Through Hell until The End of the World (Aincrad Arc Finale)

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November 7, 2024

Floor 22

Inside the house where Arno and Sinon are in, they are sitting on the couch, spending time to themselves on their own terms. The moment was interrupted when he sees a message from Kirito popping up on the menu. Arno pressed the message symbol to see the message.

Kirito: "Me and Asuna are heading to the dungeon on floor 75 with Heathcliff and the assault team at Collinia Gate Plaza. I was wondering if you and Sinon can tag along with us. Strength in numbers, like you said, right?"

Arno: Can't argue with that.

Sinon: What is it?

Arno: Kirito and Asuna are going with the assault team to go to a dungeon on floor 75. I guess it wouldn't hurt if we joined up with them.

Sinon: Yeah, I guess it wouldn't.

Sinon and Arno get up from the couch to change into their combat outfits.

The couples exit the house to head on over to the teleporter. Sinon stops behind Arno for him to notice her not following him. He turned around to see her, a bit worried about the raid.

Arno: What's wrong?

Sinon: Nothing... It's just... *puts hand on her left arm* I'm worried that we might not be able to beat this game. Even after we spent time together. So, I'm not sure if we even need to keep going --

Arno: Sinon.

Sinon looks at Arno that he interrupted her sentence. He goes to Sinon and places hand on her right shoulder.

Arno: You don't have to worry too much. Because we're so close to finishing this game. And after we finish this, we will be able to get back to the real world and meet up with each other. So, please, don't worry, I will be right by your side, no matter where we go. We'll be together until the end.

Sinon smiles at Arno after what he had said to her. His words were so kind to her that it made her feel better.

Sinon: Thank you, Arno.

Arno: You're welcome, Sinon.

Sinon hugs Arno for him to hug her back. They stayed in the hug for a bit and they let go.

Arno: Alright. You ready to go?

Sinon: I'm ready.

Arno: Let's get going then.

The two couples stepped on the teleporter platform to get ready to teleport. They then spoke at the teleporter at the same time.

Arno and Sinon: Teleport: Collinia Gate Plaza.

The teleporter lights at as they both teleport to the destination.

Floor 75: Collina Teleport Gate Plaza

Arno and Sinon arrived at the plaza as they saw everyone joining the assault team. They step off the platform of the teleporter as they see Kirito, Asuna, Klein and Agil. They both walked up to the group as they noticed them.

Kirito: Here they are.

Klein: Hey, Arno! Sinon! Kirito told me a lot about you two, he told Agil, too

Agil: Well, most of it.

Klein: What?! Arno and Sinon! They're like the most badass couples in the game!

Agil: Okay, if you think they're so badass, what do you call them then.

Klein thinks of a name for Arno and Sinon.

Klein: I got it! The Assassin and The Archer! What do you think?

Arno: I think it's a good name.

Sinon: I agree.

Arno: Now for my name to call you.

Klein: Let's hear it.

Arno: Your name should be BallsDeep69.

Arno and Sinon laughed as well as Kirito, Asuna and Agil.

Klein: Whoa, what the hell?! That's a weird name!

Arno goes up to Klein and pats him on his shoulder.

Arno: Relax, my friend. I'm just messing with you.

Klein: *chuckles* Okay, you got me.

The laughter stopped as the teleporter was lighting up. Heathcliff and the rest of his squad approached the corridor entrance to raise a crystal he has.

Heathcliff: Corridor... Open.

The crystal glows as the corridor glows as well for the crystal for a portal to appear as Heathcliff turns around.

Heathcliff: Well, here we go.

Heathcliff walks into the portal and so did the others. Everyone gathered with their own parties to get everything ready for the boss battle that they are about to face in the dungeon. They all gathered up at the door for Heathcliff to speak.

Heathcliff: Everyone ready? The Knights of the Blood Oath will be out in front, distracting the boss and blocking its attacks. In the meantime, the rest of you have to stay sharp and try to figure out its attack patterns. I won't lie. This battle will be hard. But I have faith that we can and will prevail. FOR OUR DAY OF LIBERATION!

The players cheered after Heathcliff's speech. Sinon's hand was shaking as she was nervous. Arno holds Sinon's hand for her to look at Arno.

Arno: It's okay. I'll be with you during this battle.

Sinon smiles and nods at Arno.

Heathcliff goes to the door and pushes it to slowly open. Everyone in the group draws their weapons of choice for Arno to draw his regular sword and for Sinon to equip her bow.

