Chapter 5: SunShadow's Reign Part 3

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Rose's eyes fluttered open her neck hurt. She tried to move her arms. They were chained to the wall so were her legs. It looked like she was in the dungeon underneath Pike's den. Only the worst of criminals got put down there. The figure of a cat was in the shadows. Rose narrowed her eyes. SunShadow stepped out MoonShadow was with him. SunShadow's green eyes were slitted. MoonShadow had a expressionless face.
"Rose. You know why you are down here." MoonShadow said, his voice was like ice. What I am trying to say by that is his voice had a cold sound to it. Anyways back to the story.
"That's right dear brother she knows." SunShadow said, "Rose. You have committed a crime that is beyond the punishment of life or death." Rose snarled and tried to break out of her chains.
"Oh sweetheart. You won't get out that easily." MoonShadow said, Oh really? Rose thought, she shot SunShadow and MoonShadow a hateful look. SunShadow and MoonShadow's eyes began to glow bright green. It was so bright Rose struggled to see through it. Something flew out of the light and hit Rose in the side of her face. She blacked out. She woke up in a dark place. She was not chained nor in the same room she was before.
"Where am I?" She asked,
"Your trapped in your own mind." A voice answered,
"Who are you!?" Rose asked,
"Never mind that. I can get you out of here." The voice answered,
"Why am I in here though?" Rose asked,
"You're not dead but your not alive either." The voice answered,
"Show yourself!" Rose demanded,
"Very well." The voice said, a cat stepped out of the shadows. Rose couldn't tell what gender it was or if it even had a gender. The cat had long, sleek black fur. It also had the same scars as Rose. What was unsettling about this cat was it didn't have a mouth or irises. It had a shadowy aura coming off if it.
"I can bring you back into the real world but with a cost." The cat meowed,
"What is the cost?" Rose asked,
"I get to control your body for a while. It gets boring being trapped inside if your mind." The cat answered, Rose gritted her teeth. Its probably the only way I will come back to life. Plus its only for a little while. What's the worse that could happen? Rose thought,
"So what is your answer?" The cat asked,
"I accept your offer." Rose answered,
"Your a good girl Rose this won't hurt a bit." The cat meowed, 6 black tentacles came out of the cats body. That is not natural! What is this creature? Its obviously not a cat. It really does look like a cat though. Rose thought, one of the tentacles wrapped itself around Rose's waist. Another around her mouth, around her neck, legs, arms and tail. The tentacles wrapped tighter and tighter around her. "You said this wasn't going to hurt!" Rose yowled, "Well... I don't keep promises." The cat creature sneered, the tentacles began to suck the strength out of her body until she was so weak she could hardly stay awake. The cat creature did some sort if laugh and Rose could no longer control her body. She was tempted to just give in and let the creature keep her body. But if she wanted to see her father or sister ever again she must try to fight this creature...

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