Twilight of the People's State

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A/N: North Korea is cornered now. Can the Coalition end the war without nuclear exchange?

The song is a South Korean military song called "The Torch of Communist Eradication"

January 17th, 2019. Above the skies of Chongjin, DPRK, 1900 hour

"All unit, this is Orca, do you copy?" 

"Orca, this is Symphonia 1-1, we hear you" Col. Hamada replied as the USAF E-12 AWACS contacted the Japanese squadron.

"This is Fastback 1-1, loud and clear" said the leader of an USAF F-22 squadron.

"This is San-geo 1-1, copy" a Korean F-15X squadron replied.

"This is Greyhound 1-1, we hear you" another F-15X, American one, reported his squadron readiness.


After several more reports..

"Orca to all units, copy that, your mission is to open the path for airborne troops to jump and occupy Chongjin. Clear to engage!" said the AWACS, an American E-12.

Overall mission leader in this mission is Greyhound 1-1, Lt. Col. David Geehan, one of four USAF double aces in the war with 12,5 kills and the only one from the Air National Guard, specifically the 131st Fighter Squadron, Massachusetts Air National Guard.

"All units, we are one minute to target, setting up datalink now in 5..4..3..2..1. Datalink setup complete." reported David.

"Confirm, anyway, we got contact, bearing 105, Angels 15. All Coalition squadron, spread up and engage!"

"Enemy is identified as Su-27 Flankers"

"This is Symphonia, we're going to take care of those bandits. Symphonia, start the music!" Hamada replied.

The F-15s split up into their respective flights. Kousei and Emi are once more paired in the same element, this time as Symphonia 4-3 and 4-4, with Major Natsuki once more become their flight leader. His own wingman is Capt. Izamu "String" 

"Break!" Natsuki ordered as the Flankers gained the first radar lock on their Eagles. They soon reformed and closing in for a WVR engagement.

He obtained the first kill in the flight as one KPAF-marked Su-27 went down by gunfire.

The downed Su-27's wingman attempted to engage Natsuki's Eagle but Izamu jumped him by executing a barrel roll which put him behind the Flanker and an AAM-5 blow the North Korean fighter into pieces.

"Splash one!"

"Ace! Congratulations String!" It was Izamu's 5th kill.

A Flanker is currently being pursued by Kousei as another Flanker are closing behind him; a dangerous situation. But Kousei know what will become for his pursuer, so he still focused on pursuing his intended prey for a heatseeker shot.

"Fox three!" It's from Emi. And Kousei looks in his rearview mirror outside the cockpit to saw the Flanker pursuing him disintegrated into a ball of flames.

"Black Bear 3-1, Fox three!" A nearby flight of Japanese 201st Sqn F-15, positioned on 9 o'clock relative of the Symphonia 4, joined the furball and released a barrage of AAM-4s which destroyed two Flankers.

The Sukhoi in front of Kousei attempted a Cobra only to be countered by a high yo-yo from Kousei. Seconds later the Flanker become his latest victim as an AAM-5 hit its back and sent it into the mountains nearby.

"Anti imperialism, my ass" Kousei mocked his fallen enemy; he didn't see any sign of ejection.

Meanwhile, on the North Korean formation, the leader, Major Kan-Tae Won, attempted to motivate his pilots to fight to the death, seems resigned of their inevitable defeat. "Comrades, this might be the end of us and this nation. Take them down as many as you can. Dying for this noble cause is much better now than being a slave of a puppet regime." 

"Incoming missile, evade, evade!" The Japanese scattered as the remaining North Koreans launched their AA-10 Alamos. 

Then "Shit, I'm ejecting!!" a high-pitched curse went off the radio. Natsuki looked right and saw a ball of dissipating flame in Izamu's place.

"Symphonia 4-2, respond.."

"4-2, come in!"

"I see him, I see a chute!" Emi reports her finding to her flight lead, as her NVG had saw a parachute-like shape descending to the ground behind Natsuki's position.

"4-3, I got visual on the lead, Emi, take him out." Kousei called, seconds later.


He increased his altitude and placed his jet behind the moon, ready for a dive attack, followed by Emi. He fired a short burst and hit the lead's wing but no visible damage was registered. Major Kan attempted to lower his altitude as Kousei had put himself in front of his Flanker. A fatal mistake as Emi, with perfect timing locked on the North Korean jet and fired an AAM-5. Direct hit, no ejection from the destroyed Flanker.


