Ep1: The World of Swords

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November 2022

Announcement of the release of Sword Art Online.

The weather outside was nice. Clear skies, cold air and so on.

People around Japan were standing in line in game stores to get their hands on a device called the NerveGear. A virtual reality device that lets you enter a game.

At a good looking house, a guy in his teens was inside his inspecting the NerveGear he just bought in his hands to see if it could fit him. He checked his pocket watch to see the time, meaning it is time to enter Sword Art Online. He then started to plug in the device to insert the game Sword Art Online in the NerveGear and put it on his head.

He then lies down in his bed to stare at the ceiling to take a deep breath and exhale. He then said a word that allows him to enter Sword Art Online.

Y/n: Link Start!

As Y/n now spawn in Sword Art Online, his game name is Arno. His vision started off a bit hazy, but it got back to normal.

Arno looked at his hands to see one sleeve was rolled up on his left hand and the other sleeve is down on his right arm.

Arno clenched his fists in excitement and looked up at the site in front of him and smiled.

Arno: Hello, SAO!

Other players started to spawn in and started cheering in excitement to get ready for a new day in a game.

A few hours into the game

Arno is in a house, holding a pocket watch, like the one he has in real life, listening to the ticking.

He then heard the door being smashed open from the chair blocking it to reveal a blacksmith player named Victor for him to move around the table.

Victor: Can't win fairly at cards, so you stoop to thieving, you bastard!

The two circle around the table.

Arno: Calm down, Victor! I've only come for my watch.

Victor: It's my watch! I won it fairly!

Arno: Well, in a just world, Victor, I would agree with you. But this is not a just world. This is SAO.

Victor: You're a dead man!

Victor tried to grab Arno, but he stepped back as Victor tripped on the table knocking over a bottle.

Arno: Whoa. Step lightly there! You'll hurt yourself.

Victor: Rragh! *flips over table*

Arno finds a chance to escape through a window. Arno ran to the window steps a foot on the window to jump out, but Victor tripped Arno's other foot for him to fall down to the ground and drop his watch.

Arno: Oof!

The watch rolls to another player's feet. They picked up the watch to see that it was Victor's brother, Hugo.

Arno: *gets up* Just had a nice chat with your brother...

Victor: Hugo... don't let him get it.

Arno: Hold on a minute--

Hugo runs off.

Arno: Diable. (Hell)

Arno runs after Hugo.


(Music I do not own)

Hugo: I got it Victor!

Arno chases after Hugo into the market place where there was a crowd of players.

Hugo: Out of the way! *runs through players*

Male Player: Hey, watch it!

Arno: *moves around the players* Sorry about that!

Arno jumps over a crate and lands to keep chasing Hugo deeper into the market.

Hugo: Get out of my way!

Female Player: Watch where you're going, jerk!

Arno: *slides under a table to get up and keeps chasing Hugo* Gentlemen, please! We can come to an understanding.

Arno keeps chasing Hugo almost at the end of the market.

Male Player: Hey!

Arno: Please excuse him, he's not housebroken.

Arno continues to chase Hugo. Arno grabs a crate and slides to Hugo for him to trip over it and drops Arno's watch.

Arno then slides on the ground near Hugo and takes his watch and stands up.

Arno: Thickheaded blacksmith like you probably can't even read a watch...

Victor: *running to Arno* Come over here and say that.

Arno: Ah... no.

Arno then runs away from the two blacksmith brothers.

Victor: Get back here!

Arno starts running down the market and does flips and tricks over the crates as he is being chased by the blacksmith brothers.

Victor: Stop him! Thief! I'm going to smash your skull into paste!

Arno: Ah... Yes.

Arno then started climbing and jumping over the market areas and ran along the walls and jumped to the rooftops.

Arno: A wise man knows when to admit defeat, Victor!

Arno then parkours around the rooftops of the place and keeps going to lose the brothers.

(Music end)

Arno then jumps down and does a safety roll and gets up to be in an alley way and looks at his watch.