Kirito: Don't die, guys.

Klein: *chuckles* Same to you, buddy.

Agil: I'm gonna make a fortune off today's drops. No way am I missin' out on that!

Arno: We're all in this together.

Sinon: We all got each other's backs.

The doors to the boss room is now fully open.

Heathcliff: Forward to battle!

All the players charged into the boss room as it was a dark area. They all spread out for the door to close behind them. They all look around the room to see where the boss is.

Soldier 1: Nothing's happening. Where is it?

Everyone stayed quiet for a moment. Arno heard rustling noises above him as he looks up at the ceiling.

Arno: The ceiling!

Everyone looks up to see where Arno sees.

The players were now trembling in fear as they saw the boss.

Klein: It's the skull...

Kirito: Reaper!

Heathcliff: Stay away from it! Spread out!

The Skull Reaper started to get down from the ceiling as Arno sees Sinon's fear as she is still looking at the boss.

Arno: *grabs Sinon's hand* Sinon, move!

Sinon felt Arno's hand as she snapped out of it for the rest of the group on Arno's side to fall back. They all looked at the two players still looking at the Skull Reaper.

Kirito: This way!

The two players turned around to see Kirito and the others behind them.

Kirito: Hurry! Run!

The players turned around and ran to Kirito and the others for the Skull Reaper to land on the ground for the area to light up in red. The Skull Reaper swings one of its scythes at the two players for them to fly in the air. The group tried to catch the two players, but they shattered into crystals as they were both shocked except for Arno.

Klein: That was one hit!

Agil: Man, we are so dead!

Arno: Don't say that! That's your fear controlling you! Snap out of it and fight!

The group sees the Skull Reaper now on the ground as the area lit up.

Arno: Get ready!

The Skull Reaper charges at one of the players as for it to hit them, but Heathcliff blocks the Reaper's attack for it to move quickly and hits the player to shatter into crystals. The Skull Reaper moves again.

Agil: We can't even get in close enough to hit the damn thing!

Kirito charges in as the Skull Reaper tries to attack another player.

Kirito: Look out!

Kirito managed to block the Reaper's attack as it managed to damage him for a bit as it was too strong. Heathcliff managed to save Kirito by blocking the second attack and for Asuna to strike the Reaper.

Asuna: If we block it together, we'll have a chance. *picks up Kirito* Come on, we can do this.

Kirito: Okay.

The Skull Reaper moves in again to strike the group for Heathcliff to block it with his shield.

Kirito: Me and Asuna will deal with the scythes! Everyone else, flank it and attack!

Agil: You heard the man!

Soldier 2: Okay!

Everyone else charges at the Skull Reaper to do some damage to the sides. Arno and Sinon were left behind for a bit for him to talk to Sinon.

Arno: Sinon, stay here where it's safe. You shoot your arrows at the Skull Reaper while I go in and help the others.

Sinon: Are you sure?

Arno: I'm positive.

Sinon sees the battle happening as Agil loses players on his side. Sinon looks back at Arno and nods.

Sinon: Okay. I'll do my best from here.

Arno: Alright. I'll come back to you.

Arno goes and charges at the Skull Reaper to use his sword skill to charge it up and stabs the Reaper on the side for it to roar in pain. Arno sees the Reaper about to strike him to roll out of the way as he cartwheels to the other side for him to strike the Reaper multiple times and activates his sword skill to do a heavy attack on it. Arno sees the HP bars on the Reaper that it only did a small amount of damage.

Arno: It's going to take a while to kill this thing.

Arno sees another strike coming from the Reaper as he does a backflip and cartwheels to Asuna and Kirito.

Asuna: Ready Kirito, Arno?

Kirito: Yeah!

Arno: I'm ready!

The group goes in to do a few more damage to the Skull Reaper for Klein to go under it to strike it at the bone for Agil to slam his axe down at the Reaper as well for Kirito and Asuna to strike it as well for Arno to jump high as he stabs the Reaper in the forehead.

An arrow was fired at the head of the Reaper as well for it to see Sinon. The Skull Reaper goes to Sinon to attack her.

Arno: Sinon!

Sinon sees the Skull Reaper about to attack for her to move and roll out of the way for her to run and fire her arrows at the same time at the Skull Reaper. Arno charges at the Skull Reaper and jumps on its back, using his sword skill to charge up his sword and stabs it on the back for it to roar in pain. The Skull Reaper shakes Arno off for him to hit the ground as he gets back up.

