Season 3 Ch.6 Potato heart.

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After a little bit of walking, we arrived at Sasha's house. It had a dinner room on the left of the entrance, the kitchen on the right, and right infront of the entrance, stairs that go up, probably there is where her room would be.

Sasha:"U-um, can you sit there and wait a moment? I-I'm gonna change into something more comfortable! Hehe."

She runs up, going towards her dormitory. She is fast...

Her dinner room was way bigger than the one we had in our house back in Shiganshina. On the left, a sofa, with a book laying there. Sasha reads books? That's a surprise...

The room had a big table with a lot of chairs. Perfect for an entire family to eat there. A double window was on the left of the sofa. I can see what seems a garden. She has her own garden, that's so cool.

By the way, It could just be my imagination, but, for a split second, I think I saw Black hair hiding behind a bush...

Are you spying on me?

Sasha:"I'm here!"


I think I'm staring too much, because a blush starts to appear on her face.

Sasha:"H-hey... don't stare..."

Y/N:"S-sorry. So, wanna show me the kitchen?"

The blush dissappears, a big smile on her face. She grabs my hand and drags me towards her kitchen. I liked her kitchen. She had everything you need to cook there, and a table in the middle of the room, where you can eat there if you are lazy to carry the food to the dinner room.

Sasha:"I know we just ate, but, do you want me too cook you something?"

Y/N:"Okay. I'll let the chef decide, so, give me your best."

She nodded, and turned around, focused on cooking. I sat on the table, looking at Sasha's cooking. She is a good hunter, but she is a good chef too.

While I was looking at her, I had the feeling someone was looking at us. There was a window in the kitchen too, in the same wall as the kitchen furniture. When looking through said window, I saw that same head with that same black hair hiding behind a bush.

Not funny when they do it to you, huh?

Since a certain someone was spying on us, I decided to have some fun.

Y/N:"So, you have your eyes on someone?"

Sasha:"What do you mean?"

Y/N:"If you love someone. Everyone has their "special one". Well, not everyone, don't trust Jean. He is probably lying."

Sasha laughs, and looks at the food she is cooking. For a moment, I saw a sad gaze. Hmm?

Sasha:"I do."

Y/N:"Oh! Do I know him? Or her? I don't judge."

Sasha:"It's a he. You know him. A lot."

Shit. I'm not dense. I know what that means. Now, I feel bad to chose her to tease Mikasa.

Sasha:"But, it doesn't matter. There's no way he would see me like that."

Y/N:"I'm sure, in time, he will."

Sasha:"How are you so sure about that?"

Y/N:"I have a feeling, he might feel the same, but needs time."

Sasha:"I'm patient."

Sasha turns around, and looks at me.

Sasha:"Look, Y/N, I know why you are doing this. If I act dumb, it doesn't mean I am."

I feel like trash right now.

Sasha:"That being said, I... don't mind..."


Sasha:"If... my only way of being close to you, means you must use me... then do..."

Okay, now I feel like a fucking piece of shit.

Y/N:"No! I... this was a mistake. I love passing time with you, but, I don't want to use you! Look, I'm not going to make you enter my harem like this, just being "the girl I used to make Mikasa jealous" but, we can go somewhere, pass some time together, and then maybe, who knows... you could be one of my girls too."

Phew, that's the longer I talked for sure.

Sasha:"You... really want me?"

Y/N:"Sasha, you are one of my best friends. You always treated me good, you always cared for me, and helped me when I was in danger. Why wouldn't I?"

She hugged me tightly, almost throwing me to the ground. Jeez, she is actually very strong...

Sasha:"Thank you..."

I pat her head.

Y/N:"Sasha... the food."


She separated from me and went to the food.

Sasha:"Phew, everything is okay, it is not burned! You can sit down, food is almost ready!"

I sat down, and waited for her to bring our food. She made some meat with fried potatoes. She really likes potatoes...

While we eated, I decided to ask her about the book.

Y/N:"So, Sasha, about the book I saw earlier... I didn't know you like reading."

Sasha:"Oh! Armin bought me that! He said I should read more often..."

Y/N:"So, how's the book?"

Sasha:"It's actually cool! It talks about some creatures called "orcs" who pass through some type of dark portal towards a world called "Azeroth"! It's amazing!"


Sasha:"Green big monkeys."


We talked and talked about things. I learned how she is embarrassed about her actual accent. She showed it too me. I think it's cute. She talked about her family and people in the woods, about how the annoy Jean...

