Season 1 Ch.5 What we trained for

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1 Day Later...


It was a beautiful day outside, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, on days like this, kids like us...

Should not be cleaning the cannons, like what the hell?!

Our superiors separated us into different scuadrons so we could do different jobs today. Mines had Eren,Connie, Mina, Thomas and Sasha.

Talking about Sasha, she thought it was a great idea to steal meat from the kitchen, she really will be the end of us.

Eren went to me, smiling.

Eren:"Hey, Y/N! You don't want meat?"

Y/N:"I'm okay, thanks."

He stopped next to me, looking at our city.

Y/N:"What are you thinking?"

Eren:"I'm just thinking... today... humanity's counterattack... begins!"

As soon as he said that, we heared a big explosion behind us. When we turned around, the colossal titan was there, looking at us, steam coming out of him. We were all shocked, some of us were scared as fuck. I saw him lunging his arm towards us.


We all jumped towards the city, dodging the big ugly titan attack. We anchor ourselves on the wall, safe, for now.

Connie:"Wha-what is he doing here?! Now?!"

Y/N:"No time to think! Calm down, and get ready for everything!"

Connie nodded and tried to calm himself. Suddenly, the cannons we were cleaning went flying, crashing into the ground below us.

Thomas:"He missed, right?"

Y/N:"No... he didn't."


Eren:"It dosen't matter! Our target is here! This is our chance!"

Eren climed the wall, attempting to kill the titan.

Y/N:"Shit. I'll get him. Sasha, you're in charge meanwhile!"

Sasha:"Got it!"

While I was climbing the wall, a big boom was heared at ground level. I looked down to see the gates breached. I keep climbing, but when i did, the titan wasn't there. Eren was standing on the wall, burn marks on his hands.

Just when i was about to scold him, a garrison soldier climed the wall.

Soldier:"What are you doing? The contingency plan for the Colossal Titan has alredy begun! Get to HQ!"

All of my teammates were salutating, except me, who was too angry to care right now.

Soldier:"If anyone made contact, report it!"

Eren:"Yes sir!"

Connie:"Best of luck to the advance team!"

The soldier jumped off towards the outside to try and buy everyone some time.

Y/N:"Once we reach HQ, Eren, I'm gonna beat your ass."

Eren gulped, knowing i was serious...

Timeskip brought to us by Y/N, beating Eren to death with a stick.

We arrived at the HQ. They were giving us a speech to raise our morale.

Captain:"You trainees have completed the final training exercise, and now are full fledged soldiers. We expect great things from you!"

I looked around for Eren, wanting to beat him up for his stupidity. I founded him, along with Armin who was scared.

Eren:"What's wrong, Armi-"


He turned to me, scared. I gave him a push, throwing him to the ground.

Y/N:"What the fuck were you thinking?! I'm the squad leader, so you can't go full on suicide at the first titan you see if i don't order you to do so! Do you want to die so badly?"

Eren:"But, Y/N, the Colo-"

Y/N:"No buts! If you keep acting like this, you are going to get someone killed. So please, restrain yourself."

Eren nodded, angry. I know him, i know he dosen't mean it and eventually he is going to do it anyways, but we dosen't have enough time to be arguing right now.


I turned around and see Mikasa going towards me.

Y/N:"... Eren, get up and help Armin. Wait for me outside."

He did it, without saying anything else.

Mikasa:"Y/N, are you okay?! I've heared the titans breach on your wall! Are you wounded?"

She then started touching me everywhere, looking for injuries.

Y/N:"Hey, hey, hey. I'm okay, knock it off!"

Mikasa stopped, a sigh of relief escaping her lips. I pulled her for a hug, trying to comfort her.

Y/N:"Everything will be alright, okay? I'll take care of Eren and Armin."

Mikasa:"Don't die, please."

Y/N:"I promise."

She gave me a kiss on the lips. I could sense her frustation, but she tried to be as passionate as she could.

Y/N:"Let's go out. Don't wanna miss the plan."

She nodded, following me outside. I listened closely to the plan. It was simple. The intercept scuadron, the garrison soldiers to summarize, will go to the gates, fighting the enemy at our gates.

The cadets will take the middle of the city, divided into diferent squads, lead by the support team.

The rear will be protected by the elites, the best of the best from the garrison.

Y/N:"Eren. Come here, now."

Eren went with me instantly, not wanting to anger me anymore. He even carried Armin with him.

Y/N:"Okay, we will resuply and form a squad ourselves. We will intercept any lonely titan, little by little cleaning the entire city, Mikasa will be with us to-"

???:"No, she won't."

We turned our heads to see one of our superiors, looking at us.

