Murder in the Safezone

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Hello everyone it's time for another chapter. Last chapter you with the help of Asuna, Elise, Kirito, and Sachs defeated the floor boss GeoCrawler.


POV: You

Part 1.

It's April 11th, 2024, Elise and I are on the 57th floor, in the town of Marten. We've been here for a couple days. I heard a rumor floating around when we were on the frontline about members of Laughing Coffin ambushing players and killing them. For those who don't know. Laughing Coffin is a guild for players who are all about killing other playes. I decided to check it out, the last thing I want is a guild of psychos running around killing other players. To my dismay, bringing Elise with me on a mission like this was my only option since I promised her I wouldn't leave her alone if the mission was going to be dangerous. The day was near it's end with the virtual sun close to setting.

"I really wish I didn't promise you that I'd bring you on every dangerous mission I go on" I say to Elise as we both sat atop a hill looking at the entrance of Marten.

"I wanted you to make that promise because you constantly went on dangerous adventures without telling me" Elise tells me while poking my cheek.

"And my reason for that still stands" I state.

Else and I then hear a gurgalling sound and Elise's face becomes red "I'm sorry, I'm a little hungry"

"Let's go eat dinner then" I replied and we both stood up.

"Hey!, (Y/n), Elise" We hear a familiar voice call out. We both look down the hill we're sitting on and we see Asuna waving to us while she walked up the hill "I knew I'd find you guys somewhere around here"

"What makes you say that?" I question.

"People don't call you an angel for nothing. You seriously go on any request or mission to save people. I heard the rumor so I decided to come here and find you" She tells me.

"She's right you know" Elise points out.

"Okay, you found us. What do you need?" I say.

"Well, I actually wanted to give you something (Y/n)" Asuna says.

Asuna sends me a gift and I open it up. In my hands, a sword forms. It was black and sliver, and it also came with its own sheath. The sword was named 'Angel's Blade'.

"Why are you giving me this Asuna?" I asked her.

"I got it as a reward for completing a high level quest. I don't need such a weapon so it seemed only appropriate that the Weapon Master could use it, especially when he's too strong for his other weapons" Asuna explained with a slight blush on her face as she had her arms crossed and looked away from us "Think of it as a thank you for all you do on the frontlines"

"Thank you for the sword Asuna, I needed a better sword after what happened when we fought the GeoCrawler" I say to her and her slight blush turned into a full blush.

"D-don't mention it, it was the least I could do" Asuna says.

"Hey, wanna come with us to dinner? Elise and I were about to go" I ask her.

"I'm free for the rest of the day so I don't see why not" Asuna replies with a smile.

"Yaaay, Double date time!!" Elise cheers while jumping in the air.

"D-date..." Asuna says as her cheeks became pink.

"When did we start dating?" I asked Elise.

"We might as well be, we spend almost every waking moment with each other" Elise says to me.

"I'll think about it over dinner" I say with a smile while patting her head.

"Really!!" Elise says with a bright smile.

"Yeah. Plus, Why wouldn't I like a cute girl like you?" I say.

"Let's go, I'm extra hungry now!" Elise says before grabbing my arm and starting to pull me..

"Hey, wait up!" Asuna says as she chased us.

{Time Skip}

After Elise pulled me into a restaurant in town, the three of us sit at a table near a window. Elise and I were in one side while Asuna was on the other side. We ordered already and were waiting for the food.

"So, how are the Knights of the Blood Oath treating you?" I ask.

" can say it's better then being alone" She says while trying to not blush.

"I'm not sure if that's a personal attack on me but good for you" I say "I'll be right back, I'm going to head to the restroom" I get up from the table and headed to the bathroom.

POV: Elise

After (Y/n) walked away to go to the bathroom, I turned to my attention to Asuna who just sighed in relief. She was definitely acting different then she usually is towards (Y/n) and I think I know why..

"So, you like (Y/n) don't ya?" I say to her.

Asuna jumps in her seat and looks at me, kind of shocked and her cheeks pink "I-I don't know what your talking about..."

"Oh I think you know exactly what I'm talking about" I say with a smug smile "You may be able to fool (Y/n) but you can't fool me, I'm a girl in love as well"

"I-I'm not in love" She tells me.

"Are you sure?, that sword you gave (Y/n) says other wise. Why would the second in command of the Knights of the Blood Oath go on a quest for anything anyway?, I thought the Knights of the Blood Oath are all about floor cleaning and stuff like that" I tell Asuna as she sat there in silence, with nothing to say "Also, the name you gave the sword is cute too, though I think saint would of worked better"

Asuna looked down at the table as she held her blood oath uniform tightly at the skirt "You can laugh at me all you want for what I'm about to say but it's the truth....(Y/n) is the first guy I have ever fallen in love with and I don't know how to talk to guys, especially someone like him" She tells me then looks up all flustered "He's nice, smart, and the most caring person I've ever met. I see why you call him a saint, He is always there when someone needs help"

"I really didn't really think you fell that hard for (Y/n)" I say then smiled "I don't mind sharing (Y/n) if your alright with that. (Y/n) deserves all the love he gets"

"That's...very considerate of you....thank you.." Asuna tells me before smiling

POV: You

I finished up in the bathroom and walked out back to the table. At the table I see Elise and Asuna talking together happily with smiles both on their faces.

