Chapter 13: Don't mess with Texas.

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El Conquina, Mexico. (21 years earlier.)

The Small Town of El Conquina was an isolated Pueblos Magica near the Mexican Texas border. It was also flanked with loads of blatant corruption. A Young 16 year old Maria Santiago had seen all of it ever since she was a little girl. Shop Keepers being hassled by Bandits, and those who were supposed to be Aurors, looking the other way. And also the sounds of livestock walking among the streets. The Corrupt Mayor in the payroll of the criminal mastermind, Craneo. 

Today though... today was different. She was brought before the mayor herself. A record player was playing Spanish Music in the background. And Maria was brought in by two Guards. Or at least they were supposed to be guards, but the reality was that they were thugs on Craneo's payroll.

"Maria Santiago." The Mayor said as he smoked from his pipe and blew out smoke in front of Maria's face, forcing her to cough and looked away. "La sospechosa habitual." (The usual suspect.) 

Maria had her entanglements with the Mayor before. This wasn't her first rodeo with him or his cronies. "Parece que volví a llamar su atención, señor." (I got your attention again, it seems, sir.) She noted.

"Lo hiciste." (You did.) The Mayor replied sternly. "Interrumpir convoyes comerciales que llegan a nuestra ciudad. Entiende esto, Santiago. Tengo un negocio en esta ciudad. Suministramos a nuestros amigos bienes preciosos y ellos nos dan dinero." (Disrupting trade convoys into our Ciudad. Understand this, Santiago. I have a business deal in this town. We supply our friends with precious commodities, and they give us money.) 

"Las personas no son mercancías, alcalde." (People aren't commodities, Mayor.) Maria shot back. 

"Tu padre le dijo lo mismo hace años a Craneo." (Your Father said the same thing years ago to Craneo.) The Mayor hissed not happy to have himself interrupted. "¿Y recuerdas lo que le pasó?" (And do you remember what happened to him?) The Room grew very quiet. "¿Y tu madre?" (And your Mother?) 

Maria already knew what happened. Her Father and Mother died because they pissed off Craneo when Maria was 7. All that was left of her family was herself, her two brothers, her older sister, and her younger sister. 

"Oh, ven, María. No me mires así. Tu sabes como funciona. Te metes en el negocio de Craneo. Te cuesta." (Oh, come, Maria. Don't give me that look. You know how it works. You mess with Craneo's business. It costs you.) The Mayor informed. 

"Te cuesta!" (It costs you!) Maria shot back. "Eres el único que está cosechando las recompensas. Secuestras niños y los vendes como esclavos a Craneo. Al menos papá tuvo el valor de enfrentarte." (You're the only one reaping the rewards. You kidnap children, sell them off as slaves to Craneo. At least Dad had the guts to stand up to you.) 

The Mayor knew it was pointless to try and explain things to a 16 year old. So he then went back to business. "Dijiste que querías llamar mi atención, entonces, ¿qué quieres?" (You said you wanted to get my attention, so what do you want?) He asked.

"Quiero que Frida vuelva." (I want Frida back.) Maria answered.  

"Frida?" The Mayor asked. "Eso es algo que no puedo hacer, querida. Tu hermana mayor está pagando por sus crímenes a nuestra ciudad." (Now that is something I cannot do, my dear. Your older sister is paying for her crimes to our town.) 

"¿Crímenes?" (Crimes?) Maria asked in outraged. "Lo único que hizo fue dar comida para mantener a los niños. Alimentos por los que se pagó!" (All she did was give food to provide for the children. Food that was paid for!)

"Fue robado." (It was stolen.) The Mayor corrected, even though it really wasn't and the Thugs just said that it was stolen.

Maria grit her teeth. "Devuélvela!" (Give her back!) She demanded. If she had her wand, she would absolutely wreck the shit out of the Mayor.

"Parecería que lo que les pasó a tu papá y a tu mamá no fue suficiente para darte una lección. Entonces tal vez esto lo haga." (It would seem that what happened to your Dad and Mom was not enough to teach you a lesson. So perhaps this will.) The Mayor informed. And he rang a bell. 

The Door opened. Two more thugs walked in with an older girl than Maria. Her older sister, Frida.

"Frida." Maria started to go over. But a thug whacked her in the head. 

"Maria!" Frida tried to run over, but her arms were held by the thugs. 

