"Delilah Cross and the Stolen Bride" Cover Reveal - 10/5/18

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Here's the fifth of six cover reveals: Delilah Cross and the Stolen Bride!

Delilah "Del" Cross went into the woods with the express purpose of never coming back out. However, death was interested in someone else that night, a murdered young woman that Del watches rise from her grave.

Del is then brought into a very special community living in happy isolation in the beautiful Whisper Valley. There creatures of myth and legend live together in harmony, following a strict set of rules that allow them to be who they are but also enjoy modern amenities like a steady Wifi connection and the latest smartphone. They all just want a normal life that's free from persecution by humans.

For them, humans are instead seen as a commodity. Specifically they're known as the "Bodies" and they all have one year to either be sponsored or converted by one of the town's supernatural citizens. Del fills the vacancy left by the corpse in the woods, Calista Nightgrave. Calista should have been the next bride to a wealthy vampire, but instead she is a lowly zombie that's furious over the shift in her immortal afterlife.

Del and Calista will have to work together to find Calista's killer, grant her revenge, and discover the truth behind the case of the stolen bride.

Coming to Kindle and Paperback July 2020!

Purchased copies will include an exclusive extended epilogue called "Hippocratic Oath"

Read the rough draft for free here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/102658985


Another one down!  And this time it's a photo manipulation!  I really enjoy doing photo manips but I don't often get a chance to do them so I'm not as good at it as I'd like to be.  It's even more difficult when it's not for personal fun since I have to find stock that's copyright free to use.  It just means I have limited stock to work with.  If I had more money I could just go wild on shutterstock and buy whatever I want to use, but for now, I'm sticking to public domain stuff.

Anyway, I really liked my original cover so I just tried to recreate it with high res, copyright free images.  My husband actually came in and saved the day by finding a public domain 3D model of a skeleton and rendering me some hands.  I was shocked I could not find any like public domain medical photos of a skeleton, but maybe I just wasn't looking hard enough.  I don't know, but in the end we worked it out so it's all good.

I also decided to keep the title even though I still think it sounds YA.  I mean this book is a close cousin as it is New Adult, so maybe the title is fine.  I just really like it and I'm having issues letting go so the title stays.  That's the beauty of being indie right?  I get to do what I want ;)

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