Season 3 Ch.1 Traitors

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It was morning, a beautiful day outside. Even if this is out last day here, Levi still wants this place cleaned, so, he ordered Connie, Eren and I to clean this, while Jean, Armin and Sasha went to buy food.

Eren has a... funny outfit. He actually looks like his job is cleaning.

Jean:"Hey, Sasha, you didn't stole any more food, right? Last time, Captain almost chop you to pieces."

Sasha:"Oh, c'mon it was just a treat for Y/N, I don't see the problem!"

The three of them entered the house, placing the food on a table, nearby the kitchen.

Eren:"Hey! Did you cleaned your shoes before coming in?! I don't want Levi to kill me!"

Jean:"Huh? Haven't you seen all the stuff we're carrying?!"

Eren:"Do you think and excuse like that is gonna work with Levi? You idiot!"

Y/N:"Here, Jean, let me help you."

I went to horseface and grabbed his sack of potatoes, carrying it towards the kitchen.

Jean:"Thanks, Y/N! As I was saying, I don't care about that, Eren! I was carrying that sack for such a long time, my back hurts!"

Mikasa and Historia appears. Mikasa has an axe on her shoulder, and wood on her hands. Historia is carrying even more wood.

Mikasa:"We're back."

Armin:"Y-you have been chopping wood?! C-captain Levi told you to-"

Mikasa:"Gotta stay in shape somehow."

Eren:"You are wasting your breath, Armin. Not even Y/N managed to convince her."

Mikasa:"Where is he?"


I wave from the kitchen. She sees me, and comes towards me with Historia. They both place the wood on a hatch, similar to the one we had on home, but bigger. They both then comes to me and kiss me.

Y/N:"Hey there, girls. Mika, Armin is right, you shouldn't push yourself."

Mikasa:"Y/N, I've told you hundreds of times, I'm fine. Besides, Historia was here this time, like you said!"

Historia:"She is right, Y/N. She has been careful, and didn't push herself."

I sigh and hug Mikasa.

Y/N:"Okay, okay. I'm sorry."

She smiles and hugs back.

Y/N:"Sasha, would you mind giving me-"

I turned my head to see Sasha placing something on her bag.

Armin:"Sasha... what are you hiding on your bag?"

Sasha:"...definetly not potatoes."

Y/N:"Sasha, would you give them to me? Please?"

Sasha:"Of course! Here, take them!"

She went to me and gave them all, a smile on her face. Once I took them, she went back to what she was doing, beaming with happines.

Eren:"How... how did he just do that?"

Jean:"He is a magician..."

Connie:"That's why I'm his number one fan."

Levi:"What's the conmotion?"

He entered the building, looking around. He placed his fingers on a table, and looked at them.

Levi:"Y/N. Connie. Eren. Explain why this is still nasty."

Y/N:"Don't ask me, I'm the one cooking."

Levi:"I see. Eren, Connie. Explain."

Connie:"That was Eren's part to clean! I was cleaning next to Y/N!"

He instantly rush to me, sweeping his brom behind me.

Levi:"Eren. Clean this and the stables. Now."

Eren:"Yes sir."

Levi then looked at Mikasa, seeing the axe on her hands.

Levi:"I've told you not to do any type of work."

Mikasa:"I'm okay."

Levi:"An order is an order."

Mikasa:"I apologise... sir."

Levi:"Y/N. Hanji and the other two titan brats await for you outside. It's her last experiment, so don't fail."

Mikasa:"Levi, sir. Can I-"

Levi:"Ugh, yes, go."

She nodded and followed me outside. Hanji, Annie and Ymir were waiting there, on horses.

I got myself one, and rode it, following Hanji somewhere, Mikasa on my back.

Hanji:"So, Y/N. Do you remember the fire thingy you did back when you fought Annie?"

Y/N:"Yes. And it hurt a lot."

Mikasa:"What? Hanji, I don't think this is a good idea then."

Hanji:"Don't worry, don't worry. For what Annie and Ymir have investigated, it should not hurt your human form at all. At least, if we are fast enough to get you out."

