Season 2 Ch.5 Titan Lover 🍋🍋🍋

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Why do I even bother, if the lemons are there...


1 week has passed since the operation to retrieve me. Levi and his squad brought us to a big house outside Wall Sina.

There's enough room for everyone here. We all do our chores, making sure the place is cleaned, we have enough wood for the kitchen, and the food, of course.

Since we are a lot of people here, Levi told us we could sometimes take a rest. With 5 or 6 people is enough.

An exception is Mikasa. Even if she says she is fine, Levi don't trust her, so he prohibited her to do any physical work, either training, chopping wood, or moving around too much. Her hate grew, but, I know she loves to goof around with me, not doing anything in particular.

Talking about that, her ways of showing affection are cute. When we are in private or with Historia or Annie, she will do whatever it takes to gain my attention. When I sleep with her, is hard to not have sex, since she really wants to. I don't want to hurt her, so, till she is not fully healed, no sex for her.

But, on public... she is the most shy person on earth. She is unable to kiss me or hug me without blusing. Most of the time, it's me the one who shows their affection. Even then, she still blushes a lot.

Annie is a completly different thing. She does not give a fuck if we are alone, Levi is there or the entire house is looking at us. If she wants to make out, or simply, cuddle, she will get it. Now, she does have a cute side, but unlike Mikasa, she only shows that to me, on private.

If Mikasa is the shyest girl on the world, Historia is the shyest person in the universe. She likes a lot to cuddle, or to make out, but I'm always the one who must do everything. It's not because she dosen't want to or something, is because she is very shy, and not very confident on herself. Something I'll try to change.

Connie, Sasha and Jean seems to be very good friends now. If one is nearby, the other two are around too. They are happy, and always joking around, either messing with one of the others, or with Jean. Connie still has his doubts about the Reiner and Berthold thing, but he dosen't want to talk about it.

Armin discovered there was an entire set of chess in the house. He showed to me, hoping I wanted to play with him. He showed me how to play, and, after that day, we always play a game or two. Little by little, the rest of the house joined us in our games, even Captain Levi joined us a few times.

Levi was... well, Levi. You can always find him scolding Eren, Mikasa, Me or just cleaning. Even if he dosen't look like it, he worries for us a lot. He always makes sure we are okay, especially me and Mika. You know, all the "your ribs are broken" and the "you are our only hope to win" thing.

Eren decided to be public enemy number 1 with my girlfriends, since he is competing for my attention. Why? Because he wants to do things with me all the time, either just training, play chess, or do the chores together, or either just mess around with someone. Armin confessed to me, the fact he almost losed me 2 times affected him. I must talk to him about this.

Hanji started doing some experiments with me, with the help of Ymir and Annie. Talking about that, right now we are trying to improve my speech as a titan, so I can communicate with them. Thanks to the help of Ymir, I'm cappable of saying some phrases here and there. I can't talk to much, but I can say something.

Hanji:"Alright, Y/N, say something about Annie that you like, per example!"

Hanji, who was anchored on my shoulder said.

Titan Y/N:"I... like... your... eyes."

Annie blushed a little, anchored herself to me and kissed my nose.

Hanji:"Good! You are currently speaking without coughing! That's an improvement!"

Titan Y/N:"Yes... it... is."

Hanji:"Haha, don't push yourself too much, okay? Now, Ymir, would you teach Y/N how to get out by himself?"

Ymir:"Of course."

She anchored on my other shoulder and softly talked. She has been very kind and sweet lately to me. It's like she is a different person... with me, at least, Connie can't say the same...

Ymir:"Your mother is a titan?! That's why you are so ugly!"

Connie:"Fuck you!"

Ymir:"Wait, wait, if your mother is a titan... why are you so tiny?!"

Connie:"You don't know how much I hate you..."

Ymir:"Okay, Y/N, listen here. Try to focus on moving your body. Not your titan body, your actual body. Thoughts of exiting the titan must be in your head while you try to move. Is easy to understand, but difficult to do the first time."

I do as she says. At first, I moved my titan by mistake, but, eventually, I managed to get out of the titan by myself. I needed 2 minutes though...

Hanji:"Good! You are improving! Now, why don't we take a rest for the day, okay? You must be tired."

Y/N:"I'm okay, but, I wouldn't mind to rest for a bit."

Hanji:"Good! If you need me, I'll be around Levi, annoying him or something."

And like that, she goes away, probably annoying someone on her way.

I got out of my titan and land on the ground, Ymir and Annie with me.

Ymir:"Not bad. For your first time, at least. We have to improve your speed on "pulling out" ...heh."

