Season 1 Ch.10 The 57° Expedition

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We all saluted at our superior call. We were on the stables, meeting our commanders. Y/N was there too, leaning on a wood pillar, looking at us. Lately, he has been training with his titan with Hanji and Levi. It seems he has better control of it.

Ness:"I'm section commander Ness, and this is girl is my horse, Charette." He caresses the horse. "Fair warning, Charette is rather partial of pulling hair, so i would be careful if I was any of you. We are glad to meet you."

Charette then bites our commander's bandana he had on his head. The commander tries to pull it back, but he can't

Y/N chuckled.

Ness:"Stop laughing and give me a hand over here, kid!"

Y/N:"Aye, aye, sir."

Y/N went there and removed the bandana from the horse's mouth, caressing her later.

Ness:"Jeez, not even 10 minutes without having to worry about my hair with you Charette..."

Our training begin in earnest the next day. However, the lessons were rarely combat oriented, with an emphasis on remembering Commander Erwin's long-range scouting formation.

Despite being such a precisely detailed meticulously calculated formation Y/N Jaeger position in it was somewhat less than clear.

We were inside a school room. Y/N was not with us this time.

Ness:"You rookies will be here!" He points at the right part of the formation "Between the wagon defense squad and the scout support squad. You will run spare horses, aswell as relay signals."

The signals, yes. Smoke grenades, basicly. Red means a titan is spotted. Green means we are changing route. Black means an abmormal. Lastly, golden means emergency, not a good one...

Mikasa:"Psst, Armin."

Mikasa, who was sitting besides me, whispered.

Mikasa:"He didn't say where Y/N will be. Since, you know, he is the one we are protecting."

Armin:"I know. It's... weird..."

Mikasa:"Where do you think he will be?"

Armin:"Maybe in the middle? Or maybe on the back? I don't think he is going to be in the vanguard. It's too dangerous..."

Mikasa:"We just don't have a clue, right?"


Where are you going to be, Y/N?


Y/N:"So, I'm going to be on the backlines."

Currently, I was with the Levi squad, disscusing the strategy.

Gunther:"That is correct. Is the safest part of the formation. Besides, the support squad don't usually see too much action."

Gunther:"Besides, our goal is simply to reach our objective and then return. We want to know if we are capable of getting you to Shiganshina."

Y/N:"So, this is like a test of some sorts."

Gunther:"Correct. Today's expedition will be important, if we fail, It's going to be hard for us to get you safe and sound to Shiganshina."

Y/N:"I see."

I don't like playing the damsel in distress, but it is what it is...

Levi:"If we all understood it, go and rest, I need you all focused tomorrow. You too, Y/N."

Y/N:"Sir, yes sir."

I then retired to my room. In there, Annie was waiting for me.

Y/N:"Annie? What are you doing here?"

Annie:"What? I can rest with my boyfriend?"

Y/N:"I didn't said that."

I went to the bed, laying on it and pulling the covers on us. Annie cuddled next to me.

Annie:"Do you know where are you gonna be tommorrow on the formation?"

Y/N:"No idea, they didn't tell me shit. You know, all the whole "don't trust the titan"thing."

I'm sorry Annie, but I can't say anything.

Annie:"...I see..."


I kissed her lips. Annie was way rougher than Mikasa. But she was still sweet. The kiss lasted for a while.

Y/N:"I know you are worried, but don't , I'll be protected by everyone. Even Eren will be there."

Annie:"Eren too? They didn't told us that."

Y/N:"Yeah, they hold that as a secret. They said they wanted Eren with me. So it dosen't matter where they put me, Eren will be there."

Annie:"Okay, I guess. I won't worry. But, there is something I want to say."


Annie:"Things... sometimes are not what they seem..."


Y/N:"U-umm... what do you mean? Is quite late to get phylosofical, you know?"

Annie:"In time, I'm sure you'll understand."

Y/N:"Good, I guess... Now, let's rest. Tomorrow will be tough."

Annie nodded and closed her eyes. I don't know why, but I have this bad feeling, like, tomorrow, my life will change...

Yet again.

Timeskip brought to us by Jean, on a horse, everyone mocking him.

It was early in the morning, i caught some sleep and had my breakfast fast, since we were leaving very early.

We were currently on Trost district, in front of the gates, riding a horse. I was at the back, surrounded by the Levi squad, the man himself in front of me. Eren was next to me.

I can't see my friends, but i see a glimpse of a blue scarf. It was Mika, who was looking everywhere too. Eventually, she looks back and sees me.

Mikasa:"Y/N! Are you sure you will be okay?!"

Y/N:"Don't worry! Eren will be here!"

