Pushing Back

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A/N: Hope you enjoy this chapter!

July 13th, 2018. A highway strip near Daejeon, ROK.

2nd Tactical Fighter Squadron, 1st Air Wing, JNAF.

All JNAF 2nd Squadron fliers has rested and is now on fire for another ground-pounding mission against North Korean forces after spend the last day training with allied forces in "safe" regions for final rehearsal. Temple 4-3, which was shot down in their first mission, has been rescued and their Strike Eagle has been replaced, straight from the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries factory. 

2nd Squadron XO (Executive Officer), Maj. Keisuke Nishimura begin to brief his pilots for the upcoming sortie.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your mission today will be artillery and SCUD-hunting. Three batteries of Koksan self-propelled howitzers and Grad rocket artillery battery has arrived in their second line of defense in North Hwanghae Province, near Ahobiryong Mountain Range. To complement the guns, as North Korean forces has been shifted into a defensive stance they are deploying twelve TEL (Transporter Erector Launcher) of Hwasongs and possibly Rodongs as well." The screen shifted to show real-time satelite images of KPA's artillery positions and ballistic missile TELs.

"We must assume that they had loaded those with nuclear, biological, or chemical warheads. So the number one priority in this mission will be Scud batteries. This attack is also timed with another offensive by Allied ground forces with specific objective to take the province, So expect some support request from them. Support; we have an Australian Gulfstream G550 ground surveillance aircraft to locate the SCUDs which you will destroy. In addition, satelite images and intel from the ground had also confirmed that the site also contain entrances for enemy underground munitions factory. Air defenses in the site consist of 14.5 mm, 23 mm, 37 mm, and 57 mm towed AA guns, ZSU-23-4 and ZSU-57-2 mobile AA, SA-6 and KN-06 SAMs, along with foot-mobiles with SA-16 and Iranian-suppied Misagh-2s. So keep your eyes peeled."

"Major, any possibility for SEAD?" asked Capt. Nozomi Takayama, callsign Temple 2-3.

"You people must be grateful, as we are conducting this operation in conjunction of a ground assault, we have a flight of EA-18Gs from the USS Reagan, and two jammer-equipped Su-34MK Fullbacks. Before you are questioning why this mission had Russian jets, you need to know that India, Malaysia, and Indonesia, three major operators of Russian warplanes in the region, has willingly joined this coalition from the beginning of this conflict, helped by the fact that the Russians had declared neutrality so some of its main trade partners are free to fight with us. Last, air threat. Enemy air activity in the area is considered as "medium to heavy", and in case such threat materialized, a flight of Korean KF-25 (1) and a flight of F-15J from our force will do the job for you." He closed the briefing, and the CO, Lt. Col. Miyamoto Kenji, takes over.


"Alright everyone, let's show those Norks that they cannot hide forever. Just like an insect we'll smoke them right out!" exclaimed the Colonel as he closed the briefing and lead his pilots into their lockers as fast as they can.

Once in the locker room, Tsubaki and Watari, now redesignated as Temple 4-4, were told by their flight lead, Capt. Suzuki, to wait near the hangar for a last-minute plan of few things. Their CO also soon went to see the conversation, along with his CSO Capt. Shimamura Miyake.

"With all due respect, sir, I think I have a piece of info worth considering" Tsubaki speaks, after the flight done it's briefing.

"Go on, I'll listen" The 40 year old man said. "North Koreans has trained for years in using alternate guidance system for their medium range SAMs such as SA-6 and KN-06s. Especially in case of SA-6, while older, has optical guidance systems, so even if the radars has been taken out it can still be a threat."

Temple 4-2, Lt. Junihiro Takeda, added. "If those missiles are fully fueled and ready to launch, a simple hit with our JDAMs shall render a few acres to be like hell."

"Fair enough, It's good to know better what the enemy have in store for us. Minna-san, ikuzo!"


Their planes were loaded with either GBU-28 Paveway III bunker-busters or JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition), along with two FAST Pack (Fuel and Sensor Tactical) conformal fuel tanks on the wing. Plus the standard mix of 20 mm rounds, AAM-5, AAM-4, and LANTIRN targeting pod. One of each flight plane was designated as cluster munition truck, using CBU-105 Wind-Corrected Munitions Dispenser with anti-armor bomblets.

Watari and Tsubaki split up as they dashed into their aircraft. Tsubaki went into the standard take off procedure with a little more thought than before, as she started it's twin F100 engine.