Y/N:"That was supposed to calm me?"

Annie:"Don't trust us?"

Y/N:"I do. I don't trust Hanji not going completly nuts at seeing a titan on fire."

Hanji nervously laughed and waved it off.

Hanji:"Okay, this is a good place. Y/N, transform and try to enter that weird form."

I nod and transformed, just as Hanji said. I was on a big hill, everyone looking at me. The problem is, i don't have a clue on how to activate it.

Hanji:"What's the problem?"

Y/N:"I... can't."

Ymir:"What if it's not a transformation or a power?"

Hanji:"What do you mean?"

Annie:"Like, some type of last resort?"


Mikasa:"Then, it's too risky to test it! Let's do something else!"

Hanji:"Hmmm... Annie, transform you too, and stay infront of Y/N."

She nodded and transformed, looking right at me.

Hanji:"Y/N, try to use your powers to order Annie to do something. Don't use your voice for it."

Okay, let's see. First, I try thinking on something, while punching the air, like last time. She tilted her head, laughing a little.

Hanji:"Y-Y/N, maybe your powers don't have anything to do with punching..."

Ymir:"Y/N, on that moment, what were you thinking?"

Y/N:"Protect... Mikasa..."

She smiled lightly, a little blush on her face.

Ymir:"Nothing else?"

What was I thinking? Oh, now I remember! I thought how much I wanted to transform and eat him! I remember shouting too. Hmm...

I thought on an order to give, and roared at Annie. Suddenly, her eyes looked lifeless, like if it wasn't her. She rushed at me, and hugged me, hiding her titan head on my neck. That's exactly what I was thinking...

Hanji:"Did it work?!"

Annie, after a while, separated myself from me. She was confused about what happened.


Hanji:"Yes! We can finally control titans! This could-"

Suddenly, I kneel, feeling very weak.


I got out of the titan, I had trouble to walk, but I was okay.

Y/N:"I'm fine, I'm fine, is just... it drains me a lot..."

Hanji:"Okay, that's enough for today. How did you do it?"

Y/N:"I thought of specificaly ordering Annie to hug me. I roared in order to "order" her to do it."

Hanji:"So, not only you need to think of an order, but you actually have to shout for the others to "recieve" the order... interesting."

Mikasa placed my arm around her, helping me towards our horse.

Mikasa:"Are you okay?"

Y/N:"I'm fine, don't worry. What now, Hanji?"

Hanji:"We're going home. Get on your horse, Levi must be worried."

I nod and got on the horse, Mikasa was riding it, though.

Mikasa:"Let me ride. You are tired."

I nod, and layed my head on her back, while I hugged her. She placed her scarf all around her face, probably blushing.

Timeskip brought to us by Y/N, ordering Annie and Ymir some... interesting things, while Mikasa scolded him.

I woke up, sitting on a chair. It seems I falled asleep when I was on the horse. Mikasa was on my lap, hugging me. The others were talking, everyone was there.

Levi:"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty, not even a dinosaur on your lap can awake you."

Mikasa threw him a nasty glare, growling. It actually sounded like an animal. As soon as I was going to answer him, a scout bursted through the door. I think her name is Nifa, she is an explorer that has been around here per a while, checking the surroundings and etcetera.

Author's notes:"Nifa doesn't have an official age, so she is as old as Petra and Oruo."

Back to the story.

Nifa:"Captain Levi! A message from Erwin! I told him about Pastor Nick, but he sent me this..."

Levi:"Get your gear, now. We are leaving. Make it look like we were never here."

I got up, Mikasa on my arms. I carried her to my room, since she wanted to sleep on my room, she has her things there. I placed her on my bed and we both went to put our ODM as well as some capes Levi gave us. They were not green, and didn't had the scouts emblem. They were maroon, red, black... mine was red.

After a while, we both reunited with our friends. Eren and Armin passed us some rifles just in case... something wrong happened. They were throwing things on the ground, and taking with them whatever seems suspicious. After that, we got on horses and got the fuck out of there.

