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Arno and Sinon are sitting together in a rocking chair as they enjoyed the view of the lake on the balcony of the house that they live in. Sinon fell asleep on Arno's shoulder, sleeping peacefully as he was slowly rocking the chair back and forth as he sees Sinon sleeping. It was a lovely day for the two couples to enjoy. But then, everything started to glitch and disoriented around Arno as it shows Y/n's real life form as he is now in SAO. Y/n looks around for Sinon as he calls out her name.

Y/n: Sinon?! Sinon!

Y/n couldn't see Sinon anywhere. Everything around was still glitching and everything was falling apart. As the glitching was still going, a dark cloud like fog appears in front of Y/n, a cloud of darkness. It released a horrifying screech as Y/n started to run the house as it was chasing after him as well. Y/n made it to the front door of the house to open it, but it was locked. He tries to bash open the door with his shoulder, but it was no use. Y/n turns around for the darkness to catch up to him as it went straight at Y/n as he screamed in horror.


Y/n jolts awake as he gasps for air, breathing shakily as his heart is beating. He realized that it was all a nightmare. Y/n controls his breathing as he finally calms down. He gets out of bed to check the clock, it is now 7:15 AM as he goes to the restroom to turn on the lights that were green in the room, for Y/n to look at the mirror to see his reflection.

Y/n: *long sigh* I look like hell.

Y/n turns on the water for him to fill both of his hands of water and splash his face. He turns off the water to dry his face with the towel and fix his hair to be in a normal style. Y/n exits the restroom and goes to his nightstand and opens the drawer and picks up his pocket watch to open it. He calms down to see the time on the watch, for it to still be broken as it kept Y/n calm. Y/n closes the watch and puts it down on the nightstand for now and goes to get ready for the day.

January 2025

It has been two months since the death game of SAO, as people were calling it now. Most people haven't woken up from the NerveGear yet. Akihiko Kayaba is the reason why they are trapped, but now he's missing and no one has ever heard what happened to him. Y/n managed to recover from the hospital after two months in rehab. A person from an agency that wanted to investigate what happened. Y/n told them everything that happened inside the game, but he didn't tell him that he was the Assassin of Sword Art Online. In return, they told him where to find Kirito's place to send his condolences to one of his family members or siblings. Y/n is seen driving in his car to location he knows where to go.

Driving down the road, he arrives at the estate to see what the place looks like.

Y/n goes to the parking spot and parks his car and takes off his seatbelt and exit his car to close the door. He is wearing his outfit that was perfect for the winter as he left the house. He walked to the estate and goes to the front door. He then rings the door bell to wait for someone to answer it. Y/n then hears the door opening to see a girl with a towel around her neck and a robe on.

Girl: Uh, hello. Who are you?

Y/n: Hi. I was wondering if this is where Kirito lives?

Girl: You mean Kazuto? Yeah, he lives here.

Y/n: My name is Y/n, my game name is Arno from SAO. I came here to give you my condolences about Kazuto's death. I'm really sorry for what happened to him.

Girl: Kazuto's death?

Y/n: Yes...

Girl: He's not dead. He was here for two months when he got out of rehab.

Y/n is confused of what the girl is saying.

Y/n: But, I saw that he died in SAO, when he was fight Heathcliff.

Girl: *sighs* Look, I'll show you that Kazuto didn't die. You can come inside if you want, it's pretty chilly out there.

The girl walks away from the door for Y/n to enter the house to close the door behind him.

Girl: Kazuto! You have a friend who wants to see you!

As soon as the girl called out Kazuto's name, Y/n can hear footsteps coming down the stairs and made it down for him to see Kazuto or Kirito himself, alive.

Kazuto: I'm here Suguha. What is it?

Suguha: You have a friend here who wants to see you. He thinks you actually died.

Kzuto turns to look at Y/n to see that he has a face of shock. He hardly recognized him from the long hair and facial that he has with him.

Kazuto: Arno?

Y/n: Kirito...?

They two boys looked at each other for a second as Kazuto walked to Y/n and smiles.

