Season 3 Ch.3 Y/N's retrieval operation, yet again

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Author's notes:Before we begin, thank you all for the 5K views!! You guys are amazing! ❤❤❤

That being said, enjoy the story.


I... was having a dream. It was a woman, brushing her hair. She had a long black hair and blue eyes. She... looked at her mirror, but, instead of looking at herself, it seems she was looking at me... she then widened her eyes, as if she realised my presence. Just when she was about to talk, I woke up.

Man, I'm bored. One day, one entire fucking day of this fat dumbass saying profanaties and lewd things about my friends. Instead of angering me, it just bores me.

Dude fucking told me the entire kamasutra to me. But, the thing is, right now, he is not here. I'm all alone, just looking at this crystals.

Hmm... I wonder who that woman was? Meh, I suppose she wasn't anyone important. Let's look at the crystal pillars instead.

Now that we are on the subject, what the fuck are this crystals? They are beautiful, but, what are they doing here? What are the-

Suddenly, the gunfire is heared in the distance. My friends are here? I hope they are okay.

???:"It seems the party has began."

I looked on my right. The fat fucker was behind me. How much time has he been there?

???:"Tell me, is it true you got close to my daughter?"


Rod Reiss:"I see. So your father kills my family, and now, the only member of the Reiss family standing besides me, you go and taint her with your wicked ways. The more I know of you, the more relieved I am that your life will end in a moment."


Rod Reiss:"You are too silent lately. Something's wrong? Did I break you alredy?"

Holy shit, this guy is freaking annoying. Please, somebody, come and save me alredy, I want to kill this retard!



We were on a forest, at night waiting for Hanji and Moblit to return. As much as we want to attack those assassins, the goverment will treat us as criminals, since we would attack first, even if they kidnapped one of us...

This sucks.

Mikasa:"I still don't understand. Why don't we go there, let Annie transform, kill all of them, rescue Y/N and solve this problem?"

Levi:"Ugh, I'm getting tired of this... please, shitty four eyes, don't take too long..."

Armin:"If we do that, we will labeled as criminals!"

Mikasa:"Your point? I only have one goal, and it's right in front of me."

Historia:"Stop being stupid, Mikasa. Let's say you do that, and save Y/N. You think he will be happy to know he can't live his old life because you went nuts on those people, and now he has to be running away his whole life?"


Historia:"That's what I thought. Now shut it."

Ymir:"That's my Historia."

Eld:"I... didn't expect that from her."


Levi:"Shhh, someone is coming."

2 hooded figures approached us, rifles at hand. They remove their hoods, showing their faces. They were Hanji and Moblit.

Levi:"Oh, thanks god. What do you have?"

Hanji:"Very good news. Where do I begin?"

Levi:"From the start."

Hanji:"O-of course... well, Erwin was about to be executed for treason, but, thanks to his plans, he made Commander Zachary and Pixis make a military coup. Righr now, the king has been dethroned. But, we can take care of that later."

She said that while glancing at me. Huh?

Levi:"What else."

Hanji:"Since right now the ones in command are the Commanders, they have investigated our case. They realised we killed those people in self defense. The newspaper alredy covered this, besides the truth of the corrupted MP's. To summarize, we are no longer criminals."

Everyone cheered in victory. Ymir grabbed me and placed me on her shoulders, happy to see we don't need to hide anymore.

Eren:"We can go and rescue Y/N now, right?"

Hanji:"Indeed. A wagon is waiting for us. I alredy sended my squad to tell Erwin about the situation, and to send reinforcemnts too. Levi, I suggest we go and take Y/N back ASAP."

Levi:"Yes. Let's go, everyone!"

???:"Man, I don't know if this was a good idea..."

Oh, I forgot to mention. A new guy joined us. After Jean's test, this guy decided to come with us. His name is Marlo.

Jean:"Having second thoughts, Marlo?"

Marlo:"N-not at all! I just... about killing other people..."

