Annika The Dhassu DayDreamer

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Note- Guys please beware if you came across any mythological reference. I'm literally a huge mythology bluff back then and still I'm. I've added few references regarding mythology here. So bear with me. It's rewritten part of my first chapter of the previous work.


After many years of waiting, My family had at last decided to send me to my in-laws' house. Now I'm already 24 years old and running a successful event management company of my own.

Like every other girl, I have dreamt of getting married to my Prince Charming and stay with him forever. Alas! I never got the luck to stay with my in-laws house because my father SHRI SHRI Ayush Anand Rajput being a very well known industrialist in India.

After I turned 18, Shakti Uncle used to send his men every month to take me as his daughter in law but my father being a man of principle and protective daddy refused to let me go.

3 years ago when they have sent their men to take me to their house, my father had always instructed to complete Shivaay's education but that time he put forward a new condition which left me irked at him.
"Tell to Shakti, first Shivaay Beta should know how to earn lively hood then he can take my little munchkin with him. I want a honest, hardworking and most of all an independent person to marry my daughter not a lazy and dependent fellow.

After hearing these words Shivaay went to Mumbai or Mayanagri, the city of dreams to earn livelihood without informing anyone. In a short period of time, with hard work and honesty he became a successful face in business.

After his leaving, no one from his family come to take me or enquire about me. I was angry, sad and my pride was broken. After graduating, I tuned into a huge workalohic person barely stays at home always travelling here and there.

I was angry with my parents. I always ask them," Why did you told my husband to earn the money? Is money more important from my happiness? I'll live happily with my husband and I don't care what situation may it be.

Like this Time passes by. That incident is now a ghost of past I've said.

I have heard that Shivaay is now a billionaire in our country and has returned home after a long time.

,"Due to your blessings, Shivaay has matured a lot both mentally and physically and have stood up on his own feet and he is now capable of keeping Annika happy. We will be sending a car soon. This time we want our Bahu to come to her in-laws safe and sound. If you don't want any case from my side so you better send her off and if you don't send her I won't be surprised if Shivaay went to your house and elopes with my daughter in law."

My father entered my room with my Veer Bhaiya.

He was smiling and spoke up," Annika it's time for your to leave your Maayeka. Get ready now, you have to go to your Sasuraal in few days."

Coming near me, he rubbed my hair and said," They are eagerly waiting to see their daughter-in-law after years."

My youngest cousin Bhavya entered, "Annu Zizi! Annu Zizi! When will you come back to Pune again?"

Looking at her lovingly, I pulled her cheeks. She pouted. Though Bhavya is 21 years old, but she is everyone's bacchha in this house. Aww my bachha! Can't register her sweet pout.

Bhavya innocently asked me," Do you know anything about in-laws ?"

I blushed at the question.

I replied her," 'In-Laws' house is like The Nadanban in the Earth itself where the beautiful divine Flower Parijata (The flower of Gods) blossoms. When a woman put her legs the floor of that house, she turns into Apsara."

Taking her hand in mine, I pulled her into a sisterly hug. " The birds chirps are heard in the cold winter season spreading a blanket of warmth in the girl's heart. From south the heart warming wind blows, warming the girl's heart full of love for them. In the nights of Amavasya, there will be shinning of the shimmering silver light of full moon."

Hearing this Bhavya lost in her fantasy world. She opens her mouth only to say," Di!! It sounds interesting place. The place must be a haunted place, isn't it? I'm 100% sure. I'm going to take Swayam and my friends with me to explore that place."

I face palmed at my baby's conclusion. She did Oh My Mata of my explanation of Sasuraal. Hope she gets a more sensible husband in her life.

Precap- Annika was covered in sweat and dishevelled and running for her life.


Tomatoes allowed along with Chamelis. Did I made Annika out of character a bit?

I've a doubt. Anyways it's surprising update from my side. Enjoy reading and please leave few honest comment regarding the story. I cannot proceed forward without knowing your views on it.

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