Annie:"As dirty as it sounds, she is right. But you were great nonetheless."

Y/N:"Thanks. I'll work on that."

Ymir:"Well, I'm off to Historia. I'll see you two lovebirds around."

She then goes to the stables. Historia likes horses a lot, so, she spends a lot of time there. Annie slowly comes towards me, and  grabs my hand.

Annie:"Y/N, I've been thinking. Could we possibly, this night... you know... do it?"

Y/N:"Are you sure?"

Annie:"Yes. Besides, my room is only next to Hanji and Levi, both are out for the night. It's the perfect opportunity. Please, I want you."

How can I say no to that?

Y/N:"Yeah, sure."

Annie smiled and kissed me. She had a pink blush on her cheeks.

Annie:"Thank you. Now go, Mikasa wanted to talk with you."

Y/N: *Sighs* "Jealous alredy?"

Annie giggled, and answered.

Annie:"She didn't liked the idea of me getting frisky with you."

Y/N:"And why did you tell her?"

Annie:"She always likes to rub on me she stole your first. Well, I just wanted to mess with her."

Y/N:"I thought we were an harem? Not a competition?"

Annie:"A friendly competition, I must say."

Y/N:"Whatever you say, dear. Well, let's see what Mikasa is going to scold me for."

Annie laughed, and waved goodbye.

Since we arrived here, Annie and Mikasa has this competition between themselves to see who gets my attention or who is better. They always say the same things. Mikasa brags about she being my first, and Annie about all the things she can do besides sex, better than her. Sometimes, they can be really annoying...

I entered Mikasa's room. She was laying on her bed, reading a book i bought for her. It was a fantasy book or something. I did it so she could be entertained, but she alredy read it 4 times. In a week. She really must like it...

Mikasa looked at me and placed the book on a drawer next to the bed. She pats the bed, so i sit there.

Mikasa:"So, you are going to do it with her, huh?"


Mikasa:"Oh, you admit it like that? Don't even try to defend yourself?"

Y/N:"Defend myself? We are an harem now, you know? If she wants to do it... Besides, I alredy told you-"

Mikasa:"Yes, yes, I know, you could have dedicated only to me and such... It's just..."

Y/N:"Mika, I alredy told you, once your fully healed up, we will go as many rounds as you want."

Mikasa:"Promise it."

Y/N:"I promise."

Mikasa:"Good, but, that's not what I was talking about."

Y/N:"What is it then?"

Mikasa grins lightly, and looks at me, with innocent eyes.


Mikasa:"Do I really excite you?"


Mikasa:"I'm joking, I'm joking, don't worry."

Y/N:"You aren't. If I actually ravaged you right here, you wouldn't have minded at all."

Mikasa:"In fact, I would enjoy it. Anyways, how was the training? Something new?"

Y/N:"Well, I can talk while being a titan, and I can get out by myself, no need of someone cutting my nape now."

Mikasa:"That's great. I didn't like the thought of hurting you while getting you out."

Y/N:"How are your ribs?"

Mikasa:"I'm fine."


Mikasa sighs, and shows me her body a bit. I can see purple in her abs. She is still a little bit sore.

Y/N:"Does it hurt?"

Mikasa:"No. Is a little bit annoying when I sleep, but, it does not hurt anymore."

I kissed her lips, and placed my forehead on hers.

Y/N:"That's amazing. I need you in a good shape, okay? Don't push yourself "

Mikasa:"Got it, boss."

Y/N:"You know who is boss around here, huh? Good."

Just when I was about to kiss her, someone opens the door.

Levi:"Yes, is me. Now get off of her and come down. We need you here."

Mikasa rolled her eyes and threw a nasty glare at Levi. He does not give a single fuck.

Y/N:"Okay, sir."

I stand on my feet, and go down to see what was happening. Eren is happening.

It seems, he was arguing like always with one of my girlfriends. In this case, it was Annie.

Annie:"I alredy told you, dumbass, your brother can't go out with you tonight. He has plans with me."

Eren:"That's not my problem! Besides, we haven't done anything in years!"

Bro, yesterday, we went hunting, and you scared our prey by shouting like a girl when a squirrel fell on you...

Y/N:"What's going on?"

Eren inmediatly rushed me, and pointed at Annie.

Eren:"Bro, tell the big nose meanie girl she can't have you tonight!"

Annie:"What did you just said?"

Mikasa:*Shouting from upstairs* "Nice one Eren!"

Annie:"Shut it, crazy bitch!"

Y/N:"Eren, I can't go tonight with you. But, tomorrow, you and I can do whatever you want."