Arno sees Sinon still running as she was still firing her arrows at the Skull Reaper.

Arno: Okay, that does it!

Arno opens the menu quickly and equips the sword of Eden to put away his regular sword in his inventory to charge into battle to save Sinon. Arno does a war cry and slashes the Skull Reaper multiple times to damage it, almost dead.

Heathcliff: Everyone! Help the Assassin!

The players, Kirito, Asuna, Klein, Agil and Sinon charged in as they assisted Arno. They use their sword skills for Arno to attack at maximum speed and teleport around the Skull Reaper multiple times. The sword of Eden glows as for Arno to use everything he's got on the Reaper. Arno screams at the top of his lungs and stabs the Reaper in the head as it was screeching in pain. Arno gave all the power he's got on the sword to take it out and released a powerful slash to cut  the Skull Reaper's head off, breaking the sword in the process.

The Skull Reaper's head rolled on the ground next to the players that survived the attack shattered into crystals as well as the body. Arno lands in front of the players as the sword of Eden shattered into crystals, knowing that it is finished helping Arno fighting in the battle. The players saw the sign 'Congratulations' behind Arno as they cheered for him, after what he did for them to support him in their victory.

Kirito sees Arno's watch the fell out of his pocket to go to Arno.

Kirito: Hey.

Arno sees Kirito.

Kirito: You dropped this.

Kirito tosses Arno's watch as he catches it to put it in his pocket.

Arno: Thanks.

Kirito nods his head at Arno as a sign of 'you're welcome'


After the celebration, everyone was on the floor, exhausted from the boss battle. Arno and Sinon were sitting next to each other, after the battle that they had won.

Klein: How many did we lose?

Kirito checks the menu to see how many players have died during the boss battle.

Kirito: 14 of us died.

Arno and Sinon look at each other in shock.

Agil: *gasps* Oh, my god.

Everyone gasps.

Klein: And we still got 25 floors to go.

Agil: 25 more floors? How the hell are we even gonna make it that far?

Arno: 25...? You gotta be kidding me...

Kirito looks around as his eyes landed on Heathcliff. He looked at his health bar to see it was still green, while the others were yellow and some were on red. Kirito picks up his Elucidator and slowly stands up for Asuna to notice.

Asuna: What's wrong?

Kirito dashes at Heathcliff to thrust his sword at him to try and damage him. An 'Immortal Object' sign appears on Heathcliff for Kirito's eyes widen as he steps back.

Asuna: Kirito, what are you--

Asuna sees the sign next to Heathcliff as well.

Asuna: An immortal object?

Arno: That can't be...

Sinon: What...?

Asuna: Commander Heathcliff, wh-what's going on?

Kirito: I think I got the answer to that.

Arno and Sinon stand up from their spots to listen to Kirito for what he is about to say.

Kirito: The reason why the commander's HP never hits yellow is 'cause he's protected by the system.

Everyone gasp in shock from what they heard from Kirito.

Arno: That's impossible...

Kirito: You know, ever since day one, something's always bugged me about this whole thing. I was always wondering, "where is he hiding while he watches us and controls everything in this world?" Well, the answer's pretty simple. It's basic psychology. In fact, it's so simple, every kid knows it. There's nothing more boring than watching someone else play an RPG. Is there... Akihiko Kayaba?

Everyone gasps from what they heard just now, Heathcliff is the person who created Sword Art Online, Akihiko Kayaba.

Akihiko: Just for my curiosity's sake, would you mind telling me how you figured it out?

Kirito: The first time I knew something was up, during our duel. Remember when you turned the tables on me? That move was way too fast.

Akihiko: *nods and smirks* Yes, I thought so. It was a mistake to think that would go unnoticed by you. But you were so strong and so fast, the only choice I had was to engage the system's assist mode.

People gasp as they hear from what Akihiko said as he looks around at the players.

Akihiko: Yes, I am Akihiko Kayaba. And now that my identity's been revealed, it should come as no surprise at all that I am the final boss on the top floor.

People gasp again from what Akihiko said. Asuna holds Kirito's arm, being close to him.

Kirito: So, the strongest player in the whole game ends up being the final boss. Kinda cliche, isn't it?