Random ass captain:"We need miss Ackerman with us. I'd like to take you with me, Jaeger, but your leadership is quite unique, so i need someone like you with the cadets. I still need people, so Ackerman will do."

Mikasa:"Sir, i think i will be more useful if i go with-"

Y/N:"No, he is right. You have amazing skills, if we separate ourselves, we will cover more ground."

Armin:"Y/N is right..."

Mikasa:"...okay, but promise me you won't die."

Y/N:"I've alredy made that promise, remember?"

Mikasa nodded, going with the captain.

Y/N:"One more thing. I love you."

Mikasa blushed, but smiled.

Mikasa:"I love you too."

She then dissappeared along with the captain, both going to the rear to protect the evacuation. Our main goal was to buy time, not kill them all.

Y/N:"Okay, I'll pick Thomas and Mina. I want you ressuplied once i return."

They nodded and run towards the supplies,  picking up blades and gas. Once i returned with Mina and Thomas at my side, both of them were ready.

Y/N:"Good. Let the hunt, begin."

Timeskip brought to us by Mikasa standing on a building, looking at the distance, hoping everything was okay.

We were on a roof, scouting for possible threats.

Eren:"Hey, guys. This is a golden opportunity. If we prove our worth as soldiers right here, right now, we will rise up through ranks in no time! We could bypass rookie status all together!"

Armin:"Sounds good. I'm with you all the way."

Mina:"Now now, boys, you are not the only ones on your squad."

Thomas:"Yeah, im in it too!"

Eren looked at me.

Eren:"What about you, boss?"

Y/N:"Count me in."

Eren smirked, happy to see I was not angry anymore.


Eren:"Okay, then let's do a little game! Let's see who kills more titans, okay? The winner gets braggin rights!"

Eren went his own way, flying away.


We followed him, me trying to get him to think.

Eren:"1 titan kill equals 1 point. I'm so going to win this game."

Thomas:"Nah, I'll be the one to win."

Y/N:"What the hell are you guys saying?! This is not a game, we should- WATCH OUT!ABNORMAL!"

The abnormal tried to eat me, but i boosted myself to the right, dodging the attack, landing on a roof. The rest of my team landed nearby me.

Mina:"H-hey, where's Thomas?"

I looked to the abnormal, whos face crashed on a tower. Once he looked at us, we could see poor Thomas's body inside his mouth, his head still visible.

Thomas:"Oh my god... please... help me..."

The titan opened his mouth more and fully eated Thomas.

I could see the titan looking at me. He tried to grab me, but i dodge to the side. I anchor myself on his shoulders and boosted towards him. Once i was close, i de-anchored, passing next to him. I had little time to throw the anchors on his back and boost, preparing myself to strike. Once i was close, i threw my attack, cutting his nape.

I land on a roof, furious at that titan for killing my partner. On my right, i could hear shouts. The rest of my squad was approaching me, but some titans were waiting for an ambush.


Eren managed to react on time, dodging a titan who almost bite his leg, but rougly landed on a roof, hitting his head.

Armin landed near me, avoiding the titans.

A titan grabbed Mina's anchors and threw her to the ground, knocking her out.

Armin was freaking out, and i can't save the rest by myself. I need Armin here.

Y/N:"Armin, ARMIN!"

He looks at me, scared

Y/N:"I need your help, little bro. I need you to pick Mina and go to safety. Can you do that for me? Im trusting you on this."

After some seconds, he nodded and went for Mina. I looked where Eren fell, to see a titan grabbing him, trying to eat him. I went to him, but the titan turned to me, Eren alredy on his tounge. If i wanted to save Eren, i couldn't go for the kill...

Mikasa:"Promise me you won't die."

I'm sorry, Mikasa.

I landed on his mouth, placing my blades on the titan's teeth, trying to avoid the titan closing his mouth on me. I grabbed Eren's arm and threw him on a roof. Eren woke up, and was shocked at what he was seeing.

Y/N:"You better... hold onto your promise now... take care of Armin and Mika for-"

The titan close his mouth, chopping my arm off, eating me.


No... no... why?

The titan that eated my beloved brother went off, satisfied i guess.

Im so stupid, why couldn't i listen?

Y/N:"No buts! If you keep acting like this, you are going to get someone killed!"

Not you please... god, if you really exist, please, tell me it's all a dream.

I was crying, kneeling on a roof. It started raining, the only sound i could hear was the rain falling on me.

Suddenly, i heared someone landing behind me. It was Armin, he was carrying Mina, who lossed consciousness.

Armin:"Eren! I'm glad you're okay! Wait, where is Y/N?"


I looked at him, tears on my eyes. Armin realised why was i crying.

