Chapter 41

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"Are you set?" Al heard Leo's voice ask as he felt hands take a hold of his shoulder. Al nodded, letting his fingers lightly touch the keys of the grand piano in front of him. He was in the practice hall with Leo and the school's orchestra. They were getting set for graduation and were practicing what they would play with Al—Pomp and Circumstance, March No. 1—which was a popular classical piece for commencements and graduations. They had been warming up for most of the practice, and they had about an hour and a half till they called it a day.

"Yes," Al replied with a small smile, voicing his words in case Leo hadn't seen him nodding. "Yes, I'm set," he said more firmly, and Leonardo let go of his shoulders. Al listened to the man's footsteps as he walked away. They eventually stopped, and Al guessed Leo was at his conducting podium now. Al placed his fingers over his keys again in anticipation for the orchestra to start playing, and when they did, he quickly followed, covering up his response time delay.

It felt nice to play along with so many people without a problem. His music matched theirs, and it came together to form a wonderful symphony. A year ago, he wouldn't have been able to imagine playing with a group, not even in a duet. People weren't willing to match his style or adjust to his odd pace, and it was disastrous when he tried to match up with theirs. Though his dream had always been to perform in an orchestra, he had begun to accept that maybe he would be a solo player for the rest of his life. His dreams of performing with a group, just being that. Dreams.

But here he was now, performing with close to one hundred other students in perfect harmony, and it was all thanks to Leo. If Leo had refused master Rutherford's offer none of this would have been happening. Al knew that, and he was grateful.

When the music came to a halt, the orchestra members started to clap before they moved on to talking to each other. It was a good way to come to the end of the practice, and Al was smiling from the sheer daze of the experience. Al soon felt hands clamp down on his shoulders, and soon Leo was swaying him from side to side lightly. Al smiled when Leo started to hum the piece they had just finished playing.

"It's late," Leo said as the sound of the students in the hall began to thin out as they left one after the other. It didn't take long for Leo and Al to be the only ones left. They were both on stage, with Al still sitting by the Piano, and Leo standing behind him.

"Yeah, it is," Al agreed, reaching out to hold Leo's hands. It was about seven forty in the evening, and most people had left the premises of the college. Students, teachers, and non-teaching staff alike.

Esterphina hadn't left her car behind so Leo and Al had t make sure they didn't miss the last bus. They talked for a bit, and after a while, Leo helped Al up before handing him his walking stick.

They left the college premises and decided to eat something at the small café as they waited for their bus. Alejandro wasn't sure if his face felt warm because of the café's heaters that were on to combat the cold from the wind and drizzle, or whether it was because of the little thoughts that were running around in his head. He kept thinking of France and being there with Leonardo, living with him, and maybe if chance allowed it, performing with him as well. Leo had become his life and it was a little scary and exciting at the same time.


"Yes," Al replied, snapping out of his thoughts. He probably looked stunned and a little confused since Leo was chuckling.

"Gosh, you can be really adorable," Leo laughed, and Al soon felt a hand on his hair. Al just smiled, reaching for his cup of hot drink before bringing it to his lips for a sip. He kept sipping as Leo tossed and combed his hair with his fingers.

"I found a place. I'll have to show you later," Leo said, and Al frowned a bit in confusion before realizing he was talking about getting an apartment. "I talked to James the other day, and I found out he'll be in France too."

"And so, will Kenneth," Al added, and Leo hummed with a nod.

"Claire will be in Spain, and I think Marie will be in Singapore? I don't know. I can't really remember," Leo muttered, and Al just smiled before reaching to take a hold of Leo's hand that was on his hair. He brought it down to the table, giving it a squeeze, and feeling the fingers of the man he was in love with. It didn't matter how many times he touched Leo, it just felt different and more emotional each time. It felt new.

"Leo," Al called, making Leo hum. "I was wondering about how Master Rutherford found you. Like, I knew you wanted to be a conducting student, but that afternoon, behind the door..." Al trialed, not really sure how to ask what he wanted to ask. "Why were you there?" he mouthed, rubbing the base of his thumb over Leo's knuckles.

Al heard a small sigh, and he was a little nervous Leo wouldn't want to answer him, but he did. "I was going through the offices for professors that taught conducting, and then I heard music. I heard your music," he said, and Al's shoulders relaxed a bit.

"Well, what did you think of it?" Al asked, giving Leo's hand a squeeze. "What did you think of my music?"

"Well..." Leo started. "It wasn't something I was used to hearing. And I guess I was a little thrown off by how much you diverged from the source material when I figured out what arrangement you were playing, but—" He paused, taking his and away from Al's before taking Al's hand in his. "It interested me. It was unique, and I was so curious that I wandered all the way to the door of the practice room you were in. I guess it was then and there I decided I wanted Master Rutherford to teach me."

"I met with Master Rutherford, and he asked for my help. Of course, I said yes. Your music was great, it just needed to be perfect, and now, that's what it is," Leo said, humming as he played with Al's fingers.

"Oh," Al said, but a wide smile was on his face. He had a lot to say, but he couldn't bring himself to talk to Leo, so he just said it in his mind. Thank you for believing in me. He smiled, the sound of Leo and the other people in the café turning into a small buzz. Thank you for believing in my music.

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