I think I'm... falling in love with her...

Sasha:"Oh, it's kinda late alredy!"

I look to the window. She is right, it was night.

Y/N:"That's my cue to go, Historia should be worried."


Y/N:"I had a lot of fun, Sasha. We should repeat this more often."


I went to the doors, followed by Sasha. I opened the door, but she stopped me by grabbing my hand.

Sasha:"Before you go... I wanted to give you something..."


She gave a quick kiss on the lips. I wasn't expecting that at all. Like I said, the kiss was very quick. Once she separated herself from me, she said her goodbyes, and closed the door.

Y/N:"Well... that happened..."

After that, I simply returned to the orphanage...

Timeskip brought to us by Mikasa, listening to Y/N and Sasha's conversation.

I finally returned to the orphanage. I can see from the outside all the lights off. I guess everyone is sleeping.

I opened the front door, and went in. The moment I did. Someone tackled me to the ground, hiding her head on my neck, hugging me tightly. She has a blue scarf.

Mikasa:"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Don't leave for Sasha, please. I won't do that again."


I picked her up, and carried her like a princess. Mikasa nuzzled on me.

I went to the "adults kitchen" as the little ones call it and drop Mikasa on the table.

Y/N:"Did you have dinner?"


Y/N:"I'll make you something."

I start the fire. We had more than enough wood for me to cook something now. I was going to make an ommelette. Since Jean taught me the recipe, Mikasa liked my ommelettes a lot.

While I was cooking, Mikasa hugged my back, and placed her head on my neck.

Mikasa:"I'm sorry... I truly am. I did it just because I wanted your attention... I promise I don't like that asshole at all..."

Y/N:"I know, Mika. But, there are better ways to do that, you know?"

Mikasa:"I know. I'm sorry..."

I turned around and rubbed her head.

Y/N:"It's okay. But, a question."


Y/N:"Where you the one spying on us?"

Mikasa:"U-um... no?"


I kiss her, and return to my cooking. Once I finish cooking it, I gave it to Mikasa, who pretty much eated it like an animal.

Y/N:"Jeez... you really are hungry."

She blushed a little, eating the ommelette in like 5 seconds.

Y/N:"Welp, let Historia clean it tomorrow, let's go and catch some Z's."

I got up and carried her towards my room, where we slept peacefully...

Timeskip brought to us by Y/N, cooking insane amount of food for Mikasa.


The next day, we had breakfast quick, and dressed up on our scout uniform. We went to the HQ, where the rest of our friends waited for us. Floch seems he wanted to get beaten up, since he tried to get me again. Tired of him, Y/N just knocked some teeth the moment he refused to go away.

Erwin, Levi and his squad meeted us. They told us the plan, Y/N would go to the hole in Wall Maria, and seal it. The rest of us, we will provide cover.

We were in District Trost, everyone riding our horses. We were waiting for the doors to open, so we can go outside.

Mikasa:"Y/N, you remember the plan, right?"

Y/N:"Yeah, we alredy talked about this 5 times."

Eren:"Actually... I was in the bathroom while you guys said it... I know what Y/N has to do... but what about me?"

Mikasa:"...just stay close to Annie."

Eren:"Got it!"

I still wonder how can Eren be Y/N's brother. But I'm happy we can go back like we used to be. No kidnappers, no "Y/N is in danger" BS...


I made sure I had enough blades and gas for this. I'm sure we are going to see a lot of titans. I'm sure we are going to win though, we have 3 titans on our side, and Levi. That's more than enough.

The gates start to open. I can see Eren and Armin getting nervous.

Mikasa:"Hey. If you two have problems, just come to me, or Annie. We will protect you."

Eren:"I'm fine! I don't need you to protect me!"

Mikasa:"Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that."


Y/N:"Get ready. The gates are almost open."

We look in front of us, focused on the mission. The gates are finally opened.


We all go outside, riding towards Maria. Let's do this.

Timeskip brought to us by The Scouts, riding towards Wall Maria, avoiding titans.

We had what we can call, a calm travel. We had some titans that tried to eat us, but we all made it in the end.

We alredy passed through the hole made in the wall. Y/N transformed, but waited for all the scouts to go through the hole.

After that, the plan begins. Y/N kneels, and begins not only to reinforce the hole, but to make the structure we need to properly defend it. The scouts separated into 3 teams.

