Special episode. The wedding 🍋🍋🍋

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This is it. This was the day, I finally marry him. I was so excited, but so nervous at the same time...

Y/N slept on Eren'a house. Our friends said we shouldn't be together till we reach the altar because of traditions. Stupid traditions...

Currently, I was having breakfast with my friends. The wedding will start at 3:00 PM. It was 9:00 AM, so, we still have time.

Annie bought a wedding dress for me. It was... so beautifull...

(Ignore the girl. Pretend it's Mikasa in it.)

Petra:"Hey, Mikasa, you still with us?"

I look up from my seat. I was in the kitchen, and everyone was staring at me.

Annie:"You are not having second thoughts... right?"

Mikasa:"WHAT?! No! It's not that! My dream was to marry him when I grew up!"

Sasha:"Then? What's wrong?"

Mikasa:"Is just... do you think he wants to marry me first? I mean, from all of us, I'm not the most... "femenine"..."

Ymir:"Trust me, he is. You shoulda have seen him. He was really excited to marry you."

Petra:"Besides, who cares if you aren't as girly as us? He likes you. That's all that matters."

Mikasa:"Yeah... maybe you are right."

Suddenly, a knock is heared.

Mikasa:"I'll open the door."

I went to the front door. When I open it, Historia is there, with a big smile.

Historia:"Did I just heared my favourite Ackerman is getting married?"

Mikasa:"You only know 3 Ackermans."

Historia:"I fail to see your point."

We both laugh a little, and hug. I'm so happy everyone is here...

What is Y/N doing right now?



We were in Eld's tabern..."celebrating" as Connie puts it.

Levi:"Why am I here?"

Y/N:"Don't ask me, I don't know why am I here either."

Connie crashes on a table, completely drunk alredy. Jean and Eren are seen drinking. Armin is with us, not knowing what to do. Besides, Yelena prohibited him to drink.

Eld comes at us, and sits in front of us.

Eld:"So, anything for you three?"

Y/N:"I need to stay sober for the wedding."

Levi:"Kill me."

Armin:"N-no, I can't."

Eld:"So, Y/N. Married, huh?"

Y/N:"Yeah, it feels like a dream..."

Gelgar appears and crashes right on the bar where Eld was.

Gelgar:"Kid...*hic*... trust me, don't get married...*hic* women are demons..."

He then starts snoring...whatever.

Y/N:"Kinda late for that advise though."

Levi:"He was always an idiot. Don't listen to him. Besides, you and the brat are happy, right? That's all that matters."

Huh, that is something I never expect Levi to say.

Y/N:"Yeah... by the way, Levi, there are some rumors out there..."

Levi:"What rumors?"

Y/N:"Word on the street is you are maybe marrying Hanji?"

He widens his eyes, and looks at me.

Levi:"Who is your informant?"

Y/N:"Hate the sin, not the sinner. Besides, who cares if it's true or not? Those are just rumors."

Eld:"Geez boss, I didn't know you had the hots for Hanji."

Levi:"Cuz I don't, dumbass."

We hear a crash on our right. Eren starts fighting Jean. Captain Ness starts laughing at both of them. Floch and some other scouts watch in amusement.

Levi:*sigh* "I'll beat the shit out of them. You stay here..."

Levi got up from his seat, and marched towards them. He just beated the shit out of everyone.


Armin:"Y/N... can we get out of here?"

Eld:"Kid can't withstand alcohol?"

Y/N:"Yeah, he is not very good with it. Eld, once Eren gets his hangover, tell him I'll be home with Armin."


Y/N:"Let's get out of here, Armin."

Armin got up and followed me home.

Y/N:"So, tell me, Commander, Yelena and you, huh?"

Armin:"W-what?! No! We are just friends!"

Y/N:"That's not what she told me."

Armin:"Wait, what?"

Y/N:"Yeah, she alredy told me about your little affair."

Armin:"Alright, fine. We've been going out per a while now." I smirk "Wait, did she really told you about us?"

Y/N:"Nope. She didn't."

Armin:"Oh, man. I'm so screwed."

Once we reach Eren's house, I greet Mina and calmed her. She was happy for our marriage, but was nervous about Eren's antics.

After Armin and I calm her, we sat on a table, exhausted.