A few minutes later. "Temple 4-3 and 4-4 you are clear to take off". Both Tsubaki and Watari pulled down their visors, also part of their HMD, and pushed the plane into full military power...


A single RAAF G550, modified as surveillance aircraft, awaited the Japanese fliers. The Gulfstream-made business jet was positioned almost 200 miles away from the mountains that the 4th Squadron was inbound for. The Australian plane was almost identical in function as Japanese's own E-767, with exception the former was used for ground surveillance instead of air, with a large bulge on it's forward fuselage housing side-looking radars that painted the ground below in a clear picture, which later be relayed into the strike force. 

Tsubaki has her right hand firmly on the stick and adjust the throttle as the strike force begin to fly between hills inside North Hwanghae. In her left hand side Capt. Takeo Kanzaki, flying as Temple 4-3 signaled her to stay in formation with his hand, meanwhile Watari had fully concentrated himself with the navigation pod. All aircraft has their radars switched off. In addition. Tsubaki had selected her AAM-4 in case of air threat materializing, as she maintained the aircraft on 600-700 feet above ground. 

"Temple 4, stand by, we are approaching the initial point" said Suzuki, breaking the radio silence.

"Roger that"

"Temple 4-1 and 4-2 are now engaging. 4-3, 4-4, you are cleared hot" Suzuki ordered.

Tsubaki switched on the J/APG-63(v)3 AESA radar and activated her JDAMs, as the radar painted and locked two Hwasong TELs in front of her plane. At the same time tracers streaked upwards, as surprised North Korean AA gunners began firing, frantically, towards the oncoming Japanese planes.

"Target acquired, pickle, pickle!" she called upon releasing two Mk. 82 500-pound JDAMs on the TELs below. As expected, the fully-fueled missiles burst into a massive conflagration that destroyed nearby support units such as AA guns, caught in the blast and subsequent fires.

"Good aim, Watari!" Tsubaki said as she gunned the engine and climbs up to 20.000 feet, while increasing her plane's ECM power as warning of a radar tracking popped out over her HMD, following their flight lead which had taken out two more TELs nearby. 

Soon "This is Black Dragon Lead, we are leading the assault on North Hwanghae" A South Korean-led unit was the main force committed in the ground mission to seize North Hwanghae Province.

After six more TELs were taken out by the 2nd Squadron...

"Black Dragon Lead to all allied aircraft, we are under heavy artillery fire, requesting support!" the Korean soon called for support.

"Temple Squadron, split up, Temple 1 and 2 will continue to prioritize on the remaining TEL while you focus on the artillery batteries. Take them out and keep the eye for SAMs"

Temple 4-3 and 4-4 banked right, into one of the enemy SP artillery position.

As anti-air guns began to fire at their planes, the element dropped two more JDAMs. Two heavy 2.000 pound Mk. 84 JDAMs from the center stations were released from each plane, precisely and completely obliterated the heavy artillery battery. In addition, Temple 4-3 destroyed an unaware SA-6 launcher with it's crew frantically aimed their missile with optical guidance more as it's supporting radars has been taken out by American Growlers and Indonesian Fullbacks, with the F-15s M61 cannon.

"Go to hell with your "Eternal President"!" Watari cursed upon the destruction of the artillery battery, meanwhile..

"4-3, watch yourselves or you will be once again have to bail out!" The Colonel barked on the radio.

"Relax, Colonel, we've taken out one SA-6 along with the Koksan battery" said Kanzaki. 

Kenji can only sighed in reply.

"This is 4-4, we have another SAM try to lock at us. Must be the KN-06, the signature matches it. " Tsubaki reported.

"Kinetic, I got a lock!" Watari reported as they turned left into the KN-06 launcher. 

"Understood, pickle" As soon as the plane is on the right position, Tsubaki released another 500-pound JDAM that immediately went home and blew up the SAM launcher. As the JDAM is a fire and forget weapon due to it's GPS guidance, upon release Tsubaki immediately climbed again, while under flak fire and even a MANPADS, which easily countered by its flares.

"Second Koksan battery reported destroyed!" reported Temple 3-3, using cluster bombs.

Seconds later "Third artillery battery and the rocket artillery unit has been silenced, Black Dragon, status report!" said Col. Kenji.

"Excellent work, Japanese aircraft, We are deeply in debt to you, and we are now reorganize and consolidate ourselves to resume our mission in this area. Thank you for the support, Black Dragon out"

Temple Squadron soon regrouped and proceeded into point when the underground munition factory was located. 