Arno: Alone at last.

Arno didn't see where he was going, looking at his watch, he bumps into a player and sees who he bumped into. Another player that was walking in the alley the same as Arno.

Player: Hey! Watch where you're going!

Arno: Apologies, but why are you going through an alley way?

Player: I thought I'd be faster to go through these.

Arno: Well, I am very sorry that I bumped into you, but I best be going. *tries to go through the player*

Player: *blocks Arno's path* Why are you running like you were being chased?

Arno: Well... I thought of getting some exercise, now would you please let me pass so I could be on my way.

Player: It feels like you were running from someone.

Arno: Two, exactly. Now would you kindly move out of my way?

Until the player was about to let Arno pass, the blacksmith brothers caught up to him.

Victor: Hah! Got you now, you little shit!

Player: *looks at Arno*

Arno: Just a little misunderstanding, nothing to-

Victor: *to Player* This bastard is a common criminal! In broad daylight, *points at Arno* he broke into my home and stole my watch!

Player: *to Arno* Is that true?

Arno: Well, technically, the watch is mine. So, I didn't steal from him, I just wanted to get back what was mine.

Victor: Bullshit!

Arno: Victor is the one who stole from me in a game of cards. So I went into his house and tried to get my watch back, instead, he and his brother were not letting me go off that easily.

Victor: He's lying!

Player: *to Victor* No, he is not lying.

Victor: Don't believe this sack of piss! He robbed me!

Player: It's true that you robbed him after winning in a game of cards that you took his watch. So, I'm saying that he is innocent.

Victor: But-

Player: Don't. I heard it from him. Now, go back to your business and forget this never happened.

Victor gave Arno an angry face to him.

Victor: This ain't over, you hear?! This ain't over! Come on, Hugo!

Victor and Hugo leaves the player and Arno alone.

Arno: *sighs in relief* Thank you for that. *puts away the watch in his pocket*

Player: Don't mention it. Next time you see those two again, don't come back to me. I won't be able to help you out next time.

Arno: Fine by me. But still, I thank you for helping me, uh...

Player: The names Kirito.

Arno: Kirito. Hm, nice name.

Kirito: What's your name?

Arno: Arno.

Kirito: Not bad of a name like that.

Arno: It's the only name I've got. So, where were you going, before I bumped into you?

Kirito: I was just heading out to the fields to go hunting.

Arno: Hunting, eh? Well, I guess I could come along as well.

Kirito: Huh?

Arno: Yes, strength in numbers as they say. I needed a break after encountering those two brothers.

Kirito: Hmm, I guess I could use a hand after all.

Arno: Très bien! (Alright) It's settled!

Kirito: What did you say before that?

Arno: Très bien means alright. I learned French back in my time.

Kirito: I didn't know you were so good at it. Come on, let's go to the fields.

Arno: Montrez le chemin, monsieur. (Lead the way, sir)

Kirito: Uh, translation?

Arno: Lead the way, sir.

Kirito: Let's go, then.

Arno and Kirito then started to race each other by running through the market for someone to see them. Arno and Kirito went to an alley to keep going, but for someone to stop them.

Player: Hey, you two! Wait up!

The other player ran down the alley way and stopped to catch his breath and talked to Arno and Kirito.

Kirito: What's up?

Player: Hoo! You two act like you know your way around here. You both were in the beta test, weren't you?

Kirito: Uh, yeah.

Arno: I guess you can say that.

Player: Cool. *stands up* Today's my first day. So, could you both give me some tips on the lower floors?

Kirito: Yeah, I don't if--

Arno: Of course!

Kirito looks at Arno in confusion.

Kirito: Really?

Arno: *to player* We will be happy to show you around, monsieur (sir).

Player: Was that French? Awesome! I know what that means!

Arno: Then it's an honor to meet you, if I know your name.

Player: My name's Klein, good to meet you.

Arno: Name's Arno, good to meet you too. *to Kirito* What do you say, mon ami, (my friend) wanna help him out on the lower floors?

