Season 1 Ch.7 Comeback

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After Y/N accepted Pixis's offer, we climbed the wall. We were all taking our time to rest, since we were very tired. Y/N was talking with Pixis, i suppose about his "offer". I was currently talking with Eren.

Eren:"So? What do you wanted to talk about?"

Mikasa:"I... wanted to apologise to you. I've treated you bad all this-"

Eren:"Stop. I deserve every word you threw at me. If I wasn't stupid, Y/N wouldn't had to sacrifice himself for me."

Mikasa:"Still, you are his brother, you were hurt too, and my way of helping you through it, is shouting and hurting you..."

Eren smiled and waved it off.

Eren:"Well, if it makes you feel better, it's water under the breach."

I smile and thanked him. It was his fault, yes, but he didn't deserve that treatment.

Eren:"So... you and Y/N, huh?"


Eren:"Do you really think I didn't saw the kiss he gave you back on HQ? Or all the "I love you" you two said?"

Mikasa:"... okay yes, we are a thing now."

Eren:"Good, I'm happy for you. But, be careful, it seems you still have competition."

I was confused at what was Eren saying till I turned my head to Y/N. Annie was hugging Y/N while softly crying. He was petting her hair, a smile on his face.

This bitch is gonna get it sooner or later.

I slowly made my way to them, but someone else I didn't saw in a lot of time climbed the wall.

Hannes:"Mikasa? Eren? Y/N? Thanks god you guys are okay! Where's Armin?"

Eren:"He is with the 3 strategist of the garrison, forming a plan."

Annie stops hugging Y/N, and stands next to him, blushing.

Hannes:"I see. So, what are you kids doing here?"

Eren:"Well, let's say, we have a special way of winning this war."


Mikasa:"It seems Y/N can transform into a titan. We could use this."

Hannes turns to Y/N, shocked.

Hannes:"Is that true?"

He didn't answer. Annie looked at him, confused at his silence, so she did it for him.

Annie:"It is."

Hannnes:"Oh! I haven't introduce myself to you! My name is Hannes! I'm These three's guardian!"

Annie:"A pleasure. I'm Annie."

Hannes:"Well, i think-"

???:"Y/N! I've brought you food!"

Christa climbed the wall, bread on her hands. She had an angelic smile on her face, making Hannes, Eren and Y/N blush. The latter one picked the food and starts eating.

Y/N:"Thanks, Christa." He pats her head "It's very nice of you."

Christa smiled and stands next to him too.

Hannes:"Oh. So, you have two girlfriends?"

Annie and Christa were blushing and surprised.

Two girlfriends? Fuck no, I'm his only one.

Y/N:"Huh?! N-no, actually, I only-"

Mikasa:"I'm his girlfriend, not them. Nor will they be."

Annie:"Maybe he wants me too. Im okay with polygamy."

She glares at me, so I glare back. I was starting to get very annoyed. Polygamy? You just want to get into his pants, you b-

Armin:"Y/N! Get over here, please!"

Y/N starts going towards him, followed by the rest of us except Hannes, who had to keep watch on the walls.

Armin was accompanied with another 3 people.

They were Ian, the captain who separated me from my Y/N back on HQ, Mitabi, someone I haven't met, and Rico, a girl with white hair.

(Ian, Mitabi and Rico, in that order)

Rico:"We have a plan to retake Trost, but, for it to work, we will need your titan's powers."

Ian:"The plan is simple. There's a big rock on this part of Trost." He signals with his finger on a map. We can see in the map some type of plaza "You have to pick the rock, and use it to block the entrance to the city. That will stop them for entering."

Mitabi:"Meanwhile, the garrison and your friends will stop any titan that goes near you."

Armin:"Before we launch the plan, we will gather as many titans as we can on the walls so our cannons can shoot, reducing the amount of titans we will have to face."

Rico:"For this plan to work, we will need your help. If you can't transform, you can't carry the boulder or you are killed, we lost. You think you can do this?"

Y/N seems in deep thought, looking at the map intensly, like if he was trying to figure out something.

Y/N:"I think I can. I don't know exactly how strong my titan is, but while I was on my titan, I saw the boulder you are talking. I think I can carry it."

Ian:"Good. Get ready then, once our commander finishes to rally the troops, the operation will begin."

Y/N nodded, a serious look on his face. Pixis was giving a speech to the troops, explaining the plan we had to them, while we ready ourselves.

We all picked more blades and gas. I'm sure it's not gonna be easy. So better be prepared.


She was talking to me.

Mikasa:"Not in the mood for you right now."

Annie:"I'll be quick. After this, you and I have to talk."

Mikasa:"And if I don't wanna talk to you?"

Annie:"I'll keep trying to steal him then."

She then wents to Y/N and stays near him, listening to his conversation with Armin.

Once I was ready, I make my way to them. Y/N turned to me and smiled.

Y/N:"Hey, Mika. You are gonna be escorting me on this mission, I'm counting on you."

Mikasa:"Don't worry, I have your back."

Christa:"Me too Y/N! I have you too!"

Rico:"Armin! Eren! Start the distractions! Y/N, with me! We are launching the operation!"

