Omake 1: The Anime Karaoke!

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Desmond Miles: Welcome back Readers. Today we will see the Assassins Trio back in their old world when they are alive. They will sing Karaoke? Let's see about their past life on this book when they are the Assassin.


At Japan. Tokyo Metro Academy.

Showing the classroom of Tokyo Metro Academy, showing Class 2-C when Ryuji studied there. As the teacher give them the math question.

Teacher: Now student, please answer the question.

Random Student 1: Oh boy, not Math...

Random Student 2: Its suck for us... I hate math.

Random Student 3: Same!

Showing a green hair boy wearing a black high school student uniform as he feels Math is boring for him, this is Ryuji Midoriko.

Ryuji: *Yawn* This suck for me...

Haruto: *Whisper* Oi Marimo!

Showing Haruto talking to Ryuji as he threw a paper ball at Ryuji, as he grab the paper ball and he look at Haruto with annoy looks.

Ryuji: Nanda, Lovesick Moron?

Haruto: Open the paper ball.

Ryuji: Hah?

Haruto: *Whisper* I said open the damn paper ball! Is an note from Daiki!

Ryuji: Fine, I get it.

Showing Ryuji open the paper ball as he sees the notes from Daiki, he found Daiki's words on the notes as he read the notes and see it was a word from Daiki.

"Hey Ryuji & Haruto, we gonna hang out at the Karaoke bar after school. Because we want to sing the Anime song today. Plus it might be fun. -From Daiki".

Showing Ryuji looks at Haruto as he nods, Ryuji wants to go the Karaoke after school since he wants to sing the songs with his friends. It might be fun.

Ryuji: Tell to Daiki that I am in.

Haruto: Yosha, I can't wait to sing.

Ryuji: Same.

Showing Haruto & Ryuji are giggles as the classmates notice it, the teacher feel annoyed as she throw a chalk at their table, as they flinch in fear.

Haruto & Ryuji: EEK!

Teacher: *Glaring at both Students* No giggle or talking!


All Students:

Showing the students laughing at Haruto & Ryuji, as they both glare each other for their fault who giggle in front of the class.

At The Front Gate.

Showing Daiki leaning on the gate wall while watching the video on Youtube, as he was waiting for his friends to come out after the class.

Daiki: I hope the new Assassin's Creed game had good parkour system like Unity.

Showing Daiki watching the edited video of Assassin's Creed, the video about Assassins being masters of the weapons in Assassin's Creed video games.

Showing Daiki is watching the video about Assassin are the masters of the weapons, as he really like this videos when he watch it.

Daiki: Man, i really need to replay Unity. The graphics still look good for a 2014 game.

Haruto: What did you it was my fault?!

Ryuji: That's what I'm saying!

Daiki: Huh?

Showing Daiki turn to see it was Haruto & Ryuji bickering again as Daiki facepalm his face, he has to deal with those two idiots who bickering.

Daiki: *Sigh* Not again...

Ryuji: Because you make the teacher notice us for being noisy front of the class!

Haruto: That wasn't my fault, Marimo! Are you blame me?!

Ryuji: Well, thank to you for let the teacher notice us, Lovesick Moron!

Haruto: *Yell in Italian* Vaffanculo, idioti verdi! (Fuck you, Green idiot!)

Ryuji: You son of bitch! You damn Virgin!

Showing Ryuji & Haruto glare at each other as their aura show off, Ryuji's aura is blue flame and Haruto's aura is red flame as they glare at each other.



Showing Haruto & Ryuji fighting each other when they beat up each other, and Daiki feel annoyed when he sees them fighting again.

Daiki: *Tick Mark* That's it! I gonna teach them a lesson!

Showing Daiki beating them as Haruto & Ryuji scream in pain & fear offscreen, the scene changes to Haruto & Ryuji got a beat up looks on their faces.

Showing Haruto & Ryuji kneeling down as they regret making Daiki angry, as Daiki glare at them with anger looks while they are scared of Daiki.

Daiki: I can't believe you two are bickering like idiots...

Haruto: That wasn't my fault!

Ryuji: Oh yeah?! Whose fault is this?!

Haruto: Oh fuck you!



Daiki: Mattaku... I've been waiting for you two for Karaoke but you two are away bickering like childs.

Ryuji: Look, sorry about that.

Haruto: Me too...

Daiki: *Sigh* Let's just get out of here.

Showing they left the school after school, as they gonna heading to a Karaoke bar to sing songs for relaxing. As Daiki hopes those two idiots not bickering.

Few Minutes Later.

Showing they are walking in the Tokyo City as they look around the city, as they look for the Karaoke Bars to sing the songs.