Kirito: *sighs and smiles* Alright. I'm Kirito.

Floor 1: Town of Beginnings, West Field

Klein gets hit on his nuts by a boar and sends him flying a bit and hits the ground, covering his wound.

Kirito: Oh, come on. Seriously? You can't feel any pain.

Klein: Oh, yeah, you're right.

Arno: Heh.

Klein: Sorry. Habit.

Kirito looks at Klein's HP that it was yellow.

Kirito: Remember what I said? The first move is the most important.

Klein: Yeah, that's easy for you to say, but he won't stand still.

Kirito: *picks up a pebble* If you do your Initial Motion right and activate a sword skill at the right time...

Kirito throws the pebble using the skill to hit the boar's behind and gets its attention.

Kirito: The system pretty much guarantees you'll always hit your target.

Klein: Initial Motion? *gets ready to fight*

Kirito: Here's an easier way to look at it.

The boar charges at Kirito for him to side step for the boar to turn around and charges at Kirito again for him to block the boar's thorns with his sword.

Kirito: Right after you start your move, wait for a little bit. When you feel the skill start to activate, drive it home.

Klein: *sighs* Drive it home? *realizes what that means*

Arno: Let's see what you got, Klein.

Klein gets into position and puts his sword on his shoulder and activates the sword skill for his blade to glow.

Kirito smiles at Klein's position as he taught him. Kirito then shoves the boar and kicks it to charge at Klein. Klein then shouts in a war cry and charges at the boar and slashes it boar with his skill. The boar's health was now zero and it exploded in bits to show Klein's results.

Klein: *cheers in excitement*

Kirito: Congratulations.

Klein: Hmm?

Kirito and went up to Klein and they high five together.

Arno: *claps hands to cheer for Klein* Amazing job, Klein! You're getting the hang of this!

Kirito: That was nice. *sheaths sword on his back scabbard* But that boar's about as weak as slimes in other games are.

Klein: Holy crap! You gotta be kidding! I thought that thing was a mid-level boss!

Kirito: *chuckles* Yeah, as if.

Other boars spawn in the fields.

Arno: This is just the beginning for you, mon ami. (my friend)

Klein: I guess you're right.

Klein activates the sword skill again and strikes the air in amusement.

Klein: Whoa!

Kirito: Addictive, isn't it?

Klein: I'll say. *strikes the air and practice again* So, these skills, there's a ton of them, like blacksmithing and stuff, right?

Kirito: Uh-huh. I heard the game has an unlimited number of them, all except magic though.

Klein: *activates sword skill to charge up* an RPG without magic? That's a bold decision, man. *strikes the air again* Oh, yeah!

Kirito: So, what do you think? It's kind of fun to move your body as you fight, isn't it?

Klein: *looks at Kirito and smiles* Ha ha! Oh, hells, yeah!

Kirito: *chuckles* You ready to move on?

Klein: Yeah, man! Let's keep going!

Arno: Onward then.

The trio then set off to continue hunting for boars.

As Arno was following Kirito and Klein, he was tackled by Victor. Arno elbows Victor and manages to get down on his feet and throws him on a tree to hit his head, making him fall on the ground. Kirito and Klein noticed this as they watched.

Arno: Now, now. We can resolve this without recourse to violence, can't we?

Victor: Get him, Hugo!

Hugo draws his sword from the scabbard and gets in a fighting stance.

Arno: I suppose not. *draws sword*

Kirito: Do you need help, Arno?

Arno: Thanks, but I can handle this. They're my enemies to deal with.

Hugo then swings his sword to strike Arno, but he parries Hugo's strike to stagger him. Arno then sent multiple strikes at Hugo with his sword skills for Hugo to kneel down. Victor managed to stand up after the hit on the head by the tree to draw his weapon.

Arno: Easy, big fella!

Victor activates his sword skill to strike at Arno, for him to dodge Victor's strike to slash him a few times and kicks Victor in the face.

Hugo: Ready for a beating?

