Chapter 10: There's always more Gators in the bayou.

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Jason returned home that night while feeding off some Wood Lice to Groot who was sitting on the wooden desk and calling it a new home. He remembered getting a book that Dana used to own from her days in Illvermorny. A Book called: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them. Written by Newt Scamander. Jason in the meantime was busy sitting by another desk. And he also was able to practice more of his conjuration spells by trying to transfigure up a chair, a couch. His place was starting to come into its own. And Jason still kept around with his burgers and his Bud Light. 

He was also trying to piece together all that was going on. Putting Amy Tremaine away certainly was a start. But her clues about the Crooked Man controlling the Underworld and Politics was concerning to say the least. He kept thinking he was going to wake up with no magic at all and back in L.A in his shit hole style apartment instead of his nicer one in Annapolis. And this was all just some Fever Dream. Or rather, the longest fever dream anybody had. But no. It was real. Very real. And Jason was a Wizard. 

"I'll bring him down, Groot." He said to Groot the Bowtruckle. "I'll bring him down for what he did to Sam. And then Jason heard the phone ring. 

"Yeah?" Jason asked as he took the phone.

"Jason. Hoped you were still up. It's Maria." Maria said over the line. "Coming by the Floo Network." 

A few seconds later. Maria had arrived in Jason's apartment. "See you're making good progress here." She said as she looked around. "How's the... magic coming?" 

"Getting better." Jason answered. And he remembered the days of remembering incantations of charms and hexes that would save his life. 

"Keep it up, and we'll have you at advanced battle magic next." Maria grinned. 

"Want some coffee?" Jason asked.

"If you've got it." Maria answered. 

"Incendio." Jason shot at the coffee pot lighting a fire under it and brewing the coffee. Handing it to Maria.

"Gracias." Maria thanked. But there was another thing on her mind. "Not giving a fuck about what Amy Tremaine thinks. I'm impressed." She said.

Jason at first had to wonder what Maria was talking about. But then it clicked for him. "Oh... you heard about that?" He asked.

"It was hard not to." Maria answered. 

Jason nodded. "Well... it's very obvious that's why I'm doing all of this. You know... I don't have some super big heroic reason for joining the Aurors. I've got a score to settle with the Crooked Man. Joining the Aurors. This was the price." He said. 

"Oh, I knew that. And so did Jimmy." Maria replied. "And hey, not every Auror is going to be all self righteous and that whole save the day, bullshit. Our job as Aurors is to stop the Dark Wizard, keep the world safe. Even if the methods we take are... questionable at best. Then again, not every Auror is a saint." 

"So... it's basically what a cop does." Jason figured. "And that's where it gets screwy, I imagine. The Crooked Man wants to control both the Underworld and Politics. Underworld, we can fucking handle. Politics, we can't." 

Maria shook her head. "I don't give a shit about Politics. It's the duty of an Auror to fight Dark Wizards no matter what form they take. In terms of Government and Underworld." She said.

"But won't that cause some... controversy?" Jason asked.

"It does. Only a fool would question it." Maria answered. "But Aurors always have a controversial reputation. Especially from those who prefer to shoot first, ask questions later. Don't believe me? Take a look at what the shit heads did in the 20s to Newt Scamander." 

Jason looked back at the book. "You mean... the guy who wrote that book?" He asked referring to a book on the shelf. "Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. And here I was hoping it would be an adventure book like Dr. Doolittle. or whatever he's called." 

"Years ago, this British Wizard, Newt Scamander... comes to America. He brings with him a zoo of Magical Creatures. Plans to release them in the wild. Seems he's the only one at the time to care about Magical Creatures. But M.A.C.U.S.A are fucking assholes. This dark creature gets loose... kills a No Mag Senator. And who do the Aurors blame, but Newt Scamander. They also subdue one of their own. A woman named Tina Goldstein who did nothing wrong, mind you. Both are sentenced to death." Maria explained.

"Holy Fucking Shit." Jason commented shaking his head at the shit storm it sounded like. "Did they... get out?"

"Wasn't easy, but yeah. They got out." Maria answered. "M.A.C.U.S.A knew it wasn't Newt's fault. They just didn't care." Then she shook her head. "Anyway. I guess what I'm trying to tell you is... not every Auror is a saint. And if you think you're a little fucker. You're a saint compared to assholes in the past." 

Jason sighed while thinking about what Maria had said. "So... Maria... why are you an Auror then?" He asked. "I mean, why did you want to become an Auror?" 