Eren:*sighs* "Okay. But, whatever I want? Even if that means-"

Y/N:"Yes, we can insult Jean all day."

Eren:"Yes! I'll go and tell Connie! This is gonna be awesome!"

Eren is really childish when we aren't talking about titans, or we aren't killing them. Actually, if titans are not around, he is kinda... dumb.

Annie:"Do I have a big nose?"

Y/N:"I like your nose. Is cute."

Annie:"That dosen't answer my question."

Y/N:"It's my answer though. I like it. Isn't that all that matters?"

Annie looks at me, and shrugs, not knowing what to say.

Annie:"I guess. Well, do you-"

Levi:"Oi, brats."

Levi appears again. It seems he made his objective to annoy me today.

Levi:"I need one of you to clean the stable with Historia. You'll do Y/N. Go. Now."

Y/N:"Ugh. On my way."

I kissed Annie goodbye. But, before I left, I could hear a little conversation that brought me a little smile.

Annie:"Captain, you think my nose is big?"


Timeskip brought to us by a chibi Annie, Mikasa and Historia, on Y/N's head, fighting for him.

Once I reached the stable, Historia was there, caressing a horse while Ymir cleaned, but she was in deep thought, god knows what is on her head

Y/N:"Sup. I thought you were cleaning, babe?"

Ymir:"I am cleaning."

Y/N:"I... was refering to Historia..."

Ymir furiously blushed, and looked away. I realised this was something I could use to tease her, but first, lets check Historia, who, by the way, was confused aswell.

I got close to her and hugged her.

Y/N:"Hey there beautiful. You've been here all day?"

Historia hugged me, and tried to kiss me. She was so short, she dosen't reach, so I have to kneel for her to kiss me. She blushes at this.

Historia:"Y-yes, but, with you here, everything is way better now."

Y/N:"Glad to hear that."

Historia: *Whispering*"H-hey, do you know that Ymir... well..."

I nod. I kiss her lips, and separated.

Y/N:"I'll see what I can do."

I grab a broom and start cleaning the stable. There was a lot of hay on the ground, so a lot of work to do. I got close to Ymir, who haven't said a single word.

Y/N:"Ymir, remember you wanted to talk about something? A week ago? On that tower?"

Ymir glanced at me. She regained her confidence a little bit.

Ymir:"Y-yeah. What about it?"

Y/N:"Now is your chance. What's wrong, "babe?"

She chuckled, but blushed a lot.

Ymir:"W-well, I was thinking, maybe I could join your harem..."


I went to her and grab her hips. From all the time I spended with Historia, back when we were Cadets I know what Ymir likes, and she likes it when I'm "aggresive"

I pulled her body close to mine. She blushed, and looked around.

Ymir:"H-Hey! Knock it off! W-what if Annie see us?! Or worst, Mikasa?!"

Y/N:"I'll say you are joining the harem."

Ymir:"That easy?!"

Y/N:"Annie will not care. Mikasa would be angry, but eventually, she will not care either."

Ymir:"And what about you, Historia?!"

Historia, who was leaning on a wall, looking at the scene, answered.

Historia:"Me? Don't mind me. Please, continue."

Y/N:"See? The only one that worries is you. Now, do you want to join? Or not?"

The moment all of her worries goes away, she kisses me, roughly. Ymir goes straight to the point it seems. We make out for a bit, till we separate ourselves, after all, we need to breath.

Ymir:"Expect more of that later. I'll go and tell the rest of your harem, the sooner the better."

Y/N:"I guess. Be careful with Mikasa, she might get hostile."

Ymir:"I can handle her."

She goes away, smiling. Even if she usually dosen't smile too often, her smile was very big this time. She was really happy.

Historia:"Well, that happened I guess."


Historia:"Tell me, do you really love the girls the moment they join the harem, or you loved them from before?"

Y/N:"I had feelings for all of you, not gonna lie. But, since Mikasa was the first one to ask me out, I neglected all those feelings, not wanting to ruin our love. The moment she said about the harem, well, all of this happened."

Historia:"Then I have to thank her later."

Y/N:"If you say so..."

Timeskip brought to us by Mikasa, lying on her bed with a murderous look, throwing things at Ymir.

It was night alredy. We were having dinner, thankfully, it was made by Sasha. You really don't want Mikasa to cook, trust me...

Annie:"I'm full. Thanks for the food, Sasha."

Sasha:"No problemo!"

Annie got up, and cleaned her dish. After that, she went to her room, winking. Mikasa saw it and clenched her fork.

Little by little, everyone left the table and went to their rooms. I offered myself to clean their dishes. Once i made sure all of them were sleeping, I tip toe towards Annie's room.