Both Idiot: This suck...

Ryuji: Man, how long do we get there?

Haruto: Until Daiki find the place or told us.

Ryuji: Alright... *Look at Daiki* Hey bro.

Showing Ryuji wonder why Daiki isn't talking back as Daiki looking at his phone, making Ryuji wonder what is Daiki watching.

Ryuji: Bro?

Daiki: Hmmm...

Ryuji: *Shout* BRO!

Showing Daiki jump in fear as he look at Ryuji with confuse looks, as Ryuji & Haruto look at Daiki with wonder looks on their face.

Daiki: What's wrong?

Haruto: What are you thinking?

Daiki: Oh sorry, i just thinking what songs we should sing when we arrived at the Karaoke Bar.

Ryuji: That gonna be tough...

Haruto: I have an ideas for us.

Daiki: What is it?

Haruto: How about we sing our own favourite Anime song? I choose KICK BACK OP from Chainsaw Man.

Ryuji: Nice! The best Anime!

Haruto: Yeah thank! What about you Marimo?

Ryuji: I gonna sing the "HERO !!" from One Punch Man!

Haruto: Nice one, man! Best Hero Anime!

Ryuji: Thank you, Lovesick moron.

Haruto: *Look at Daiki* What about you buddy?

Daiki: I'm gonna sing the Rumbling from Attack On Titan.

Showing Haruto & Ryuji are silent as they drop their jaws, that they gonna see Daiki sing Attack On Titan's heavy metal anime song.

Both: *Shocked* Nani?! The Rumbling from Attack on Titan?!!

Daiki: Bingo!

Haruto: But why is that?

Ryuji: I didn't know you sing a hardcore song...

Daiki: Oi! Don't underestimated me! Just because I look calm & chill but that doesn't mean I can't singing something Hardcore!

Haruto: Make sense...

Ryuji: Yeah... So where is the Karaoke bar?

Daiki: Well... *Accidently bumped to someone* OW!

Showing Daiki bumped to someone as he fall down on ground, as Daiki accident bump to someone else as he look at the person with blue hair and another person with a blonde hair.

??? 1: Ouch! *Speaking French* Que diable?! (What the hell?!)

??? 2: *Shocked* Oh my god?! Jim! Are you okay?!

Daiki: Sorry about that!

??? 1: I'm okay, don't worry about it.

??? 2: We're fine. Don't worry about it.

Daiki: Thank you.

??? 1: It's fine.

Daiki: Sorry for bump into you. We gonna go now see you two later.

??? 1: Yeah, see ya.

Showing the Trio left as the two friends look at them, they wonder where are those trio going as the two friends didn't know who they are.

??? 1: Wonder where they are going?

??? 2: Probably they went to Karaoke bar or something else.

??? 1: Eww! Enji! Dude, you reek of Beer! *Cover his nose*

??? 2: Oh come on! I just drink the beer, you know.

??? 1: *Speaking French* Sérieusement? (Seriously?)

Showing the person known as Enji has sheepish smiles while Jim feel annoyed when he cover his nose from the reek smell of the beer on his friend mouth.

Timeskip. At Tokyo Karaoke Bar.

Showing they arrive at the Karaoke bar as they glad they finally arrive here, they look at the Karaoke bar entrance when they finally arrive.

The Trio: We're here!

Daiki: Finally! Took us awhile to found the place!

Haruto: Yeah, at least we're here.

Ryuji: True, bro.

Daiki: Mou Maji de?

Both: Sure!

Showing they talking to the staff, they rent the room as the scene changes to they were inside Karaoke's room, as they order some food to eat.

Daiki: Alright, it's time to eat.

Haruto: Itadakimasu!

Ryuji: Yeah! Let's eat!

Showing they eat the food while drinking the Coke, as they enjoy eating food and drinking Coke. They decide to pick the music for themselves to sing it.

Daiki: Ok who want to sing first?

Haruto: Me!

Ryuji: Me!

Both Idiots: *Look at eachother* Huh?!

Showing the Duo idiots silent as they glare at each other for trying to get the first for sing first. As they slam their forehead against each other.

Showing Daiki a facepalm his face as he knew those two gonna do it again, he seriously hate those two for being idiots again. As those two glares and one of them wants to sing first.

Both: Wanna fight, Asshole!?

Haruto: You wanna a fight, Marimo?!

Ryuji: Urusai, Lovesick moron! I am gonna sing first!

Haruto: No me!

Ryuji: Shut up! Me first!

Haruto: Me!

Daiki: Oi you two Morons!

Showing Daiki hit Haruto & Ryuji on their heads as they grunt in pain while holding their head.