Maria looked at Jason then at the Fire Place. "I hate Dark Wizards." She answered. When I was a young girl in Mexico, my home was regularly haunted by Dark Wizards. They stole our livestock, our homes were constantly robbed, and everyone was too scared to fight them. Our own Mayor was getting paid off to keep the Dark Wizards attacking us and our powerless to do anything about it. So... when I moved out to the U.S... I wanted to let those fuckers know they fucked with my home for the last time. I trained. I studied, I dedicated myself to fighting and becoming an Auror. I returned to that village with some reinforcements. I was new to the Aurors of course. One of them was Jimmy." Maria explained.

"Ryder?" Jason asked. 

"Yeah. He just came off from returning from Britain to fight a war there. Long story. But when Ryder returned. He and I helped liberate my town. Threw the Corrupt Mayor in the Rock. It became clear that the Auror was my path." Maria answered with a grin on her face.

"So... you've got a heroic reason." Jason recapped.

"I did it because it was the right thing to do. But I did it to get closure and justice for my town. Much like you joined the Aurors for closure and justice on the Crooked Man for what he did to Sam. And fucking up your life." 

Jason never really thought of it that way before. He was always in the revenge game as he saw it. But maybe Maria had a point. Maybe Jason did have a good reason for going after the Crooked Man, other than his own needs.

"Hey, Maria." Jason said.

"Yeah?" Maria asked.

"If the Aurors had the same motivation as you... we'd have caught the Crooked Man ten times over by now." Jason informed.

"And if Aurors had the same determination as you... we'd have caught the Crooked Man twenty times over by now." Maria replied.

Jason returned to M.A.C.U.S.A with Dana looking at the Monitor. Danny, Maria, Ryder were also there. And to Jason's surprise and disappointment. Braga was there too. But no one was too focused on Braga. 

"What's up?" Jason asked Danny walking in.

"We've got a big one this time, Jason. Dana was talking about it earlier at the Rock." Ryder informed. "Dana?" 

Dana moved over to the Monitor. "Okay... just got to..." She went over to the monitor and started to clear off some data that was on the screen. "Oh shit. Was that important?" She asked. 

"Doesn't matter. Just show what you want to." Ryder answered. 

"Tremaine said that The Crooked Man wants to control Politics, right? And the Senator's Seal we found on the financial records." Dana started. "And what was more. Thanks to a camera shot taken by Danny. Thank you by the way." 

"You're welcome." Danny replied. 

"And... the analysis of the Explosive recovered proved one ingredient needed to set off the explosive. Pixie Dust." Dana continued. 

"And... how is that a factor?" Jason asked.

"Because Pixie Dust is foreign to Oregon. The only place to get it at a cheap price is The South. Louisiana to be specific." Braga answered.  

Jason had to let the dials sink in. "Wait... didn't Madam Picquery say something about one of the candidates being a Senator from Louisiana?" He asked.

"Yeah. Senator Elijah La Beau." Ryder answered. The face of La Beau was put on the screen. Jason could see the man standing in front of a crowd of spectators who were approving him as President while in front of what looked like a swamp. "A well respected man from a well respected home. The La Beau family's been in America and the Louisiana territory since the French claimed it all the way back centuries ago. In fact, they were one of the founders of M.A.C.U.S.A." 

Jason grunted. "Doesn't sound like he's a man who can bought and sold." He said.

"That's a surface image, Jason." Ryder informed. "The La Beau family didn't earn their reputation by being nice people. They were cutthroat wizards who built their reputation and their power on the backs of their enemies. In the 1800s, they literally kicked their rival house, House Lestrange out of America. And Elijah is no different." 

"In what way?" Jason asked. "I'm... I'm just asking because I don't know what this guy is like. Is he one of those pureblood families?" 

"Well... it actually may shock you to learn this. But La Beau isn't a Pureblood Family. They were originally a No Mag Born family. Elijah's Ancestor: Henri La Beau was a No Mag Born who sailed to America to build up a new life after leaving France. Everyone else in the family were all Wizards and Witches, while there were few who were Squibs." Ryder answered.

"Squibs?" Danny asked.

"Kids born to magical parents but don't have magic themselves." Dana clarified.

"Elijah believes that Purebloods are the worst Motherfuckers on the planet. The La Beau's made a shit ton of enemies in the 1800s. Most of them Pureblood." Ryder added.

"Makes you wonder why a guy like that would be associated with The Crooked Man." Jason figured. 

"Allegedly. It could be someone close to La Beau. Or he's being Blackmailed." Dana added. 