Akihiko: Actually, I kind of like that angle. One thing's for sure, I always thought you'd be the one standing before me at the very end. You know, dual-wielding is a rare skill, the kind that's only given to the player with the fastest reaction time. He is the hero of this story, the one who rises up to challenge the demon king. But you, the power you've displayed exceeded my expectations. I guess these unexpected twists and turns are what makes MMORPGs so thrilling to play.

A soldier from the Knights of the Blood Oath tried to attack Akihiko, but he used a paralysis on the soldier to bring him down on the floor.

Kirito: Paralysis?

Akihiko uses the paralysis on everyone, including Arno and Sinon falling on the floor, except Kirito.

Arno: What...? Damn it...!

Sinon: I can't move...

Kirito: What's the plan now, huh? You gonna kill everyone here and cover it up or something?

Akihiko: Oh, god, no. That wouldn't be sporting of me, now, would it? No, I have a better idea. I'm going to head for the top floor and wait for all of you there. I'll be inside the Ruby Palace. It's a shame I have to leave you all so soon. I've spent lots of time developing the Knights of the Blood Oath and other elite players. Oh, well. *chuckles* You're all strong, so I'm sure you'll reach me, eventually.

Arno: Damn you, Akihiko!

Akihiko looks at Arno.

Akihiko: And let's not forget about you, Arno. I've been watching you ever since you joined your "Brotherhood of Assassins". Or should I say when you became "the Assassin of Sword Art Online." I tried to make a peace offering to your Brotherhood.

Arno's eyes widened in shock as he heard from Akihiko. He was the one who was trying to make peace with the Assassins.

Arno: It was you... You were the one trying to make peace with the Assassins! You made me kill Bellec!

Akihiko: No. You killed him yourself. Now, before I go... *slams shield on the ground* Kirito, I feel you deserve some kind of reward for discovering my identity, so... I'll give you a chance.

Kirito: Chance for what?

Akihiko: To fight me one-on-one, right here right now. Oh, and my immortality will be deactivated. Defeat me and you clear the game, and all of the players will be able to log out from this world. No strings attached. What do you say?

Kirito: *gasps*

Asuna: Don't do it, Kirito. I don't like it. We should fall back.

Kirito pauses as he is breathing shakily. Remembering what happened on his side when was going solo, in SAO and making friends with Arno and Klein for the first time. He then speaks to Asuna.

Kirito: I have to.

Asuna: *gasps*

Kirito: Okay, then. Let's finish it.

Asuna: Kirito!

Kirito: I'm sorry. I can't run away if it means ending this.

Asuna: You better not die. You hear me?

Kirito: No. I'm gonna win. I promise I'm gonna end this world.

Asuna: Okay. I believe in you, Kirito.

Kirito sets Asuna down as he gets up and draws his two swords. Arno and the others saw Kirito was about to face Akihiko.

Agil: Kirito! Don't!

Klein: Kirito!

Arno: Kirito! You can't!

Sinon: Kirito!

Kirito stops in front of Akihiko.

Kirito: Agil. Thanks for supporting all the players in the game since day one. *turns around* Yeah, I knew. You act like you're all about the money, but I know you spent every penny you had on helping the intermediate players level up.

Agil stays silent.

Kirito: *to Klein* Klein. I'm sorry me and Arno bailed on you that day. I think about it all the time.

Klein: *crying* D-Damn it, Kirito! Don't you apologize! Don't you dare apologize now! I won't accept it! I'll never accept it until we're on the other side and you're buying me dinner, goddamn it!

Kirito: You got it. See ya on the other side.

Klein continues to let out his tears as he looks at Sinon.

Kirito: Sinon. Thank you for keeping Arno company, when he was all alone that day. You two deserve each other, more than anyone.

Sinon started to cry as she heard what Kirito said to her and looks at Arno.

Kirito: Arno... I'm sorry the way I treated you that day. When you were framed about you killing your own guild. I was wrong. You would never do that to them. You're the innocent one, and you're the Assassin of Sword Art Online. Don't forget that.

Arno: *crying* Damn it, Kirito! Why didn't you say that before?! Why didn't you?! I would have forgiven you that day when I escaped the prison! Why now?!

Kirito: Sorry if it was way too soon, but I know you will forgive me when this is over.

Kirito turns back to look at Akihiko.

Kirito: If it's okay, I have a final request to make.

Akihiko: What is it?

Kirito: I'm not planning on going down easy. So if I die today... I want your word that you'll fix it so Asuna doesn't kill herself.