Both: OWWWW!!!

Daiki: Stop being idiot! Mattaku...

Ryuji: Hey, I want to sing first!

Haruto: Yeah!

Daiki: Really? All because of turn?

Haruto: Yeah, or did you have any ideas?

Ryuji: Yeah, like what?

Showing Daiki sigh in annoyance as he gonna give them a simple ideas, as he tell them that they gonna play Rock & Paper & Scissor.

Daiki: *Sigh* How about Rock Paper Scissors? The Winner will get their turn while the Loser get a slap.

Haruto: Alright, let's do it!

Ryuji: You gonna lose! Love Sick Moron!


Showing they ready to do rock & paper & scissor to take their first turn, as they smirk at each other while Daiki drink the coke and watch they doing rock & paper & scissor.

Haruto: JAN!

Ryuji: KEN!

Both: BON!

Showing Haruto release rock while Ryuji release scissor, as Ryuji has shocked looks while Haruto doing Megumin smug faces.

Showing Daiki continue to drink the cokes as Ryuji feels shocked while Haruto was smug at Ryuji for losing against him. As Haruto look at Ryuji.

Haruto: *Smug Grin* Game over, Marimo~!

Ryuji: *Shocked* Oh... SHIIIIT!!!!

Haruto: Look at other way!

Ryuji: Don't you dar- *Get bitch slapped*

Showing Haruto just casually bitch slap at Ryuji's face as he scream in pain, as he hold his cheek in pain while Haruto laugh at Ryuji.

Showing Daiki wince at the pain as he saw Ryuji's left cheek red while Haruto laughs at Ryuji for being bad luck. Ryuji look at Haruto with anger looks.

Daiki: Damn...!

Ryuji: ITAAAI!!! TEMEE BROWGORO! THAT HURT! *Hold his red Cheek*

Haruto: *Smug* Look like i got my turn.

Daiki: Alright, you go first.

Showing Haruto smirk as he select the song, as he chose the song called "Kick Back" and he select the song for him to sing it.

Daiki: I'm ready to heard you sing.

Haruto: Thank, buddy.

Ryuji: *Pout* Not cool, dude... I want to sing...

Haruto: Too bad you will sing later, Marimo.

Showing the TV Opens as to show the song called Kick Back sung by Kenshi Yonezu, it show the wallpaper scene of Chainsaw Man.

Showing Haruto smirk as he is ready to sing the song from Chainsaw Man Anime, as Ryuji & Daiki listen to Haruto sing the song.

Haruto: Let's do this! Get ready for kick back!

Showing Haruto singing the Kick Back song as the song becomes rock and roll, as he sings the song from the lyrics. As Daiki & Ryuji enjoy listen to Haruto singing.

Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!
Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!
Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!
Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!

Randorii kyou wa garaaki de lucky dee.

Katarii abura yogore mo kore de bye bye.

Dare da? Dare da? atama no naka yobikakeru koe wa?

Are ga hoshii kore ga hoshii to utatteiru!

Shiawase ni naritai rakushite ikiteitai.

Kono te ni tsukamitai anata no sono mune no naka!

Happy de ume tsukushite rest in peace made ikou ze.

Itsuka mita jigoku mo ii tokoro ai wo baramaite.

I love you kenashite kure zenbu ubatte waratte kure mai hanii.

Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!
Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!
Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!

Nanka wasurechatten da?

Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!
Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!
Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!
Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!

Showing Haruto continues singing as Daiki & Ryuji enjoy Haruto's singing, as Ryuji is surprised to see Haruto sing pretty well. And Daiki impressive Haruto sing pretty well.

Ryuji: Heh... Didn't know that blonde virgin can be a good singer.

Daiki: Yeah, I'm impressive.

Ryuji: Yeah, I bet he is sing the song before he come here.

Daiki: Oh shush! Here come the second verse!

Ryuji: Oh right.

Showing the Second Verse lyric appear on the TV, as Haruto ready to sing the second verse lyric.

Yon yon yon san de hazureru tansansui.

Hangurii kojirasete hakisou na jinsei.

"Yamanai ame wa nai" yori saki ni sono kasa wo kure yo.

Are ga hoshii kore ga hoshii subete hoshii tada munashii.

Shiawase ni naritai rakushite ikiteitai.

Zenbu mechakucha ni shitai nanimokamo keshisaritai.

Anata no sono mune no naka.

Lucky de umetsukushite rest in peace made ikou ze.

Yoi ko dake mukaeru tengoku ja doumo ikirannai.

I love you kenashite ubatte waratte kure mai hanii.

Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!
Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!
Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!