Mikasa:"That's why I'm asking!"

Eren:"Fuck you!"

Everyone snickers or mocks Eren. I laugh a little. The best thing is, Mikasa wasn't joking.

Eren:"Y/N, i won't let last time happen again. This time, you are coming back, without close calls. I'll make sure of it."

I reach with my hand his hair and ruffled it, Eren smiling at this.

Y/N:"I'm counting on you, bro."

The bells start ringing.

Captain:"The gates will open in 30 seconds!"

We all get ready, a serious look on our face.

Captain:"This is it! The day has come for humanity to take another step forward! Now, let's show those titans exactly what we are made of!"

Everyone lift their blades at this and roars, their morale going up.

Captain:"The gate is open!"

Erwin, who was at the front along with Hanji and Mike, shouted.


We go out, riding towards our objective. We pass through some ruins, a lot of houses destroyed. Suddenly, a titan comes on our right, trying to get some of us.

Hanji:"10 Meter class! Don't engage, let the support squad handle it!"

2 scouts go for the kill. They don't manage to kill him, but they distract the titan. Once we were safe, they returned to their horses.

We leaved the ruins, approaching the titan's lands. Now here, is when we are in danger. We can't use the ODM gear, so we have to avoid the titans, using Erwin's communication system to move the entire formation in different ways.

Eren talked with Oruo.

Eren:"A question, sir. You think my friends have a chance on killing a titan?"

Oruo:"Really? I hope so. If not, what have they been training for?"

As rude as it sounds, he is right. They should be ready for that.

Oruo:"Now listen and listen well! Prepared or not, now you are all scouts! Which means when the time is right you must be prepared for-"

He bites his tounge... dumbass.

Eren:"S-sir! Are you-"

Y/N:"Don't worry, he is okay. You'll get used to him."

Erwin then throws his arm side ways, signaling to split up.

Our people starts splitting, going into different ways but maintaing the formation. The idea is to get as much vision as we can, so we can avoid as many titans as possible.

Some of us act like explorers and goes around, giving information to everyone.

The plan is simple. We all have red smoke. If we see a titan, we launch one to alert our comrades. They, in return will do the same and so on. Once Erwin sees enough of them, he will fire a green one. We will have to reroute accordingly then, firing green smoke to alert the others and so on.

To summarize, if you see smoke, you must throw smoke too of the same color. Easy.

However, this is not... the best plan in the world. Thanks to the terrain, titans can ambush us. If they kill one of us without alerting the others, it could lead to disaster.

But sometimes... things go wrong.

An abnormal showed on our right. Abnormals have weird patterns. They cannot be predicted. If we see one, we throw a black smoke. And sadly, we engage in combat.

Levi:"Y/N, the signal. Oruo, Petra. Take care of him."

I nodded and throw black smoke. Petra and Oruo go for the titan. They both anchor to it, and kills it fast as fuck. Petra sliced the eyes, blinding him. The titan fell to the ground, Oruo using this opportunity to slice the nape, killing it.

They returned to us, without breaking a sweat.

Oruo:"See that, kids?! That's how we do it!"

Eren:"Wow! That was amazing!"

Y/N:"Yeah, that was cool."

Petra blushed and waved it off. Oruo seems content with himself.

Suddenly, another black smoke is seen. This  one comes from Armin's position. I hope he is alright...


What is this thing?

Its... female...

I fired black smoke, signaling everyone an abnormal is here.

Captain Ness tried to kill her but... she grabbed him and... gently drops him to the ground?


She didn't kill either him or the other scout with him. She just... looked at their faces, and left.

Both of them were shocked and confused, but quickly recovered and went straight to their horses.

But the titan was running towards me!

Armin:"This is not an abnormal... this one is intelligent! Like the Colossal! Like Y/N!"

What am i gonna do?! I'm dead! Im so dead!

She jumped and stomped near me. I went flying, my hood covering my face. She gently grabbed my hood and removed it, looking at my face. Once she saw me, she went away.

Captain Ness arrived, along with the other one, and stopped besides me.

Ness:"Arlert! Are you okay?!"

Armin:"Y-yes, the titan... ignored me?"

Scout:"Why is she not killing us?"

Ness:"It does not matter! The formation is broken! Armin, go with him and inform everyone! I'll follow the titan!"


It must be a human... but who?


It was noon alredy. A shit ton of black smokes were on the right. What the fuck is going on?

Eld:"Whatever that is, is not good."

We can see a horse approaching with... Armin?!

Scout:"Captain Levi! An abnormal is breaking through our formation! Armin here thinks it has intelligence! She is avoiding all of our attacks!"