To Jason, it didn't matter. There was a good shot that La Beau was the next step to rooting out The Crooked Man. And also interfere with the Crooked Man's plans to control Politics in M.A.C.U.S.A. And Jason loved it when he got in the way of The Crooked Man. And that meant heading out to Louisiana.

"You'll have to be careful about how you go about this, kids." Braga commented suddenly which forced everyone to look at him. "This is a Presidential Nominee we're talking about. The Election is only 2 months away. And if we fuck this up. Our jobs are all on the line. Well not mine, but the rest of you are fucked. Sanders can probably save Ryder's skin-" 

"Braga. We get the fucking gist." Maria interrupted. 

"But if there's a connection with La Beau and he is involved with the Crooked Man... it's our jobs as Aurors to root out the corruption." Dana pointed out. "That is the mission of an Auror." She said to Ryder. 

"Damn straight it is." Jason agreed. But more than that. He really wanted to take it to the politicians. 

"Up for a trip to the Bayou?" Ryder asked. 

"Never been. But from what I've heard of Louisiana. They've got some pretty good sugar. And... Cajun shrimp and gumbo. But nothing on Clam Chowder." Danny said. 

Jason could feel it in his stomach. He had never had gumbo before. But from what he was told from some co-workers at his old job: 'You haven't had any good food until you've tried some Cajun food. 

"I'll call Blue Eyes and have him meet us there." Dana said.

"That... Demon thing who's bored?" Ryder asked.

"Yeah. That's the one." Maria answered. 

Louisiana. Where the Mississippi River enters the United States. Located in the Deep South. On the surface, Louisiana was a melting pot of French, African, American and French Canadians combined with its Cajun Culture. Known mainly for the city of New Orleans with its French Colonial style architecture, it's football team, The New Orleans Saints otherwise known as the Aints. (Author's Note: Pre Drew Brees/Sean Payton era.)

And that was on the surface. Inside... the state held a deep lore of magic and in the Wizarding World. The Magic practiced in Louisiana was very different then the rest of the world. 

Jason drove the car through the state lines. "I'm going to be real. I don't know much about this state. The only thing that I do know about it is... from this book I read in High School called: A Streetcar named Desire." He admitted. 

"Never heard of it." Maria said.

"It's about a Woman named Blanche who tries rebuilding her life after she's hit rock bottom. But her brother in law, Stanley is a dick. Gets her incarcerated into a Mental Institution. The end." Jason explained. 

Ryder shook his head as he sat in the car with the others after hearing of Jason's explanation. "Why is it considered American Literature?" He asked. 

"No fucking clue. People are weird." Jason answered.

"You can say that again." Blue Eyes agreed as he sat in the car next to Ryder. And he also noticed how Ryder didn't seem afraid of Blue Eyes. "What?" He asked. 

"I'd just thought you'd be into that type of shit." Ryder answered. "And commending Stanley for what he did." 

"No. We don't all enjoy it when people suffer. What we Demons in the Underworld do enjoy is seeing all the sinners get their just desserts." Blue Eyes clarified. "In a strange way... humans might even more demonic than demons are. Makes you wonder who the real monsters are." 

Danny kept thinking about Louisiana and the type of magic that was performed in the Bayou. And now that there was a Wizarding World. He had to wonder if all the things he heard about Witchcraft that happened in the Bayou was true. "Hey, Jimmy. All this stuff about Bayou Witchcraft. Is it... true?" He asked. 

"Well that depends on what you mean by Witchcraft." Ryder replied.

"You know what I mean... all that shit about fucking Witchcraft like Voodoo shit." Danny clarified.

"It's all true." Ryder answered. "Louisiana Witchcraft in ways is even more psychotic than Salem's Witchcraft. Voodoo is their main focus. But they are also known for their prowess in Herbology. Roots, herbs. All important in the aspects of Voodoo. And Divination. And they can use those factors for charms and creating amulets."  

"Many of the Witches and Wizards live in the swamps of the Bayou. To stay away from No Mag." Maria added. "There, they practice Swamp Magic. It's a form of Water Magic with a few known Dark Arts put in. Perfect for a place like the Crooked Man to get influence for his growing criminal empire. A lot of Dark Wizards in America actually come from the Bayou." 

"How many?" Danny asked. 

"As of 1994, roughly 45%." Dana answered.

"Fuck me." Danny commented. "At least the Rock is a place to hold them." 

"And it's certainly a better prison than the one in Britain. By a longshot." Maria added.

There it was again for Jason. Talking abou British Prison systems. "Okay, what is the fucking deal with The British Prison system? Sam was saying something about how it was fucked up but he didn't say what. And here you guys are talking about it like it's..." Jason was trying to find the right words. 

