Chapter 18: Magmaborne

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Forest trekked up the rocky volcano and put on the armor that would save her from the burning air and heat. It was cold ice infused steel, enchanted by mages themselves. It costed her all of the silver and gold coins but, it would save her from death. The higher she went up the hotter it got. She finally got there and saw the village of mythical creatures: Magmaborne. A friendly looking mixed creature similar to a Raven was guarding the village. He had a thick red mane, orange eyes, charcoal colored fur and black scales on his shoulders, forehead and legs. "Hello and welcome to Magmaborne." The creature rumbled, Forest gave him a friendly smile and the creature returned it.
"Just what might you be?" He asked studying her,
"I am a Persian which is a breed of cat." Forest answered,
"Hmmm." The creature responded stroking his mane thoughtfully,
"What you be called?" He asked,
"Forest." She meowed,
"I be called Sovah." He rumbled thumping his vine-like tail on the ground, the red fur on the end of it moving as well.
"What are you?" She asked, "I have never been here before. I am very new to the healer business. The last healer died not too long ago."
"In my tongue out people are called Kirikia's but, in your tongue Lizolf's half lion, half dragon and half wolf creatures born with elemental stones that give us special powers based on the symbol on it." Sovah answered holding his dark gray paw up to show a pale gray stone with a black flame symbol on it, "I am a fire Lizolf." He rumbled, Forest touched the stone. It was somewhat warm and dry feeling.
"Can it be removed?" She asked as the Lizolf pulled his paw away rubbing the stone gently with his thumb,
"Only once a Lizolf perishes, when that happens there is a blinding light and the rock rolls out of the paw replacing the space where it was with a regular pad." He explained, She nodded.
"I was wondering if you could use the rocks for a special potion." Forest meowed, Sovah narrowed his eyes and roared. He pointed his rocky spear at her heart and looked her dead in the eyes.
"You are commiting genocide against our kind by saying to use our stones in beverages! You must die!" He snarled, Forest's eyes widened and she covered her chest with her paws even though the armor would protect her from the flimsy spear.
"I didn't mean it like that I was just thinking!" She whimpered desperately, Sovah sighed and lowered his weapon.
"I hope so." The Lizolf muttered, Forest quickly walked into the village and saw a bunch more of the creatures, there were yellow ones, red ones, orange ones and gray ones. Why no black ones? She thought until realizing why,
"The black ones must be Lizolf's that have been controlled by the Taken disease." She whispered to herself, suddenly there was a whoosh and a bunch of demon-like shadows fell across the village. The Lizolf's turned around and their eyes were wide and fearful, the mothers ushered their children into the cave dens. There were several screeches of anger and the lime cat's fur stood on end. This is not supposed to happen. Forest thought running for one of the dens, fire blasted the village and burned through the rocky dens. Forest had heard of powerful fire that burned through rock known as magma or lava but, had never seen it before. Screams came from the dens and the Lizolfs inside were engulfed in the thick orange liquid fire. Forest felt a twinge of heat that gave her a headache. What. Is. This!? She thought clenching her forehead, then knives rained down and hit Sovah knocking him to the ground. There was a pop and flaming spears hit everyone else. Forest was the only one left. A dragon flew out of one of the dens it was black with armored scales, redish orange eyes, charcoal gray spikes and claws, white horns and orange underscales. It roared and took off at the shadows. There was the sound of a blade penetrating thick armor then a sickening pop sound. Forest felt talons dig into her back and shoulders she screamed and was lifted off the ground and taken away. Sovah reached out to her but, he fell over and a stone rolled out of his paw.

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