Armin:"You know, Y/N?"


Armin:"It was about time you marry her. You don't know how many times she talked with me about what she should do to... make you fall in love with her."


Armin:"Yup. Since she and I started being friends, she has been asking the same questions."

Y/N:"Heh, yeah, that sounds like her..."

I miss her already.

Armin:"My question is, what about the other girls?"


Armin:"What about Annie? Or Historia? What will you do?"

Y/N:"I'll eventually marry them too. But, Mika had to be the first one. It's only fair."

Armin:"Heh, you are right."

And like that, the time for the marriage finally arrived...

Timeskip brought to us by Eren, waking up not knowing where he was.

I was dressed up on my tuxedo. Kinda simple, but, there's beauty on simplicity... or at least that's what Levi said...

We reach the church. I wait on the altar, with my Godmother besides me. It was Mina. She really insisted on it.

Everyone starts entering, except Eren, Mikasa and Levi.

By the way, Erwin was... the preacher. Don't ask me why on earth he wanted to be the preacher, nor how did he managed to be it, because I have no idea. But he seems happy to be it, so...

Damm, why are they taking so-

Suddenly, music starts to sound. Thanks to the schemes we recieved, our technology really advanced- who am I kidding, no one cares about that right now.

She was there, her arm interwined with The Godfather, Eren. She was looking at me, smiling and blushing.

God she is so beautiful.

Eventually, she reaches me, and stays next to me.

Y/N:"You are so beautiful."

Mikasa:"Y-you are so handsome too..."

After that, we look at Erwin.

Erwin:"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God, and in the presence of family and friends to join together this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony."

He learned the speech? Heh.

Erwin:"O' Almighty God you have created us all in the image of Love, the image of Yourself. Bless now these two who stand before you. Guide them in your wisdom, shine your light upon them, that as they journey through this life together they will walk as bearers of your Truth. Amen."

Erwin:"Please join hands."

I hold her hand. She blushes, but tighthen her hold on mines.

Erwin: "I ask you each now, to repeat the marriage vows."

Okay, here we go.

Y/N:"I, Y/N Jaeger, take you, Mikasa Ackerman for my wedded wife, To love and cherish, For better or worse, for richer or poorer, In sickness and in health. From this day forward."

She smiles, and says her words.

Mikasa:"I, Mikasa Ackerman take you, Y/N Jaeger, for my wedded husband, To love and cherish, For better or worse, for richer or poorer, In sickness and in health. From this day forward."

Erwin:"May the rings be gived to him."

I turn around, waiting for Eren to search for the rings. He search on his pockets. Suddenly, his eyes widened.

Eren:"U-umm, yeah, about that..."

Fucking retard, what have you done?!

The door is kicked open. A midget is there, with a smug look on his face.

Levi:"I have arrived. With the rings."


Mikasa:*Whispering* "Shouldn't Eren have the rings?"

Y/N:*Whispering* "Yeah. I'll beat his ass later."

Levi got to me, and gave me the rings.

Erwin:"A-anyways... Bless, O Lord The Giving of these rings that they who wear them, may live in your peace and your favor all the days of their life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

I give Mikasa one of the rings.

After that, we both put the ring in our hands, in our partners hand.

Mikasa & Y/N:"This ring is my sacred gift to you, A symbol of my Love, A sign that from this day forward and always, My Love will surround you, With this ring I thee wed."

Erwin:"You may kiss the bride."

I gently grab Mikasa's hips, and plant a kiss on her lips. She kiss back. The kiss is filled with love and passion for our other one.

Everyone cheers in the room, applauding, whisteling... whatever they could do to express their happiness.

Jean, of course, had to say his line...


Connie:"Didn't you had a girlfriend?"


I flip him off while deepening the kiss with my wife. Heh, is so good calling her, wife.

I grab her and carry her outside. She was hiding her head on my neck, planting kisses there.

At last... My wife, huh? It sounds good...

Timeskip brought to us by Mikasa, sitting on Y/N's lap under a tree, a calming silence around them.

A lot of things happened during our celebration of the wedding. A big cake was made for us. Annie couldn't get the top portions of the cake, so Eren teased her, and got beaten up.