Nanka wasurechatten da?

Happy, lucky konnichiwa my bady. Yoi ko de itai sorya tsumaranai.

Happy, lucky konnichiwa beibii soo sweet.

Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!
Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!
Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!

Nanka sugoi ii kanji!

Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!
Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!
Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!
Doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STAR!

Showing the song end as Haruto smile, Daiki & Ryuji clap their hands for Haruto's impressive talents when he sing the song.

Daiki: Not bad, Haruto. I like it.

Ryuji: I'm impressed, Lovesick Moron.

Haruto: Thanks you!

Daiki: So who next?

Ryuji: *Raise hand* ME!

Haruto: Show me what you got, Mossjuro.

Showing Ryuji select the song, as he chose the song known as the HERO from One Punch man, as he select it to sing the song. As it show the Wallpaper of Saitama and Genos.

Showing Ryuji is ready to sing the HERO song from One Punch Man, as he smirks at Daiki & Haruto to sing the song.

Ryuji: Let's One Punch toward the sky!

Both: Nice!

Daiki: Your pun is very funny!

Haruto: I agreed. At least you make a good puns.

Daiki: Yeah.

Ryuji: Yosha!

Showing Ryuji start to singing as the lyric appear on the TV scene, as he ready to sing the song and ready to play the song.


Three! Two! One! Kill shot! Sanjou! Hisshou! Shijou Saikyou!

Nan dattenda?! Frustration ore wa tomaranai!

ONE PUNCH! kanryou! rensen renshou!

Ore wa katsu!! tsune ni katsu!! asshou!!


HERO!!! Ore wo tataeru koe ya kassai nante hoshikute wa nai sa.

HERO!!! Dakara hitoshirezu aku to tatakau.


Sora! Ooi oshiyoseru teki. Ore wa se wo muke wa shinai.

HERO!!! Naraba, yuruginaki kakugo shita tame.

Kuridase tekken!

Showing Ryuji sing pretty wells as Daiki impressive his song, and Haruto surprise that Ryuji sing pretty wells, as he didn't know Ryuji is a hardcore One Punch Man fan.

Haruto: I'm surprise that Marimo can sing that good.

Daiki: Yeah, maybe he sing before he come here.

Haruto: Maybe, let's heard him sing.

Daiki: Right.

Showing the Second Verse lyric appear on the TV, as Ryuji ready to sing everything he's had on the second verse lyric.

Three! Two! One! Fight back! Sanjou! Go on! Seiseidoudou!!

Dou nattenda? Nanimo kanji nee mohaya teki i nee!

JUSTICE! Shikkou Mondou muyou!

Ore ga tatsu! aku wo tatsu!! gasshou!!

POWER!!! GET THE POWER!!! Adorenarin afuredasu ze!

POWER! GET THE POWER! Kitaeta waza wo buchikamase!

HERO!!! Donna ni tsuyoi yatsu mo chippoke na gaki dattanda.

HERO!!! Yowaki onore norikoe tsuyoku naru.


KAMI!!! Yodoru kobushi kakagete! Ore wa tsukisusumu dake sa.

HERO!!! Itsuka haiboku ni odei nameru made.

Tatakau HERO!!!

Ore wa akiramenai sono mune ni asu wo egaki.

Mezame yuku sekai e ima maiagare tsuyoku takaku.

Donna toki demo! Nani ga attemo!

HERO!!! Ore wo tataeru koe ya kassai nante hoshiku wa nai sa.

HERO!!! Dakara hitoshirezu aku to tatakau!


KAMI!!! Yadoru kobushi kakagete ore wa tsukisusumu dake sa.

HERO!!! Itsuka haiboku ni odei nameru made.

Tatakau HERO!!!

Kodoku na HERO!!!

Ah, ah, ah! AH!

I wanna be a... Saikyou... HE~ROOO!!!

Showing Ryuji end the song as he feel exhausted, as Haruto & Daiki clap their hand at Ryuji, he smiled at his two friends as he glad he did good.

Haruto: Wow. That was awesome Marimo!

Daiki: Not bad, you did good.

Ryuji: *Exhausted* Thank guys...

Daiki: Well then, you two did well.

Ryuji: Thank you! I was practice myself to sing this song!

Haruto: Same goes for me!

Daiki: Yeah, you two put everything you had for this very well so I'm impressed.

Showing Daiki smiled as he enjoy their singing, as he knew what he gonna do, he gonna sing the song for the best Attack On Titan song.

Daiki: Well then. I guess is my turn to sing The Rumbling.

Haruto: Finally!

Ryuji: Hope you can sing good.

Daiki: *Smirk* Of course, I will give you my best singing.