Arno strikes Hugo again to shut him up.

Victor: He can't take us both at once!

Arno kicks Victor again and strikes Hugo a few more times for Hugo to surrender. Arno then sent a few more strikes to finish off Victor as he saw their HP at red.

Arno: Not your day, is it, Victor? *twirls sword and sheaths it*

Victor looks at Arno on the ground.

Arno: If I see you chasing me or fighting me again? I won't go so easy on you or your brother next time. Are we clear?

Victor doesn't say anything.

Arno: I said, are we clear, Victor?

Victor: Yes, yes. We're clear.

Arno: *pats Victor's shoulder* Good. Now get out of here.

Victor stands up and he gets his brother up from the ground to look at Arno.

Arno: Aller. (Go)

Victor and Hugo ran back to town to forget what happened.

Arno: Saccades (Jerks).

Arno turned around to see Kirito and Klein to be in shock and surprised to see how skillful Arno was.

Arno: What?

Klein: Holy crap, that was awesome!

Kirito: It looked like you didn't need any help from that fight.

Arno: Told you. Now then, let's get going.

The trio continued to go and grind for the whole day.


The trio were on the fields relaxing where the sun was setting.

Klein: When I look around, I can't believe it. We're inside a game, guys! Whoever made it's a genius. This thing's amazing. Makes me glad I was born when I was, you know?

Kirito: It's not that big a deal.

Klein: Cut me some slack. It's my first full dive.

Kirito: You never used a NerveGear before today, huh. This is your first time ever?

Klein: Uh-huh. As soon as I got the money together, I rushed out and bought all the hardware to play SAO. Stood in line and scored one of the 10,000 hard copies. Guess you could say I was pretty lucky. Although you, guys, were 10 times as lucky getting to beta test it.

Kirito: Hmm?

Arno: Sorry?

Klein: Guys, only a thousand people got the chance.

Kirito: Yeah, I guess we were lucky.

Klein: Hey, mind if I ask how far you two got in the beta?

Kirito: Eh, two months and I couldn't get further than floor 8.

Arno: I did it in one month and I couldn't get past floor 6.

Klein: Hmm?

Kirito: But now I can get there within a month, easy.

Arno: I feel like I can get there in 3 months.

Klein: Sounds to me like you both are into this.

Kirito: *unsheathes sword* Yeah, you could say that. During the beta test, SAO was the only thing on my mind, day and night. In this world, a single blade can take you anywhere you want to go. And even though it's a virtual world, I feel more alive in here than I ever did in the real one. *scoffs and sheaths sword* Anyway, you guys want to go do some more hunting?

Klein: Oh, you know it.

Arno: I'm with you on that, Kirito.

Klein: But the thing is... *Klein's stomach growls* I'm really hungry. I have to log out.

Kirito: Too bad the food you eat here only satisfies your hunger virtually.

Klein: *gives a thumbs up* Yeah, for reals. That's why I ordered a pizza for 5:30.

Kirito: Wow. You're so prepared.

Klein: You know it. Besides, the game can wait until I get my pizza on.

Kirito: I guess.

Arno: You are so silly, Klein.

Klein: *gets up from the grass* Hey, I was gonna go meet up with some people I know from another game. I don't know what you and Arno are up to after all this, so, you know, if you guys want, you can friend them and hang with us.

Kirito hesitates for a bit.

Arno: I'll think about it, too.

Klein: No. It's cool if you don't want to. No pressure. I can always introduce you guys to 'em another time or something.

Kirito: Yeah, sorry. Thanks anyway.

Klein: No way. I should be doing all the thanking. Hey, one of these days, I promise *puts a hand on Kirito's shoulder* I'll pay you both back for all your help. Virtually, that is.

Kirito: Yeah, right.

Klein: Thanks for everything, guys, really. Guess I'll see you two around, then.

The trio shook hands with each other.

Kirito: If there's anything else you want to know, message us.

Klein: Sweet! I'll do that.

Arno and Kirito waved a Klein for him to try and log out for the duo to head back into town.