The first one, made by Annie, Ymir and the rookies, will stay anchored in the wall, and will only kill those who are dangerously close to Y/N. Erwin don't want them to throw their lives now. Annie and Ymir transformed, and took guard near him, protecting him.

The second group was made by The veterans. Eren, Armin and the rest were in this group too. We will scout the place, looking around for titans, killing them.

The last one was made by Levi, his squad, and Hanji and her squad. They will try to go towards the titans, killing as many as they could.

I was on a ruined house, looking around for nearby threats. I was with Jean and Eren in the same roof.

An abnormal appears, ignoring everyone, going straight to Y/N. I went to it, slicing his eyes. Jean sliced the ankles of the titan, and Eren went for the kill. He sliced its nape, and returned to the house, Jean and I landing with him.

Eren:"Yes! I killed a titan!"

Jean:"Wow, lucky you..."

Suddenly, a smoke signal was seen in the distance. We were the ones closer to it, so we went to investigate. Armin and Floch were overwhelmed by three titans.

I told Jean to assist the one attacking Armin, while Eren helped Floch. I went to the third one, who tried to escape and go towards Y/N location. I sliced his legs, making him trip. I went for its nape and cut it.

Floch got grabbed by the titan, but Eren sliced the arm and picked Floch, getting out of there. I anchor myself to it's nape, and start spinning, remembering Y/N's technique. I cut through it, killing the titan.

Jean and Armin handled the last titan, managing to kill it easily. We all land on a building in ruins nearby.

Eren:"Floch?! You okay man!"

Floch:"Yes... you were fast there, Eren. Thank you."

I went to him, and pat his back with my blades

Mikasa:"So much for being the strong one that will protect me..."

Jean laughed, and Eren snickered. Floch grunted, embarrassed.

Armin:"O-okay, let's worry about that later. We have to help Y/N."

We nod and go back to our positions. It seems some titans got through, but Ymir and Annie were more than enough to kill them.

Connie and Sasha came back, landing on a nearby building. Sasha looks at me, nervous. I have to have a little chat with her about Y/N.

Connie:"No more titans on our sector! What about you guys?!"


Connie:"Okay! Let's stay near Y/N then!"

The second team, slowly retreated towards Y/N, since they cleared all the titans. After a while, Y/N sealed the hole, making the same structure Armin draw on his schemes.

Erwin, who was on the wall, fired a golden smoke round, meaning the mission was a success.

The rookies climbed the wall, getting into safety. Ymir carefully got Y/N out of his titan's nape, and dropped with the recruits, who carefully helped him get on his feet.

We all reunite on the wall. We had no casualties. It was... too easy.

Erwin:"Get on the horses. We are going home. Tomorrow, we will come back to clear the outside, and to let the Garrison make the machine we need to protect the gates."

And that's what we did.

The next day, Erwin and Pixis movilised their forces. Erwin made us roam the outsides, making sure all the titans were killed. Meanwhile, the Garrison mounted up the Guillotine.

The guillotine was a big wood pole, that the Garrison soldiers drop into the nape of the titans when they got trapped on Y/N's structure. It worked like a charm, killing hundreds of them, making our next expeditions way easier.

On the following days, we did exactly the same. We retake all of our territory, except Shiganshina. Erwin thinks the enemy is going to be waiting for us there, so he is making a special plan to fight them.

Meanwhile, life returned pretty much to how it was before Reiner and Berthold came. A lot of villages were rebuilt, letting us have more farms. Food were more abundant, letting a lot of people that lived on the underground, come to the outside, living in those farms.

Everyone was happy basicly. Hunger was not a problem anymore, and everyone have enough supplies to live. Even more houses were built, letting the poor people have a roof on their heads.

Thanks to the success of the scouts, more rookies joined our ranks. Because of that, Erwin had to make special groups, in order to have work for everyone.

These groups would roam the walls, making sure there wasn't titans hiding somewhere, or preparing an ambush.

There was always a veteran in the group, and some rookies. That way, they were adquring experience.

Y/N recieved a new nickname thanks to the rookies. They were astonished by his skills and his powers. Y/N, on his free time, helped the rookies, giving them tips on how to improve, or how to survive in dangerous situations.

This actions made his popularity sky rocket. All the rookies loved him. Some girls tried... things with him. But, I can always just scare them, nothing I can't handle.

Oh, I forgot, yeah. His new nickname is...

The Symbol of Hope.


And so, our heroes manage to retake whats their's. But, they are not the only ones with a plan. The enemy, is ploting something in the dark, waiting for them to come...

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