Levi:"That's not a sign of intelligence, go back-"

Armin:"Sir! She is looking at our faces! She is searching someone! She grabbed a lot of us just to look at their faces! She didn't killed anyone! She could be human!"


Levi widened his eyes. But quickly regained his composure. He gave his spare horse to Armin.

Levi:"Arlert, go to your position, inform everyone. You, go and inform Erwin."


They both took off. This is bad.

Levi:"Y/N, Eren. If that titan comes here, get ready to engage. You won't survive on your own."

We nodded and looked at the other. Eren was worried. I gave him a reassuring smile. Still, I was wondering...

Who is this titan?


Silence. I was on my own, ready to throw a red signal if needed, but i haven't seen anything in quite a while...  either titan or human... it was getting creepy.

Suddenly, to my right, a... female titan? Appeared. She grabbed me. So, this is it, huh?


She just... dropped me to the ground?


I looked on my right. Reiner was there, with a spare horse.

Reiner:"Hey, are you okay?! Can you ride?!"

Jean:"Y-yes... I'm... fine?"

I got on the spare horse and followed the titan

Jean:"She... didn't killed me."


???:"Weird, huh?"

Captain Ness appeares next to us, quite calm.

Ness:"I've been following her all day. Everytime she grabbed me or another scout, she just looked at her face, but spared them. Why?"

Reiner was angry? Why? Shouldn't be happy she is not killing our friends?

???:"Because she is a human!"

I looked behind me to see Armin, throwing a yellow signal. Yellow means emergency.

Jean:"A human?!"

Armin:"Yes! I think she is looking for someone!"

Jean:"Wait, if that's the case, she should be looking for Y/N!"

Ness:"Shit. That's bad. Armin, you reported the situation to Levi, right?"

Armin:"Yes sir! Your friend is reporting to Captain Erwin!"


Reiner:"If she is looking for Y/N, we should stop her. Where is him anyways?"

Armin:"He is in the backlines, along with Eren. He should be safe there."

Reiner:"Good. Captain Ness, what should be do?"

Ness:"She likes to spare people, but, our objective is to protect Y/N, so we will engage!"

We all moved to her, getting ready to fight.

Armin:"Wait, if she knows we are not Y/N, she will not stop!"

Jean:"Our hoods! Let's use them!"

We put out hoods on. The titan looked behind us. Once she saw us, she turned and went for us.

Ness:"Incoming! Out of the horses, now!"

We all engaged. I threw my anchors at her. She tried to grab me, but i dodged. She grab Armin, and removed his hood. Once she did that, she threw him to the ground.

It didn't matter, i have a chance to slice her nape! I sliced at her, but, my blades broke... some type of cristal appeared and protected her. What?

She was about to grab me, but Reiner appeared and tried to slice her arm. She feinted her grab and went for him instead.

She closed her hand, trapping him. But Reiner escaped, breaking her hand.

I was falling to the ground, but captain Ness picked me, saving me.

Ness:"What was that crystal?! Shit, you would have killed her if not for that!"

Reiner picked Armin and started running. Weird enough, she was... looking at her hand. Then, she runs to a different direction than before.


Ness lets me on the ground. We run to Armin and Reiner, who were going towards a tree nearby.

Jean:"What's wrong Armin?!"

Armin:"She is going... towards Y/N..."


Reiner:"Not good..."

Timeskip brought to us by The Female Titan running, sheding a tear.

We were currently hiding behind some bushes and a tree. Reiner and I were whistling, trying to call our horses. We have  one, but that's it. Ness is healing Armin, who hitted his head roughly.

Jean:"Shit, this is bad. If our horses don't come, we will stay here forever!"

Reiner:*Whispering*"Annie, why don't you kill them all and finish this god damm mission alredy?!"

Jean:"You said something, Reiner?"

Reiner:"Why isn't she killing us? She had plenty of moments..."

Armin:"Maybe she is not that bad. I mean, if she wanted to kill us all, she would have done that alredy, right?"

Ness:"Hmm... maybe she just wants Y/N for some reason, but, is not in the same team as the Colossal and Armored?"

We turned at him. Reiner was... shocked?

Reiner:"W-What do you mean, sir?"

Ness:"Think about it. Both the Colossal and the Armored kill without any second thoughts. Both just breached our walls, leading titans in, killing hundreds of us."

Ness:"The female instead, didn't lead any titan. The right wing all saw her, and they all said the same. She just looked at their faces and ignored them. She didn't killed anyone so far."

Reiner was angry. Is quite... weird... out of character.

Armin:"Maybe she is friendly?"

Ness:"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Right now, let's focus on recovering our-"

A noise is heared from a bush. Suddenly, Christa appears, with some spare horses.