Klein: Huh? Where'd the logout button go?

Arno: What?

Kirito: It should be there.

Klein: Hmm. Nope, it's not there.

Kirito: It should be at the bottom of the main menu.

Kirito checks the UI to see if the logout was there, but it wasn't.

Klein: See? Not there.

Kirito: You're right. It's not.

Arno: You can't be serious, it should be there.

Kirito: It's not there.

Klein: Oh, well. Today's, what, the first day out of beta? There's bound to be some bugs. I bet the server people are freaking out right now.

Kirito: You will, too.

Klein: Huh?

Kirito: *points to the time in the HUD* Look. It's 5:25.

Klein: Aah! Oh, my god! My teriyaki mayo pizza and ginger ale!

Kirito: Why don't you just contact the game master?

Klein: Huh? Yeah, I did that, but nothing's happening. He's not picking up. Do you know if there's another way to log out of this thing?

Arno: Yeah, there has to be.

Kirito: Hmm. No. Whenever a player wants to log out of SAO, the only way they can do it is by going through the menu.

Arno: You've got to be kidding me.

Klein: That can't be right. There's got to be some other way out. Return! Log out! Escape!

Klein tries to do the commands, but nothing happens.

Kirito: Told you so. And there was no emergency log out in the manual either.

Klein: No way. You're kidding

Arno: I can't believe this.

Klein: I know, I'll just rip the NerveGear off my head. *tries to remove the NerveGear*

Kirito: Don't bother. Once you're hooked in, you can't move your body in the real world anymore. The NerveGear intercepts all the commands you give from inside the game, using an interface built into the rig.

Klein: Seriously? So, now we've gotta wait until someone gets around to fixing the bug?

Kirito: That or until someone from the real world comes along and takes the NerveGear off us. That's it.

Klein: Well, I live alone. What about you, Arno?

Arno: I live alone as well.

Klein: Kirito?

Kirito: I got a mom and a sister, and I'm pretty sure they'll notice by dinner time and com looking-

Klein runs up to Kirito and puts his hands on his shoulders acting all excited.

Klein: You got a sister? How old is she? What's she look like?

Arno: Seriously, Klein? Now?

Kirito: She's into sports and hates games, and she's totally not your type, man. She wouldn't date a gamer if he's the last guy-

Klein: Who cares? I want to-

Arno punches Klein in the stomach as he gets knocked down on the ground catching his breath and coughing.

Klein: Oh, right. Getting punched in the stomach doesn't hurt.

Kirito: Get serious. Don't you think this is weird?

Klein: Yeah, totally, but it's just a bug.

Kirito: This isn't just a bug. If we can't log out, it's gonna cause some serious problems for the game.

Klein: Yeah, I guess you're right.

Kirito: I wonder if the developers even know what's happening, 'cause they can just shut down the server and log everyone out, but why haven't they made an announcement?

Suddenly, the bell started to ring.

Arno: I think we're about to find out.

The bell continued to ring all over SAO. Arno, Kirito and Klein were then teleported to the plaza where every single player was teleported as well.

Arno: How did we get here so fast?

Kirito: Someone forced a teleport.

The bell then stopped for every player to have conversations on what was going on in SAO. Arno, Kirito and Klein looked up in the sky to see a red warning sign that kept blinking.

Kirito: Now what?

Suddenly, there were multiple red warning signs covering the entire sky of SAO, for the sky now to be in blood red. Then, blood started dripping from the signs and lightning on it.

Klein: What the hell is that thing?

Arno: You tell me.

It then stopped to reveal a robed covered figure floating in the sky with its hood up.

Arno: Is that the game master? It can't be.

Game Master: Attention, players. I welcome you into my world.

Kirito: What's he mean by that?

Akihiko: My name is Akihiko Kayaba, and as of this moment, I am in control of this world.

Kirito: *gasps*

Arno: What?

