Chapter 10 Robin

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I wake up to voices down stairs as I get up and see whats it about. A man in white clothes was talking to Lucas with a peace of paper in his hand. "Lucas Aldrich, you are here by to pay this bill for damage to the town for what you caused." "That's not fair I didn't do it!" Lucas shouted angerly "You will because of your fathers damage to us a long time ago. I think I don't need to tell you about that, for you where there with him. I'm I right Lucas?" Lucas close his fist as he spoke "Yes you are right, but you don't have real proof for this." "Oh is that right? Your mother is buried to tell us that truth for that." Lucas raised his fist "Why you.." I run to his side to stop a fight from starring. "Lucas! Who is this? The mayor or something?" Lucas put his fist down as the man smirked at him. "This is the mayor Owen, of Holy village." I shake his hand "Nice to meet you sir, I am Robin Dierich." It's really Serglen but they don't need to know that. "Hello Robin, I am here for the bill Lucas needs to pay for the damage the village has taken from the fire. Many lost love ones in this as there will be a funeral for this as well." "Why does Lucas need to pay for this? He wasn't the one who started this. Right Lucas." Lucas was silent as I tryed to get him to speak but nothing. "Well Lucas, your shyness with need to speak up for it's self if no one here is going to take the blame." Lucas looks up at the mayor "F-fine I will take the blame for this if no one will." "Lucas!" "Well I think are bussiness is done here. Gentleman have a good day." Owen shut the door behine him as Lucas hit the wall with his fist hard. I walk up to him with him having a sad look on his face. "Hey we should make breakfest for them before they wake up." Lucas just noods and cooks with me.

We finish just in time for Scarlett to come down the stairs. "Ooo I smell breakfest down here." Scarlett comes down and see Lucas puting the food on the plate, her eye when big when she saw him. "H-hello there my name is Scarlett, I-is food ready?" I'm puzzled to why Scarlett is studering to him. "I'm going to leave you two alone while I check up on Truth." I said quickly as Lucas was blushing to Scarlett replying to him. Truth is in the bed curled up like a cute ball as I shake her shoulder. "Hey wake up breakfest is ready." "Hmmm?" She mumbles as she sits up slowing. "Hey Robin whats- Oww.." Truth holds her side as I come to her aid. "Don't move you where injured while proceting Scarlett. Do you remeber anything like that?" Truth thinks it over for a minute. "N-no. But I remember the pain and fall as it happened. You said breakfest is ready right? I'll go down there." I hold her back down the bed. "Truth your injured, take it easy all right. Here so you don't get lonely I'll be right by you okay?" Truth blushes as she shakes her head yes as I go down stairs to get are breakfest, as Lucas is blushing fersly as he sits by Scarlett when he eats his breakfast with her. "So Lucas, do you live here alone? Are you a sword wielder? Do you like girls with blond hair?" Lucas does not answer her questions as she asks away at him as he blushes. As I enter the room and Scarlett got quiet as I get Truth and my food. "Robin, are you going to bring her food for her? Do you like her, hmmmm?" I blush as I counterback her question. "N-no I do not like her, butt out of this bussiness woman!" I shout as Scarlett just shrugs her shoulders.

After we all get done with are food Lucas talked to me about joining the group with him. "I'm good with white magic with attacking and will heal us if we get into trouble. Plus I'm sick of the people here blameing me for things I didn't do at all." "Yes you can join are group, you saved Truth and us from the fire last night.. Welcome to the group Lucas. By the way what kind of magic is that your using? I'v never seen it before." "It's white magic. White magic can attack monsters and heal people. It is a rare kind of magic to use beacuse you need healing in magic wich makes it's impossable for people to practice because of this war." Truth comes down with Scarlett by her side as she helps her down the stairs. "I have to thank you for saving us and me last night. Robin we talk to Lucas about the Inn payment until you punch him in the face. Did you aploigze for that?" She said with a cute nagging tone. "Yes I did. I got mad because you guys where talking to anthor guy. I guss it make me jelous, I don't know why though." Scarlett eyes got whide when I gave her the look of "shut it right now or you will die." Scarlett just smiled and set her down with her as Lucas and me sit in the liveroom. "So I know that Scarlett knows already, but Truth, Lucas is joining the group today for now on!" "Ok" ......... wow it did not take long to have her answer. "Truth your going to have to rest today and we will set out tomorow morning. Your side should be better by then." The day when by in a flash as we stock up for tomorrow's adventure.

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