"Yeah. What about that?" Danny asked. 

Ryder sighed. He knew it was only a matter of time before that came up. "Okay... fucked up is putting it mildly." He said. "If you think the No Mag American Justice System is fucked... this'll make you feel slightly better." 

"Their single handedly set a new standard for the term, mother fucker. You know how hard that is?" Maria asked. 

"Cut to the chase." Blue Eyes requested. 

Jason was still listening. 

"See... Britain Wizards and Witches who break the law and that type of shit. They get sent to a island in the middle of the North Sea known as Hell on Earth. Azkaban." Ryder said. "No. I'm wrong. You'd rather go to Hell on Earth than Azkaban. Storms raging all over. Cold as ice. Sick Satanic shit." 

"It's not the outside that's the problem. It's the inside you gotta worry about." Maria added. "And it's Prison Guards, Dementors." 

Jason didn't like the sound of that. And neither did Danny. "Dementors? What are those?" Danny asked. 

"Hooded Creatures that fucking suck a soul out of a persons body. Floating, in black cloaks, demonic as hell. It's like your looking at a fucking floating nightmare ghost that crawled out of Hell." Ryder answered. "Here." And he showed Jason and Danny a picture. And there it was, what a Dementor looked like. 

"Oh my God." Jason said. 

"Jesus fucking Christ." Danny commented. "And those things guard the British Prisons?" He asked in disbelief.

"They don't just guard it. They run the whole show." Maria answered. "They have their way with Prisoners. They make you relive your worst memories over and over like a never ending cassette tape that rewinds. It makes you depressing. Your mental health turns to shit. And you lose the will to live." 

"What the fuck?!" Jason asked. 

"You want to know what makes it worse? The Dementors don't give a shit what the crime is. And neither does the Wizengamot. Any crime you perform and you're found guilty... they throw you in Azkaban and throw you to the Dementors." Ryder added. "Anyone. Like say... someone gets 15 years in Azkaban. And then within a few years test them for a mental evaluation and that type of shit." 

Danny had his mouth open and his eyes wide. Finally he said something. "Well, okay. I'm convinced. That's pretty much the most FUCKED UP THING I'VE EVER HEARD IN MY ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE! LIKE WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" He yelled.

"Yeah. I mean! WHAT THE FUCK!" Jason shouted at the top of his lungs. "That is F-U-C-K-E-D FUCKED UP! And mental evaluation after 15 years. WHAT DO YOU THINK IS GOING TO HAPPEN! I'LL TELL YOU THE ANSWER RIGHT NOW! IT'S FUCKED! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! HOLY SHIT! IT'S FUCKED UP! LIKE FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" And he started to breathe heavy. 

Blue Eyes just shrugged. "Ditto." He replied as if he was saying: "Dude, I'm a literal Demon out of hell. And even I wouldn't have done that." 

"Jimmy. What the fuck is up with that shit? And the British act like it's no big deal. Double mother fucking shit. The Wizengamot might be even more fucked up then the criminals that we're trying to take down." Danny commented.

"Yeah. It's cruel." Dana agreed. 

"Don't mean to tell me twice. And I raised my concerns with the British Ministry but you know what they do?" Ryder said. "Tell me to fuck off." 

"It's like the Ministry just tells Dementors: "Here's your meal, now fuck them up however you want to." Maria noted.

"Holy Fucking Shit." Jason commented just thinking about Azkaban. 

"If the Regular Governments found out... it's game over for the British." Danny said. "I'm telling you right now." 

The Bayou had now come into view. And on a water bank. Jason could see a massive dark forest  like area. And the sounds of strange creatures emanating from the trees. And a Man standing by a boat. Wearing a bayou style hat, Cajun style Wizarding Robes, and holding up a banjo. He looked up and saw the Aurors approach him. "Let me handle this." Ryder told the others.  

Jason could also feel the humid air emanating. And bugs starting to fly around him. It did make some good food for Groot. 

The Cajun Boatman looked at Ryder. "Can I help you?" He asked in a thick Cajun accent. 

"I think you can." Ryder answered holding out his badge. 

The Cajun strung his banjo. "Well, well... what brings out M.A.C.U.S.A to the bayou? Finally going to do something about them gators?" He asked while getting into his boat. "Nah. You can't do anything about that. We need our Gators. Hop on then." 

"Why are we taking a boat into the bayou?" Jason asked.

"It's the only way to navigate our waters." The Cajun answered while shooting a spell at the boat to pull it forward. "Many of us reckon that we get unwanted visitors. Just yesterday, I had to take a lot of supporters for La Beau to become President. A 12th of them... all ended up dinner for the Gators." 