Armin:"No... you have to be joking, right?"

Eren:"I-I'm sorry Armin, he-he sacrificed himself to save me... I'm sorry..."

Armin drops to his knees, tears on his eyes. He starts crying, shouting nonstop.

Why am I like this? How am I going to face Mikasa now?

Some minutes pass till Connie, Ymir, and Christa land on our roof. Christa checks Armin and Mina, while Connie was shaking me.

Connie:"Hey! Eren! Can you hear me?! Are you still with us?!"


Connie:"C'mon snap out of it! I need you to talk to me! Say something!"

I gasped, surprised to see Connie here

Connie:"There you are! Now you can talk to me. Tell me, where is the rest of Y/N's squad? Where is him?"


Connie:"Allright, let's get you on your feet, we have to move... and what do you have all over you that is so slimey? What happened?"

I couldn't say his name without bursting into tears, i just couldn't

Connie:"Hey hey! Pull yourself together! Where is everyone?"

Ymir:"Let it go Connie, Tough guy is no more."

Connie:"Damm it! Don't talk like that! We can't assume they are the only ones!"

Ymir:"Take a look around you. Fire, some buildings destroyed, blood, and a bruised Eren, Armin without any emotion on his face and a knocked out Mina. What do you think?"

Connie didn't said anything else. He knows she could be right.



Christa:"I don't belive he is dead. He is around here, somewhere, i know..."

I'm so sorry Christa.

Connie:"O-okay, let's first go with the rest of us, got it? We are regrouping in some houses nearby, let's go."

Connie grabbed me, Armin got on his feet and Ymir carried Mina.

Y/N:"You better...hold onto your promise now..."

I will.


My squad and I were following an abnormal, getting close to the walls. Too close.

He made a turn, and now was running straight at some civillians.

Soldier:"Can somebody tell me why this son of a bitch is ignoring us?!"

Soldier 2:"It's an abnormal! Stop trying to get his attention!"

Soldier 3:"He is too fast!"

Soldier 4:"Just stay on him!"

Fine, I'll do it myself...

I anchor on his nape, preparing a killing blow. Once i was close, i just cut his nape clean, killing him.

The titan fell to the ground, me on his head. I could see a cart, blocking the entrance. People were surrounding the cart, trying to get through.

Mikasa:"Excuse me, what is all of this?"

Cart guy:"Couldn't have better timing! Make this morons push the wagon! I'll pay you handsomely!"


Mikasa:"...we are here for you... all because this is taking too long..."

Asshole:"Yeah, well that's their job. You expect me to shed a tear because you fullfilled the duties all of you signed up for? You are suppose to give your lives for us!"

Y/N:"I promise, i won't die."


I dropped to the ground, slowly moving towards him.

Mikasa:"Yeah, no arguing with that. You are absolutely right sir, it's what you call the greater good... still, sometimes, it's not the death of a soldier what makes the biggest difference..."

I pointed my sword at him, his bodyguards getting ready to fight me. Not like they couldn't.

Asshole:"Don't you even dare! Your commander and me are friends! One word from me and you'll be court-martialed! Belive it!"

His guards try to fight me, only to get unconsciouss by a single hit of the blunt part of my blades.

I point the sword to his neck.

Mikasa:"What a shame. Now move the cart, or I'll give them a good reason to court martial me."

I pressed the blade more into his neck, till he gave in, ordering his men to move the wagon away.

???:"You're amazing!"

I look to my right to see a little kid, with his mother talking to me

Mother:"You saved our lives, miss."

I smiled and saluted, placing my hands on my heart. The kid tried to do the same, but couldn't...



I turn around to see my captain, looking straight at me.

Captain:"The rest of us will take care of this. You are dissmissed, go see your friends."

I got shocked, but thankful nonetheless.

Mikasa:"Thank you, sir."

Captain:"No need. Is the least i could do after what you have done here."

It was raining, so i used my blue scarf to hide my face.

Why do I have to think of you now?

I nodded and went away, flying towards the middle part of the city. On my way, i was remembering how i meet Y/N for the first time.

Flashback 8 years before...

I was on a table, stitching a little handkerchief. Mom and dad were peeling some potatoes... i always liked mom's food...

Little Mikasa:" I'm finished mommy! What do you think?"

I gave it to my mother. She smiled, sweet as always.

Mom:"Oh darling, it's absouletly fantastic! Excellent work!"

Little Mikasa:"Thank you!"

Mom:"We had this style of embroidery a special family secret for heaven knows how many generations. One day, when you have children of your own you'll be able to pass the secret onto them!"

Now, it dosen't sound that bad, having children with someone i love... maybe in the future...

