburst Stream one last time, determined to knock the shield out of the way and land one last blow on the leader of Asuna's guild, for he could see that his health was nearing the yellow zone. The time was now.


Shoto and Raphael's duel had lasted the longest so far, which meant that they were both capable attackers and defenders. However, Shoto would not be denied his victory, nor his freedom. Both of them were at about two-thirds of their health when Shoto made his final play.

"Heaven Cross Storm!"

Eyes blazing silver, he let out a wordless bellow and unleashed his fifteen-hit combo as soon as Raphael let loose with another rapid-pace combo. Pushing his renowned skill to the limit, Shoto deflected the long sword with his blade to the side and immediately whirled his sword to sever Raphael's shield arm at the elbow, and bringing them face-to-face much to the shock of the white-armored duelist. His forearm and hand shattered, though the shield remained.

Even worse, his health was now near the yellow zone, and Shoto still had three seconds left on the clock before his paralysis would wear off. Raphael's eyes locked on Shoto's normally green-colored orbs, and knew he wasn't going to hold back.

With his Limit Break, Shoto was known for exploiting any available weaknesses that he could find, and doing it effectively. With a battle cry, he brought sword up in reverse to slash Raphael across the chest. Even though his health dropped down into the yellow, he stepped backwards and used the extra space to lash out with a reverse kick to send Raphael reeling. The white-and-red armored knight fell back into the dust, unconscious.

The crowd cheered loudly for Shoto's victory, as said swordsman looked down at his defeated opponent. "That was a great fight." Shoto said. "I mean it. Now I gotta take care of your boss." 

Soon, the sounds of swords clashing aganist each other reached him, before he turned around and saw Kirito and Heathcliff clashing again and again. He then saw Kirito using his Starburst Stream skill and knocked Heathcliff's shield out of the way, before he raised his Elucidator and brough it down in a downward arc to finish the fight.

However Shoto saw something that made his eyes widened in shock. In the second before- no, rather in the time betweenthe seconds- Heathcliff moved his shield back just in time to block Kirito's attack. 'What did he move that fast?' Shoto thought.

Heathcliff then side-stepped away from the attack, leaving Kirito open as he passed by Heathcliff. Heathcliff soon raised his blade, and brought it down upon the swordsman. 

"Kirito!" Shoto exclaimed as he pushed off the ground and launched towards the two combantants. 


Just as Heathcliff's sword was about to strike Kirito, he was suddenly pushed backwards by by a red-orange blur. "H-Huh?!"

Kirito could only watch, as the red streak indicating a vital hit point, appeared down Shoto's chest as he was knocked backwards from the attack with a strangled yelp.

Kirito's eyes widened in horror at the collapsing form of his best friend, who's health went down into a low yellow, nearly going red.


Heathcliff watched Kirito catch the Yellow Fang with a blank expression while the crowd grew silent with a few gasps ringing around.

"Idiot! Why would you do that?!" Kirito panicked, forgetting momentarily how this was only a duel and Shoto wasn't going to die.

"You're my best friend... me before you I'd always say..." Shoto's grin was slightly pained as he said this, as Kirito's face twisted to an angry scowl.

"When have you ever said that?!" Kirito gained an irk mark.

"Just now!" Shoto shot back, his own irk mark forming. "I took one for the team, damn it!"

Heathcliff along with many members of the crowd sweatshop at the two bickering idiots, before Heathcliff walked forward and gave a quick slash of his sword at Kirito which knocked him backwards onto his side.

Shoto gasped in shock as he witnessed the Black Swordsman's health drop to yellow. "Kirito!"



Time: 1:37

Everyone in crowd started cheering for Heathcliff. Both Shoto and Kirito looked up and saw Heathcliff looking right at them. Although, far from looking smug as he had moments before, Heathcliff looked almost angry, which puzzled Kirito. He had just won the second round, so shouldn't he be happy? And how in the world had he moved that fast?

Heathcliff then started walking away from the two boys. Watching the man leave, Shoto clenched his fist and looked down at the ground, his bangs covering his eyes.

'We...lost,' he thought.


Floor 50: Algade

"NO!" Shoto yelled in dismay when he saw his KOB uniform on the bed. It was all white with red designs on it, and it looked way too flashy for his taste.

"A deal is a deal Shoto. We gotta with it..." Kirito said with a sigh.

Shoto still refused to wear the uniform, even though they lost the battle, he didn't know if he should be angry for the lost, or at the part that they agreed to the terms that were given to them.

"Shoto," Kirito began, "Don't make me force this uniform on you..." he finished with a stern voice.

Shoto turned his head towards Kirito, giving him a 'Screw you' look. Making Kirito get up.

With that, Kirito stood up and faced his friend. "Alright then." Kirito popped his knuckles "Let's get this over with."

Asuna walked to where Kirito and Shoto were, until she began to hear voices that she recognized quickly and felt the entire hallway shake as she got closer. When she got to the door she saw a big dust cloud with saw both Kirito and Shoto's feet and fists coming out of the cloud for a few seconds before returning into the cloud. Yelling at each other and some other contents that she won't repeat.