"Holy shit." Dana commented. And she wondered how anyone could live in a place like this.

Going forward into the thick swamp, Jason could see the light above from the sky start to only peak out of very small clearings ahead. And he could also feel the wind out of his face which made it even more humid. He could also see the strange looking trees around. And the wooden and structurally strange houses that would make the apartment that Jason used to live in, Prime Real Estate. 

"What are you, kid? City boy? Never been around this turf before?" The Boatman asked. 

"Not really." Jason answered.

Danny looked around. 

"I'm not too concerned." Blue Eyes commented.

"Of course you'd say that. You're a demon." Danny pointed out. 

The Cajun noticed Blue Eyes but wasn't afraid of him. In the Bayou, there were worse things to worry about. And that was when Danny could see a dark patch, and in it, was a strange glowing light.

"I wouldn't, Danny." Maria held back.

"You better listen to the lady. That right there is a Feu Follet." The Cajun informed. "Dances like a mischievous spirit, luring travelers off their paths. In reality though... they be the spirit of a lost child, forever seeking company in the murky Louisiana night." 

Danny stepped away. "Okay... consider me warned." 

The Boat had reached a dock and pulled up with all departing.

"Thanks for the lift." Jason thanked as he looked at all the entire bayou while fanning himself from the Humidity. Ryder pulled a cooling charm on Jason. "And thanks, Jimmy." 

"Yeah. Best part of being a Wizard is that if you ever get hot or cold, you can just place a spell to correct that." Ryder explained.

Danny looked around like he was a fish out of water if ever there was one. To him, the Bayous looked like Salem with a southern like swamp. "So where do we start, Jimmy?" He asked.

Ryder looked around. "We start with La Beau. Find out how deep this Crooked Man corruption goes." He answered. "Come on. The Mansion is this way." 

Jason continued to look at the houses and also a bunch of what looked like different shops and even some pubs with open ended doors and walls, with a bit of a dark tone than a boardwalk. "Reminds me of Knockturn Alley in Britain, Jason." Ryder said to Jason. "Dark Alley with shit from the black market. Pretty famous."

"If it's so well known, why hasn't anybody fucking shut it down?" Jason asked.

"Politics." Ryder answered. 

"Yeah." Jason figured but without looking, he bumped into a Local. 

"Hey! Look out!" The Local demanded. 

"Sorry." Jason replied while looking on as his feet creaked under the wooden boards that was overshadowed by hordes of people moving around the Bayou. "Big crowd." He noted.

"Try not to be surprised. It's usually filled with locals. Nearly everyone else is a fucking La Beau supporter." Maria told Jason.

"That explains a few things, doesn't it?" Dana asked as she looked at all the La Beau supporters walking around. But also taking in some of the items. "Um... Agent Ryder?" She asked.

"Yeah?" Ryder asked.

"Doesn't Blue Eyes and we for that matter... stick out?" Dana asked.

"People probably assume that we're just more security hired by La Beau to keep the peace." Ryder answered. "And Blue Eyes..." 

"I'm not the scariest thing in this Bayou." Blue Eyes said.

"Yeah... because people are usually scared of whatever voodoo shit is in this swamp." Jason thought out loud.

"Up this way." Ryder instructed as they approached the end of a wooden dock and up to a more stocked up and stable wooden bridge far more eloquent than the wooden docks from before. And it seemed to go on for a mile as they were lit by torch light.

"Well, nice to know he's a man of the fucking people." Maria sarcastically commented as they walked up. She also swatted a mosquito away. "Immobulus!" She shot freezing a whole party of mosquitos above.

"All we've got are fly swatters." Danny said to Maria.

"Well, you're lame." Maria replied.

The Wooden Bridge had led to a path on the ground, where the swamp water did not interfere. Thick Bayou Trees were overhead and they led to a massive Gate where rows and rows of supporters were gathered outside of the Senator's Mansion. A massive Southern Style Mansion lit by yellow lights and painted fresh white. 

"Senator's living in the dough." Jason commented. 

"You don't say?" Maria sarcastically asked. 

Ryder approached the gates to a stack of Guards stationed outside. "Hello, my name is Agent James Ryder. I have important business to discuss with the Senator. Auror business." He presented his badge as well.

The Guard took a look at it. "Well, that is an Auror Badge. And the Senator is always happy to cooperate with the Auror Department. He hopes you vote for him in the upcoming election-" He started to say.

"Are you getting paid by the mouth, or can we go speak to the Senator?" Danny asked. 

