Season 3 Ch.9 The confesion.

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Finally, I see the outside world for the first time. It's...

Well, Is exactly the same as the one inside the walls, but, we didn't reach the ocean, so, maybe that's beautiful.

Armin:"At last... the ocean! We are finally going to see it!"

Eren:"Yes! Our dream will come true!"

Y/N:"Wasn't our dream kill all the titans?"

Eren:"That's our promise. Our dream was to see what's outside."

Some things never change, like how stupid he sometimes is... well, I love my brother no matter what.

Some titans here and there tried to kill us, but, with Levi, his squad and Mikasa, it was easy.

Eventually, we see a big rocky wall? It doesn't seem like a natural formation to me.

Erwin:"We are close! Keep moving, we'll reach the end in no time!"

Floch:"Wait, the end of the world?!"

Y/N:"No, dumbass, he is talking about the ocean."

Floch:"The whaaaaat?"

Why am I surrounded by idiots...

Once the zone was clear of titans, we got out of our horses. We went around the big wall and enter a place filled with water. Before the water, a large patch of sand was there. This is what Armin's book says is "a beach"

We all remove our capes, jackets and boots and enter the water.

Jean and Connie starts jumping around, playing in the water. Once Sasha entered, they tried to drown the poor girl... nah, she is fine.

Armin and Eren where mouth agape. They both played with each other, trying to throw each other on the ground. Having fun overall.

Levi didn't enter, but his squad did. Oruo was acting all proud an such, not wanting to enter the water. When Eld, Gunther and Petra entered the water, and began to have fun, he couldn't resist his urges, and followed his friends.

Mikasa, entered the water with me. We both had fun in there, playing in the water for a bit, and tasting it, just for fun. It's salty...

Annie and Ymir weren't interested at first, but, I managed to sneak up on them, and carried them to the water. Ymir resisted at first, but gave up, and ended having fun with Annie, Mikasa and I.

Levi:"Damm brats, we are in mid of an operation and they all decided to be dumbasses."

Erwin:"Leave them be, Levi. They are kids. Let them have fun while they can."

Hanji:"Levi, sometimes, you act like a grumpy midget. The grumpy part, I mean. You are a midget."

Levi:"Shut up, four eyes."

Erwin:"We'll return in some minutes. Let them enjoy themselves for a while. After that, we will return."


Timeskip brought to us by Sasha, floating in the water, drowned.

Phase 1 of Erwin's plan is finished. Now, what we have to do, is to create a boat to make us go to Marley. It will take some time, so, for now, there's nothing we can do.

Erwin has another thing in mind. Create smaller walls around the island we are. Yes, we are in an island. Which basicly is, a chunk of dirt surrounded by water. I learned that from Armin's book too...

Anyways, Erwin wants to surround the island with walls, because in phase 3, the walls will be destroyed. That, and it will give the garrison soldiers something to do.

Erwin divided the Scouts into diferent groups. The first one, is the expeditionary group. This ones, will be the ones to go towards Marley, infiltrate it, and find a shifter.

The second group is the actual scouts, which their current job is to go explore the island, and eliminate any titan that may have survive.

The last one, is the hunters group. Instead of killing the titans, they capture them so I can train my powers with them. For 4 months I have been training. I'm able to command a lot of titans without getting knocked out. I don't know if I'm ready for phase 3 though...

We have boats ready, but, Erwin is not launching the operation till I'm ready. He wants me to find the shifter, and take him or her with me.

That's the reason Erwin began a new experiment. Try to control a shifter, but while she or he is still on his human mode.

We tried this with different shifters, either with Eren, or Annie or Ymir. The first 2 months, I couldn't do anything. After those two, I managed to make them do simple actions, like grab something, or walk somewhere. It was hard to do, and it actually hurts.

That's what Erwin wants me to train. My resistance. He ordered me to try and use the powers on daily basis to get more used to them. So, those days I basicly tried to pass time with those three, and ordered them to do things against their own will. Cool.

The last two months, I managed to order shifters without losing my consciousness instantly. It's an improvement.

Erwin still does not want to launch the operation. He wants to create more ships. If something goes wrong, or I don't return, he wants to have an army to use.

To summarize, another 4 months of waiting...

I turned 20 the last month. One less year, 9 remaining.

Eren decided to let his hair long, and braid it. It's... weird...

Author's notes: Only his hair has changed. Eren's personality remains the same.

Back to the story.

Connie decided to let his hair grow, and didn't cut it. The most important change is... he actually grow up! He is as tall as Mikasa and Armin now!