Akihiko: I'm sure most of you have already noticed an item missing from your main menus. The log out button. *pulls up the menu* Let me assure you, this is not a defect in the game. I repeat, this is not a defect. This is how "Sword Art Online" was designed to be.

Klein: He's kidding, right?

Arno: Does he look like he's kidding, Klein?

Akihiko: You cannot log yourselves out of SAO. And no one from outside will be able to shut down or remove the NerveGear from your head. If anyone attempts to do so, a transmitter inside the NerveGear will discharge a microwave signal into your skull, destroying your brain and ending your life.

Arno: Oh mon Dieu. (Oh my God)

Klein: *chuckles* Are you both listening to this crap? He's gotta be nuts, right? Right, Kirito?

Kirito: He's not. The transmitter signals in the headgear work just like microwaves. If the safety's disabled, it could fry your brain.

Arno: That's crazy.

Klein: Couldn't someone cut the or...

Kirito: That won't work. The NerveGear's got an internal battery.

Arno: An internal battery?

Klein: This is crazy! It's totally crazy!

Akihiko: Despite my warning, the families and friends of some of the players have attempted removing the NerveGear, an unfortunate decision, to say the least. As a result, the game now has 213 less players than when it began. They've been deleted from both Aincrad and the real world.

Kirito: 213?

Klein: No way. I don't believe it!

Arno: That can't be.

Akihiko: As you can see, international media outlets have 'round-the-clock coverage of everything, including the deaths.

Akihiko shows every media of the news about the incident of SAO.

Akihiko: At this point, it's safe to assume the likelihood of a NerveGear being removed is minimal, at best. I hope this brings you a little comfort as you try to clear the game.

Kirito: *gasps*

Akihiko: It's important to remember the following, there is no longer any way to revive someone within the game. If your HP drops to zero, your avatar will be deleted from the system forever. And the NerveGear will simultaneously destroy your brain.

Kirito: *gasps*

Arno: No... It can't be...

Akihiko: There's only one way for a player to escape now. You must clear the game. Right now, you're gathered on floor 1, the lowest level of Aincrad. If you can get through the dungeon and defeat the boss, you may advance to the next floor. Defeat the boss on floor 100, and you will clear the game.

Arno: I can't believe this.

Klein: We can't clear all 100 floors. That's freaking impossible. Even the beta testers never made it that high!

Akihiko: Last but not least, I've placed a little present in the item storage of every player. Please, have a look.

Arno opens the menu and opens the item storage and sees a mirror in the storage and equips it.

Arno: What am I supposed to do with this?

Arno looks at his reflection in the mirror. Then, a bright light shines at Arno for him to be blinded for a few seconds. After the light went away, Klein made sure that Kirito and Arno were okay.

Klein: You okay, Kirito, Arno?

Arno: Yeah. What was that?

Kirito: Yeah. Wait. Who are you?

Klein: I'm me, who are you?

Kirito looks back at his reflection and sees his real face and hair.

Klein&Kirito: Is that you, Klein/Kirito?

Arno: Hey, what the hell happened?

Arno then sees Klein and Kirito for the two of them to see Arno's face.

Kirito&Klein: Is that you, Arno?

Arno: What?

Arno still has the mirror and looks back at his reflection, but his face was different. Arno saw his real life face, height, eye color and hairstyle that was short.

Arno: What in God's name? How am I seeing my real face and all?!

Klein: How?

Kirito: The scan. There's a high-density signal device inside the NerveGear rig. It can see what my face looks like, but how's it know my height and body type?

Klein: When you first put the NerveGear on, it had you do this calibration thing. It asked you to touch your body all over like this, remember? *touches both of his arms*

Kirito: Oh, yeah. You're right. That's where it got our physical data.

Klein: But this is... What's the point. Why would anyone do this to us?

Arno: This is insane.

Kirito: *points at Akihiko* I think he's about to tell us.

Akihiko: Right now, you're probably wondering why. Why would Akihiko Kayaba, developer of "Sword Art Online" and NerveGear, do this? Ultimately, my goal was a simple one. The reason I created "Sword Art Online" was to control the fate of a world of my design.

