Chapter 1: Meet our Heroes

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Rose was running as fast as she could. Someone was chasing her. She splashed through a puddle. The bobcat behind her was hot on her tail. A broken bridge was in front of her one step on it and it would break and she would fall into the gorge. She had to jump if she didn't want to break any bones. She bunched up her hind legs and jumped. She was pretty much flying until she landed on the other side. The bobcat ran after her but he didn't realize that the bridge was broken so, when he stepped on it the bridge broke and he fell. He yowled as he fell it took a long time until Rose heard a thump as he hit the bottom.
"Ooh ouch." Rose winced, but she shrugged it off and kept running. Being a thief made Rose have a strong jump and an increased amount of speed. She skidded to a stop when she saw a sign that said, "Welcome to Woodburrow." She knew she had found her way back to the village. When she walked through the entrance her father was already waiting for her he was steaming mad.
"Rose you know you aren't supposed to leave the village!" Her dad fumed,
"Oh and where does it say that!?" Rose sassed, "Right here!" Her dad said pointing at a sign that says, "You can leave the village once you turn 20"
"Rose your only 15 you are not allowed to leave the village." Her dad sighed,
"Bramble I will take it over from here." A beautiful gray tabby she-cat with green eyes said, "Rose we are doing this because we love you." The she-cat meowed,
"Whatever." Rose muttered rolling her eyes,
"DON'T YOU WHATEVER ME YOUNG LADY!!!" the she-cat hissed,
"River calm down honey." Bramble coaxed,
"She deserves a punishment for leaving the village when she isn't supposed to. Rose go talk to village chief Pike he will give you a proper punishment." River mewed, Rose sighed and walked over to Pike's den. He was at the entrance waiting for her.
"Alright Rose I hear your in trouble what is it this time?" Pike asked,
"I went out of the village." Rose grumbled,
"Alright well, here is your punishment: you have to help Blizzard make potions for the rest of the day." Pike meowed flicking his fluffy tail towards a bottle shaped house,
"Why Blizzard? He is so weird!" Rose hissed,
"Do as I say I am village chief." Pike growled, Rose snorted and walked over to Blizzards den. She opened the door.
"What do you want Rose!?" Blizzard hissed flicking his forked tongue in and out,
"I got punished and I'm being forced to help you for the rest of the day!" Rose growled,
"Very well." Blizzard said his long, blue spikes shaking, "Go to my garden and get me some sap from my tree to stick labels on the bottles." Rose went through the back door to Blizzard's garden it was beautiful it had a waterfall, a bounty of fruits and vegetables and, right in the center of it was a massive tree with claw marks covering the middle. Rose unsheathed her dagger and stabbed it into the tree. The wood split and sap came pouring out of the gash. Rose pulled a jar out of her satchel and let the sap pour in. She stopped when it was completely filled. She ran back to the bottle shaped den and came in. Blizzard snatched it quickly out of her paws, his claws clicking on the glass surface. He stuck a few labels on the bottles then, he began licking the sap out of the jar. I hate when he sits there and eats all of the sap! It is so gross I don't understand why he likes it! Rose thought wrinkling her nose. When he finished licking the jar Blizzard told her to get some herbs for more potions. This went on for several hours until the sun set.
"Rose you can leave now." Blizzard grumbled, "Finally!" Rose murmured,
"Before you leave take this." Blizzard said handing Rose a basket of fish, "You worked hard today and this is your reward." Rose snatched the basket out of Blizzard's claws, her stomach rumbled with hunger. "Looks like you need it!" Blizzard said laughing, Rose blushed. She went back to her hut.
"Rose did Blizzard say you could leave?" Bramble asked,
"Yes." Rose answered, a black and white she-cat with green eyes walked up to Rose and Bramble.
"Rose don't do that ever again I hate it when you get in trouble." The she-cat meowed,
"Petunia you shouldn't worry about me." Rose meowed shoving a fish into her mouth,
"Yes I should worry about you!" Petunia hissed, "I'm your sister!" Rose sat down to eat the rest of her dinner when she was finished, she licked her whiskers and curled up on her chupicabra skin bed. She fell quickly asleep...
Wow that was a long chapter btw Blizzard is an arctic lizard he has pale blue scales, long, blue spikes on his back, head and tail, he has dark blue eyes, a brown cloth cape and six sharp teeth that stick out of his upper lip. He has a cold feeling radiating off of his scales making anyone who comes near him feel cold chills down their spine.

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