Akihiko was surprised to hear what Kirito said, but he closes his eyes and smiles.

Akihiko: As you wish.


(Watch the video until 3:15)

Arno's eyes widened as he saw what happened to Asuna... Now he sees him with Akihiko's sword piercing through him. He pulled his sword out of Kirito as he falls down on the ground and shattered into diamonds, leaving Arno shocked.

Arno: ...KIRITO!!!!!

Arno's voice was heard throughout the room. As he tries to get free, the paralysis was still active on everyone. Arno tries to get free from the paralysis like Asuna.

Arno: Sinon, try to get free from the paralysis.

Sinon: But we can't do that.

Arno: You saw how Asuna did it. If she did it, so can we. Just try.

Sinon: Okay.

Arno and Sinon were trying to get free from the paralysis. Sinon gets her arms and her legs moving as she breaks free from the paralysis and gets up.

Sinon: I did it!

Arno: Good! Now, try to help me out of this.

Sinon goes to Arno as she tries to help him out of the paralysis. Sinon helps Arno with one of his arms and legs for one of them to get free. Sinon turns around to see Akihiko walking to the exit of the dungeon.

Sinon: He's getting away!

Arno: Wait. I'm almost free.

Sinon: *looks back at Arno* I can take him!

Arno: No you can't. Not alone. Wait for me.

Sinon looks at Arno to see he was begging to wait for him to take on Akihiko together. Sinon has a sad face as he kisses Arno on his lips to let go.

Sinon: I'm sorry...

Sinon stands up and runs to Akihiko, leaving Arno on the ground.

Arno: SINON!

Sinon equips her bow and fires her arrows at Akihiko for him to turn around and blocks the arrows with his shield. Sinon drops her bow and draws her dagger to strike Akihiko for him to block her attacks as well. Arno was trying so hard to get out of the paralysis as he screamed at the top of his lungs to get free. Sinon tries to get a strike on Akihiko with her dagger, but he keeps on blocking her attacks.

Akihiko parries Sinon's strike as he uses his sword skill to charge up the blade and swings down on Sinon for her to activate her sword skill as well to try to parry Akihiko's attack. Arno manages to get free from the paralysis and he gets up quickly and runs to Sinon to try and save her from Akihiko. The blades clashed together as an explosion was triggered by the clash of the sword skills together, making Arno fly back a bit as he hit the ground.

The smoke cleared as Arno slowly gets up as he sees Akihiko still standing. Arno feared the worst, he doesn't see Sinon standing. He looks to see Sinon on the ground, injured by the blast that happened between her and Akihiko. Arno runs to Sinon.

Arno: Sinon! SINON!

Arno gets on the floor to hold Sinon in his arms.

Arno: Sinon... Sinon... No...

Arno started to cry as he was seeing Sinon's HP going down to red. Sinon slowly opens her eyes to see Arno crying as his tears are falling from his cheek.

Arno: *crying* Sinon, no... You can't. You can't die like this... We were going to find each other in the real world... We promised...

Arno quietly sobs at what was happening to his loved one.

Sinon: *smiles sadly* I know... I guess I broke that promise... I got reckless, like you did...

Arno: *crying* Sinon, please hold on... We can still win this... We can still beat Akihiko and end this... Please, Sinon... I can't do this without you...

Sinon places her hand on Arno's cheek for him to hold it as well.

Sinon: I'm sorry... It's all up to you now, Arno.

Arno gasped as he is still crying.

Sinon: I love you... Goodbye...

Sinon closes her eyes as her body glows.

Arno: *crying* No... No...! Sinon...!

Sinon's body shattered into crystals, leaving Arno to look up to try and reach out for her, but he couldn't reach her, she was gone. Arno gets down on the floor with both hands, his tears dropping on the floor as he keeps crying after what to Sinon.

Arno: *crying* Sinon... *sobs*

Arno continues to sob as he is left heartbroken from what happened to his friends and his love.

Akihiko: It was a reckless move that she did. Trying to stop me from escaping to get to the top floor. That's a real pity for what your wife had to do.

Arno heard what Akihiko said. He stops crying as he gets up slowly and stands up to open his menu to equip his regular sword. Arno then unsheathes it and drops the scabbard and gets on his fighting stance as Akihiko watches as he does. Arno then walks slowly at Akihiko and it goes from the slow walk to a charge. Arno screams loudly at the top of his lungs to charge at Akihiko while he still has tears in his eyes.