Kirito: Kayaba.

Akihiko: As you can see, I have achieved my goal.

Kirito: *grunting* *clenching fist*

Akihiko: This marks the end of the tutorial and the official launch of "Sword Art Online." Players, I wish you the best of luck.

Akihiko then went away for the sky to be cleared a again for the sunset to show. Everyone was in shock and silence for a minute...

Arno: WE'RE FUCKED!!!!!

Everyone started to panic. As they were, the field disappeared, giving the trio time to escape.

Kirito: Come on, you two.

Kirito grabbed Klein's arm and pulled him to the exit as Arno followed. The trio were now in the alley way to prepare for their next move.

Kirito: Okay, listen, me and Arno are heading out right now to the next village. I want you to come.

Klein: Huh?

Kirito: If what he said is true, and I think it is, the only way we're gonna survive in here is by making ourselves as strong as possible. *Kirito looks at the map* In an MMORPG, the money you can earn, the XP, once the game starts up, there's only so much of that stuff to go around. Look. The fields around the Town of Beginnings are gonna be hunted clean soon. If we head to the next village now, we'll have an easier time collecting cash and points. Don't worry. I know all the paths and places we should avoid. Even if I'm level 1, I can get there easy.

Klein: Well, thanks, but you know those friends of mine I was talking about? We stood in line for a whole night to buy this, and *sighs* they're back at the plaza somewhere, and I can't leave 'em. Sorry.

Kirito: *gasps*

Klein: Can't ask two guys I just met to risk their lives for a bunch of strangers can't I? So don't worry about me. Get your asses to the next village. I'll be fine. *gives a thumbs up* Last game I played, I ran a guild so I'm more than prepared. And with all the stuff you both taught me, I'll get by, no sweat.

Kirito: Okay. If that's what you want, me and Arno will get going. But if you're in a jam, message one of us, okay?

Klein: Sure.

Kirito: We'll be seeing you, Klein. Take care.

Arno: Good luck out there.

As the duo were about to leave, Klein called out to them.

Klein: Kirito! Arno!

The duo stopped to listen to Klein.

Klein: I... Hey, Kirito, Arno. Uh... You two look better like this. *Arno and Kirito turned around* Way cooler than your avatars.

Kirito: *smirks* Yeah, and I think that scruffy fave fits you 10 times better too.

The duo jogged a few feet down the alley for Arno to see Kirito stopping to see Klein is already gone. Kirito then started to tear up a bit.

Arno: Hey, chin up.

Kirito: *looks at Arno*

Arno: *smiles* I'm sure he took that as a joke.

Kirito: I hope he did.

Arno: Come along, now. The next village awaits. *walks down the alley*

Kirito: Hey, Arno.

Arno: *stops to turn around to see Kirito* Hmm?

Kirito: Are you sure you want to come along with me? I don't want to be a burden to you, that's what I'm worried about.

Arno: *goes to Kirito and places his hand on his shoulder* Hey, you're not going to be a burden to me. Like I said before we met. Strength in numbers as they say.

Kirito: *looks at Arno*

Arno: On the other hand, you saved my life while I was being chased by two mad blacksmith brothers that were trying to take my watch again. So, I will be returning the favor.

Kirito: *smiles at Arno and chuckles* I guess you're right.

Arno: So, what do you say?

Kirito: Let's get going, as a duo.

Arno: *pats Kirito's shoulder* Très bien! (Alright) Let's get going, then! Last one there is a rotten egg! *starts running*

Kirito: *smiles* Hey! Wait up! *starts running to catch up to Arno*

Arno and Kirito went through the market and to the exit to run on the fields. A wolf and a boar both spawned as the duo drew their swords out and one of them took out the boar and the wolf at the same time using their sword skills.


Y/n: This is where our journey begins.

Arno and Kirito sheath their swords to keep running.

Y/n: We will survive.

The duo kept on running.

Y/n: We will complete SAO.




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