Kazuto: My god, you're actually here.

Y/n then started to pat Kazuto's shoulders and arms for him to put his hands on his cheeks to pinch them a bit.

Kazuto: Ow! *moves Y/n's hands away and laughs* What are you doing?

Y/n: Sorry. I just... I thought I was seeing a ghost, but... You're actually real, Kirito... I... I can't believe that you're actually alive...

Y/n then hugs Kazuto to pat his back for Kazuto to do the same as Y/n started crying in happiness.

Suguha: Uh, is your friend always like this?

Kazuto: Well, not always. He thought I was dead after SAO.

Suguha: No wonder why he's being a crybaby sometimes. *smiles*

Y/n let's go of Kazuto from the hug and wipes his tears.

Y/n: Sorry. I didn't know I'd get that emotional.

Kazuto: Eh, no worries. It's been like two months since we were in hospitals. How did you find my address and know where I live.

Y/n: An agency group wanted me to tell them from what happened in SAO. I told them everything and in return, they gave me your address and location where you live.

Kazuto: You met the same people I met.

Y/n: You did?

Kazuto: Yeah. I guess we were lucky to meet the same people to tell them everything that happened in SAO.

Y/n: You look like you're about to go somewhere.

Kazuto: I am. I'm going to see Asuna in the hospital, one of the Agents told me where she is.

Y/n: I'm heading there as well, to see Shino.

Kazuto: What a coincidence. Well, I'll meet you there.

Y/n: Actually, I can give you a ride there.

Kazuto: You have your own ride?

Y/n: Yeah, it's just parked outside the estate. I can give you a ride to the hospital.

Kazuto: Oh, sweet!

The two duos exit the house for Suguha to watch as they leave. Kazuto and Y/n went outside for Kazuto to see Y/n's car that was parked.

Kazuto: Whoa! No way, you have a fancy car?!

Y/n: Yep.

Kazuto goes to Y/n's car and sees the whole vehicle in awe.

Kazuto: This is awesome! What kinda car is this?

Y/n: 1981 porsche 911.

A/n: That's the actual name of the car.

Kazuto: 1981?! I didn't know you were a classic person.

Y/n: I sure am. *gets in the driver seat* Alright, hop in. We'll be heading out.

Kazuto enters the car as Y/n puts on his seatbelt for Kazuto to do the same. Y/n starts the engine as he drives off on the road to go to the hospital to visit both of their girlfriends.

As Y/n is driving, Kazuto started to speak to him.

Kazuto: Hey, I have to ask, why is the driver seat on the left side?

Y/n: Because, my friend, this car is from America.

Kazuto: America?!

Y/n: Yep. I had to pay almost a fortune to some smugglers to get this thing and made sure no one said anything about it.

Kazuto: Isn't that illegal?

Y/n: Don't worry, I made some arrangements to the authorities. They kept their word and said nothing about the smuggling part about this. So, I'm okay.

Kazuto: Man, you sure are something, Arno.

Y/n: I know I am, Kirito.

The two boys laughed together as they were enjoying the ride to the hospital.


Y/n and Kazuto were at the hospital entrance for Y/n go on the driveway to wave at the guard for him to wave back at them to let them enter. Y/n parked his car and they managed to enter the hospital and are waiting in the elevator to have ID straps on them. As they made it to floor 12, they exited the elevator for them to go separate ways to visit their girlfriends. Shino Asada was next door to Asuna Yuuki.

Y/n: I'll bring Shino to see Asuna, if that's okay with you.

Kazuto: *smiles and nods* Yeah, I think Asuna will like that.

Y/n then swiped his card and opens the door and enters the room where Shino is for him to close the door behind him. He then opens the curtains to see his love in the hospital bed, looking out the window with her glasses on. Shino then heard the curtains being opened and she sees Y/n, smiling to see that he is here with her.

Shino: Hi, Y/n.

Y/n: Hi, Shino. It's good to see you again. How are you holding up?

Shino: I'm doing alright. I'm gonna be discharged from the hospital today. After two months in rehab, I can finally get out of this place.

