Chapter 3: SunShadow's Reign Part 1

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Rose walked into the village. Everyone was standing around River's body mourning. A orange paw went on Rose's shoulder she turned around it was her uncle Storm. He looked at Rose with sad blue eyes. "Kid I know its hard to loose a parent but, you can't let it bring you down." Storm meowed,
"I can help you with your chupicabra problem." A voice behind Storm said, Rose and Storm flicked their ears towards the sound and they turned around to face the visitor. The visitor was a male cat with half of his body orange and the other half black he had green eyes like chips of ice and three scars on his chest. What that means is his eyes were like this:

Anyways back to the story.
The strange cat had a grin on his face revealing sharp pearl white teeth.
"I am SunShadow and these are my friends." The cat meowed revealing several different species behind him. I will name off all of his friends.
Bone: White cougar with black ears, black spots around his eyes and a black tip on his tail. Has a torn red cloth cape and orange eyes. Has three scars on his chest.
Scratch: Gray chupicabra with orange eyes, torn ears and green scaly legs with black claws. Has long white front claws long white fangs and long spikes on his back. Has three scars on his chest.
Coal: Black long haired cat with orange eyes and is covered in scars. Has gray chest fur.
Winter: Pale blue wolf with a white muzzle and white chest fur. Has three scars on his chest and dark blue eyes. Has dark blue paws.
MoonShadow: Half white half black long haired cat with green eyes like chips of ice. Has three scars on his chest SunShadow's brother.
Drake: Orange dragon with purple eyes and black spikes. The inside of his wings are purple. Has black chest scales.
Diamond: Pale blue long haired cat with dark blue eyes and white chest fur. She has three scars on her chest.
Obsidian: Purple raccoon with black stripes. Has orange eyes white chest fur. He is covered in scars.
Poison: Teal wolf with iron armor and purple eyes. The armor has three deep scratches in it.
Back to the story.
"I will help you but at a cost." SunShadow meowed his green eyes shining,
"What's the cost?" Storm asked, a soft growl came out as he said it. Please don't make this stranger mad Storm! Rose thought,
"I get to be chief of the village." SunShadow sneered, a deep throated growl came out of Storm's mouth. SunShadow looked as if he was mocking Storm! Bramble pushed his way through Storm and Rose. "Alright buddy if you think you can barge into this village and become chief you have another thing coming!" Bramble hissed, SunShadow snorted and snapped his fingers. Drake came forward and grabbed Bramble by the scruff. Bramble squirmed in his grasp. Pike stepped forward
"Put him down now." Pike commanded, "I am village chief you want me not Bramble." Drake dropped Bramble he landed heavily on his side.
"Dad!" Rose cried she ran over to Bramble, he was passed out.
"If you win you get to be village chief but, if I win I get to kick you out of my village and if any of my villagers see you they have permission to kill you." Pike hissed sliding out his claws,
"Very well, let the fight begin." SunShadow announced, Pike ran at him but SunShadow kicked him in the chest. Then he upper cutted him in the chin. Pike flew through the air and smashed into the rock wall of his cave. He fell to the ground dazed. SunShadow and MoonShadow began to scratch him to death.
"Stop!" Storm yelled, MoonShadow and SunShadow sheathed their claws.
"Well it seems that I am your village chief now." SunShadow laughed, "My first order is this take your former village chief and throw him outside of the village." No one moved.
"Do it now or I give Drake permission to swallow you all whole!" SunShadow demanded, Blizzard and Forest quickly picked Pike up by his arms and legs and drug him out of the village a small trail of blood followed.
"Second thing I want is for all of your weapons to be put in a pile over here!" SunShadow meowed pointing his tail over to a spot beside Pike's den, Storm unsheathed his sword and threw it into the pile. Rose took Bramble's sword and his pitchfork and threw it into the pile. Petunia put her pitchfork into the pile. A few minutes later only Rose and a few others had not put their weapons in the pile yet. Rose unsheathed her dagger. No way! I am not giving this away to this awful cat! Rose thought, she sheathed her dagger. And found a small piece of steel in the shape of a dagger in her satchel. She wrapped gauze around a part of it that looked like a handle. She switched the makeshift dagger and the real dagger. She put the real one in her satchel and the fake one in her sheath. She then threw the fake dagger into the pile. Everyone had put their weapons into the pile now.
"Now you are members of my gang we fight with claws only!" SunShadow hissed,
"What about us birds huh? We only have talons." A voice stated, it was Snowfall his white feathers stuck out from all of the other colors of fur and scales around him. SunShadow simply smiled and snapped his fingers. Drake came down and threw Snowfall into his mouth. He chewed a couple of times then he kicked back his head and swallowed. Everyone gasped. SunShadow smiled evilly and went into Pike's den his group members following him. Rose ran out of the village carrying Bramble she needed to get to Blizzard and Forest and ask them for help!

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