Chapter 10: Escaping

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The bobcat climbed up the rocky wall of the gorge. Wind battered his face as he climbed higher. I have been climbing for days! Why did Rose have to go over a broken bridge!? With a almost endless gorge underneath it!? The bobcat thought, his ribs showed beneath his ragged pelt. His stomach growled and he couldn't remember the last time he had eaten. There was not a crumb of food in the gorge. No monsters either! He longed to eat a raven leg to calm his rumbling belly. Only one more foot of climbing and he would be out of the gorge. He finally reached the top. He scrambled out and stood on the grass. His orange pelt was filthy and matted.
"I-I made it." The bobcat gasped out of breath, his arm was pulsing with dull aching pain and it was in a strange angle. It's broken. He thought with a sigh, he walked through the forest and came across Woodburrow Village. He walked in. A Gray tabby male cat came over to him he had blue eyes, protruding canine teeth and a blue fish scale cape. "Greetings stranger do you need any food or perhaps a place to stay?" He asked,
"I don't need a place to stay but, I will take the food I am starving." The bobcat answered, the Gray tabby nodded.
"My name is Pike what is your name?" He asked, "My name is Tiger." The bobcat answered,
"Well Tiger I will show you where the food is." Pike meowed, he led Tiger into a den with a furnace and all kinds of different cooking materials. Tiger's mouth watered at the sight of it. Right in the middle of it all was a orange female fox with black paws, black chest fur and a black tail tip, she had sparkling blue eyes and was holding a frying pan in one paw. "This is Sunset she will cook you whatever food you want." Pike explained, "What do you want to eat?" Sunset asked,
"I want fish stew and a raven leg." Tiger answered, Sunset nodded and began cooking.  After a few minutes the food was done and Tiger gobbled it down hungrily.
"It's good isn't it? What's your Name?" Sunset laughed, Tiger finished his food.
"The food was delicious and my name is Tiger." He answered, Sunset nodded.
"Well I better get going thank you!" Tiger purred,
"Your welcome sweetie!" Sunset replied, Tiger walked out of the den and over to Pike. The tabby looked down at Tiger's broken arm.
"We have someone that could fix that." He meowed, "follow me and I will show you." Pike walked over to another den with Tiger at his side.
"Here it is." Pike meowed, Tiger walked inside. A pale green female Persian was waiting for him. She had orange and yellow eyes, a dark green tipped tail and ears and a fluffy tail.
"My name is Forest." She meowed, "Let me take care of your arm for you." Tiger sat on a stump and let Forest work on his arm. She worked on it for several minutes until it was wrapped in gauze bandages.
"You are good to go!" Forest purred, Tiger nodded and walked out of the den he walked over to the village entrance.
"Your leaving already?" Pike asked,
"Yeah I best be going home." Tiger answered,
"Well, I hope we can see you again soon! Safe travels!" Pike purred,
"Goodbye it was nice meeting you guys." Tiger meowed, he walked out if the village and began his journey back to Terrath's castle. It took him several hours but, he finally arrived at the castle. He knocked on the huge black, iron door and waited. After a few minutes of waiting for someone to answer the door, Azure opened up the door.
"Oh hi Tiger where have you been?" He asked,
"It's a long story." Tiger sighed,
"Well, you can tell it when you come in." Azure meowed, he opened up the door wider and Tiger went inside.

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