We rode towards a little mountain, not far away from the house. We could see dozens of armed Military Police entering the house, looking for us.

Connie:"That was close!"

Armin:"How did Commander Erwin know they were headed here?"

Oruo:"We alredy talked about this, kid. All scout activity has been freezed outside the walls. We have to hand down Eren and Historia."

Nifa:"Captain, I didn't had time to tell you but... some MP's came for Erwin right after I talked with him."

Hanji:"What? As if he is some type of criminal?!"

Levi:"They are going to bring this war right in the open. No more fighting in the shadows."

Hanji:"They want to keep the secrets of the walls? But why? And why do they want Historia?"

Levi:"Don't know, but they want both Historia and Y/N. And they are not being subtle about it. We will move both of them to Trost."

Moblit, Hanji's helper talked.

Moblit:"But, isn't there were Pastor Nick was killed?"

Levi:"Exactly. Thanks to the panic, I'll be easier to hide. If we go to the interior, it will be worse. Besides, if things go south, we have our blades."

Armin:"It's true..."

Levi:"We don't know the identity of our enemy. I have an idea to change that. My squad and I will take care of that."

Hanji:"Meanwhile, I will try and help Erwin. Good luck, Levi."

She got on her horse, her squad following her. She then went somewhere else.

Levi:"The plan is simple." He got on a horse, the other's following him.

Levi:"We are going to disguise Eren and Armin as Y/N and Historia."

Eren snickered at the thought of Armin getting dressed as a girl. He grew a tick on her head and punched him.

Levi:"Meanwhile, the real Y/N and Historia will be on a wagon. We are going to try and protect them by making everyone think is a food wagon. Nifa, you'll ride the wagon. Petra, you will be inside, protect the kids at all costs."

Petra/Nifa:"It will be done./ Got it, sir!"

Levi:"Good. Let's move out."

Timeskip brought to us by Armin, dressing up with Historia's clothes, everyone teasing him.


The next day, we entered Trost District. We were slowly moving, trying to make our enemy get us, so we can interrogate them.

Ugh, not again. I mean, I look like him, he is my brother, but I don't like pretending...

Levi:"Everyone, don't be so close. It can be suspicious. "Y/N" "Historia" act normaly."

After a bit of walking, and some royalty assholes giving food to people in order to control them, Levi stopped. Something's wrong.


A wagon appeared. Even if I had time to dodge it, it wasn't the plan, so I let them capture me and "Historia"

???:"Alright, we got them! Get us out of here, now!"

The wagon took off, going towards a big building. It looks like a warehouse. Some men carried us inside, and tied us on a chair. They talked between themselves, till they left us. But, suddenly, one of them appeared and... molested Armin.

Fucking Pervert:"C'mon... tell me you like it... let me hear your moans, baby..."

Guys, please, come quickly... I don't think I can bear this anymore.

Thankfully, I can see my friends entering the building. Jean and Connie grabed the molester, and beated the shit out of him behind some crates. After that, they hided his unconscious body.

The other people entered the building. All of my friends instantly took cover, avoiding getting spotted.

???:"You sure this 2 are the ones we're looking for?"

A fat guy says. He looks like a merchant Mikasa talked about once...

Kidnapped:"Yes, sir. They fit the description you gave us."

Fat guy:"Where's the guard?"

Sudennly, Mikasa jumps to one of them, kneeding him on the head. When she lands on the ground, she grabs another one and throws him on the ground, getting him unconscious.

A guard grabs a gun and points it at her. She quickly threw a roundhouse kick, hitting him on the head. He fell on the ground, knocked out. Jean and Connie jumped from the shadows, getting the jump on the two remaining guards. Armin and I break our ties, running towards the fat guy and his... son?

They both made a run for it, but Mikasa restrained the fat guy, while we stopped his son.

Eren:"Where do you think you're going?"

Mikasa:"Connie, you sure these are the only ones left?"

Connie:"Yeah! Only those ones!"

