Contemplations and Revelations

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A/N: Because I have not able to found good videos or explanations about Japanese military funeral traditions and drills, I decided to once again took liberty and imagine it on my own.

And please bear in mind that my mention of Yasukuni Shrine and usage of Imperial Japanese-era patriotic songs in this chapter are not intended to glorify totalitarianism and militarism.



Chidorigafuchi National Cemetery, Tokyo, August 9th, 2018.

Chidorigafuchi National Cemetery, originally built to commemorate unknown and unidentified Japanese Pacific War casualties, has now assigned another function, as the main final resting place for the newly raised Japanese National Armed Forces service-members akin to American Arlington National Cemetery. 

The 4th TFS has been assembled for the funeral of two of their pilots, Captain Alberto Akizuki and 1st Lieutenant Daisuke Matsunaga. 

"This is what I felt, and much worse than this, when I lost her after the competition." Kousei commented. Yoshiro can only nodded and reflect, as his fellow squadron-mate refers to his past with Kaori. Emi maintained her stoicness as always, while Natsuki replied. "I also felt the same when I know he's gone, but to be honest, time and music helps me to let him go".

Kousei looked at Matsunaga's wife, Tomoe, and her two sons as they arrived at the burial spot. 

"Ohayou gozaimasu, Matsunaga-sama. Watashi wa Arima Kousei-desu" Kousei greeted her and bowed in respect.

"Ohayou, Kousei-san." She sniffed, while trying to smile. Emi is behind him and said her condolences to the bereaved wife. Kousei soon added his own condolences as well.

Then Captain Nara arrived and faced Tomoe, with tears formed up on his eyes. "This is my condolences for you, Matsunaga-sama. He gives her an envelope; presumably containing money. The Symphonia 4 lead soon went away for a while to met with Akizuki's family, some had come far away from Peru to attend the funeral.

Everyone was seated until the urns containing the ashes of Akizuki and Matsunaga arrived on the National Cemetery, located not far from the infamous Yasukuni Shrine, accompanied by a bugler playing "Comrade in Arms" a solemn song dated back to the First Sino-Japanese War, in 1895 (video above). Upon the arrival of the urns, brought by 4th TFS ground crewmembers, along with two folded Japanese flags, the attendants stand up in reverence.  


Lt. Col. Hamada stood up to give two of his pilots the final farewell, stood beside him are Father Luke Takahashi, the squadron's Catholic chaplain, and Noboru Takeshita, the squadron's Shinto priest (Akizuki was a Catholic while Matsunaga a Shinto).

"Today, we stand here to pay our last respects to two of our brothers, Captain Alberto Akizuki and 1st Lieutenant Daisuke Matsunaga, who paid the ultimate price for the people of Japan as proud members of the National Air Force." 

After minutes of describing the service career and records of both pilots, the Colonel concluded his speech by mentioning their posthumous awards. "In recognition of their service, Captain Akizuki will be buried as Lieutenant Colonel, while Lieutenant Matsunaga will be buried as Major. Along with two-rank promotions, Maj. Matsunaga will be awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, Fourth Class and Distinguished Flying Cordon (1) along with a 1st Class Citation and a 2nd Military Memorial Cordon. Meanwhile, Lt. Col. Akizuki will receive the Order of the Rising Sun, Fifth Class, 2nd Class Citation and 3rd Military Memorial Cordon. Both Akizuki and Matsunaga will also awarded the Korea Defense Campaign Medal."


The underbearers lift two Japanese flags, one for each pilots, over the urns, hold them taut, and proceeded to fold it when the band nearby played "Umi Yukaba" (If I go to the sea). After WW2, singing it was banned by US occupational authority, but later repudiated and re-adopted for use in the Self-Defense Forces, and later the National Military Forces.

Despite his silence, Kousei can hear the words playing on his brain.

Umi yukaba /
Mizuku kabane /
Yama yukaba /
Kusa musu kabane /
Okimi no / he ni koso shiname /
Kaerimi wa / seji  

(English Lyric)

If I go away to the sea,
I shall be a corpse washed up.
If I go away to the mountain,
I shall be a corpse in the grass
But if I die for the Emperor,
It will not be a regret.

Two enlisted airmen put the  folded flags, each in front of their chests, and as the underbearers placed the urns on the grave, the rifle team sprung into action. Seven JNAF Honor Guard airmen, with dress uniforms, lined up in a firing line, aimed their polished Howa Type 64 battle rifles with barrels on 45 degree angle. 

"Ready, aim, fire!"  The Technical Sergeant leading the firing team commanded, and the 3-volley salute was fired, finalizing the farewell.

"On behalf of the Emperor and a grateful people of Japan, I present you this Nisshoki (official name of the Flag of Japan, literally "sun-mark flag"), as our sign of condolences and appreciation for your family's service for this country." Colonel Hamada said upon presenting the flags of Japan, each to Akizuki and Matsunaga's family..

It's painful, but duty must go on..


Upon returning to Korea, the Colonel permits them to use the MWR Communications Center, when pilots and airmen could obtain internet connection and communicate with their families back home.

