Buffer - 5/22/17

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Well, the plan had been to start posting the new story last week, but things have been exceptionally crazy.

We signed the settlement papers Tuesday, but that same day I found out that my uncle suddenly passed away.  We officially closed on the house on Wednesday while I packed to attend the funeral several states away.  For two days I did the best I could to come to terms with the loss and offered as much support as I could to my family.  There was a lot of driving and a lot of grieving.  Then when I returned on Saturday, I had to rush home to meet my husband (who somehow managed to watch our toddler on his own for two and a half days) and get dressed for a wedding that night.  After the wedding, my husband got a few hours rest before having to leave really early the next morning to go to an interview out of state.  For the past two days he's been gone and I've been with our son.

Now my parents are watching my toddler and I'm going to hopefully post today.  I've got a bit written but not much.  Enough for one post at least, but I need to do a cover still and I have no idea what I want.  Thankfully, I worked some buffer room into my schedule.  I think I had like three weeks of dead space, so I'm just going to have to toss the past week out and go from here.  I'm hopeful that once my husband gets back tonight it won't be too crazy anymore.  I really want to get back to writing and I've got several stories waiting to be read on here which have built up over my absence.  I'm really just looking forward to getting back into a routine :P

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