Levi:"Don't worry. You won't participate in this mission. You will patrol the area, making sure nothing comes close."

Marlo:"Got it, sir!"

Levi:"Now, let's go. Y/N is waiting."

We mounted the wagons, going straight towards the church. Ymir sat next to me, Levi, Mikasa, Armin and Hanji sat in the same wagon. While we were going towards that church, Levi started an... interesting conversation with Mikasa.

Levi:"Tell me. Have you ever felt... some type of power awake inside you?"

Mikasa:"...I have..."

Levi:"This happened to Kenny aswell. Suddenly, out of nowhere he felt an absurd amount of strength surging through him and in that moment, he knew just what he needed to do."

Levi:"And this happened to me too. You know what's the funny part? There's something that link the three of us."


Levi:"Our last name. Kenny Ackerman. Levi Ackerman. Mikasa Ackerman. What do you think?"

Mikasa was shocked, as if she heared the most stupid thing on earth.

Mikasa:"I... I don't know what to say... we... are family?"

Levi:"Maybe. I don't know. We will have to investigate this later, let's focus."

Levi went to talk with Hanji about something. Mikasa was looking at the ground, eyes widened.

I got close to her, and hugged her arm.

Historia:"Blood does not make family. The bonds that you create with that person does. Y/N, Eren and Armin are your family, not Kenny. Okay?"

Mikasa looked at me, and softly smiled hugging me back. Jeez, she really is strong...

Mikasa:"You are right. Thanks, little one."

Historia:"Why everyone keeps telling me that?"

Mikasa giggled a little, now on a better mood. Ymir got close to us, smiling.

We are a big family now, and it's all thanks to you, Y/N. Don't worry, we are coming.

Timeskip by Rod Reiss, telling Y/N his entire fucking life, Y/N falling asleep at his stories.

We finally arrived to the church. It was on ruins, not on a good shape. We entered the church, but nothing was there. Completely demolished.

Levi:"Marlo, stay outside. You know what to do."

Eren:"Over here!"

Eren saw some stairs, going down. Levi and Hanji went first, rifles at hand. The others and I were behind them. Some of us had torches so we could see in the darkness.

Eventually, we reach a big door. Levi opened a little and scouted the place.

Levi:"I can see 10 targets, all armed with those special ODM gear. They are ready."

Sasha:"What do we do?"

Hanji:"We got a surprise for them."

Hanji and Moblit appeared with a big crate. That is... smoke?

Hanji:"With this, we will create smoke grenades, allowing us to pass through them. Remember, we will have to fight, so, aim to kill."

Levi:"Armin. You stay and throw the smoke grenades. Cover us. Sasha, use your bow. Kill those we can't reach. Gunther, Moblit, you have better aim than any of us. Us the rifles. Historia, you can stay back."

Historia:"No, I will fight."

Levi:"It's too dangerous. They will kill you."

Historia:"They won't, they need me alive. They captured my Y/N. Trust me, I'm motivated. They will pay."

Levi looks at me. He then nods, not saying anything else.

Levi:"Armin, the moment you throw the first smoke, we will go."

Armin nodded and kicked the door down, trowing the smoke. Some of the assassins fired, hitting absolutely nothing. We all went outside, blades drawn.

I jumped towards one of the pillars and anchored there. I boosted and turned the pillar. One of them was there, on a wooden platform in said pillar, aiming at me.

Christa:"Hey, Y/N, if a titan is gonna grab me, how do I dodge it?"

Y/N:"Easy! Twist your body to a direction, and boost. Since your boosters are aiming there, you will go said direction really fast! You could even dodge a bullet."

I quickly boost to my left, dodging the enemy bullet. He tried to kill me, huh? Well, lets give him a piece of my mind.

Y/N:"Try to place one of your blades in front of you, and the other on your back. Anchor on your target, twist your legs towards either left or right and boost. That way, you'll start spinning. Trust me, you will cut anything like if it was butter!"