Once I entered, she was... well...

On her underwear, on a sexy pose. She has black panties and a black bra

Annie:"Took you long enough~"

I went to her and layed on top of her, kissing her neck.

Y/N:"I wanted to make sure everyone was asleep."

Annie:"Don't worry sweetie, they will not hear us, these walls are very thick~"

Y/N:"They are not the only thick thing here~"


I grabbed her ass, while i kissed her neck. Annie placed her hands on my head, pushing my head towards her neck. She tried to get my pants off with her legs.

Y/N:"Eager, aren't we?~"

Annie:"Stop teasing me. Clothes off. Now."

Y/N:"As you wish~"

I slowly removed my clothes, putting on a show. One she enjoyed. The moment my pants were off, her eyes glued to my member, who was starting to make a big bulge on my boxers. I took my jacket and shirt fast, since she was not paying attention anymore.

Y/N:"See something you like?"

Annie:"A lot."

She tackled me, pushing my boxers down. My member slapped her on the cheek, a surprise look on her face.

Annie:"I-i don't know if it's going to fit..."

Y/N:"Don't worry, it will."

She grabbed it with one of her hands, curiously giving it some strokes. When she saw it gave me pleasure, she increased her speed.

She then had an idea. With her free hand, she removed her bra, and placed my member on her boobs. They were not very big, but, enough to engulf my member.

She started going up and down, waves of pleasure rushing through my body. I was at my limit alredy.

Y/N:"A-Annie, I'm about to- NGH!"

The moment I went to advise her, she placed my member on her mouth, giving me a blowjob while she worked with her boobs.

I couldn't hold it any longer, so I cummed on her mouth. She swallowed it all.

Annie removed my dick from her mouth and layed on her back, her head on her pillow.

Annie:"Thanks for the dessert~ Let's go for the main course, okay? Dear?"

She removed her panties and throwed them on the ground. She was wet. Really wet.

Y/N:"With pleasure~"

I went to her and positioned my member on her pussy. She was a virgin, so it was going to hurt.

Y/N:"Annie, before I do it, this is going to-"

Annie:"I know. Just, be gentle."

I nodded and slowly introduced my member on her. The moment I hit a barrier, I looked at her for confirmation. She nodded, so I thrusted in.

She yelped in pain, some tears on her eyes. I brought her to me, making her sit on my lap. I hugged her placing kisses on her, whispering sweet words. She hugged me tightly, kissing my neck.

After a while, I feel Annie bouncing a little bit on my member, so I thrusted at the same pace as she bounced, giving both of us more pleasure. I grabbed her face and kissed her lips.

Her inners weren't as tight as Mikasa's, but she was very warm. So warm, I don't think my member wants to go outside anymore.

After a while, we increased our peace, going faster and faster, the sounds of flesh could be heard outside. Annie was kissing me furiously, like an animal in heat.

Suddenly, she bounced harder, forcing my member hit a special place, making her shout in pleasure. I had to kiss her in order to muffle her scream. I don't want anyone to peek here out of curiosity or something.

Annie:"There! Hit- ahh~ H-hit there- AHH~"

I can feel liquid going down my member. She came. That doesn't mean I'm stopping though.

I thrusted as hard and fast as I could. Her eyes had hearts at this point, her tounge out of her mouth.

Y/N:"Annie, I'm-"

Annie:"Inside! Do it inside!"

Y/N:"What?! I can't-"

Annie:"Don't worry! I'm on the pill!"

On what?

I trusted her and finished inside, hugging her body as much as I could, bringing it down my member. She screamed as loud as she could, but I stopped her by kissing her lips. Once I stopped, I took my member out, and layed on the bed, Annie on top of me.


Y/N:"What's... the pill?"

Annie:*panting* "You don't know what that is?"


Annie:"Oh, right, I forgot pills doesn't exist here. Basicly, it's to prevent pregnancy. Like a condom, but for women."

Y/N:"Oh. And it works?"

Annie:"Of course it does!"

Y/N:"If you say so..."

Annie:"Don't worry dummy, you are not going to be a daddy. Now, let's rest for a bit, okay? I don't feel like walking tomorrow."

I nodded and placed the covers on us.

Annie:"Goodnight dear. I love you."

Y/N:"I love you too."

Y/N:"Wait, if we can regenerate, shouldn't you be able to heal and walk tomorrow?"

Annie:"Yes, but I don't feel like it. So you are going to carry me around."

Y/N:"Oh. Okay."

What Annie and Y/N didn't know is, a certain girl listened to their fun, jealousy filling her. But, she wasn't in the harem, so, who is she?

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