Editing Phase Complete! - 2/4/19

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Despite having taken a break for a couple months to write Wedding Mrs. Claus, I still had editing to complete on three novels at the start of this year.  However, as of today, I have gone through all the feedback I received from my beta readers and have finished all the polish drafts for the six books I wrote in 2016-17!

I'm really excited to have completed this second phase of my writing process.  Now all I have to do is publish 😅 As scary as publishing is, if I can get all of them out the door then I'll have successfully seen my crazy writing process through from start to finish.  Of course the publishing phase of my process happens while I restart the process over and start writing drafts again.  So we'll see how this goes, but for now I'm just going to sit back and appreciate the fact I've made it this far.

So what's next?  I've got five new books ahead of me for this year, but those won't start until the beginning of March (specifically with the sequel to Delilah Cross and the Stolen Bride which I just finished editing!)  During February, however, I'm working on getting an official website up as well as studying up on how to publish on Amazon (it's changed a lot since I last published in 2013) and record episodes for my audiobook podcast.  I'm also working on renovating my office which I will document on my Twitter account!

I'm hoping this will be a fairly laid back month.  I feel like I deserve a rest after that marathon and before I start another crazy sprint through five books!

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