Asuna could only stand there with lines down her head. She knew that this was going to be a while so she just sat down grab some popcorn and watched as the two bickered.
It wasn't until the sun began to set is when they got done fighting with Kirito being the victor and Shoto the victim.

"Are you two done?" Asuna finally asked

"Yeah, for now at least." Kirito said after catching his breath. He then looked down at his new coat. "D-Didn't I ask for a plan-looking outfit?" 

Shoto however was still silent, with his head down.

"Those two are the simplest outfits we have!" Asuna began "You two look great!"

Shoto was still silent, but now was clenching his fists.

"It's better this way Shoto, as Solo Players, we could only get as far as we could." Kirito stated

Shoto muttered. "How...?"

"What?" Asuna asked, looking at him.

"How!?" Shoto yelled in rage, that's when Kirito realized he just snapped.


"Shoto, wait!" Asuna called as she tried to stop him, but Kirito caught her hand. "Let him go. He needs this." He said with sadness.

Asuna looked at Kirito in confusion "Why did he act like that?"

Kirito went quiet for a moment. He knew he couldn't get out of this one, even if he tried.

"Sit down. It's a long story." Kirito said as he laid down on the bed using him arm to cover his eyes. Asuna did as she was told and waited for Kirito to start.

Kirito took a deep breath before he spoke. "It was a long time ago. Over a year ago, I think. We used to be in a guild. Me and Shoto included, it was just group of seven. We were called the Moonlit Black Cats. The truth is, their levels were far below ours. When they invited me and Shoto, I thought they would've retracted their offer if we told them our levels. So we lied about it and joined their guild. Back then, the calm friendly atmosphere around them made us feel like we reall belonged. But one day..."



Kirito has a flashback when him and Shoto were in the trap room as Sachi and her friends were killed, expect them. In a fit of rage and sadness, Shoto charged towards the monster and killed every last one before falling to his knees in tears.

*End Of Flashback*


Asuna looked at Kirito in shock at what she heard.

"Shoto in the end took it worse..." Kirito sighed. "That's why he's hurt from it.

"What do you mean?" Asuna asked, wondering about their blonde strongman and what caused him so much grief.

"Shoto and Sachi grew a bond that was close to that of siblings." Kirito began. "After she died, Shoto decided that we take up the name 'Moonlit Black Cats' to honor her and her friends."

"Oh..." Asuna whispered quietly.

"I was the one responsible for all of their deaths. If I hadn't told Shoto that we needed to hide the fact that we were beaters, they would have heeded us warning about the traps. The ones who killed them all, including Sachi, was both me." Kirtio said, looking down at the ground.

Soon, Asuna got up and walked towards Kirito. She grabbed his head and turned it toward her, as she sat beside him.

"I won't die. After all, I'm the one who's protecting you two." Asuna said, before she hugged Kirito.

"" Kirito said, looking down at the ground.

Outside the hallway, Shoto sat down beside the room as his best friend and female friend had their moment. His bangs covered his eyes as slient tears fell from them.



Floor 55: Grandzam

"Training?" Kirito asked, as he, Shoto and Asuna sat in front of a rather rounded man named Godfree. He was in charge of the assault team on the KOB, the two boys knew from what Asuna had told them. He was wearing the traditional white-and-red of the guild, and he also had a silver axe on his back. According to Asuna, he was big on his strength points, but not so much on his speed.

Godfree nodded. "That's right. You two will be joining me in forming a party of three in order to clear the dungeon on this floor." He said, gesturing to Kirito and Shoto.

Asuna then spoke up. "Wait, Godfree. Kirito and Shoto are with me-" She was then cut off.

"Sorry ma'am. Even if you're the vice capommander, it'd be problematic for you to ignore regulations. And besides, they're a new members, so as foward commander, I need to see the extent of their abilities." Godfree said.

"S-Someone of your level would be a pushover for both of them!" Asuna said.

"Yeah!" Shoto agreed. "Or did you forget that I completely murderlized that Raphael guy, and Ki went head-to-head with your boss?"

"If that's the case, then why are you two sitting here as Blood Knights?" Godfree asked with a smile.

Shoto's eye twitched at that, as he fought the urge to not punch the grin off Godfree's face.

"Well then, in half an hour, we'll assemble at the town's west gate!" Godfree exclaimed before he turned around and walked out.

Shoto then stood up. "Well, I'll be the first one to say that could've gone better. I'll meet you outside, Ki." He then went over to the door and walked out.

"*sigh* Just when i thought we finally had some alone time..." Asuna said, hanging her head in disappointment

Kirito got up from his chair and walked over to Asuna, before putting his hand on the girl's head.

"I'll be back before you know it. Wait here while I'm gone." Kirito said with a smile.

"Okay. You and Shoto, be careful." Asuna said.



Outside The Castle

Kirito and Shoto were walking out of the castle, when they saw Godfree waiting for them.

"Hey, over here!" The man yelled as he waved them over.

"So what's the plan?" Shoto asked, once he and Kirito reached Godfree.

"Today I'd like to see how you two handle yourselves in the face of a crisis, so I'll be holding onto all of your crystals." Godfree said, surprising the two boys.