Christa:"Guys! Are you okay? I heared some noises and went to investigate!"

Jean:"Christa! We need horses, we have to move-" I realised she had blood on her cape "Are you okay?!"

Christa pointed at her blood.

Christa:"This? Is not mine. Some titans were coming here, so I killed them."


Ness:"By yourself?! Amazing!!"

Christa had a faint blush

Christa:"It-it was nothing... I just had a good teacher, that's all..."

She is an angel...

We all mounted on horses, Armin had to mount with me though.

We ride towards the formation, trying to get into our formation.

Jean:"Shit, this is bad. The titan knows where Y/N is, we should retreat!"

Suddenly, green signals are seen on the sky.

Jean:"Wait, green signals?! Armin, pass it on!"

Armin fired a green signal too.

Christa:"But... shouldn't we retreat?"

Reiner:"Is Commander Erwin out of his mind?! We can all see this mission failed!"

Jean:"Could he not have seen the smoke signals?"

Armin:"Possibly. What we know is we are just changing route. The mission continues."

Ness:"He has a plan, don't worry. He always does."


Levi:"Green signals. Eren, fire one too."

Eren complied, shooting one. He had a worried look.

Y/N:"Eren, what-"

???:"A report sir!"

The scout from earlier comes, and talks to Levi.

Scout:"It appears the Female Titan is coming this direction! She didn't killed anyone, but she is looking for someone!"

Levi:"That's not good. Petra, pass the message. You, inform it to Erwin, now."

They both nodded and went their own way.

Eren:"Sir, if the female titan is coming this way, shouldn't we move forward?!"

Levi:"If we break formation, we could get ambushed. If the titan reach us before Erwin changes the plan, we will engage."


Y/N:"Don't worry, we will make it!"

Eren looked at me and nodded, but he was still worried...

So was I.

Timeskip brought to us by the Female Titan, looking at a big forest, spoting Her Hero.

After a while, Petra reunited with us. It seems Erwin ordered the wagons to enter the forest with us, the others will stay on the trees, protecting the forest.

This is no normal forest though. The trees were like, 40 meters tall? They were big as fuck.

We entered the forest. Eren was not amused.

Eren:"Captain! Captain Levi!"


Eren:"We are in a forest! We will not see a titan till he is right on top of us! The center rank completly cut off! Something's coming from the right flank, isn't it?! What are we supposed to do?! Move or protect the wagons?!"

Levi:"Quit whinning and keep moving. Are you blind? Take a look around you. What do you think?"

Eren looks around. He then realises something.

Y/N:"We are getting some action."

Levi:"An advice, Eren. Calm down, and use your head. The best survival tool, is your brain."

Eren:"Yes sir!"

Eren and I looked at the rest of the squad. All of them had worried faces. No one knows what the hell is going on...

Someone fired black smoke on our tails.

Eren:"Black smoke!"

Y/N:"She is here. Sir, orders?"

Levi:"Keep moving. Blades drawn. Get ready."

We all draw our blades. Petra and I looked behind us. A single scout was in the air, pointing his blades at something...

Sudenly, the Female Titan appears, pushing the scout aside. He survived, but he got stunned.

Levi:"It's her! Move it!"

She sprinted and flanked us, trying to grab both me and Eren. I went to him and grabbed him, pulling him onto my horse. I forced him to duck, so we dodge the grab. The titan managed to grab Eren's horse. She could have gotten him.


Y/N:"I got ya!"

Eren turned on the horse, his back on mine. He aimed his blades at the titan, ready to protect me.

Gunther:"Dammit! She was behind us all this time!"

Eld:"We may have to engage..."

Petra:"Captain! We make use of the ODM gear?!"

Petra pulled her horse next to mine, so she could talk to Levi better.

We all look behind. More scouts came in to help.


They tried to kill her, but the titan avoided all of the attacks, throwing them away. They didn't die though...

Eren:"She is... not killing them?"

Petra:"Captain! Your orders?!"

Oruo:"It's too dangerous! She is catching up! We should kill her!"

I looked behind me. She was staring into my eyes. She had... a comforting yet sad gaze. But, it does not look threatening at all...

Y/N:"Captain, i can always fight! I can transform!"

Petra:"No you won't! It's too dangerous!"

Eld:"I'll cut that bitch! Just give me orders, sir!"

The titan looked hurted when she heared bitch. She dosen't seem bad, but, why is she here, following us then? I can't trust her right now. For all I know, she wants me. She could start killing people if she wants to. I have to stay focused.


And so, our hero entered a spooky forest, but, The Female Titan catched him. Who is this mysterious titan? What does she want? Why dosen't she kill anyone? We will see...

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