I anchor myself on his torso and spin towards him. He tried to fire again, but I caught him first, decapitating him on one single strike.

Another one tried to ambush me with a knife. I dodged to the left, avoiding the attack.

Christa:"What if a human attacks me?"

Y/N:"If you have your blades, I'll be easy. Parry any attack he throws by thrusting your blade on the arm that he is using to attack you. It won't kill him, but it will hurt."

He lunged again at me, his right arm holding a knife. I ducked and thrusted my blade on his arm. He dropped the knife, shouting in pain. I ended his misery by cutting his throat with my other blade.

Y/N is in danger. I have to be faster.

I start flying towards where Y/N should be. Even if it wasn't a great idea, going on my own, we don't have time.

Two of them appeared on both sides. I don't have time for this.

Christa:"Hey, Y/N, what if I'm surrounded?"

Y/N:"You can always boost up or down. That way, I'll be hard for the titans to keep up with you."

Y/N:"One more trick, if you are fast and reposition yourself right on time, you could even boost two times in a row, going super fast!"

I boosted up, now above those 2 that appeared. I turned my body right and quickly boost to that direction. I anchored myself to the assassin that appeared on my right, and used the momentum to slice his neck, killing him. The other one fired, but I used the body of his friend as a shield. I grabbed the gun of said shield and fired to the other guy, killing him.

After that, I simply keep going my own way. All of my friends were behind me, shocked at what I've done. Not time for praises though.

I saw a hole, I guess they want to ambush us. I spinned and cutted through the rope blocking the exit

Levi:"Wait, it's a trap!"

3 of them were aiming at me.

Christa:"What if people with guns aim at me?"

Y/N:"I don't know why would they, to begin with... but if you do, your small height combined with how fast you are, is going to make it very hard for them to hit them. So, try to be as fast as you can."

I anchor myself to the ground and used the speed I gained while falling to the ground combined with the boosts to gain even more speed, dodging all the bullets.

???:"Holy shit! She is too fast!"

???:"Don't kill her retards! We need her alive!"

???:"It would be easier to capture her if she wasn't moving too much!"

Two of them were infront of me. They tried to stop me.

Y/N:"You can always throw your blades if you have extra swords. It can blind a titan if you hit them in the eyes."

Christa:"In the eyes?! It's hard to hit there, its too small!"

Y/N:"Remember this, small target, small error."

I threw my blades at them, aiming at their eyes. I scored two headshots, killing both of them. I draw more blades and keep moving forward, towards where Y/N should be.

Levi and the others can take care of the rest. If my father is there... I won't let him hurt Y/N.

Timeskip brought to us by Y/N training Historia how to properly boost, injuring herself hundreds of times.

I finally reach where my father is. He is on a big platform, Y/N chained there. He was shocked to see me on bloody clothes, but relieved to see it wasn't mine.

Father went down to meet me. I didn't even greet him.

Father:"You finally arrived, daughter. I was waiting."

Historia:"Let me have Y/N, and I won't hurt you."

Father:"First let me tell you a story."

He told me about how his brother had a plan. How Y/N's father eated my friend... his brother and... and his family. Y/N's father was the cause of all my pain... but...

Father opened his palm, showing me something.

Father:"That's why I want to kill the boy. You, are a Reiss. If you eat him, we will finally do what Ori wanted. I would have done it myself, but I can't, only you can-"

I sliced the flask, breaking it. Father was shocked. I stole a flask on him that said "reinforcemnt."

Historia:"Cool story, but don't care. I came here for Y/N. I'm not leaving without him."

Father kneeled, looking at the flask's content.

Father:"What have you done..."

I walked towards Y/N to unchain him.




I turned around to see Father trying to grab me. I reacted on time, slicing his body and kicking him, launching him towards where I broke the flask.

Historia:"Sorry, father, but you are not my family anymore. You never were."

