EP 3 Part 2: Joining the Brotherhood

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Arno found the matching symbol that was on the medallion Bellec gave him. Arno has found a cave where he sees the same symbol on the medallion with his Eagle Vision. Arno pushes the wall for it to open a hidden door that was inside and goes through the door for it close behind him.

Arno was now inside a place where there was a statue of an Assassin and the symbol near the door above.

Bellec: Took ya long enough, pisspot.

Arno heard Bellec and saw him waiting for him leaning on a wall in a different outfit.

Arno: What is this place?

Bellec: *gets off the wall* A sanctuary. A place where we can train and prepare, away from the eyes of our enemies.

Bellec took point to lead Arno down the place.

Arno: Didn't we just escape from a dungeon?

Bellec: It's not a dungeon. It's a nerve center. From these tunnels, we can get anywhere in Aincrad, all without being seen. We have eyes everywhere.

Arno: Really? Seems visibility would be a problem. Wouldn't you prefer something with a view?

Bellec: This place has served us well for a long time, ever since SAO was released, pisspot.

Arno: Mnh-mnh. And how long were you standing in the dark waiting for me?

Bellec: Not long. Guillaume spotted you from the market, while you were being chased.

Arno and Bellec went down the stairs to be in an area to walk along the pathway.

Arno: Well, it was quite the entrance.

Bellec: Are you mocking me?

Arno: No, no! God's truth. Very theatrical.

Bellec: Shut up. We're here.

Arno and Bellec kept walking for Arno to see four people wearing Assassin robes as they were on top on top of a balcony.

???: The candidate will approach.

Bellec left Arno and went upstairs to be with the other figures wearing the robes. As Arno approached the center, the rest of the figures stood up from their seats and gathered on the balcony, looking at Arno.

Mirabeau: So, the son of F/n and M/n L/n returns to us. Bellec thought you wouldn't come. What changed your mind?

Arno: I'm tired of running from my failures. My guild, my parents... I want to make it right.

Guillaume: The death of your guild weighs on you. Why? Did you wield the blame yourself?

Arno: Does it matter? The blame still lies with me.

Trenet: (Persian) (He carries his guilt heavily. Are you sure of this one)?

Bellec: (Persian) (I am. He can face the trials. He can be great).

Mirabeau: Very well. Out of the dark, you come into the light. From the light, you will return to the dark. Are you prepared to travel the eagle's path?

Arno: If that's a fancy way of asking "do I want your help," yes.

Mirabeau: Then drink.

Mirabeau motions his hand for Arno to follow. He then sees a chalice that has the symbol of the Assassins on it. Arno goes to the chalice and takes it with both hands. He then drinks from the chalice as he finishes. Arno then started to feel hazy. He saw that no one was around as he dropped the chalice. Arno sees the ground opening to see a path down. He walks down the stairs to see light. As Arno walks down, he sees picture frames of his past that he couldn't remember.

Arno: What's happening? Hello?

Arno goes to the ledge and looks to see a long way down. Going down is the only option. Arno performed the Leap of Faith, going deeper.

Arno was on the floor in the real world of Japan. He got up to be in an alley way to see his parents, after he was born.

M/n: Why do we have to take the alley.

F/n: It's a faster way to get to Y/n.

M/n: I don't like leaving Y/n alone with his grandmother more often.

F/n: I'm sure he'll be fine. He likes her.

Arno: Mom! Dad!

Arno then started to run towards his parents as the whole place was collapsing.

Arno: Mom, Dad, it's me! I'm here!

They didn't hear Arno as he started to jump on and over obstacles to try and reach his parents. As Arno completed the course, he sees a black hooded figure like an Assassin as his mother and father tried to fight them off.

Arno: Watch out!

The black hooded figure then kills them.

Arno: NO!

Arno goes up to his parents dead bodies and they fade away. An illusion that was a part of the trial. There was nothing that Arno could do, he found out that both of his parents were murdered when he was just a boy.

Arno was now in a dungeon, the same dungeon his guild died in. Arno saw the black hooded figure run towards his guild as tried to chase after them. Arno sees the ground breaking and some of it is rising up, for another obstacle course Arno has to go through. He then started climbing as he was hearing voices of the past.

Richter: (voice) That's him. That's the person I was talking about. The person who left his guild to die.

Arno continues to go through the obstacle course.

Kirito: (voice) You don't have proof that you killed your own guild that day. So it really means you did kill them.

Arno: (voice) I swear on my life, I would never kill my own guild.

Arno then completed the course as he sees the black hooded figure finish off the last of his guild that their bodies were on the floor.

Arno grunts in rage as he witnessed that incident again after what happened. He was now in a room where it was dark. Arno sees shadow figures with hoods as he sees the hooded figure in front of the crowd.

Arno goes into the crowd to try to kill the figure without being detected. He went around into the crowd as he was close to the black hooded figure.

As Arno was close enough, he grabbed the black hooded figure from behind and snapped their neck. As the black hooded figure fell to the floor, Arno then saw the figure's face. It was himself, an illusion of him as the black hooded figure.

Arno got on his knees to close his eyes with his fingers on himself as the hooded figure. Arno closes his real eyes and opens them again as he was back in the room where the councilors are with him.

Mirabeau: These are the words spoken by our ancestors. The words that lay at the heart of our creed.

Guillaume: Stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent.

Trenet: Hide in plain sight.

Quemar: Never compromise the Brotherhood.

Mirabeau: Let these tenets be branded upon your mind. Follow them, and be uplifted. Break them at your peril. Rise, Assassin.

Arno stands up for the assistant to bring in two hidden blades. Bellec puts on the hidden blades on Arno's forearms.

Mirabeau: Y/n L/n is dead. He has been culled from this world and in the real world, with his sins and failures turned to dust. Tonight, he is reborn, a novice of the Assassin Brotherhood.

Arno unsheathes his hidden blades as he is now one of the Assassins in SAO. Arno sheaths his hidden blades as Bellec pats Arno on the back, congratulating him.


A/n: Sorry if this was short.


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