Y/n: That's great to hear.

Y/n pulls up a chair and sits down next to Shino. He then holds Shino's hand for her to feel the warmth of Y/n's.

Y/n: I really thought you were actually dead.

Shino: I'm still alive, aren't I?

Y/n: Hey, you stole my line.

Shino: That's pay back for you doing that stunt off of the tower in SAO.

Y/n: *chuckles* Okay, you got me there.

The two couples shared a laugh together as they stayed in the moment for a bit.

Y/n: Are you able to walk?

Shino: I am, why?

Y/n: I have a friend nextdoor to where you are. His name is Kazuto Kirigaya. He's with Asuna Yuuki right now and I was wondering if you can meet her.

Shino: That would be great.

Shino agrees to Y/n's offer for her to get out of the hospital bed for Y/n to help her. She then managed to get out of the bed without limping and falling on the ground, after she was in rehab, she managed to get back her balance. The two couples exit the room to go to the room next door. They entered as they saw Kazuto holding Asuna's hand. Kazuto let's go of her hand for him to see Y/n and Shino.

Kazuto: Hey.

Y/n: You holding up okay?

Kazuto: Yeah.

Y/n: Well, allow me to introduce you to my girlfriend. Kazuto, this Shino Asada. Shino, this is Kazuto Kirigaya, my best friend.

Shino: Hi, there.

Kazuto: It's good to finally meet you, Shino.

Shino: Same here, Kazuto.

The three look at Asuna while she is still in a coma.

Y/n: Asuna... I hope you will wake up soon, to see Kazuto.

Shino holds Y/n's hand for him to hold her hand as well. The three heard someone coming inside the room for it to be Asuna's father.

Shouzou: Kazuto. Shino. Y/n. Sorry, I didn't know you three were here. Thank you for coming.

Kazuto: Hello, Mr. Yuuki. I hope it's okay that we're here.

Shouzou: Please. You three can visit whenever you like. I know it makes her happy.

Shouzou walks next to Asuna's bed as he puts down the bouquet of flowers on the table. Someone else walks in as they reveal themselves.

Man: Sir.

Shouzou: Oh. I don't think the four of you have ever met. This is Sugou. He's our company's director of R&D.

Sugou: I'm Nobuyuki Sugou. It's a pleasure.

A/n: *trying to control anger* It's okay, Ryan. It's okay. Take your pills. Do it for the views.

Y/n: I'm Y/n L/n.

Shino: I'm... Shino Asada.

Kazuto: And I'm Kazuto Kirigaya.

Sugou: *gasps* You're THE Kirito? *grabs Kazuto's hand and shakes it* You're a hero. It's an honor! *let's go* *to Y/n* And you must be Arno. It's also a pleasure, you're a hero as well alongside Kirito.

Sugou tries to shake Y/n's hand, but he moves his hand away from Sugou.

Y/n: We just met, so don't think we're friends just yet.

Sugou: Uh, understandable. *to Shino* And you must be his girlfriend, Sinon, right?

Shino: Uh, yeah.

Sugou: It's a pleasure to meet you as well.

Sugou tries to shake Shino's hand too for Y/n to stop Sugou for him to move his hand away from Shino and gave him a look.

Sugou: Right, right.

Shouzou: Oh. I-I'm sorry. I know we're not supposed to talk about what happened inside the SAO server. But he's my partner's son, so it's fine. Besides, I've always thought of him as part of my family.

Sugou: *chuckles*

A/n *inhales heavily and screams into a pillow to contain his screams on his bed*

Sugou: Uh, actually, sir... Speaking of family... If I may, I'd like to make it official as soon as possible.

Shouzou: This is sudden. Are you sure this is really what you want? I mean, you're still young. You have your whole life ahead of you.

Sugou: Thank you for your concern, but my heart's set on it. *fixes glasses* It sounds strange, but even though she's like this, she's still beautiful. I'd like to see her in that wedding dress.

Kazuto gasps slightly and breathes shakily for Y/n and Shino to notice as they don't know what's going on.