Little Mikasa:"Huh? I don't understand, how can i have children?"

Mom:"W-well, honey? Why don't you explain it?"

Dad:"Well, I'm not an expert on the subject but i think-"

A knock was heared. How much i wish now dad didn't answered it. Like i said, dad opened. Those bastards enterd our house, killed mom and dad, tied me up and dragged me towards another house. They dropped me on the ground, and started talking among themselves.

Motherfucker 1: All I'm saying is she better go for a decent price."

Motherfucker 2:"She is worth what is worth."

The first guy kicked me, and place her foot on my belly.

Motherfucker 1:"Sure, she is cute and all, just young. Wouldn't go for her myself."

Motherfucker 3:"Then we are lucky you are not the one we are selling to. Many would pay a premium. She is exotic. They used to call them oriental, you know about that, right?"

Suddenly, a knock was heared, this one, im thankful they answered it's call. My saviour was here.

The second dude went to open the door. When he did, he sees 2 kids, one with a blue scarf and the other, hiding behind the first one, with a red one.

Little Y/N:"So-sorry to bother. My brother and I are lost, could you help us?"

Motherfucker 2:"They are just some kids!"he kneels, patting Y/N's head "Of course! You have to be careful! Wolves are out there and they are dangerous! Just-"

As soon as he knealed, Y/N cutted his throat with a knife, killing him.

Little Y/N:"They trully are..."

Y/N closed the door, picking up the hatchet the second guy had. The first one went to the door, but as soon as he did, Y/N opened it, jumping to him and thrusting the hatchet on his head, killing him.

Once he was dead, Y/N went to me and cutted my ties with his knife. Then, he hugged me, saying sweet words.

Little Y/N:"Don't worry now, My brother and I are here to protect you. You are safe now."

Little Mikasa:"There was another one!"

Y/N looked at me shocked. He looks to his right, to see the last one behind Eren. He picked him and threw him on the floor, knocking him out. Y/N tried to fight, but it was too much for him. The last guy grabbed  my poor Y/N and started to strangle him.

Little Y/N:"You are M-Mikasa, right?! You have to fight! Fight! Or we will die!"

Those words keep repeating on my head. Suddenly, something on me snapped, so i picked Y/N's knife, and with astounding strength, i stabbed him on the back, killing him.

After a while, Y/N's dad arrived with the police. After scoldimg both Y/N and Eren, he talked with me about adopting me. I said yes, since i had no other option. It started to snow and it was cold, so Y/N came to me, and did something i still hold dear.

Little Y/N:"Hey, it's getting cold out here. We don't want you to freeze, now do we?"

He grabbed his scarf and gently places it on my neck. He rubs my head, and stays next to me. After all i have passed, i felt loved...

Timeskip is over.

Why do i remember that now?

After searching for a while, i founded a lot of cadets regrouping on a roof. I landed there, and searched for someone i knew. I saw Annie, looking at the ground, sad.

Mikasa:"Hey. Have you seen Y/N? Or his squad?"

She didn't answer, instead, she turns her head, sheding some tears. I was starting to assume the worse. Berthold comforts her, while Reiner answered me.

Reiner:"Im sorry for her actitude, she is not okay. The rest of his squad is right there. I'm sorry, by the way."

Sorry? For what?... Oh no.

Once i looked on the direction he pointed, i saw Armin, Eren and Mina. The three of them were sitting, Eren was hiding his face on his knees.

I went to them, as fast as i could, expecting something i don't want to believe.


Eren looked up, seeing me. By his pained and shocked face, i know something is bad.

Mikasa:"Are you okay?"


Mikasa:"Where's Y/N?"


Mikasa:"Eren, Where is Y/N?"

Eren:"I-I'm sorry Mika... we made a little game between us, just to raise the morale... Y/N said we should take this seriously, not like a game, some titans appeared and got Thomas, and later they got me... then... then Y/N entered then mouth of one... got me out and then he... he ate Y/N..."


A... a game he said?

Eren got up and faced me.

Eren:"I-I'm sorry Mika, i was foolish and-"

I slapped his face, angry at how Y/N always has to sacrifice himself for this retard, even if it leads to his own death. I was sheding tears at this point.

Mikasa:"A-a game you said? You were making jokes and doing the dumbass at moments like this?"

Eren:"I'm so sorry..."

Mikasa:"Being sorry is not going to bring him back..."

I turned my back to him, and went far away from him. Right now, i don't want to stay in the same place as him...

You promised me Y/N... why?


And so, out hero's journey comes to an end... or so everyone thought, because at the distance, another big explosion was heared, the roar of a big titan was heared around Trost...

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