I went to Y/N and removed the metal thing restraining his mouth.

Y/N:"Historia, are you okay?! What is that blood on you?! What ha-"

I shut him by kissing him on the lips. Once I finish, I start unchaining him.

Historia:"That was all thanks to your teachings, Y/N. Don't worry, the blood is not mine."

Our friends arrived, and helped us. But suddenly, a big explosion was heared behind us. My father transformed. Crazy bastard, if you transform here, we will all die!

We manage to free Y/N, and we all run towards a cliff nearby. Everything was breaking, rocks falling nearby us.

Eren:"This is the end! We are dead!"

Connie:"You can't be serious! Are we really going to die like this?!"

Levi:"Shut it! Let me think!

Mikasa:"Think about what, midget?! There's no exit!"

Y/N:"Historia, the flask!"

I gave the flask I stole to Y/N. He gulped it entirely, and run forward. We all told him to stay with us, but he transformed, and placed his body on us. He did something weird though, his body was... crystalizing?! Crystal appeared around him, surrounding us. Once he was finished, a entire crystal structure was surrounding us, protecting from the debris.

Oruo:"The brat just... saved us?"

Jean:"Hell yeah Y/N! Nice work!"

Mikasa:"But where is him?"


Sasha pointed to the head of Y/N's titan. It was falling apart. We saw Y/N's body falling to the ground, but Levi was fast enough to recover him before he hits the ground.

Levi:"You did well, kid. Now, we need a way out."

???:"Hey! Wait, what the fuck is that?!"

Above us, Armin and Marlo were looking at us. It seems Armin carried outside a hurted Hanji.

Marlo:"I don't know what's happening, but get out of there Captain! There's a 120 meter titan outside, going towards the wall!"

Eren:"A what now?!"

Levi:"Let's focus on that later. Get out!"

We all climbed up, going outside this weird place. When we did, Commander Erwin was waiting for us. A big Titan was on all fours, he was... ugly as hell... and part of his body wasn't properly transformed. He was far away from us, and he walked very slowly.

Erwin:"Everyone, get in the wagons, now. We are retreating."

We all start moving while questioning Erwin. Levi was the first to move, placing Y/N on a wagon. Mikasa, Annie, Eren and I got in said wagon.

Jean:"But sir, what about that titan?!"

Erwin:"We can't get close. Anything that gets close to his body instantly burst into flames, it's too dangerous. He is moving slowly though, so, we still have time to make a plan. Besides, he is ignoring us."

Erwin got on a horse, the others following him.

Erwin:"Move out! We retrieved Y/N Jaeger, the mission is a success!"

Everyone starts riding towards the wall.

Erwin:"I want to question Mr.Jaeger later, but, how did you survived that?"

Levi:"The brat decided to drink a weird flask Historia gave him. He has now similar powers to Annie's."

Erwin:"Where did you get that flask?"

Historia:"My father had it. In fact, that titan, is my father."

Erwin and the others widened their eyes.

Eren:"Are you saying... your father transformed into that titan?"

Jean:"Holy shit. Everyone now days transform into one, even your mother could too."


Mikasa:"Cool. But how do we stop it?"

Erwin:"We can't get close to him, his body throws too much steam. But, his head doesn't. We have to make it to the walls first, I'll explain once we are there."

Y/N starts to wake up. He sits, and looks around.


Annie, Mikasa and I instantly throw ourselves to him, happy to see him safe and sound.

Mikasa:"The next asshole that tries to kiddnap you, will die."

Annie:"I'm glad you're here with us."

Historia:"Welcome home, Y/N."

Y/N:"I'm happy to see all of you, but, I have a question."

Y/N:"What the fuck is that thing over there?!"

Historia:"Oh. That is my father."



And so, our heros manages to save Y/N from a psycopath, recieving new powers. But said psyco decided it was an amazing idea to transform into a titan. How will the scouts face him?

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