Shortlist - 11/10/21

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It's been awhile. The last post I did in here was about how I was going to run myself ragged trying to prep His Only Weakness for the Wattys since I thought it might have potential given the crazy rise in readership it had gained through a feature. I also mentioned how I submitted Falling for a Memory because, meh, why not? It was eligible and I was in the process of editing anyways so it wasn't going to be extra work.

So all things considered, which of the two made the shortlist?

I mean, I didn't expect to make the shortlist, period. But the fact that I made the shortlist and it was for Falling for a Memory is absolutely mind blowing!

So yeah, my brain is melting a little over this. Considering I didn't expect to make the shortlist, I certainly don't expect to get the Watty, but it doesn't really matter to me, I'm just so damn grateful to have gotten this far.

So with all that said, my head has been in a weird place. On top of dealing with this seriously unexpected news, I'm also trying to catch up on a lot of personal stuff (like getting my son vaccinated and myself the booster) and stay on top of work stuff (we have a major fundraising campaign plus Christmas coming up and I'm going to be dead by the end of the year).  I've fallen into a tiny depression spiral and things have been hard.

So like nothing is getting done, but I'm going to keep hoping that I can dig myself out of this. I'm slowly but surely knocking things off my to do list and getting better at telling people "no, I can't take on another responsibility right now" so maybe I'll find a good mental state for writing work soon. Come hell or high water though, Delilah Cross 4 is coming in January.

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