The fat guy tried to get a gun and aim at Mikasa, but Sasha fired an arrow at said gun, breaking it.

Sasha:"Try something like that again and you won't enjoy where is going to land the next one!"

Mikasa:"Thanks, Sasha. Let's tie them up and reunite with Captain Levi."

Eren:"What? What do you mean?"

Mikasa:"Those were his orders. He left a message too."



Something's wrong... its... to silent...

I was inside the cart, looking at Historia, who had her eyes closed. Petra had a rifle on her hands, ready if something bad happens.

Y/N:"Petra... I have a bad feeling about this."

Petra:"What do you mean?"

Y/N:"It's too silent. I think someone is following us."

Petra:"So... you've noticed too..."

Y/N:"What should we do?"

Petra:"...Nifa, increase the speed."

Nifa didn't said anything, but she increased the speed. She had her hood on, so no one recognised her.

Nifa:"Hey! Out of the way!"


I looked outside a bit, not showing myself. People was blocking the wagon.

Y/N:"Petra, this looks like trouble..."

I grabbed a rifle, just in case.

Suddenly, gunshots were heared. Nifa instantly told the horses to move, thankfully, there was not people there anymore.

Y/N:"Shit. I knew it! Gunshots!"

Petra:"Okay, get down!"

The cloth covering the wagon got destroyed by one of those people. They had ODM gear, but, instead of blades, they use guns.

Petra:"Shit, get down!"

One of them took aim and fired at Historia. Thankfully, it was a tranquilizer dart, so, she got unconsicous.

I saw another one aiming at Nifa. I doubt that's a dart, so I placed myself in between. The assassin's eyes widened. I used this opportunity to aim and fire the rifle, killing him.

Nifa:"T-thanks Y/N, but get down!"

Petra fired at other assassin, killing him. But, many of them appeared. Since they saw my suicide move a second ago, all of them fired tranquilizer shots at everyone, not risking my life, resulting in everyone unconscious.

Including me...


I was looking at the warehouse Armin and Eren got captured. Mikasa went to me, appeared, after scouting.

This is just too easy. They are amateurs. Why would they send amateurs for something like this? Unless...

Levi:"How's the situation?"

Mikasa:"Armin is going to get caught if we don't act. They are... touching him."

Levi:"I see. Eliminate the trash here, I'll go towards Y/N. One more thing, tell the others to use lethal force if needed. We are going to get our hands bloody here."

Mikasa nooded and returned to the warehouse. I went towards where the wagon should be. I saw Gunther, looking at the wagon on a roof. I landed in said roof.

Gunther:"Captain, what are you doing here?"

Levi:"Just making sure everything is alright. We took care of the warehouse. It was too easy. Too much."

Gunther:"Why would they use rookies for something like this then?"

Levi:"Just my thoughts." The wagon got stopped by a lot of people. They can't move. A lot of buildings around. This is a perfect opportunity for an ambush. "Gunther, have you heared of Kenny the Ripper?"

Gunther:"The Assassin? Yes. Why?"

Levi:"I lived with him. And i fear he may be behind Y/N and Historia."

Gunther:"I thought he was a myth?"

Levi:"He is not. He is real. Very, real."

Suddenly, I heared movenent behind us. It seems Gunther heared it too, because we both got into cover. It was Kenny. He fired at us, and missed both of us.

Kenny:"Impresive! Even your dog managed to dodge it, Levi!"

Author's notes:"I just couldn't resist myself when I saw this photo. I'm sorry."

Levi:"Gunther, get out of here, help the others!"

More gunshots are heared. None of my squad members were killed, but they all got surprised. They inmediatly retaliate, killing some of them.

Gunther:"On it!"

Gunther leaved, going to his comrades.

Kenny:"You trained your people well, midget. Being able to dodge an ambush like that is not something everyone can do."

Kenny reloaded his guns, and appeared in front of me, in the air. I got my blades out, and went for him.

And so, our heros get ambushed by some mysterious assassins. Who is this Kenny? Why are they attacking the scouts? Only time will tell... by time I mean tomorrow, of course.

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