Talking about them, Armin now has short hair. I don't know why everybody is changing their hairstyle...

It seems Mikasa and Sasha thinks the same as me, since the both have the same hair. Now, Mikasa does have some... changes... her body, well... how does Eren call it? Oh, yeah. Thicc.

Annie decided to let her hair free, instead of having a braid. And I like it a lot. She didn't grow, being as short as always, getting teased by everybody.

Currently, I was searching for a special shop inside Trust. Only a few days till the ships are ready, and I have to infiltrate Marley. Some scouts, including Eren will accompany me.

Why am I in Trust, looking for a shop you say? Well, I made a promise to Mikasa... and I will keep it.

Trost district changed after those months. The people living here have enough food for months. All of them. Our living conditions sure improved...

Oh, finally! A jewelry! Now, let's hope I have enough money.

I entered the jewelry. The owner looked at me, and widened his eyes.

Owner:"Sargent Jaeger! What a surprise! Please, come in!"

I went inside the shop, and look around, trying to find what I came here for.

Owner:"Is there anything I could help you, young sir?"

Y/N:"Yes, I'm looking for a ring."

Owner:"Oh, of course, one for you, sir?"

Y/N:"No, no. I shoulda have been more specific. A promise ring."

Owner:"You are getting married, sir?"

Y/N:"I hope so."

Owner:"In that case, just for you, I'll give you the best ring I can. Wait here for a moment, please."

The owner goes inside a door. I patiently wait, looking at the products he has in display. They are beautiful, but, they all have a problem... they are not exactly cheap.

Y/N*Whispering* "Shit. I may not have enough money..."

The man went out, and showed me the ring he wanted to sell me. It was... beautiful...

Y/N:"Holy- I mean, it's beautiful... but, I don't know if I can buy that..."

Owner:"It's on the house."


Owner:"You don't know who I am, right? I'm Mina Carolina's father. This, is my way of thanking you for saving my daughter."

Y/N:"It was not me the one-"

Mina's father:"Mina alredy told me exactly what happened. Without you, she wouldn't have survived. Nor your brother, or the others. Is all thanks to you. This, is the least I could do."

Y/N:"I... I don't know what to say..."

Mina's father:"Nothing. Just take it, and make that woman happy."

Y/N:"I will."

Mina's father:"One more thing. Tell that brother of yours I expect to be a grandpa!"

Y/N:"Hehe, I will. Thanks, really."

He waved it off, and placed the ring on a box. Now, I just had to confess...

I took the ring, and traveled back home. It was 11 AM when I returned to Shiganshina, so, Mikasa should be in home.

There's not much work for us scouts to do, at least, till the ships are ready, of course. So, they let us have some free time. Mikasa spends this time, trying to remember what her mother taught her about stitching. She is doing a great job so far...

I entered our house, and greeted Eren, who was sitting there, chatting with Armin.

Y/N:"Oh, hello there, Armin. What's the visit for?"

Armin:"Just wanted to pass time with you guys. What do you have there?"

I showed both of them the ring. The both widened their eyes. Armin was moutg agape.

Armin:"It's... beautiful..."

Eren:"But... why do you show it to us... are you trying to say... but bro, we can't! We are brothers!"

I look at him, a dead expression on my face.

Eren:"I-I was joking... who is the lucky girl, anyways?"

Y/N:"Where's Mika?"

Eren:"Upstairs. Making yet another handkerchief. This one is for you I think."

Y/N:"Well, she will get a beautiful ring in return."

Armin:"Good luck... bro."

I rub his head, and go upstairs. I stop on her door. Which is our door, since Mikasa and I sleep together...

I was nervous. Even if I know she will say yes, I was still very nervous... okay Y/N, you've got this boy!

I entered the room. Mikasa was there, sleeping in the bed. A beautiful handkerchief on her lap. She must be tired.

I sat next to her, and lightly shake her, so I can wake her up. I'm not going to confess here, I want it to be special.

Y/N:"C'mon, sleepy head. Time to wake up."

Mikasa yawned, and looked at me. I placed the box on my jacket pocket.

Mikasa:"Y/N?... hey there."

Y/N:"Hey. I was planning on taking you somewhere special. Wanna come?"

Mikasa:"Sure. Let me dress up."

She stands up, and removed the night gown she has, undressing in front of me. Yeah, her ass sure developed... I'm so marrying this woman.

She got into her scout uniform. Well, I expected her to get into a dress or something. It doesn't matter.

