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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you met a girl named Elise. Both of you waited in line to get SAO together while also being stuck in SAO together along with thousands of other players. You met two player by the names of Kirito and Klein, players you could call friends.


POV: You

Part 1.

It's been a month since we first got trapped in SAO. We haven't even found the first boss yet. I was wondering if finding every boss would be this hard but I feel like it wouldn't. I think Kayaba made the first boss hard to find to see how long it would take just to get off floor one. At the moment I was walking with Elise a few town over from the town of beginnings, called Tolbana. Elise had her mace on her back as we walked, why she likes wielding a mace I have zero idea, I think she said something about hitting an older brother with a frying pan or something. She told me she has 2 brothers and 3 sisters, geez that's a big family.

"So where are we going?" Elise asks me as we walked.

"There's a meeting happening soon, it's about the first floor boss, I guess it hasn't been found yet" I replied "I don't know why it's so hard to find it though"

"What if there is no floor boss and Kayaba removesd it from the game entirely?" She says.

"So we all can just be stuck in this game forever?, I'm sure Kayaba isn't that cruel" I say.

"It was just a thought"

A few moments later we arrived at the spot where the meeting would be taking place. It was an auditorium, those ones where the stage is below you and all the seats around it. We took our seats near the middle rows away from other players. There was a guy with blue hair and a sword standing on the stage.

"Okay people, now that everyone's here, let's get this meeting started. So anyway I want to thank everyone for coming, it's good to see you. My name is Diabel, and in this game, the job I rolled is knight" The guy with blue hair says. People started to laugh and joke about what he said "Do you guys want to hear this not. Right. Anyway here's the deal, our party found the boss room at the top of the tower today. First, we need to defeat the boss and make it to floor 2. The next step is that we need to tell everyone waiting in the town of beginnings that it is possible to beat this game. Fact is that it's our own duty ad the most capable players here. Do you guys agree?" Everyone started to clap "Glad to hear your all with me on this. Now let's figure out how were going to beat the boss. First off well team up into parties of 6, a typical party won't stand a chance against a floor boss, we need a raid group consisting of multiple parties"

I look over ant Elise and she gives me a smile. I pat her on the head and her smile becomes brighter. I look around and I see a familiar face next to a hooded figure. I walked over to them with Elise behind me.

"Look who it is, it's good to see you again Kirito" I say.

"(Y/n), Elise, you guys are alright" He says "I thought I saw you guys earlier"

"If we're going against a boss then I'll be there" I state.

"We should form a party, like the guy said" Kirito says

"That's why we came over here. Is she joining as well?" I asked while looking at the hooded figure.

"Yeah" Kirito simply states.

"Okay then, 4 is better then zero" I say.

I send Kirito and the girl an invite to the party, I was already in a party with Elise so I can keep tabs on her.

"And there you go, all set" I then looked at the girl "Welcome aboard Asuna"

The girl jumps back a bit "How do you know my name?" She says.

I pointed above my head where other players in the party could see my health bar and next to it said my name.

"When your in a party, you see the names and health of your fellow party members along with some other stats. Sorry to scare you like that" I say.

We then hear Diabel start to speak so me and Elise sat down "Alright, it looks like everyone teamed up. Now then-" Diabel then gets of by some guy shouting.

"Hold on a sec!" The guy shouts before jumping down to the stage. He had light brown spiked hair and welded mace "My name is Kibaou, got that. Before we take on the boss there's something I want to get off my chest. We all know about the 2 thousand people who have died so far, yeah. Well some of you need to apologize to them right now"

"Kibaou, I think I know the ones your referring too, you mean ones that were ex beta testers, right?" Diabel says.

"Of course I mean them. The day this stupid as game started the beta guys just went up and vanashed, right. They didn't do anything for us beginners. They snagged all the good hunting spots and they grabbed all the easy quests too. They were the only ones getting stronger in here. This whole time they've ignored us like we're nothing. Hell, I bet there's even some of them here! Come on out beta testers!. We should make them apologize to us!, and we should make them all give up their money and items they got. They can't expect the party to trust them when they don't trust us. Why should we?" Kibaou says.

I was about to stand up and say something to the prick but a guy speaks up.

"Can I say something?" A tall guy with dark skin and bald head says before walking down to the stage in front of Kibaou. He was kind of intimidating to say the least "Hey, my names Agil, Kibaou right?. I just want to make sure we're on the same page. Your saying that the ex beta testers should be blamed for the rookies deaths because they didn't help them, and you want them to give up there wins. Did I leave anything out?"

"No, you didn't" Kibaou states.

Agil then pulls out a small book "The item store gives these out for free. It's a guide book, you got one didn't you?" He says to Kibaou.

"Sure I got one, what about it" Kibaou says back.

"You know whose been handing these out? The ex beta testers" Agil says and people start to comment to eachother. Agil then turns to everyone "Everyone had equal access to this I'm formation, even so lots of players still died. I'm not hear to point fingers at anyone, I'm here because ei want to learn from those players deaths, I'm here because I want to figure out how to beat the boss"

Agil turns to Kibaou and Kibaou sits down in a seat, Agil does as well.