The Mayor got up. "Interrumpiste el negocio, María Santiago. Y por eso. Tendrás que ser castigado." (You disrupted business, Maria Santiago. And for that. You're going to have to be punished.) He informed as he drew his wand on the young Witch. 

"¡No! ¡No por favor! ¡María no!" (No! No please! Not Maria!) Frida cried out in horror.

"Muffliato!" The Thugs all shot at Frida's face.  

"Mereces ser castigado por lo que hiciste, Santiago." (You deserve to be punished for what you did, Santiago.) The Mayor pointed his wand at Maria.

"No es una lección que se le pueda enseñar a una mujer muerta." (It's hardly a lesson to be taught to a dead woman.) Maria pointed out as she spat out blood.

"En eso, María... somos de la misma opinión." (On that, Maria... we are of the same mind.) He pointed the wand right on Frida. "Avada Kedavra!" He shot the green energy beam on Maria's sister.

"NO!" Maria screamed as she saw her sister's dead body fall to the floor. Her face will wish shock and sadness. "No...." She started sobbing. "Frida!" 

"La próxima vez que interfieras, serán tus otros hermanos hasta que seas el último en pie." (The next time you interfere, it will be your other siblings until you are the last one standing.) The Mayor informed. "Ahora saca el cuerpo de aquí." (Now get the body out of here.) He ordered his guards. 

"¿Deberíamos enterrarlo?" (Should we bury it?) One of the thugs asked as Maria cried over the dead body. 

"No. Déjalo atado a un poste y deja que los Buitres se lleven el cadáver." (No. Leave it tied to a post and let the Vultures pick away at the corpse.) The Mayor answered.

Back to the Present.

Maria remembered what had happened to her sister all too well as she looked out the window to show off the road and the blue Texas sky in the Range Rover. 

"M&Ms?" Danny offered Maria.

"Huh?" Maria asked.

"I was just asking if you wanted M&Ms." Danny repeated as he held out a bag of M&Ms to Maria.

"Gracias." Maria took the bag.

"You alright?" Danny asked.

"Yeah. You run out of Chocolate Frogs?" She asked changing the subject.

"Seems a little fucked up to eat something that's alive." Danny said. 

"It's just an enchantment, Agent Coughlin." Dana assured. "Besides, it's the Cards you really want." 

"So it's like Baseball Trading Cards in Cracker Jack Boxes." Danny figured.

"Yeah. The No Mag took that idea from Wizards." Whammy explained crushed in-between the House Elves and Blue Eyes who was also in the Car with Dana, and Danny. "In the 1860s. A Group of Brooklyn Athletics Players accidentally found a discarded Chocolate Frog Card, they decided to come up with their genius idea to make their own line of Baseball Cards and the rest is history." 

"Good to know." Jason said as he continued driving.

"You collect any Trading Cards in your day, Jason?" Danny asked.

"Just the ones that were discarded on the streets of L.A. I collected a good chunk. But... um..." Jason sighed. "They got stolen in school when I was 14. Broke my heart when it happened." 

"Shit. Sorry to hear that." Danny said. "Me though. I collected all the Trading Cards the Boston Red Sox had back in the 50s and 60s. Ted Williams, Carl Yastrzemski, Bobby Doerr. Doug got his hands on cards with Wade Boggs and Roger Clemmons." He then looked at the others. "You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"

"I would if it was Quidditch." Dana answered.

"Is that the only sport you guys have?" Danny asked.

"In a nutshell, yeah." Dana answered.

"Well that sucks." Danny looked at the Chocolate Frog Card. "Who's Ethan Bauer?" He asked starring at the card. 

"Only one of the greatest Wizards to ever exist in the Modern Age." Dana answered. "Just 4 years ago, he saved the world from certain destruction by ending the Trotsky Crisis." 

"The what?" Jason asked.

"You're better off asking Ryder for more details about that." Maria answered. 

"You know, Maria. You've been awfully quiet since we got into Texas." Jason noted. 

"Don't mind me. I'm just thinking." Maria said. "About Craneo... and how he fucked my Ciudad years ago." 

"So you know him personally?" Danny asked.

Maria thought about a pause. Although she never met Craneo in person, it felt like she did, after he killed her parents, and his Mayor killed his sister. "Yeah." She answered. "And he's a real sick son of a bitch." 