Rico, Ian and Mitabi starts running towards the left part of the wall. Y/N, Christa Annie and I followed them. Eren and Armin went down, gathering as many titans as they could.


Alright, let's do this.

Rico:"Y/N! More squads will be down there eliminating nearby titans. Remember, your objective it's only the boulder, not them so ignore the titans at all cost! Don't engage in combat!"

Y/N:"Yes ma'am!"

Ian:"Besides, we are here to protect you, so trust us on this one."

They all nodded at me. I don't like being the one that needs protection, but I'm the only one who can lift that boulder, so makes sense.

I can see a lot of soldiers entering the city, distracting the titans and killing some. Not all had the same luck, some soldiers got killed...

They are dying for me. I have to make this work.

We have visual on the boulder. It was big, but now I'm sure my titan can carry it.

Ian:"That's our objective! Jump! We are using the 3D manuever gear from now on!"

We all jumped into the city, using our gear to move towards the boulder. Thanks to the other squads, no titans were near the rock, so we had no trouble reaching it.

Rico:"Okay, we are here! Y/N, do your thing!"

Y/N:"On it!"

I launched myself towards the boulder, while i cutted my hand with one of my blades. Lightining strikes me, commencing my transformation. After some seconds, I'm into my titan. I roar, and walk towards the boulder.

Eren and Armin arrived to give us some support.

I place my hands on the boulder, and slowly grabbed it. It was very heavy, but I can lift it. Eventually, with a roar, I manage to lift it, putting it above my head to support it somehow.

Rico:"Yes! The mission is a success so far!"

She grabbed her smoke signal and fired green smoke towards the gate.

Ian:"Great! Y/N! Move towards the gate! Put that big rock on the entrance!"

I start moving towards the gate. Eren, Mikasa, Armin and Christa lands on my shoulders, looking for anything that can threaten me. The captains and Annie anchored on my back and torso.

Ian:"Heh, ever rode on a titan, Rico? Mitabi?"

Mitabi:"Never had the pleasure of it."

Rico:"Less talking, more killing. Titans approaching."

3 titans were infront of me, running towards me. Rico, Mikasa and Annie goes for them. Rico killed a little one, Mikasa injure the eyes of another one, who went crazy and started moving his arms everywhere, eventually tripping on himself, falling to the ground. Annie threw her blades on the other titan's eyes. She grabbed new ones, anchor to the titan's nape and cut it, killing it.

Once they all were on me again, i resumed my walk. I went to the titan on the ground, his eyes still regenerating. I stomp his neck, killing it. Then, I just move forwards, the gate now visible.

Rico:"The gate it's right there! Keep going Y/N!"

She was right. The bad thing is, more titans were on their way.

Annie:"Shit. More of'em incoming."

Ian:"Everyone, out of Y/N! Distract as many as you can!"

They all went to the titans, getting them out of my way.

Ian made three of them following him. He went to the walls, so the cannons could shoot. Mitabi did the same, but towards a different wall. Christa taunted some titans, who went towards her. She used her gear to escape, the titans on her tail. Two titans were still between the gate and me. Eren and Armin stayed on me, encouraging me.

Rico managed to get behind the first one, cutting his nape. Once she did, she anchors herself to me, signaling me to keep going.

Mikasa cutted the eyes of the last one, Annie aiding her by cutting the nape of said titan. They then land on my shoulders

Rico:"Go! There is no one else besides us! It's our chance!"

Annie:"You have this Y/N!"

Mikasa:"You can do it!"

I make a final roar, throwing the boulder towards the big hole the Colossal Titan made. The boulder blocked the entrance.

Mission completed.

I roar in victory, throwing my hands to the air, happy we made it. Rico smiled at my antics, and fired a golden smoke, signaling we made it. Ian and Mitabi soon appears behind us, as happy as me, cheering for our victory.

Annie smiled and patted my head, saying good job. Mikasa just laughed.

???:"Can somebody explain to me..."

We looked up. Some type of midget was on my hair. He had the Scout's cape, so he had to be one of them. I couldn't see his face though.

???:"What the hell is going on here? And why are you three celebrating on a titan?"

Rico:"Captain Levi, this titan is in fact, a human. Trost was breached by the Colossal. This titan helped us in retaking Trost."


Levi:"Oh? How can I trust this, "thing" is actually human?"

Rico:"You can see it by yourself. Cut the nape of the titan carefully, the kid is in there."


He went to the nape and makes a cut, almost hitting me. There, it laid me, looking straight at him, who was shocked.

Y/N:"Yo! Mind getting me out of here, sir?"

He complied, cutting the flesh. Unlike Mikasa, he did it rough, so it hurted me a bit.

Levi:"It hurts?"

Y/N:"I-if you don't do it carefully, yes."

Levi picks me and drops me on the ground, along with the rest, waiting for us.

Rico:"There should be some titans around the city still. We should go and look for them."

Levi:"I'll take care of that. Cadet, go to the wall and report to Captain Erwin. Now."

Y/N:"Y-yes sir..."

I was starting to feel weak all of the sudden, my consciousness fading.