"What my colleague means to say is that we don't get involved in politics, and we need to speak to the Senator." Ryder informed. 

"You may pass." The Guard opened the gate to the Senator's home. Then he looked at Blue Eyes. "But the Demon stays here."  

"Fuck it." Jason muttered.

"Oh, don't worry about me. I have a feeling I am needed elsewhere." Blue Eyes assured.

And the team went through. Jason kept his hand on his wand like a cowboy ready to draw a gun. He also noticed Dana muttering to herself. 

"You alright? Not having a spazz attack, are you?" Jason asked Dana.

"No. I've just never met a M.A.C.U.S.A Senator before." Dana answered. "Corrupted or not." 

"Well, we don't know if he's corrupted or not." Danny pointed out while interrupting their conversation. 

"He's a fucking politician. They're all corrupt." Jason said. "Why do you think it's called politics?" 

"Do any of you feel underdressed?" Dana asked. "I feel underdressed, I mean I don't know about you all but I feel-" 

"Nobody gives a fuck, Dana." Maria commented in an annoyed tone. 

"Sorry." Dana replied.

As Ryder walked up the door, he could see Senator La Beau approach. And Jason could see that La Beau looked just how he looked in front of the crowds. Fat, wearing what looked like a Southern Style Suit, and a brown hairstyle with short hair and an impressive weird 1800's style mustache. And some weird spectacles for glasses.

"Ah... little Jimmy Ryder." La Beau spoke in a thick Cajun accent. "I thought you would be mingling with people in England. I mean, Triwizard Tournament and all that." 

"Change of plans, Senator." Ryder shot back. "We've got bigger fish to fry than the Triwizard Tournament." 

"So I see..." La Beau replied noting the party he was with. "What brings you to Louisiana?" He asked.  

"I've been investigating and hunting down the Crooked Man." Ryder answered. "This is my team. Jason Baker. Maria Santiago, Dana Scott, and Danny Coughlin." 

"Hm..." La Beau examined the party which Jason found odd. "Santiago, I'm familiar with. Not the other three." 

"Jason and Dana just joined the force." Maria informed. "And Danny..." 

"I work for the F.B.I." Danny said. "No Mag F.B.I." 

"F.B.I?" La Beau asked. "Fascinating. You turn to No Mags for help, Ryder?"

"Oh, things are called for unconventional all over." Ryder answered. 

"As for the Crooked Man. Afraid you might be wasting your time. You're chasing smoke and mirrors, Ryder." La Beau went on.

"They said the same thing about Slayton." Ryder replied. 

"Well, I want the Crooked Man taken down as well. He can't be allowed to run loose and free in a country that I will lead." La Beau informed.

"You seem really confident you'll win." Jason noted.

"I know I'll win." La Beau clarified. "Oh, where are my manners? You must all be exhausted after such a long trip. Come on, I'll see if we can't make you some grub. Raxus. We've got guests!" And he led them into the mansion. 

The Servants, plenty of them that Jason noticed were House Elves, went way overboard with the dinner spread. There was a long table with massive candles at the center, and rows of chandeliers. On the dinning table, Jason could see rows and rows of Cajun style foods. Shrimp, Chicken, Gumbo soup, Jambalaya, Collard Green, Crawfish, and a bunch of other foods that Jason didn't recognize. He couldn't remember the last time he ate a proper homemade hot meal, actually, he never had one at all. And he was eating like a wolf at the food in front of him.

"Got to hand it to your new boy, Ryder. He can eat like a Gator eats Human Flesh." La Beau joked.

Dana at the very least tried to eat very dignified. 

"Seems a bit excessive, don't you think?" Danny asked as he ate his food.

"Just a little Southern Hospitality there, Agent Coughlin. Wizard and No Mag both." La Beau informed as he dug into his own gumbo. "You from... Boston?"

"Yeah. Is it the accent?" Danny asked. "Well, I'm assigned to Michigan now. Detroit" 

"Is it true that Detroit is a cesspool for crime?" La Beau asked.

"Eh... sad but true." Danny answered.

La Beau turned his attention to Ryder. "I know why you're here, Ryder. The Crooked Man." He took a sip. "His grip is everywhere, and I'm sad to say... in some parts of Louisiana. Some Dark Wizards have been selling some Pixie Dust, grown right here in our own Bayous." 

"Well that's what we wanted to talk to you about, Senator." Dana informed. "The Pixie dust is-" 

"Of course my Servant, Raxus here has made significant progress in tracking and shutting down the Pixie Dust distributors." La Beau went on as Jason could see a bald man with a lot of face tattoos all over. He looked at the group with death glares. 