On the way, they saw ruined SAM launchers and radar sites, courtesy of a joint US-Indonesian SEAD effort.

"Be advised, we have incoming friendlies ready to support and take over your duty if you are Winchester and or Bingo fuel." said the E-767 with callsign AWACS Hangetsu (Half-Moon)

"Temple, This is Epee flight, we are on station and ready to back you up." said a six-ship flight of French Navy Dassault Rafale M armed with mostly cluster and air-to ground missiles. 

"I got a lock, drop it!" said Temple 3-4, which is one of the Japanese plane carrying the Paveway III bunker buster. The LGB went straight into the bunker and a massive explosion rocked the ground. Temple 3-4 barely avoid being caught in the shockwave.


"Damn right that's an underground munition depot! How the hell they don't have a heavier defense than this, for such place like munition depot?" Asked Temple 2-3.

"Minna-san, check your fuel status" ordered the Colonel.

"We're close to half in the internal. Shall we return? If not so, we still have some JDAMs for target like Nokor tanks or APCs" Tsubaki reported and asked for further orders.

"Stand by. Oh wait, you're right, 4-4, G550 has reported a large North Korean armored force heading for Black Dragon. And with our French reinforcements we will execute one pass to take as many of them out, and then RTB, Clear?"

"Black Dragon, we have report that a large enemy armored task force are heading for your position, we'll take them out for you" Kenji reported their finding to the ground forces below.

"Okay, Soften them up for us!" The Korean commander replied.

The joint Japanese-French formation head further north to meet the enemy armored force and soften them before contact with the Allied ground force.

"Pickle, pickle!!" The Japanese immediately dropped their remaining JDAMs and wind-corrected cluster munitions for targets of opportunity, severely mauled the formation and for the first time a Japanese Air Force strike squadron expended all of it's air-to-ground ordnances in one mission. Because many North Korean main battle tanks and armored troop carriers were fitted with MANPADS, as the Japanese executing the pass and dropping their ordnances, all aircraft deployed flares and climb up to 14.000 feet to confuse oncoming missiles from either tanks or APC/IFV accompanying it. The French compounded their misery.

"Yeah! We roasted them in their steel coffins!" exclaimed Temple 4-2 as he saw a company of Pokp'ung-ho (Storm Tiger in Korean, developed based on technology from Soviet T-62, T-72, T-80/90, and Chinese Type 88) tanks exploded upon being hit by Mk. 84 JDAM his plane carried before he climbed away from the carnage.

"Shit!" Tsubaki cursed as her radar showed multiple aerial contacts approaching the strike force.

"Heads up, we have company, MiG-23s.." "Radar spike, evasive maneuver!" Kenji ordered as KPAF interceptors, identified as MiG-23MLD Flogger-Ks, has gained a lock on his aircraft. As ordered, the entire squadron broke off and maneuvered as the North Koreans launched a barrage of semi-active radar homing R-23 (AA-7 Apex) missiles. The Japanese pumped chaffs to further confuse the missiles. The older Apexes are somewhat easier to be spoofed, and that's what happened. No Japanese or French aircraft were hit. 

"Fox three!" Temple 2-4 reported as he fires his AAM-4s, downing two Floggers.

"Fox three!" A French Rafale, callsign Epee 1-2, has downed one more MiG using his MICA-EM (radar-guided MBDA MICA).

"This is Temple lead to all Temple call-sign, We're approaching bingo fuel. Mission successful, we're RTB!"

As the Japanese began their journey home, the Floggers pursued them, almost ignoring the presence of the French Aeronavale (Naval Aviation) fighters. 

"Temple, Epee here, we'll keep covering you as you are exiting the battlespace, over"

"Good evening, Japanese flight. Sorry for a small hold-up by some Flankers. Temple flight, this is Hwacha flight reporting in, we'll keep the Floggers off you, do you copy?" said the ROKAF KF-25 flight tasked on top cover.

"Understood and copy" Kenji replied as the 2nd TFS finally left North Korean territory and safely returned to base.

For Tsubaki and Watari, another mission is accomplished, in the bigger scale than their first baptism of fire..


1. KF-25 is my own imagined name of KF-X project between South Korea and Indonesia. In this timeline the development and test phase of this 4.5th++ Generation Fighter was completed in 2016 due to better financial state of both countries, and in the same year, was commissioned both by the ROKAF and the TNI-AU (Indonesian Air Force), and had matured in time for the new Korean War.

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