I took her hand, and went outside the house, going straight to the spot we used to take wood when we were kids.

Mikasa:"So, where are we going? And what's the ocasion?"

Y/N:"You'll see."

On our walk, I took my time to check Shiganshina. It was finally reubilded. And... it was like how I remembered it. People filling the streets, buying things, kids going around, fighting or playing around... even the preacher on a crate saying nonsense is here too...

We finally arrive to that spot. I went to the tree Eren used to sleep when we collected wood.

Mikasa:"Well, we are here."

Y/N:"Yeah. Okay, here we go..."

Y/N:"Mikasa, you... are the most important person for me. I can sound like a hypocrite here, since I have an harem and all, but it's the truth. You always stood by my side, no matter what. You always helped me. You were always there for me. I... I love you, and I want to pass my time with you... till my last breath."

Mikasa:"I love you too, Y/N. But, we are dating alredy, what are you-"

Y/N:"Please, let me finish, dear. What I'm trying to say is..."

I kneel, and grab the box. I open it, and show the ring to her. I can see her surprise on her face.

Y/N:"Mikasa, will you marry me?"

Tears start to go down her face. She smiles, and tackkes me to the ground.

Mikasa:"Yes!, Yes! Yes! Yes!. One million times yes!"

She starts kissing my neck nonstop. I was so happy she said yes... even if she said she wanted to get married one day... I was still happy.

Y/N:"Well... I guess is time I place this ring on your finger, right?"


She sat on my lap, and showed me her ring finger. I slowly inserted the ring. She then looked at it, amazed, a big smile on her face.

After a while of checking it out, she hugged me tight, and placed her head on my neck.

Mikasa:"What about the others? Annie, Historia..."

Y/N:"They will have their time. This one, is ours. They will understand."

Mikasa:"I hope so..."

Y/N:"Hey, wanna go home? Sasha will be there to make us our food in no time."

Mikasa:"Yeah... let's go."

Timeskip brought to us by Mikasa, rolling on her bed, hearts on her eyes, looking at her ring while giggling.

After we eated, Mikasa proceeded to show the ring to every living thing. Armin and Eren congratulated me. Sasha made a special food for everyone, not after saying she wants to marry me too one day.

Everyone bursted through our home with... different reactions.


Annie:"Does that mean I will be the second one to be married? Neat."

Ymir:"That's not fair. How much will I have to wait..."

Sasha:"Not as much as me, so shut it."

Connie:"Hey, congrats dude! It was about time!"




Mikasa:"Shut it, dumbasses."

Y/N:"Do you want to die so badly?"

Petra:"Oh my god! You are getting married?! Why didn't you told me?! I could have helped with the ring!"


Eld:"Congratulations, kid. You became a man."

Oruo:"Tch, that means nothing..."

Gunther:"You are jealous he has 5 girls and is marrying one..."

Oruo:"I'm not!"

Gelgar passed out on the floor, drunk. Will he ever learn?

Nanaba:"Congratulations, Y/N. I'm happy you founded your special one."

Nifa, who recovered from her injuries, came in too. How many are coming here?!

Nifa:"I informed the Captain and the Garrison about this! They are coming here!"

Eren/Y/N/Armin:"What?!/ Oh, fuck me.../ Can this house even hold that amount of people..."

Suddenly, more people came in.

Hanji hugged me tightly, and shaked me.

Hanji:"Look, Levi! Our little titan is getting married!"

Moblit:"Hanji! Let the poor kid alone! Congratulations, by the way."

Levi:"Tch... congrats kid..."

Erwin:"I'm happy to know you founded your special one. The ships are ready for your mi-"

Pixis:"Could you give the kid a breather?"

How did they come here so fast!

Mitabi:"Hey there, kid, long time no see. Congratulations."

Ian:"Congratulations, kid!"

Rico:"You sure are a lucky one, eh? Congrats."

Mina:"Congratulations, dear brother in law! Eren, you better marry me too."

Eren:"You doomed me, brother."

Y/N:"Thank you all. It's over, right? No one-"

Marlo:"Fuck, I'm late! Congrats, Y/N! I've brought the MP's too!"

Hitch:"I don't know your, nor why I'm here... but congratulations!"

Nile:"Even if I wanted to murder you and your sister, I-"


After thousends of congratulations, food being cooked and eated, laughs and jokes, we finally ended this day.

It was fun while it lasted, and I managed to make one of my woman happy.

But tomorrow, phase 2 had to begin, and god knows how much time I was going to be outside...

I just hope I don't ruin this.

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