Shouzou: You have a point. The sooner we prepare ourselves for the inevitable, the better.

Shouzou sees the time near Asuna's bed.

Shouzou: Sorry to cut the conversation short. I have a meeting to get to. We can talk more about this later. Kazuto, Y/n, Shino, take care.

Shouzou exits the room to leave Kazuto, Y/n and Shino with Sugou. He then walks around Asuna's bed to be suspiciously next to her.

Sugou: *to Kazuto* I heard you and Asuna were lovers in the game. Is that true?

Kazuto: Uh-huh.

Sugou: That is unfortunate. It's going to make for one complicated relationship between you and I.

Sugou grabs one of Asuna's hairlines and sniffs it like the creep he is.

Y/n: Hey, what the hell are you doing?!

Sugou stops for what he was doing to Asuna's hair and looks at Kazuto.

Sugou: In case you're curious, her father and I were discussing her marriage, to me.

Kazuto gasps as so did Y/n and Shino when they saw Sugou lick his lips for Y/n to be disgusted for what he saw.

Kazuto: *clenches fists* No way. You can't do that.

Sugou: You have a point. It's true. *sits down next to Asuna on bed* We can't legally marry. But the Yuuki family adopts me, it'll be as if we are, paper, that is. Just like we're married. The truth is, she's always hated me, ever since we were kids. Neither of my parents nor hers know that. If I proposed and she could speak, I'm pretty sure her answer would be "no". *chuckles* For me, this situation is... Very favorable.

Sugou traces his finger on Asuna's mouth for Kazuto about to stop him, but Y/n steps in and grabs Sugou's arm roughly to bring it away from Asuna.

Y/n: Get your filthy hands away from her, you damn creep!

Sugou tries to get free, but Y/n throws his arm away for Kazuto to speak.

Kazuto: Who do you think you are? You can't take advantage of Asuna like this.

Sugou gave the trio a smirk.

Sugou: "Take advantage"? Oh, please. If anything, I have a right to her.


Kazuto goes next Y/n to back him up.

Sugou: Perhaps I should explain why. Any idea what happened to Argus? They're the company that developed SAO.

Kazuto: I heard they closed it down.

Sugou: Very good. The lawsuits and damages they had to pay to their toll. The company was forced into bankruptcy. But the maintenance of the SAO servers was given to another company, an electronics manufacturer, where Asuna's father, Shouzou Yuuki, is the CEO, RCT Progress.

Kazuto: *gasps*

Sugou: And I work for the company's full-dive technology R&D Division. *gets up* In other words, and without getting into specifics, you could say, I'm the one keeping Asuna alive.

Kazuto: *gasps*

Y/n: *grits teeth*

Sugou: Now I ask you three, is it both wrong for me to expect a little compensation for my trouble? *walks away from the duo* I don't know what kind of promises you made to each other in the game, and I don't really care. But I don't ever want to see you here again. Understood? And from now on, stay away from the Yuuki family.

Sugou walks away around the bed front.

Sugou: We're having the ceremony here on January 26th, a week from now. Save the date. Even though you're not welcome here anymore, you should come to the wedding. No need to thank me.

Sugou stops and smiles.

Sugou: Well, Mr. Hero, Mr. Assassin and Mrs. Archer, you've got the room all to yourselves now. Say goodbye and get out.

As Sugou was about to exit the room, Y/n grabs Sugou from behind and throws him near the wall, and pins him.

Y/n: You goddamn creep, you stay the hell away from Asuna! She doesn't belong to you, she belongs to Kazuto! Not you! You hear me?!

Sugou: Get your damn hands off me!

Sugou then shoves Y/n away for him to adjust his suit and tie and fix his glasses.

Sugou: You have no idea who you just messed with, boy. One day, you will pay for what you did to me.

Y/n: Oh, I'm counting on it. I'll be ready for what you will throw at me, you son of a bitch. I'll make sure your death is painful.

Sugou: *chuckles* We'll see about that.

Sugou exits the room to leave the trio in the room for Kazuto to be silent. Shino holds Y/n's for him to hold onto her hand as well.