"More bandits, same heading, co-alt, J-11s!"

"Those guys will definitely better than the first" Kousei remarked, ready to face the second contact as he followed his flight, had regrouped into a V formation following their recent loss, and Symphonia 3 to meet the oncoming Chinese Flanker above the Chongjin city proper.

"Fox three!" Mid-course update are once again doing it's work and the AAM-4s hit the Chinese formation hard with seven out of sixteen planes went down, along with some North Korean stragglers either caught by debris or directly hit by the missile.

As usual, the remaining communist planes, had reorganized, decided to increase their speed to make the Japanese engaged them up close and personal.

"Transport planes, ETA 20 minutes! All aircraft, continue engaging the enemy until they reached the drop zone!" AWACS Orca announced.

Before the Chinese were in range for WVR, however. "Symphonia flight, this is Talwar flight. We will assist you in taking out those Reds." an Indian accented English went off the Japanese radios.

"Mitte!" Emi said. 

Their radar displays show missiles heading from the Flankers from their 3 o'clock and slammed into the formation, destroying three. Radar further confirmed friendly contacts inbound, identified as Dassault Rafales.

"Indians" The Symphonia 4 flight lead, Honoka, remarked upon she recognized the incoming reinforcement.

Despite the pitch black sky, the Japanese can saw with their NVGs shapes of twelve French-built Rafales with roundel of the Indian Air Force sported by the formation.

Meanwhile, in the lower altitude regime strike fighters are having tough time penetrating the SAM and AA batteries if the Coalition didn't commit their 5th Gens and no additional support like cruise missiles strikes. Despite some losses taken by the initial attacking force led by JSFs, the large strike package leading the transports was able to went through into Chongjin.

C2 (Command and Control) facilities, supply depots, military and dual-use factories, power stations, air bases, and other part of the city were hit hard by waves of the strikers supported by cruise missiles from ships and B-52 bombers positioned in the Sea of Japan.

"To all units in the area, be advised, we have an emergency mission" the AWACS piped in. 

"We detected two Russian-built Ilyushin Il-96s took off from the city, carrying important government officials and are headed towards the Chinese airspace. We want those people alive, so force it to land in the nearest Coalition base, if they are uncooperative, you have clearance to shoot them down in your discretion! Symphonia, you have flights that are closest to the target. Prosecute the mission, and Godspeed!"

"Roger, Symphonia 3 and 4, regroup and follow Symphonia 4, you're going to catch some bad guys, Kim might be inside! 1 and 2, stay with me and engage the remaining enemy aircraft" Hamada ordered. 

The 7-ship formation soon head towards the North Korean position, in afterburner.


The North Korean Premier, Pak Pong-ju, personally designated by the Supreme Leader as a "designated survivor" of the government of North Korea by the beginning of the war (as Jong-un's elder brother Kim Jong-chul was not involved himself in politics), aboard one of the Ilyushin Il-96 registered P-992, remained stone-faced as his plane, trailing another Il-96 registered P-991 carrying another group of surviving high-ranking WPK officials, KPA leadership, along with some loyal scientists, is gaining altitude and went northward toward China.

They weren't fleeing on their own initiative; rather Kim Jong-un himself has ordered them to do so from one of his secret bunkers, to leave Chongjin and went into exile. His instruction also include refuelling stop in China and the entourage will split up, one to Russia while a second plane will head to either Venezuela, Bolivia, or Cuba.

Almost 10 minutes later, his attention was caught by several sound of jets approaching both Il-96s. Confused, the politician opened the window shade, and saw one jet in a shape of an F-15. He also can saw the fighter's registration number, 417, and the crimson red disc with white ring outside the red, symbol of one of his nation's most hated enemy, in the jet's port side. He decided to pull out his binocular and looked at the smaller detail of the aircraft. It bristling with 22 kill-marks, and to the surprise and chagrin of him, he figured out who's the ace inside the fighter as he read the name beside the cockpit, written in Latin.

Capt. Kousei "Love Sorrow" Arima

The Reconnaissance General Bureau, the North Korean foreign intelligence service, has prepared to kidnap the rising pianist while Kousei in South Korea months before, and was foiled by the defection of one of its operatives tasked for the mission.

Another of his entourage, Kim Yong-chol, vice-chairman of the WPK for South Korean affairs and head of the DPRK's United Front Work Department sitting in the left row of the airplane, also opened his window shade, and saw another F-15 still belonging to the Japanese Air Force, this time with registration number "412", endowed with 15 kill-marks and a female name.