Both Idiots:

Daiki: Alright, let's do it.

Showing Daiki select the song, as he has chosen the song called Rumbling from Attack Of Titan, as he select it the song before he smirk. As it show the Wallpaper of Eren Yeager as the Attack Titan.

Showing Haruto & Ryuji feel excited on their faces as they ready to heard Daiki singing the song as one of the best AOT song.

Ryuji: I am excited for this!

Haruto: Me too! Best anime opening song!

Daiki: Are you two ready?

Haruto: Yeah!

Daiki: Good. You have the Freedom to defend the World's Freedom and I have the Freedom to keep Moving Forward!

Showing Daiki sing the song as he sing very hardcore like a heavy metal singer of Japan, as he singing very hard from his mouth.




All I ever wanted to do was do right things. I never wanted to be the king.


All I ever wanted to do was save your life. I never wanted to grab a knife.




If I lose it all, slip and fall. I will never look away!

If I lose it all, lose it all, lose it all. If I lose it all outside the wall!

Live to die another day! I don't want anything, I'm just here to...


Showing Daiki release a breath as he screaming like Eren while singing like a heavy metal music singer.

Both Idiots: Holy shit! That is amazing!

Ryuji: Since when he can do that?!

Haruto: *Shocked* Holy shit! He's is like Eren!

Ryuji: I never thought someone with a stoic personality like Daiki can sing that Hardcore yet Epic at the same time?!

Haruto: I think Daiki like Eren but more calm with his stoic attitude.

Ryuji: Yeah... Oh look Love Sick Moron! The second verse about to start!

Haruto: Oh right.

Showing the second verse of lyric as Daiki began to sing the second verse of the lyric, as he sing very hardcore while Haruto & Ryuji enjoy it.

All I ever wanted to do was know what's out there? I refused to lose without a fight, oh, oh-yeah~!

Oh-oh, ooh-oh-oh~!

We're just too young, ignorant and innocent. Like kids stay up all night in a tent, oh yeah~!

HOW DO YOU SEE ME? Oh yeah~!



Nobody knows what's inside of me!
Nobody knows what's inside of me!
Nobody knows what's inside of me!


If I lose it all, slip and fall... Will you laugh at me?

If I lose it all, lose it all. Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah~!

If I lose it all, slip and fall. I will never look away!

If I lose it all, lose it all, lose it all. If I lose it all outside the wall!

Live to die another day! I don't want anything, I'm just here to...





Showing Daiki has finally done singing the song as he releases his breath before he says Eren Yeager's words to those two.

Daiki: Tatake. (Fight.) *Eren Yeager tone*

Haruto: Damn, that was awesome!

Ryuji: Dude! You more like Heavy Metal Singer!

Daiki: Yeah, what did you guy think?

Ryuji: That was awesome!

Haruto: I give 10/10! You sound like the original Singer!

Daiki: Thanks guys. But also, I need sone water.

Ryuji: Yeah, you can take a break.

Showing Daiki grab the water bottle as he drinks the water bottle, he feel better when he drink it, as he done drink it.

Daiki: Phew! That felt better.

Haruto: We did sing good, right?

Ryuji: Yeah, at least we did good.

Daiki: Yeah... *Look at Watch* Oh it's time to go home now. I don't want to be late for Homework.

Ryuji: Oh right, I have to do homework.

Haruto: Same here.

Daiki: Let's go back to our home.

Showing the Trio Students heading back to their home as they walk on the street but they walk pass two same people who bumps into them again as they walk past it.

??? 1: *Cover his nose* Dude, you drink too much beer! Why you not drink too much like I told you?

??? 2: *Drunk* Huh? But I want to drink beer for fun!

??? 1: Oh come on! I have to carry you back to your house.

??? 2: Hehehe~!

??? 1: *Speaking French* Bon Dieu! (Goddamn it!)

Showing two of them walk back to their home as they didn't notice that they will meet the Trio Students in the future.

At The Street.

Showing the Trio Students walk on the street as they heading back to their home, as they talking about their singing.

Daiki: Man, that was good. I like it.

Ryuji: Yeah, but I think mine is good.

Haruto: Uh huh, mine is much better.


Showing they glare at each other with their death glare, as Daiki facepalm his face to see those two idiots act again.

Haruto: I singing better than you!

Ryuji: No! I'm singing better than you!

Haruto: No! Me!

Ryuji: No way! Me!

Daiki: *Sigh* Aw shit... Here we go again.

Showing Haruto & Ryuji glare at each other while argument as Daiki feel annoyed before they heading back to their home as Daiki would kick their ass later.


End of Omake 1.

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