But Maria started chuckling. "Not to... give you offense, Senator. Actually, no I'm not. I hate fucking politics. We discovered something suspicious in raiding out one of the Crooked Man's buildings in Oregon-" 

"Ah, you mean Amy Tremaine?" La Beau asked. "The world ain't gonna miss here where she is." 

"Yeah, that bitch. As I was saying..." Maria went on. "We found a whole factory that was making explosives, one of the ingredients was Pixie Dust. So... suffice to say, the job's getting not really done." 

"Looks like you missed one, Raxus." La Beau joked around. No one else shared in the joke.

"Right... well, Dana found something interesting." Ryder said. "Say... a Senator's seal in the financial records." 

"Senator's Seal?" La Beau asked shocked. "Well... that's not good." He could then read the room and could see where Ryder was going with this. "Ah... you don't think I could be involved with all this, you reckon?" 

"A part of me wonders it. No reason to lie." Ryder replied.

"Agent Ryder. I am a respectful Southern Senator! Whoever wrote that Seal must be using a fake Seal. But I don't deal with Criminals." La Beau pointed out, and he sounded incredibly proud of that fact too.  

"How do you know it's a fake?" Jason asked. "It looked pretty fucking real when we examined it." 

"I know because I've been looking into the matter. Seems that some sick twisted bastard is using the seal to mess with the Good Senator." Raxus answered for La Beau. 

"Yeah. That's what we saw on Amy Tremaine's financial records." Maria confirmed. "You identified this sick twisted bastard yet?" She asked.

"Sadly no." Raxus answered. "But what we do know is that it's someone who specializes in the Dark Arts." 

"Oh, that narrows it down." Ryder thought considering nearly everybody specialized in the Dark Arts in the Bayou. 

"I won't tolerate anybody using my Senator's Seal." La Beau declared. "Especially now that I'm this close to winning the election." Then he looked at everyone. "Unfortunately, we'll have to deal with the Crooked Man later. I've got a campaign speech to make. And I want everything to go perfect. Say, Ryder... I could use your help with security and managing the chaos if things go South. You know how much I care for security." 

Dana felt uneasy. "Um... Mr. Senator... with all due respect-" She started.

"Of course we will." Ryder suddenly interrupted.

"We will?" Jason asked.

"We will?" Danny asked.

"We will?" Maria asked.

"We will?" Dana asked.

"We will." Ryder answered. "It is the duty of an Auror to serve M.A.C.U.S.A and you are part of M.A.C.U.S.A, Senator. So we'll see to it that nothing goes wrong." 

Maria knew that look from Ryder. And she knew that Ryder had a plan whenever he had that look. Dana and Jason looked confused as to Ryder's decision.

"A wise decision." La Beau praised.

"Permit us first to discuss security measures with our two new recruits. They're new to this whole Auror business." Maria requested.

"Granted." La Beau declared. "And you're more than willing to talk more with Raxus about any more details."  

After dinner was finished, Ryder had managed to gather everyone in the study. "What was all that?" Dana asked.

"The situation's become far more complicated." Ryder explained. "The Seal's aren't fake, they're real. But La Beau believes that they're fake because he's being fed false information." 

"You want to translate that from bullshit to English?" Jason asked. 

"The Senator's not involved with the Crooked Man. But somebody close to him is." Maria clarified. "If La Beau takes office. The Crooked Man can use La Beau and shove a stick up his ass like he's their fucking puppet." 

"Why not tell him the truth?" Dana asked.

"Because he wouldn't believe us. Why would he?" Danny asked like it was Common Sense. 

"I've got a feeling that whoever the Crooked Man's inside well... man is going to make his move while the Senator is giving out his speech and meeting his supporters. With everyone so focused on all that political bullshit, then that means there's going to be other shit going down." Ryder went on.

"So what's the plan?" Jason asked.

Ryder had that planned out already from the moment he stepped foot into the mansion. "Jason, you and Coughlin will take the inside of the mansion. I'll tell them that you're guarding it from the inside, Maria, you're on the perimeter while Dana and I will be with the Senator." 

"And what exactly are Jason and I going to really be doing?" Danny asked. "Looking for clues or..." 

"That's exactly what you're going to be looking for." Ryder answered. 

"Ever raided a mansion before?" Jason asked.

"Once. Some Wall Street Investor built a large mansion but was making illegal deals. One of my first cases too." Danny answered remembering it well. 

"Are you sure about this, Agent Ryder?" Dana asked.