Capt. Igawa "Red Wing" Emi

His pilots decided to cooperate with the signal the starboard side F-15 flashed using his navigation lights, meaning "Follow me and turn around".


As the Japanese escort the North Korean airliners save from the heat of battle into South Korean territory, 30 miles from Pyongyang, their radar detected several unwelcome contacts.

"Those Firebirds are looking for trouble" Natsuki warned as up to twenty J-10C Firebirds approached the Ilyushins from their six.

"We cannot deal with those guys without letting those people to escape into China, they still have lot of gas to do so right now, sir." Kousei replied.

"And those bastards can see us on the IRST. Thankfully we still have enough for two more AAM-4 salvos and some heatseekers" Emi added.

"This is Symphonia 3-1, are there any friendlies out there? We're going to have a massive furball and won't be able hold without immediate reinforcements!" Honoka said to the airwaves. The reply, thankfully, come in instant.

"This is Galmaegi (seagull in Korean) lead to Symphonia, we have eight KF-25s heading on your position in supercruise. We've also got Raptors in tow and Super Bugs from the Vinson, and they all have slammers (1) armed and ready."

The Korean KF-25 and Japanese F-22s arrived from the south while the American Super Hornets flanked the oncoming J-10s from the East. Symphonia remain focused on keeping the Ilyushins compliant.

The fight began with the Korean-Japanese formation fired their AMRAAMs first, followed by the Americans from the East, The multi-directional missile barrage greatly surprised the Firebirds, and they took the punishment hard with up to nine explosions, followed by fireballs spiraling away into the earth below.

Four USAF F-16C Block 52s from the 14th Fighter Squadron had also arrived from Misawa AB following the 5th generation jets, and piped in.

"This is Katana lead to Symphonia, we'll take over those North Koreans from here while you will press the attack against those J-10's, do you copy?"

"Copy that Katana, we see you. We'll go north and help with the battle." Natsuki, designated as the overall lead of the detached unit, replied.

In a precise show of passing the baton, the Japanese turned around the dived into the ongoing combat while the F-16s assuming escort formation for the Ilyushins.

"Symphonia, press the attack!" Natsuki commanded, as the North Koreans are being slaughtered without mercy.

But then "What the hell?" All Coalition's radar reported a significant jamming on theirs.

The KF-25s, F-22s, and the F-15Js more advanced AESA radars are the most resistant and held up to the jamming. Later, AWACS Orca, had notified them of the successful airborne assault on Chongjin, once more called the coalition force fighting over North Hwanghae Province.

"Be advised, more contact incoming, 24 J-10Cs, bearing 180 heading south, We detected a strong jamming signal from one of the Firebirds. Exercise caution when engaging them!"

"I think I know who's flying that Firebird." Kousei muttered.

"Orca, this is Symphonia 4-3, I believe that the J-10 carrying jamming gear is Hae's plane. Repeat, it's hers."

"Copy that Symphonia 4-3, we're still working at it."

"Missile, break! break!" Natsuki ordered as missile warning blares on his cockpit. 

The Coalition fighters break hard to avoid the oncoming barrage of PL-13 heatseekers, China's equivalent to Russian R-73, Japanese AAM-5, or newer variants of the American Sidewinder, especially the -X, due to it's off-boresight capability using HMDs.

Kousei's conclusion turns to be true.

"Kousei" said a familiar female voice on his mike.

"Hae" the pianist replied.

As his teammates are engaging Hae's comrades, Kousei once again contacted the AWACS.

"Orca, be advised, all aircraft are to not to engage the lead J-10C with number #451. I will take care of her personally. Don't want to see more people get hurt." he said with emotion poured on it.

"Symphonia 4-3, request granted. We believe you will prevail, Arima Kousei, Ganbatte!"


Kousei and Hae are once again passed each other and began their turning fight. 

He know that he must defeat her fast before his conformal fuel tank went empty and must switch to internal.

"Be advised, the lead J-10C carries two Kumsong-3 land attack missiles and a word from intel it's nuclear. Estimated target, Seoul. Take her out at all costs!" 

Despite her plane's higher weight due to the still loaded external tank and two cruise missiles hanging on her wing, compared to her nemesis's load which had saw some of its ordnances expended in combat, her J-10C was still a good match for Kousei's Eagle.