Sasha had to be restrained on a chair so she didn't eat the others food.

Connie, Jean, Gelgar and The Levi Squad started drinking like madmans.

Jean drinked his sorrows away, Connie started singing with the Levi Squad something about loosing a friend.

Levi dragged Hanji somewhere. I suppose, we should expect another wedding soon.

Eren got beaten up by me and Mikasa for loosing the rings. And then, Mina beat him again for the same reason. After that, Eren got a ring, and confessed to Mina. Wow, two in a row I guess.

Historia and Ymir eated pretty much all the food there was. Maybe we shoulda have restrained them too...

Overrall, we had our fun. Mikasa were always standing next to me.

But now... it was time to spend some time together, alone.

The girls leaved the house for Mikasa and I, so they didn't get in the way.

I carried her towards our room. I gently drop her on our kingsized bed.

Y/N:"I love you so much."

Mikasa:"So do I... my handsome man."

She kissed me, her hand on mine. This time, the kiss got more heated than last time.


I start undressing myself while kissing her. She stared at my body, now on my underwear.

Mikasa:"It doesn't matter how many times I've seen it, your body always amaze me."

Y/N:"Heh, I love you too, baby."

I carefully remove her dress, making sure I don't break it or I get it dirty.

After she's naked, I stare at her body. She is so sexy...

Mikasa:"S-stop staring... it's embarassing..."

Y/N:"You shouldn't be embarrased... you are so hot."

She blushes really hard. After that, I start putting kisses on her neck while I roamed her body with my hands. From her breasts, to her big ass. I rub her pussy. She was really wet alredy.

Y/N:"Eager, aren't we?"

Mikasa:"S-stop teasing... s-show me how much you love me."

Y/N:"With pleasure."

After those words, I line up my member, and thrusted inside her. Instead of do it rough, I wanted to make sweet love to her.

I make slow and gentle thrusts while I passionately kiss her. She embraced me with her legs, refusing to let me go, her hands interwined with mines.

I separate myself from my kiss, and went for one of her breasts. I start placing kisses around it, and eventually, sucking on her nipple. I massaged the other breast with my hand.

Mikasa:"I-I love you... I love you!"


I grab her, and place her on my lap. She starts jumping slowly, matching the pace of my jumps. She hugs me, and kiss me deeply.

The moonlight was iluminating our bodies, making her even more beautiful. Her moans evertime I thrust in her, her eyes filled with love, her touches, always trying to caress me, to express her love.

I had the urge to cum, so, I had to say it to her.

Y/N:"Mika... I'm about to cum..."

Mikasa:"Inside... I want to- ngh~ have a child with you."

Y/N:"Everything for you."

I grab her, and make a last thrust, filling her up.

Mikasa had her mouth open, a big moan escaping her lips. After a while, I stop cumming. Mikasa drops her body on mines, exhausted.

Y/N:"I should-"

Mikasa:"No... stay with me... we'll clean tomorrow."


I remove my dick from inside her, and layed on the bed. Mikasa got on top of me.


Mikasa:"I love you, Y/N, really. You are the best thing that has happened in my life."

I give her a warm smile, and kiss her one last time.

Y/N:"I love you too baby. Let's sleep, okay?"

Mikasa:"Okay... love."

And like that, we both go to sleep, smiles on our faces...

Timeskip by Mikasa, dreaming of how her daughter or son would be, while Y/N dreamed of food.

The next day, the girls returned home. We cleaned our mess, and had breakfast together.

When we entered the kitchen, everyone was there, smiles on her face. I had to carry Mikasa downstairs. She still wanted to be treated special for today. I completely understood it. Besides, I was gonna do it anyways so...

I sat on a chair, while Mikasa sat on me, kissing my neck non stop.

Annie:"In normal circumstances, I would stop you from doing that. But, for now, enjoy it."

Mikasa:"Thank you."

Petra:"So, you guys thought of something special for your honey moon?"

Mikasa:"Nope. I'm happy just by being with him."

Y/N:"I'll think of something."

Ymir:"You could go Historia's castle. Is a beautiful place to stay."

Y/N:"Yeah, not a bad idea. We'll go there."

Mikasa nuzzled her head on mines, like if she was a cat.

Mom, I fulfilled out promise...

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