Chapter 7 Truth

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The Palace is full of greenery as I walk up to a stranger that I should know. He had blond white hair and green eyes as he puts down his book. "There you are, I was starting to get worried about you." A little girl comes up and sits on his lap. "Hey Ben, I want a another story!" "Do you think I'm made out of storyies." "Yep! Your my only best friend! Mom and dad are allways busy with things." "Well you know about the war and things going on right now." I look at the girl more closely and see that she look a lot like me. Bule and green eyes with nice clothing on compared to my dirty clothes. She had the same color of brown hair as me but braided down to the middle of her back. "wake up." I got conused as some thing was shakeing my shoulder. I wake up to Robin and Scarlett over me with worried looks. "What happen." "You passed out when Scarlett chop off his head. What happen to you? You scared the living day lights out of us." "I don't know, I was dreaming about a memory." "Hay you got some of it back! That perrty good start right?"

We walked up to are room as Scarlett came in. "I talked it over with my family to see if I can join you." I was shoked as I heard "Join you" for we were only making it a two group party. "I talk to Scarlett about traveling the world as we were waking you up." I thought it over in head for a mintue or so. "Okay you can come with us." "YIPPP! best day ever! I'll start to pack!" Scarlett ran down the stairs as Robin comes up to me. "Hey, sorry that I was a big Jerk to you. I just never been with people that I just know for a day." "It's okay, I think we can start over." "Well good night, we set out in the morning with a new companen." "Night." We both get into bed as I blush to what Robin will think of me.

"Well I'm ready and pack, so we should start get going." Scarlett is dress and ready for adventure with her bell and red shirt tuck in to her brown pant as she starts moving on the road. "Wait Scarlett! You need to wait for us!" "Oh sorry!" She gets off her horse as she comes with a another one with her. "Robin told me that you only have one horse, so I got you one." It was a black stallyin with brown eyes ready to kill some monsters on are journey. I thank Scarlett for the horse as we take off for the journey head.

The planes were beautiful all right, but hot was well as we walk across them. We had to camp for the night for Robin said that the next town was a days time to get thier unless camped for the night. We all stop and set up the tents, Scarlett and me are sharing one to less the space for camp. I don't mine, its just werid to share a tent with a stranger you just know the day before... wow this must have been what Robin felt . We all gather around as we just changed from are fighting clothes as to regular clothes which are more comforble in my opioin. "Well who is to get the firewood?" Robin said so egerly. "Well we should do rock, paper, and scissors to decide." We all join togther "Okay..... Rock, Paper, Scissors!" I lost.... great just my luck tonight. "All right, Truth will get the firewood as Scarlett and I will get dinner ready to cook when you come back." As I walk out of camp I feel a strange feeling of anger. I'm I jealous of Robin and Scarlett together? No that can't be. I am not in love with him... though he is handsome with his black hair and bule with brown eyes combine. I shake my head, what I'm I doing? focus Truth, your job is get firewood and get back to camp. I cut down some monsters along the way as I get wood and go back to camp. Suddenly I see goblins with arrows as they are headed back to camp that way. I mine my distance as they walk along the path as I run and qucikly cut one of them down. "AHHH!" the goblin skired as it climbed a tree to get away form me as I climb on it to catch up. I wish I had my spell book so this would not be so hard to climb a tree in a hury. It took out an arrow as It was pointed at Robin from this distance. The golbin shot and mis. Only hitting the table. Thank the gods, as I grabed its leg and threw it down to the ground, jumped and pointed my sword down. "GAAAAhaaaaohh...." "serve you right you monster." I take my sword out of the monster as Robin and Scarlett come in a hurry as they see what I did. "Truth are you alright! An arrow came out of nowhere... where is the firewood?" I rembered and ran to pick it up as Robin and Scarlett set the food up by the firewood to cook as we ate in slience.

I finshed last and got my blanket and small but shakey bed as me and Scarlett dirtf into the night.... I was back in the same dream again but it was more sad. Blood was all over the walls and floor as This Ben and the little girl fight for there life's. There in the darkness was a huge person in black armor and pure black eyes as there laid bodies of the little girl parents, but the father still lives, as the dark general drags his sword along with him in a very slow pase. "Haaa! You have lost little girl. Now give me the amulet so we can get this down with." Thier were torror in the little girl eyes as she look at the general in black armor as he raised his sword at them. "No leave my daughter alone!" The little girl's father throw his sword at him and got the person attention. "Hmm, so you want to die too, is that right?" The general walked to the father. "R-run now! Go!" Ben pick up the little girl and ran as the general in black armor raised his foot to the little girl's father head. "NOOOOOOOO!" screamed the little girl as the general in black armor stomped on the fathers head. "AHHH!" I scream as I wake up Scarlett. "What happen! Are you all right!" Scarlett said in a hurry. "Y-yeah sorry, just go back to bed." "Alright then." Scarlett said with a worried looked, as Scarlett and me go back to sleep. I cry my self to sleep as I now know that the little girl was me.

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