After Shino was discharged from the hospital, Y/n bought her some clothes for the cold that was outside. They were at a empty playground where Shino was sitting on a swing as Y/n was kicking a metal pole with his boot, out of anger.

Y/n: That bastard! *kicks pole* He thinks Asuna belongs to him! *kicks pole again* No! She belongs to Kazuto! *kicks pole as he speaks* Fuck. You!

Y/n kicks the pole one more time as he finished for Shino watch him release his anger.

Shino: Take it easy, will ya? You're gonna damage the pole too much if you keep kicking it.

Y/n goes to the empty swing next to Shino and sits on it with a frustrated sigh.

Y/n: I can't let this happen to her... We can't let this happen to her. If Sugou tries to marry Asuna, then there's nothing else for Kazuto to live for. He'll be alone for the rest of his life! I don't give a damn if that asshole thinks he can just take her like that. *swings back and forth* I care about Kazuto and Asuna at the same time. We met each other in SAO in the first place, we fought together, survived together, we went through hell together and to get out of that godforsaken game together! Argh! *stops swinging* I swear, I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch when I see him again. I'll be ready when the time comes.

Shino: And you think that would solve anything?

Y/n: *looks at Shino* It'll solve a lot of things! It will mean that psychopath would not hurt or harm any of my friends again. He'll be gone for a long time and my friends will be safe. Kazuto will be happy with Asuna forever and no more of those stupid forceful marriage shit! *looks away* They'll get married one day, that's for sure. I know it. I know they will. Argh! This pisses me off so much now!

Shino watches as Y/n let's out his anger as he starts calming down from his outburst and fixes his hair.

Y/n: *calm sigh* I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you.

Shino: It's okay. I know how you feel.

Y/n: I'm just losing myself to the anger I had now. I just want them to be together forever. To live a happy life with Yui as well.

Shino keeps listening to Y/n's words as she is worried about him and he's also worried about Kazuto. She gets up and goes to him and hugs Y/n.

Shino: I know things are bad right now, but it will be okay. We'll find a way to get Asuna back, for Kazuto's sake.

Y/n hugs Shino back from the words he heard from her.

Y/n: Thank you, Shino.


It was now morning, inside Y/n's house, Shino stayed in for the night with Y/n as he agreed to let her. Y/n wakes up first as he sits up on his bed to fix his hair. He gets up to go to his desk where his laptop is and turns it on to log in with his password to open his home page. He then gets a text from his friend, Agil or Andrew. Y/n looks at the text that says "Look at this!"

Y/n scrolls down to see an image of something and click on the picture with his mouse. He gasps as he sees the picture.

The picture that Agil sent him is Asuna in a cage, he doesn't where, but he knows it's Asuna.

Y/n: Asuna...

Shino then slowly wakes up on Y/n's bed and yawns. She then noticed Y/n was sitting on his chair looking at the laptop he as she adjusted her eyes.

Shino: Y/n, what are you looking at?

Y/n: Shino, come here. You have to see what I'm seeing.

Shino gets her glasses and puts them on and gets out of Y/n's bed for to go to the desk and sees what Y/n is looking at. She gasps to see the picture of Asuna like she is an elf.

Shino: Is that... Asuna?

Y/n: It sure is.

The two couples looked at the picture of Asuna, knowing that she's somewhere in a game, but don't know where. They will find a way to get her back for Kazuto's sake.


Bonus: Silly skit I came up with:

A/n: This dude had the nerve to... *calms down* Save it the for call, save it the for the call.

In Sugou's place, he gets a call on his phone to answer it.

Sugou: Hello?

A/n: Hello, Sugou?

Sugou: Who is this?

A/n: Oh, yeah, I'm coming for ya. Ya better watch your backmeat.

A/n hangs up on Sugou's side.

Sugou: Watch my backmeat, what the--

Sugou then sees A/n in his hallway for him to have a creepy smile for the light to turn off in his hallway. Sugou was now terrified as she heard a loud scream to see A/n pouncing to him out of the dark as Sugou screams in horror.

End of skit

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