"Alright then, for info on the boss, It's all in here. The latest issue of the guide book you just heard about. According to the book, the boss' name is, Ill fang the Kobald Lord. Also, he will be surrounded by his minions, the ruined kobald sentinels. Ill fang carries an axe and a buckler. He has 4 health bars and when the last one turns red, he changes to a curved sword type weapon called a talwar . He can change his pattern of attacks too. That's it for the breifing, as for the distribution of loot, money will be decided equally between everyone and the party that defeats the boss gets the xp and whoever gets an item, gets to keep it. We leave at 10 in the morning tomorrow, meeting ajurned people"

I stand up and look over to where Kirito was and he was no where to be seen. I see Asuna starting to walk away.

"Hey, Asuna" I call out and she stops in her tracks before turning to me "Want to get something to eat?, it's close to sun down"

"I'm fine" She simply states. The three of us then hear someone's stomach grumble, me and Elise look at Asuna who had her hands on her stomach.

"You hungry?" I ask and Asuna nods.

"Ohh, I know the perfect place we can go" Elise says before taking one of Asuna's hands and started pulling her into town.

I couldn't help but smile, I wasn't sure if it was making Asuna smile or not, probably not. The sun started to set while I followed Elise as she pulled Asuna around. After about 10 minutes, Elise found the spot. It was a bench on the side of a small street near the plaza. Elise sat down on it and had Asuna sit down next to her.

"I'll go get us some food" I say.

{Time Skip}

After a few minuets later I came back from a shop with a few boar steak sandwiches. It was that or plain old bread and butter. I got to back to Elise and Asuna and I could hear light giggling between them.

"Why are you two all giggly?" I ask as I sit next to Elise.

"Just girl stuff (Y/n), you wouldn't understand" Elise tells me.

"I see, girl stuff is girl stuff so I'll let it be" I say. I then gave Elise and Asuna their sandwich "So what brings you here Asuna?" I asked before taking a bite of my sandwich.

"I came here so that I wouldn't lose sight of who I am. I don't want to lock myself in a room in the town of beginnings and slowly rot away, I'd rather stay the way I am until the last moment. Even if a monster beats me and I die, I won't lose to this game or this world, no matter what" Asuna says with her hands clasped together and her hood covering her face more.

"That's a good reason I guess" I replied.

"How about you? Why are you guys out here?" Asuna asks.

"Isn't it obvious?, We're out here to beat the game. Well, I will beat the game, Elise will be there to support me, I can't have her on vanguard" I say.

"Are you saying that I'm not good enough to be on vanguard?" Elise says like a child.

"No, I just can't have you getting hurt let alone killed" I tell her.

"You seem very protective of her" Asuna says to me.

"Without me, I don't know if she would be alive or not right now" I replied.

"He's my saint" Elise says before hugging me from the side.

"Saint?" I question.

"Yup, you'll forever be my saint" Elise says.

Asuna then stands up "Thank you for the food, I'm going to bed. I'll see you guys tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow" I say while waving to her.

Part 2.

It's the next day, the day of the boss fight. Me, Elise, Asuna and Kirito were walking behind everyone as we neared the tower. Asuna still had her hood on for a reason she hasn't explained. We were going over the plans of what we needed to do for our part of the raid.

"We're the back up, our job is to against the ruined kobold sentinel. If something goes wrong with the main parties that are going against the boss, we step in. Understand?" I say.

"Understood" Elise says.

"Will we be doing switches?" Kirito asks.

"I think that's pretty obvious, we're in a party so of course we're going to be doing swtiches" I say.

"What's a switch?" Asuna asks.

"Have you never been in a party before?" Elise asks her.

"No" Asuna simply replied.

"I'll explain it then" She says "A switch is when a player that is fighting a monster or boss, knocks their weapon out of the way so another player can switch with the other player, mainly using a weapon skill when the player switches"

"Sounds simple enough" Asuna replies.

"Also, Kirito, don't try to act like a bad as like almost every solo player, I'm included in this one" I state.

"I wasn't going to do that to begin with" Kirito says.

"You say that now"

Once we got to the top of the tower where the boss room is and the raid party stood at the door. Diabel was standing in front of us with his back facing the door.

"Listen up everyone, I've only got one thing to say to you. Let's win, no com'n" Diabel says then turns around and opens the set of double doors.

Inside was a dark room that was soon illuminated by rainbow mixture of colors from above and below. The floor boss, Ill fang the kobold lord, jumped into the middle while also summoning his minions. I quickly opened up my menu and selected my mace. It was more of a war hammer but it was considered a mace. I took it off my back and readied it.

"Don't die you guys" I state before the minions and Ill fang ran towards us.

{Time Skip}

20 minutes after the start of the boss fight, the main parties were able to get Ill fang to a third of his last health bar. Weird since he was supposed to change at his last health bar. Ill fang roared before throwing his axe and shield to the side, sticking his axe into the ground. I finished off the last ruined kobald sentinel and looked over at the main party to see Diabel rushing to the front of the group. Diabel then starts activating a sword skill. Ill fang then pulls out the blade on his back, revealing what it was.