"What are you girls talking about?, you're both happy as can be" I say as I got to the table.

"It's girl stuff (Y/n), you wouldn't understand" Asuna says with a slight giggle.

"O.k...Did I miss something important?" I question as I am now confused.

We then hear a loud scream come from outside the restaurant. The three of us rush out of the restaurant and into the town square. In the town square there was a large crowd surrounding a tower, near the top of the tower was a man hanging from the tower by a rope around his neck. The worst part was that he also had a short spear through the chest. The guy was groaning as he held onto the spear.

"Holy shit" I say. The spear stuck in the guy's chest had thorn like blades on it, there was no way that thing was coming out any time soon "I'm going to go cut him down, you girls see if there is anyone with a duel icon"

"Right" Both of them say.

I run through the door of the tower and was making my way up the stairs to the top as fast as I could. I get to the top of the tower and see the rope the guy was hanging from. I pulled Angel out and cut the rope. As I cut the rope I noticed that there was little to no tension on the rope.

"Fuck" I thought as I sheathed Angel and watched as the rope fell off the balcony of the tower "Rumor didn't say the killings were happening in a god damn safe zone"

There was no one else in the room but me. I start walking down while trying to process what the hell just happened, nothing about what happened made any sense to me. Getting into a situation where you get hung from atop a tower in the middle of town with a spear in your chest isn't a situation that can just happen.

"This being a Sleep PK is a obvious out since the guy was clearly awake. A duel maybe?, but what kind of duel would lead to this"

I get to the bottom of the tower and walked outside. I see Asuna and Elise talking to someone. I walked up to them to see what was going on. I see that they were talking to a girl with long purple hair who looked scared.

"Does she have any information?" I ask as I walked up to them.

"Yes, her name is Yolko. The guy who was killed was her former guild member Caynz" Asuna tells me before handing me the throned spear "Hold onto this, we might be able to see where it came from" I take the spear and stored it in my inventory.

I looked at Yolko and said "I know that your probably sad and scared, but I think it's best that we talk about what happened tomorrow after you get some rest. Does that sound alright to you?"

"Oh, umm, okay... Thank you for what your doing..." Yolko says as Elise tried to comfort her.

{Time Skip}

After we dropped Yolko off at a inn in town, the three of us were now on our own as it is now night time.

"(Y/n), why did you do that?" Asuna questioned me after getting in front of me.

"I thought it would be better if she explained what happens and the situation after she is well rested" I explained to her.

"Then what now?" She questions.

"I know a guy who can tell us where the spear that killed Caynz came from. We're go there right now" I tell her.

Part 2.

We are in the town of Algade, which is on floor 50. Algade closely resembles the rough side of china town, well a china town if it was set in a medieval game. We get to the where the shop is and a guy walked out of the door with a spear.

"Thanks my man, come back any time" The owner says to the guy.

"Yeah whatever" The guy says tiredly.

"You don't have to keep being so hard on those guys, they want to survive to you know" I say as I walked into the shop.

"No way, if it ain't the Weapon Master himself. I buy cheap and I sell cheap, that's my motto" Agil tells me.

"That selling cheap part is a lie though" I say.

"Don't go slandering my good name brother" He tells me as we bumped fists. Don't know why but he's the only person I know who does this.

"How do you get customers with such high prices anyway?" Elise asked as she looked at the prices of a few of the items.

"It's all about supply and demand little lady, and there's always demand" Agil states. Asuna walks into the shop and Agil looked at her before looking at me "Hey so....I thought you guys hated each other's guts?" He said quietly to me.

"It's in the past, I hope" I said quietly back then said normal "So, I was hoping you could help us with something"

"Okay, come around back so we can talk" Agil says.

The four of us make our way around back into the back room. We then sit down at the tea table in the center of the room.

"We're investigating a incident that happened today. A guy was killed in a safe zone with out it being a duel" I say then gave Agil the spear "That's the weapon that killed the guy. Can you see where it came from?"

"I see, I'll take a look at it" He says.

Agil starts to use his appraisal skill on the spear. After waiting for his skill to finish, when the skill finished, Agil just stared at the weapon.

"You might want to check this out (Y/n)" Agil tells me.

Agil sends me the results and I couldn't believe what the hell I was looking at. The unimportant thing was that the spear was made by a guy named Grimlock and that the name of the spear was Guilty thorn. The important part was it's description. The description was a message, to me.

We know you have been looking for us, Demon, or shall I say, Weapon Master. Did you like the show? I'm sure you did. Meet us in the Labyrinth on floor 25 tomorrow night. We have a little present for you. Hope you can save her~. Don't bring anyone if you don't wish for them to have the same fate

"Well shit, Things just got a whole lot more difficult"

Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it. Until next time, bye.

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