Arno swings his sword non-stop as he tries to get on Akihiko, but all he does is block Arno's attack with his shield. Arno kicks and grabs Akihiko's shield with pure strength and rage that he yanks his shield and smacks Akihiko a few times and throws it away from. Akihiko is left without a shield for Arno to keep striking Akihiko with his sword, but he blocks every sword strike with his sword to keep Arno from hitting him. Arno does a heavy strike with his sword skill and swings down on Akihiko, but he parries Arno's strike for him to stagger Arno as he falls on the ground dropping his sword.

Akihiko walks up to Arno as he looks at him as Arno looks at Akihiko.

Akihiko: You should have just stayed out of the fight and let this be over already. It's over, you've lost.

Akihiko raises his sword as he uses his sword skill to charge up his blade. Arno closes his eyes to accept his fate.

Arno: *thinking* I'm sorry, Kirito, Asuna, Sinon... I failed you all...

As Akihiko swings his sword downward about to strike down Arno, a sword blocked Akihiko's strike as Arno opens his eyes. He then was shocked to see his friend, Kirito, to be back from the dead somehow as his body was glowing like a ghostly figure using Asuna's sword.

Kirito: Not yet.

Akihiko was shocked that he sees Kirito alive. He then kicks Akihiko away from Arno for him to turn around to him and smirks, his eyes are yellow as he is in that form.

Arno: Kirito...?

Kirito: Get up, Arno. You're not dead yet.

Arno is surprised to hear Kirito again when he came back. He did what Kirito said and got up to grab his sword as well to stand up to look at Kirito.

Arno: How...?

Kirito: I'll tell you one day. *turns around to Akihiko* For now, let's finish this... Together.

Arno stands by Kirito as he gets ready to fight Akihiko together. They both charged at Akihiko and they flanked both sides on him for Kirito to go left and for Arno to go right. Arno swings his sword at Akihiko while Kirito does the same. They both surrounded Akihiko to bring multiple slashes at him as he couldn't block Arno and Kirito's attacks for him to be staggered. They then swing their swords like clockwork and for Arno and Kirito scream at the top of their lungs and thrust their swords to pierce through him.

Arno gets his sword out of Akihiko for him to see Kirito still have Asuna's sword through Akihiko to look at the hilt.

Kirito: We did it... Didn't we?

Kirito looks at Arno with a sad smile.

Kirito: We did it, Arno.

Arno: Yeah... We did...

Kirito: Looks like this where we part ways.

Arno: *crying* Kirito...

Kirito: See you around, friend.

Kirito and Akihiko shattered into crystals as Arno watched as he saw the crystals going up in the air. Arno falls on the ground as he cries again and sobbing as he saw his friend shattered into crystals. Everyone managed to be released from the paralysis as Klein and Agil go to Arno to support him for what he just saw what happened to his friends and his love.

Game Announcement: On November 7th at 3:39 P.M., the game has been cleared. Repeat -- the game has been cleared.


Somewhere in the sky, Arno opens his eyes to look down to see he is in the clouds or floating in the sky for him to look around, seeing the sunset in his casual clothes.

Arno: Where am I? I should be able to log out.

Sinon: Maybe not yet.

Arno gasps silently as he heard a familiar voice. He turns around to see his love, Sinon. Sinon smiles sadly as she sees Arno again.

Arno: Sinon...?

They both run up to each other and hug to hold each other for a bit. They then gave each a wonderful kiss as they stayed for a short second. Arno and Sinon let go of the kiss as they look at each other in their eyes.

Arno: How are you here?

Sinon: I died in the dungeon. I spawned here, waiting to log out of the game, but it let me wait here for you.

Arno: But, I'm not dead. It's weird.

Sinon: I know.

Arno: It doesn't matter now, I get to see you again, for one last time when we return to the real world. But, where are we?

Arno opens the menu to see a timer and a sign 'Initiating Final Phase'.

Sinon: Look.

Arno and Sinon walk to the edge and see the castle of Aincrad, crumbling and falling apart.

Kirito: Hey, you two made it.

Arno and Sinon look to see Kirito and Asuna in the place they are in as well. Sinon runs to Asuna to hug her as Arno ran to Kirito as they both gave each other a bro hug.

Arno: Tell me this isn't a dream, please tell me.

Kirito: It's not a dream, Arno. We're actually here with you and Sinon.

Kirito and Arno let go of the hug.