"That's not a talwar, that's a nodachi. This fight isn't anything like the beta"

"Don't do it!, it's no good!" I shout to Diabel.

Illfang jumps into the air and starts jumping from pillar to pillar above Diabel before smashing into the ground while also slashing Diabel. I see Ill fang readying for a sword skill as Diabel flew away from him. I activated a skill for my hammer and ran towards Ill fang. I used the skill to block the incoming attack on Diabel, creating a blast of energy. The skill I used was originally for offensive but I used it as a defensive to numb as much as the attack as possible. He put pressure onto his nodachi as I guarded it with the head of my hammer.

"Elise!, give Diabel a healing elixir. Shove it down his throat if you have to!" I tell Elise.

"On it!" She replies before running over to Diabel.

I then see a ruined kobald sentinel spawn but was bulkier than the ones we just killed.

"Kirito!, deal with that new ruined kobald sentinal!" I tell him.

"Understood!" He said before charging at it with his sword.

"Asuna!, help me finish off this bastard!" I tell her.

"Got it!"

I activate another skill and was able to throw Ill fang's nodachi up a blend out of the way.

"Switch!" I yell.

I jump backwards and I see Asuna use her sword skill again. She was really skilled for a beginner, that was a fact. Ill fang recovered quickly and swung his sword at Asuna, catching her hood and tearing it off. Under her hood was long beautiful chestnut colored hair. It was as pretty as Elise's blond hair. She hits Ill fang with her sword skill and he flew backwards. I jump back into the fight with my hammer. He swings at me with his nodachi and I jump out of the way. He activates his sword skill again before swinging it down hard. I swing my hammer as hard as I can with my skills still on cool down. My hammer hits his blade and breaks but was able to throw his blade back.


I jump out of the way and Asuna hits him again with a sword skill. I quickly went into my menu and took out my lance. Ill fang was on his last bit of health.

"Asuna move!" I shout.

I activate one of my lance skills and held my lance in the position to throw it. She jumps out of the way and my skill fully activates before I throw it straight at Ill fang. As my lance flew towards him, I went through my quick andnfs can be and took out my sword. My lance hits Ill fang square in the chest as I activated my a sword skill and charged towards Ill fang. I swung my blade up his body almost straight through the middle. Ill fang then exploded into light blue polygons and yhe word 'Congratulations' appeared in the middle of the room. Everyone started to cheer in victory as I took a knee in exaustion. I see the screen in front of me and saw that I got a last attack bonus. I looked at it and it was a outfit.

"(Y/n)!, are you okay?" I hear Elise say as she rushed over to me.

"Yeah I'm fine Elise. How's Diabel?" I ask.

"He's alive. He was a few HP away from death before I got to him" Elise says.


Good job Kirito" I say as he walks towards me.

"I got this sweet outfit" He says as he changes into a black outfit.

"It looks good on you"

"Nice job" Asuna says as she walks up behind me.

"Congradulations, today's victory is all that's to you" Agil tells me.

Others in the raid party started to cheer for me. It was a good day for everyone here. No one died and we beat the floor one boss.

"Stop cheering!" I hear kibaou shout.

I look over at him as he stood on the other side of the room with his party. Diabel was regenerating the rest of the health that the elixir didn't heal for him.

"Why did you let Diabel go in for the attack?!, it's obvious that you knew the boss' attack pattern. Admit it, you knew the technique the boss was going to use. You could of just told us and Diabel wouldn't of almost died!" Kibaou says.

"Stop it Kibaou" Diabel tells Kibaou.

"I know why he knew, it's because he was a beta tester. Think about it, he knew the boss' attack patterns. He knew but he kept it from us, and I bet he's not the only beta tester here. Com'n show your selves!" A guy from Diabel's party says.

"I'm sick of this beta tester shit"

I stand up and looked at the outfit set I had one more time before putting it on. It was a white and blue shirt and coat with brown pants and boots. It also had a hood but I decided to take it off because I felt too edgy.

Keep the hood if you really want to but the story will be without it

"You wanna call me a beta tester do ya?" I question as I turned to Diabel's party.

"What about him using 3 different weapons. You can only wield one weapon!" Another guy says.

"He's a beta tester and a cheater, he's a Beater!" A guy yells.

I start walking up to Diabel's party with Elise right behind me "Would it really matter if I was a cheater or not?"

"What do you mean?" Kivaou states.

"If I was a cheater than I could of been at floor 50 by now or maybe 75, or even beat the game already. But I'm not a cheater, I was just taking advantage of how weapons work" I said before heading towards the exit.

Elise followed me, not saying anything. She was probably scared for me. I then remembered a few things.

"Oh and Asuna, if the day ever comes that someone trustworthy asks you to join their guild, do it. We can't have your talent got to waste" I get to the door before stopping to say one last comment "Your hair's beautiful by the way"

I then walked out of the room and Elise walked to my side. We started making our way out of the tower.

"Her hair isn't as beautiful as mine right?" Elise says like a child as we walked.

"Both of you girl's hair is beautiful" I tell her.

"I'm fine with that answer" She says with a smile.

"One floor boss down, ninety-nine left to go"

Hello everyone, this is the end of the chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Until next time bye.

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