"Even our teleport crystals?" Kirito asked.

"And our healing and antiode crystals?" Shoto asked.

"Yep." Godfree nodded.

The two boys looked at each other for a few seconds before sighing.

"Fine." Kirtio said, giving his crystals to Godfree.

"I hope we don't regret this..." Shoto muttered, as he gave Godfree his crystals as well.

"Great! Now, off we go, men!" Godfree yell out, threw his fist in the air with a joyful cheer.

"Yay..." Kirito and Shoto's cheer was one for those who would rather be doing something else, which is what they were doing as they lazily raised their own fists.



Floor 55 - Before The Dungeon

Kirito, Shoto and Godfree were walking under the bridge that lead to the Dungeon.

"Okay, we'll take a break here." Godfree said, stopping and turning to face the boys.

Shoto and Kirito both sat down on some nearby rocks.

"I'll hand our rations now." Godfree said and threw them both a bag. Kirito opened it and inside was a bread with a bottle inside. With a sigh, He opened the cap of the bottle and started drinking it.

Kirito then looked at Shoto, and noticed he was eating or drinking. He looked rather tensed as his eyes looked left and right. "What's up, Sho?" Kirito asked.

"I get the feeling we're being watched." Shoto replied, looking around.

Before Kirito could ask what he meant, a high-pitched voice said, "You got that right!" A small dart suddenly flashed out of the trees to strike Kirito, who stiffened and dropped to the ground, stunned.

"What the- ugh!" Godfree was hit the next instant, falling to the ground. Shoto managed to dodge the first time, since he was now aware of what was happening, but another dart suddenly stuck him from another direction, locking his virtual muscles and making him slouch against the rock he had been resting against a moment ago.

"Three down!" A voice sang out from the trees. From that direction stepped out a man whose face was hidden by a black cloth that only showed his eyes from under his hood. His walked over to the downed team, giggling and swaying. On one of his gloves that he waved at them was the mark of the murder guild, Laughing Coffin.

"It's Laughing Coffin!" Shoto exclaimed.

"Is that who I think it is?" Kirito growled. "Johnny Black?"

"Hmm?" the man said with a cocked head as he reached Kirito, crouching beside him. "Oh no, I'm not Jon Jon, but I can understand why you'd think that- we do share a family resemblance after all. You know, how sometimes cousins look alike so that sometimes they're mistaken for siblings?" Kirito knew exactly how that was, but he wasn't going to tell this member of Laughing Coffin that.

"No no, I'm not Johnny," the man giggled again. "I'm Knife-finger Ned." He then twirled one of his knives with obvious skill and said "And while you're all just lying around, I'd like you to meet the man that made this all possible." He pointed to where the first knives had come from.

And out from them stepped an all-too familiar figure, despite his new uniform. Where there had once been clean white and red armor, Kuradeel now wore black, dirty garments that aided stealth abilities. In his right hand, though, was a replica of the sword that Kirito had destroyed during their duel.

"You...!" Shoto and Kirito growled out, despite being stunned. 

Kuardeel then started laughing loudly in psycho way.

"Wh-What's the meaning of this? Kuradeel, you bastard... don't tell me..." Godfree said, struggling aganist the effects of the poison.

"Hurry, the antidote crystals!" Kirito said, looking at Godfree.

Struggling, Godfree managed to pull out a crystal. However, Kuradeel jumped in front Godfree and kicked the crystal out of his hand.

"Oh, Godfree. I knew you were pretty dimwitted, but this proves you're a total meathead!" Kuradeel said, raising his sword.

"Wh-What are you doing?" Godfree said, before Kuradeel stabbed him in the back.

"S-Stop it!" Godfree said, but it was all in vain.

Kuradeel raised his sword again. "Listen up. Your party was..." He stabbed Godfree in the back again.

"In a field when it was assaulted by a large group of criminal players!" Kuradeel said, before he stabbed him again.

"The three of you fell, fighting bravely in vain!" Godfree was stabbed again.

"To prove that I was a true member of the Blood Knights, I succeeded in repelling the criminals and returned safely!" Kuradeel said, with a insane smile on his face.

"Come on, Kuradeel. Finish him off so we can get to the main event!" Ned called out.

Raising his sword again, Kuradeel stabbed Godfree with the sword all the way in. Godfree was panicking, as his HP dropped rapidly. Kuradeel force the sword a little more inside until Godfree's HP dropped to zero and he then disappered into thin-air. 

Shoto and Kirito watched as Godfree's body exploded into crystal shards. They knew that in the next couple seconds, if help didn't come soon. Or get rid of the posion effects....

They're royally screwed.

To be continued...

(Ending Theme)


Finally done and a great cliffhanger! Sorry it took so long, guys. I was having a bit of trouble with how the fight would go, so I went decided to go out and get some help. Special thanks to MysticKai and TealeDarc for helping me out with the chapter.

Also, Ned is one of those who else escaped the Laughing Coffin massacre (he's related to the guy from the Illusionary Avenger episode that likes playing games with his victims). 

Let me know what you guys thought of the chapter with reviews amd PM's! See ya!!!

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