Using her Firebird-C higher sustained turn rate and thrust to weight ratio compared to the Eagle along with it's own thrust vectoring she soon locked Kousei in her sight. "Fox two!" She fired her PL-10 first towards Kousei as they were turning towards each other's back. Immediately he broke right and turned towards the missile while pumping flares. After almost 4 second the missile gives up the chase, but he lost her sight. Luckily she still in range of an AAM-4 shot. He fired the radar-guided missile while closing on her position. 

Sure enough, he saw a cloud of chaff and the J-10, barely managed to defeat the AAM-4, has detected him and decided to engage the Eagle.

"You are just as racist as your own countrymen, Arima Kousei." she mocked while firing a PL-12 into one of Kousei's fellow officer engaging one of her J-10s. Luckily, her intended target which is former school idol Kotori Minami managed to defeat the missile. 

Enraged on the accusation, he lured Hae to chase him from behind before executed a Kulbit, putting man and machine to the limit, and close in for a cannon fire. A short burst damaged her plane, causing it to start leaking fuel but she recovered and continued the engagement. She has nothing to lose as her politically-connected and loyal-to-Kim family has all but dead or interned by South Koreans, which she hated with the passion as an "American puppet regime", along with Japan.

Kousei decided to went into a climb to conserve energy, but a missile warning blared on his cockpit as one J-10C attempted to aid his leader. He breaks off, releasing flares, and as he detected another F-15J, he maneuvered once more, into the second J-10C and forced him into the direction of the second Mitsubishi Eagle.

But before the second Eagle piloted by Capt. Yoshiro gained lock on the J-10, a Korean KF-25 had shot it down with an AIM-9X. He decided to turn around and regrouped on his flight.

Back to the main engagement, Hae managed to execute a Cobra only to be countered by Kousei's high yo-yo. Meanwhile, Emi, managed to slip above Hae undetected after defeating two J-10Cs. she dived and fired her own burst of 20mm, further damaged her plane. Hae realized that her hydraulics are beginning to leak and her fuel was close to bingo. But if she failed to execute the strike, she will be shot.

"4-4, thanks for the help" Kousei said, with his voice start showing a sign of exhaustion.

"Finish her, my dear. Dedicate this kill for her." Emi replied, with affection.

Her words somehow spark a new energy for him. With desperation Hae went into a Split-S, despite already damaged, and set her course towards Seoul. 

Kousei caught her easily. "Time to face your fate!" before fired two AAM-5s. 

Facing a certain death, she replied "Long Live People's Korea" in a tone of defiance, an unbroken loyalty to a bitter end as the Mitsubishi-built missile hit her plane, destroying it for good.

"Orca, Symphonia 4-3 reports that Kouteun 1 has been eliminated. I say again, the She-Dragon has fallen" Kousei radioed the AWACS. No regrets at his face. 


Inside the Il-96, now escorted by four F-16s from the nation his government and the Supreme Leader hated the most, Premier Pak could feel that the particular special mission assigned the Air Force has failed. 

"Comrade Premier, we'll be landing soon."

The landing went without any complications. Moments later, he know where he is. Not somewhere in China, but in Busan, South Korea.

He orders his bodyguards, equipped with Baektusan handguns (a copy of Czech CZ 75) and PP-19 Bizon SMGs to be ready for the impending assault as he saw a large group of South Korean soldiers in camo aiming for the plane. 

Then he heard sounds of the front and the rear passenger door being opened, subsequently, a clang, and a loud bang which disorientated his senses.

He heard heavy footsteps all over the Russian built wide-body jetliner and features of South Korean commandos as his senses return. Known that he's lost, he shouted in Korean for every people with guns to cease fire, and put his hand above his head. Two man yanked him, put him into his feet and restrained his hands. 

The Premier was escorted out of the plane along with his entourages, with a resignation about his fate.

A/N: So Hae San-ha, Kousei's nemesis, is no more. And North Korean government are close to collapse upon capture of Chongjin.

But the fate of the Supreme Leader was still unknown. The next chapter will be dealing with him, for good.

Speaking about the Ilyushin 96, in real life the DPRK never have it but as this is a different North Korea, they have this Russian equivalent in role, of Airbus A340/330 or McDonnell-Douglas (later Boeing) MD-11 in their civil aviation fleet.

(1). Slang for AIM-120 AMRAAM missile.

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