Mikasa:"Y/N, what's the matter?"

I fell to the ground, unable to move. Levi kneels besides me, checking my condition.

Levi:"Oi, kid, what's wrong?"

That's the last i heared before going unconscious.

Timeskip brought to us by Ian and Connie, riding Y/N's titan with a cowboy hat, shouting "yee-haw."

I was having a weird dream... it was just a flame, getting bigger and bigger. Once I thought it was going to burn me, I woke up.

I was inside a prision cell. I am wearing a white shirt and pants. My arms were chained to the wall. Outside of my cell I could see Rico, sad to see me like this. Levi and Erwin were there too.

(Levi and Erwin... why am I even explaining who are they?...)

Erwin:"Any questions?"

Y/N:"Where the fuck I am?"

Erwin:"I think it's obvious. Let's call it a dungeon. You are currently into custody of the military police. We were granted permission to see you just now."

I look around my cell. Not much to see, just my bed. I look on me to see something missing. My key. The one father gave me. Erwin realise this and shows it to me.

Y/N:"Hey! That's mine!"

Erwin:"No need to get nervous, you'll get it back. This key is for your home. Specifically for Doctor Jaeger's house in Shiganshina. He must be hiding a good secret there, right? About the titans?"

Y/N:"I don't know how you discovered that, but yes, that key is for the basement in my house. Their contents are unknown, i don't have a fucking clue what's in there."

Levi:"Must suck to have your father and your memories M.I.A at the same time. Unless it's a cover story, of course."

Y/N:"Must suck to be as tall as a cockroach."

Rico snickered at this, but quickly regained her composure. Levi threw me a death glare. Eat shit, midget.

Erwin:"Enough. We've been over this alredy we know he has no reason to lie."

Erwin:"But that's all we know. How about you shed a little bit of light by telling us your intentions?"

Y/N:"My intentions? I just want to kill all the fucking titans that made my life hell. I didn't know I had this power till Trost's invasion. Once I discovered it, I just used it for everyone's benefit."

Rico:"I can confirm that. My soldiers witnessed the kid transforming, helping them, and getting him out of the titan. The operation we did in order to retake Trost, I am a witness myself."

Y/N:"Why are you asking that anyways?"

Erwin:"Because we are planning on retaking what was breached once. We will need your special powers of course. Not only that, but, it has been conjectured, the Armored Titan and the Colossal Titan are more or less the same as you."


Levi:"No, elves. The fuck you think?"

Y/N:"If I had to take a guess by looking at you, I would say dwarfs."

Rico laughed while Levi threw me such glare, I knew I fucked up. Rico stops laughing, embarrassed at her actions.

Levi:"Tch. You'll regret that."

Erwin:"Anyways. We need your help in order to not only to get to Shiganshina to discover your father's secrets, but to discover the identity of both the Armored and the Colossal titan. You can save us. What will you do?"

To summarize, his objectives are similar to mines. He could be playing with me, but I don't have too many options besides trusting him.

Y/N:"I'll join you and the scouts. I was going to join you anyways."

Levi:"How... convenient..."

Y/N:"I know, right?"

Levi and I glare at each other. I alredy hate this guy.

Erwin:"We will do all we can to ensure you can join us. For now, that's all. We will let you be."

Erwin and Levi exits the prision, but Rico stays.

Rico:"I wanted to say thanks for helping us. The plan was a complete success, we had some casualties here and there, but you saved a lot of lives."

I warmly smile at her. She had a faint pink blush, but I paid no mind to it.

Y/N:"Just doing my job."

Rico:"If there's anything I can do to help you, I'm here."

Y/N:"How much time I have been unconscious?"

Rico:"1 entire day. It seems using your powers too much drains your energy. You have to be careful."

An entire day? Jeez.

Rico:"Erwin didn't told you this, but tomorrow, you will go to trial"


Rico:"To see what regiment will have your custody. I can't say more, I'm sorry."

Y/N:"No, it's okay. How are my family? Are they okay?"

Rico:"You really care, huh? They are all safe and sound, but they didn't like the idea of taking you to prision. Specially Ms. Ackerman. They almost had to imprision her with you."

Y/N:"What?! What did she do?"

Rico:"Let's say, 2 members of the police will have trouble breathing through their noses."

She broke their noses? That's my girl.

Y/N:"Heh, that's Mika to you. Thanks Rico, for everything."

Rico:"You're welcome. Now rest, tomorrow will be a long day."

Rico leaves the prision, leaving me alone. I was going to be judged, huh?

I tried to sleep, but my shackles made everything very uncomfortable. Eventually, I fall asleep thanks to exhaustion...

What could possibly go wrong tomorrow?

And so, our hero manages to win his first battle, but, at what cost? He is going to be judged, and god only knows what is going to happen there...

Author's notes:

I apologise for making this chapter shorter than the others. I was originally gonna include the trial, but it was going to make this chapter too long, so i decided to cut it for the next one.

One more thing, I forgot to explain Y/N's titan. He is like Eren in the series, but taller, stronger, and with the same hair style you have. You are bulkier and have more control of it than Eren does. In the future, you will maybe gain something extra...

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