Chapter 4: Change

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          Jenette looked at herself, her dress in tatters and her face with various cuts and scratches. She tried to dust off the dirt and grime now on her face.

Amelia ran up to her, crying. Her face was full of tears and she was holding a metal shovel in her hand.

"My Princess!" She cried, "I thought you were going to die!" She dropped her shovel and hugged Jenette tight. "I was preparing your tea when ghouls suddenly started clawing at the glass! I saw one lunge at you, and I wanted to protect you- but I didn't have any weapons... so I grabbed the gardener's shovel from the wall and sliced its head off."

She was clearly distressed, frantically flailing her arms about Jenette, checking her wounds.

"Amelia-" Jenette cut her off. "I want to leave the castle walls. I need to find Zeke... I need to bring him to his senses."

Amelia went silent, her arms slowly falling to her side.

"You know I can't help you... I'd lose my job..."

"No one will know Amelia. I promise. But, no matter what, I am going to leave."

She nodded numbly.

"I need to go with you," she muttered. "I would never forgive myself if something happened to you."

Jenette, full of emotion, hugged her older attendant.

"We should go now- before the guards find us... they are busy fighting the other ghouls."

Scurrying across the garden, they stopped at the gate.

"Put this on," Amelia said in a hurry, grabbing something from a nearby bush. "Although the people have never seen you, the guards have."

Jenette stared at the deep crimson cloak. Without hesitation, she put it on.

"Why was there a cloak of this size in that bush?" She curiously asked as they sprinted across the cobblestone steps to the village.

"I had been planning on escaping this castle sometime soon. Something is amiss with our King. His commands are harsh and his patience is dwindling... I fear I would be caught up in a revolt sometimes soon." Amelia winced at her own cowardice.

Jenette noticed the older woman's expression.

"Please do not worry," she whispered. "I do not hold that against you."

Amelia smiled at her Princess's kindness.

Replying, "You are too kind."

As they ran over the bridge, a battlefield could be seen. Ghouls lunged at every living thing in sight, eyes hungry and teeth filled with venom.

Jenette quickly pushed Amelia out of the way as a ghoul was thrown their way. Toppling to the dirty ground, she grumbled. "These so-called guards should be more aware of their surroundings."

"For us, my lady," Amelia said, extending a hand toward Jenette, "it is important they do not see us." She grabbed her Princess by the hand and pulled her toward a hidden pathway. "If we head this way, we should find me and my grandson's home. He will have a better head with this situation."

Treading carefully down the steep cliff, Amelia began to lead the way to her home.

Jenette, knowing she may not see her home again for a very long time, looked back.

Upon seeing the castle covered in flames and blood, she knew one thing for certain:

This was not her home anymore.


Up Next:

Chapter 5: Finale

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