Next day, after routine PT session, he went to the MWR center. "Hello, Mom, Dad" Kousei said upon his laptop has been connected to his house via Skype.

"How's Korea?" Takahiko asked. "Much better than when we was deployed, for short. But the Communists still has forces far north and they might spare their best for last, along with potential of Chinese entering the war. So, constant vigilance is the must here." Kousei answered.

"Excellent! Keep it up, remember your training, and fight until you can't fight anymore. Because this war is decisive for our nation's fate. You win, or you die in the process. Better dead than Red! Also, remember always your first love. I believe her memory helps you a lot to be brave in your mission." Takahiko motivated.

"If you go out, you should not wear your full uniform. I'm not told you this so you can desert, but, North Koreans have assassins roaming over the entire peninsula and you might be the target, being now famous and an ace, along with your girl. If not killed upright, you might be kidnapped and brainwashed to work for Kim. So, please, be more careful today!" Yumi exhorted her stepson.

"I will, mom!"

Then, Yumi and Takahiko went together in front of the screen and said "We're proud of you, Kousei, We and your siblings always pray for you to come back to us safe. Love you!"

"Love you all!" Kousei ended the conversation with a big smile on his face.


After that, he went into the post office nearby and in his surprise, he saw Emi, also had recently contacted her parents.

"Kousei!" she greeted. "We have lot of letters to us!" 

While they walked together inside the facility, he opened one of the letters. It's from Kaori.

Kousei, how are you? How's your mission? How's the weather? How's Emi doing? I heard you and Emi are already an Ace. Awesome!

We are still extensively trained for a decisive airborne assault on Pyongyang here in Narashino. The 1st Airborne Brigade had also been expanded into a division now as it's rank swelled up. Everybody are restless and waiting for the signal to start the mission, which are closing to reality as our forces are already established strong defenses in the North beyond the DMZ. 

Anyway, I can only write this short as trainings here are often executed without prior notice. Such it's the life of a Paratrooper anyway. When we are deployed, protect us from the skies!

Your friend.

Kaori Naehara.

"Before I forgot, how's Takeshi? I heard he's locked on a fight to defend the region of Kaesong, including it's industrial park, from Juche counterattacks." Kousei asked Emi.

"The last letter I receive from him confirmed that, It seems we are winning as always. On the other hand, he said his unit, the 16th Infantry Regiment, 4th Division, has suffered two officers lost and four NCOs killed or crippled. In fact, he was field-promoted to Sergeant because of his squad leader lost both of his limbs in the last NK counterattacks aimed for Kaesong. Alive, but no longer fit for field duty." Emi revealed.

"Shit" Kousei exclaimed, imagining hell that his friend has to endure.

More good news arrived; Jeong, assigned in the 37th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division, has been decorated with 1st Class Citation and 2nd Military Memorial Cordon for heroism in the Defense of Wonju, which one week before was attacked by a group of North Korean Special Forces Light Infantry and Marine Commandos. The commandos were repulsed with a significant loss of life. Haruka also assigned in the same division with the 3rd Tank Regiment, as a gunner in a brand-new Type 10 Hitomaru main battle tanks, credited with up to 45 North Korean and Iranian-crewed tanks and armored vehicles destroyed in battles of Sokcho, Chuncheon, and Wonju.

Aoki and Makoto's naval service are the least of action, but they revealed that the Navy actively focused on anti-submarine warfare, mostly to hunt down North Korean mini and infiltration submarines, and defense against North Korean air (and kamikaze attacks) along with possible Chinese intervention. Aoki, serving as a navigation officer on board Murasame-class destroyer JNS (Japanese Naval Ship) Yuudachi (DD-103), wrote in her letter that over the course of the war, the Yuudachi, which means Sudden Evening Shower in Japanese, assigned on East Sea, had destroyed one North Korean frigate, five Fast Attack Crafts, and five midget submarines, along with two J-6 shot down in two separate kamikaze attempt. Meanwhile, Makoto's letter revealed that he was assigned into a Soryu-class submarine, JNS Hiryuu (SS-512), and his duty are mostly against convoys transporting arms to North Korea via sea. 


Later, he opened another letter. It's from Tsubaki. Unfortunately, it's a sad news.

"Kashiwagi, Tsubaki's friend, has been KIA, Emi." 

"Oh no!" said Emi with shock. "What happened to her?"

"The Army Apache (an attack helicopter) she piloted has been shot down by the enemy when supporting the mainly South Koreans assaulting the city of Munchon (in Kangwon Province, North Korea). She didn't survive the crash." 


He was close to sulk up until Emi called "Earth to Kousei" which shook him from his trance.

Kashiwagi Nao was his friend anyway despite he doesn't know her as well and intimate as Tsubaki or Watari back in his Junior High days.

"I will honor her memory by killing as many North Koreans as possible" he spoke to himself in his heart as Emi held his hand to return to their respective quarters.


1. Only existed in my imagination and it's equivalent of US "Distinguished Flying Cross". For further information of Japanese decorations you can start by reading this Wiki articles:

- Defensive Memorial Cordon (

- Military Medal of Honor (

2. Last but not least. How do you think about my decision to kill Kashiwagi Nao in combat? Comment and suggestions are very appreciated!

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