Arno: But, you died and you and Asuna are here too. I didn't die. So... Is this game giving me one last chance to see you three again?

Kirito: It looks that way.

The four couples look at the view of Aincrad falling apart as they see the view of all of it collapsing.

Akihiko: A stunning view, isn't it?

Arno and Sinon look right to see Akihiko Kayaba with them.

Kirito: Akihiko Kayaba.

Akihiko: At Argus Headquarters, the SAO mainframe is in a room five floors below street level. And right now, it's deleting all the data from its drives. In about 10 minutes, everything in this world will disappear forever.

Asuna: And all the players? What happens to them?

Akihiko: You don't have to worry about them. The 6,147 players who survived the game up to now were logged out a few seconds ago.

Kirito: What about the 4,000 people who died? What about them?

Akihiko: They'll never return. In any world, real or virtual, once you're dead, you're gone.

Arno: Why? Why did you do this? SAO, the permanent death system and everything you have done, why did you do all of this?

Akihiko: That's a good question. It's been so long, I've forgotten the reason. Isn't that strange? Even before I developed the system for the full-dive environment, I dreamed of this. A castle in a world that wasn't governed by earthly laws and restrictions. I poured my life into making that world a reality. I created this world. And I got to see something that surpassed anything I could have imagined for it. My steel castle floating in the sky. I don't remember how old I was when I became obsessed with it. I wanted to leave the earth, to fly to that castle. I wanted that more than anything else... For as long as I can remember. You know what, Kirito? I wanna believe it's still out there. That somewhere, in some other world, my castle is still standing, taller than ever.

Kirito: Yeah. Maybe it still is.

Asuna: *nods*

Akihiko: Before I forget, congratulations on clearing the game, Kirito, Asuna, Arno and Sinon. *looks at the group* Well, then, I should probably get going now.

They all saw Akihiko walk away and vanish into the clouds. Kirito and Asuna leave Arno and Sinon by themselves as they kiss each other again, sitting on the edge of the platform that they are on. They let go and they looked at each other this one last moment.

Arno: I guess this is goodbye.

Sinon: *shakes head* No. This is not goodbye. We're gonna find each when we disappear. So, we'll be able to do that when we get back to the real world. By the way, you haven't told me your real name. Can you tell me before we go?

Arno was surprised to hear what Sinon said. He never said his real name ever since they met. Arno finally tells Sinon his real name.

Arno: *smiles* My name is Y/n. Y/n L/n. I just turned 18, last month.

Sinon's eyes widened as she heard what Arno said about his age. She was happy about it.

Sinon: I'm 18 as well. We're both the same age. My name is Shino Asada.

Arno: Shino Asada. *tears up and smiles* That's a beautiful name.

Arno's smile goes away and now being sad as he starts crying again.

Arno: *voice breaking* I'm so sorry. I wish this would never happen to you. I don't want you to go. I don't...

Arno sobs as Sinon holds his hand for the two of them to look at each for Sinon to tear up as well.

Sinon: *voice breaking* It's okay. I'm not leaving you. We'll be able to find each other in the real world, like we promised. I swear, I will find you, Y/n. I will. And I love you...

Arno then hugs Sinon as he continues to sob for Sinon to hug him back. Everything around them started to shine in a bright light as the two couples stayed close to each other as they disappeared.

Sinon: I love you, so very much.


Back in the real world

In the hospital, Y/n wakes up to see the lights on the ceiling. He felt that he still has the NerveGear on. Y/n has a flash of Shino as he started to slowly have tears in his eyes. He then slowly sits up and takes off the NerveGear for his hair to fall out, for it had been two years, his hair was long for most of his hair lines to be in front of his face and he has facial hair on his face. Y/n sees his right arm, hooked up to a heart monitor to take it off and look to see something on the table next to him.

Y/n moves over to the table where his bed is to see his pocket watch on it. He picks up the watch to open it to check the time, even though it's still broken, but it's still his father's watch. Y/n closes the watch and slowly stands up to lose his balance and sits on the bed. His legs were like jelly, knowing that it has been two years since he last walked on his feet. Y/n gets up again and holds on to the IV pole as he slowly walks to the door as he is going into the hallway.

Y/n: *strained whisper* Shino... Shino...

Y/n keeps on going down the hallway to go to the light, slowly but surely making it. All the pain he has had for over two years. Now he's back in the real world, on the journey to find Shino Asada, his love from SAO.



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