"It's the best idea we've got right now." Ryder answered. "Okay, we all have our assignments. And just remember something very important." Which made everyone gather around Ryder. "We are Aurors. We made a commitment to stop the rise of Dark Wizards and hunt them down. Never forget that." 

"Never." Maria agreed as Dana nodded her head. 

"Except for Coughlin who isn't an Auror." Ryder clarified.

"Fuck you." Danny shot back. 

"Okay. We all have our assignments. Let's get to it." Ryder declared.

If Ryder had a distaste for Political Campaign speeches before. It was nothing compared to the shit storm he saw from La Beau as he presented himself in front of his mansion to the crowds outside the gates.

"You okay, Agent Ryder?" Dana asked. 

"Yeah. Just a little... sick with hearing all this political shit." Ryder answered.

"But... weren't you in Britain dealing with politics?" Dana asked.

"I was, and I hated every minute of it." Ryder confirmed. He watched a La Beau began his speech.

"My good people of America. It is my honor tonight, to see all my supporters. Since we landed in America. Louisiana has been the heart and soul of America. Our proud American Traditions, our strength in magic. Were all born here in this very swamp!" La Beau began to the clapping of supporters.

Dana looked at Ryder who just made throw up like faces. It made Dana laugh. "I have held incredible respect for President Sanders. And supported his policies throughout the Trotsky Crisis. But this is no time to take our foot off the pedal. Now we must continue to preserve, protect and defend M.A.C.U.S.A. All those other people running for President... they are going to let this country go to Ruin! They'll let criminals like the Crooked Man, run loose in our country. When I'm elected President-" La Beau went on.

"Shit, I should've assigned myself to helping Danny and Jason." Ryder thought. 

Meanwhile, Jason and Danny were inside the mansion for anything suspicious. "Revelio." Jason kept saying over and over with his wand, but not finding anything. "Revelio." He shot again.

"Stop that. You're driving me insane." Danny said as he held a flashlight looking at books and other records in the study. 

Jason looked at his wand. "Come on, Colt. You're supposed to be highlighting this shit for me. Make my life easier." He shook his wand until he accidentally shot out a spell that hit Danny in the ass.

"Ow. Watch where you point that thing." Danny commented.

"Sorry. Got to watch that." Jason replied.

"I don't think we're going to find anything in this room. Let's look for another one." Danny suggested. He kept his hand on his pistol. And they moved on back to the hall and then up the stairs.

"And here I am half expecting Mrs. Peacock to show up in the billiard room with the candlestick." Danny joked as he walked up the stairs. "You ever played Clue as a kid?" He asked.

Jason didn't answer that question. 

"Is that a no?" Danny asked.

"I've played it before." Jason answered. "With my Mom once. She loved that game. You um... ever seen the movie with Tim Curry?" 

"Yeah. It was funny." Danny replied. "The multiple endings. Too hilarious. And so was Wadsworth. Or rather... Mr. Body." 

"Revelio." Jason shot out loud. He then noticed something odd as he looked around. A door lit up bright yellow. "Come on." 

Danny reached for the door, but he found that it was locked. "Not by any chance you've got an unlocking charm for the door?" 

"Alohomora." Jason shot, but that did nothing. "Shit. Might be a hex on it." 

"Then we do this." Danny declared as he shot the lock open.. "If it's locked with all this security, it can't be good." The entire room was dark so he drew out his flashlight. 

While Jason lit his wand with the Lumos spell. And as they lit their lights ups, they noticed that everything looked pristine and perfect in the room. The desks newly refurbished, the bookcases pristine and books all shelved in an organized manner. "Senator has two Studies?" He asked. "One would think one was enough." 

"Not for this guy." Danny replied as he looked at the stuff on the desk. And under the desk for a secret draw. The Table had suddenly opened to show even more files and with more papers. And he tore through the files as he placed them on the desk. He looked at Jason. "I'll put them back." He assured as he read through the files. 

"All I'm seeing, Danny. Is a dude who's got way too much time and way too much money on his hands." Jason said as he looked at the book case even more.

Danny looked more through the records. And he found something strange. 'The next shipment of Pixie Dust is brought to the Mill. Your Galleons will be yours soon enough. See to it that the Cargo is distributed. Use Voodoo if you have to, just get it done!' "Jason!" He called.

Jason picked one book to look through. But one book was stuck, and as Jason reached for it. A secret door unlocked behind the bookcase. "Hey, Danny! Secret Passage!" He called.

Danny ran over and took a look. It had to lead somewhere. As he turned to say something to Jason. Both were interrupted by blinding lights turning on over their heads. "Find anything?" A Cajun voice asked. 

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