Blue Eyes could tell what was on Maria's mind. "I'm sure that your sister will rest well knowing you took down the mayor." He said.

That got everyone's attention.

"The Mayor was only the puppet. It's really Craneo I need to bring an end to." Maria said. And the look she gave everyone was not to bring it up. 

"She must really hate-" Dana started to say.

But an explosion drowned out her words.

Jason looked to his left to see a massive explosion of fire to the left. "An Explosion?" 

"Better check it out." Danny suggested as Jason made the turn left. 

The explosion had come from an Abraxan Ranch. Where a group of bandits were pointing their wands at a Ranch House. The Lead Bandit had emerged from a building that exploded. "There's gonna be another building blown up on your hands! Unless you give me all your money!" He warned. "Any delays, and I blow up y'all Abraxan!" He warned.

"Get the Hell off our land!" An Old Wizarding Farmer yelled from inside his house. 

"This ain't a negotiation!" The Lead Bandit yelled. "Now I'm running on the clock. And if you ain't gonna be civilized about this. Well... that puts a bit of a problem. Now hand over your money! It's overdue!" 

"You ain't no debt collector!" The Farmer yelled. "Now get out of here! I won't warn you again!" 

The Bandits all laughed. "I don't think you understand the situation yer in, Old Man! In case you haven't noticed, there's about 8 of us, and only one of you!" The Lead Bandit informed.

"You may wish to check again." A sudden voice had come from behind the Bandits.

The Bandits turned to see a Native American with long dark hair and a wand in his hands, as well as an Indian Dream Catcher hanging from his long trench coat pocket. 

"Get lost, Indian! This don't concern you!" The Lead Bandit ordered. 

"It has everything to do with me." The Man countered. "Robbing a simple farmer for money, blowing up his home. That is something that cannot be tolerated. Now leave at once." 

The Bandits all laughed. "Why do you suddenly care?" One Bandit asked.

"You are no ordinary Bandits. I can tell. You're working for Craneo. Who in turn is in league with the Crooked Man." The Man answered.

The Bandits all looked at the man in front of them. "We don't care 'bout all that shit over who's in power. We make good money and that's it." 

"I figured you wouldn't." The Man replied. His wand glowing a powerful red. "I told you to leave, but perhaps I didn't make myself clear." He took another step forward. And with his wand, a swarm of arrows appeared from out of the sky and rained down, killing at least 2 Bandits. 

"Looks we've got ourselves a hero, boys. You've got a lot of nerve showing up here alone." The Lead Bandit said as the remaining bandits all got in attack formation.

"And who said that I was alone?" The Man asked grinning. And as soon as he said that, the ground beneath the feet of the bandits, the Earth shifting and swallowing 4 bandits up through the ground and into the earth. The Earth swallowing them up full. That now left 2 Bandits left. 

The Leader looked stunned at that. He looked at the Man who had just smiled. 

"Yah!" The other Bandit charged at the man with his Wand drawn. "Avada Kedavra!" He shot the green energy. But the Man had stepped aside, calmly aimed his wand and shot Bombarda at the Bandit blowing him up. 

"I've got to do everything myself." The Bandit Leader hissed. He shot a Fire spell at the Man. But the man jumped up with a wind spell, blasted the Leader up with a spell below his feet launching him into the air. And from their, the Man could blast and slice down the Bandit Leader with his wand. And then blasted him down into the ground. The body killed by the forceful impact. 

And the Man had just landed gently, rearranged his coat so it wouldn't be as crooked, and also readjusted his hat. "Your bandits are no more!" He informed.

The Farmer emerged from the house. A Staff in his hands as he wore a Texas Rancher attire, long white hair, with a white mustache and a wrinkly face. He walked down the stairs from his porch using his staff to help him. "Thanks for yer help, Red Eagle." He said to the man. "If I had been younger, I'd have taken them." He grunted.

The Native American Man known as Red Eagle nodded his head. "I apologize that they got this far." He said. 

"Eh... well, let's be glad it was an empty building that they destroyed and none of my Abraxan got hurt. Speaking of the devil." The Farmer looked at the ruined building. "The Abraxan?" 

"Safe." Red Eagle answered. "My Companions have seen to that." 

"Good." The Farmer nodded his head. "Reparo." And the building was repaired. "God damn that Craneo and his Crooked Man pal. Been harassing us for years, but none of them people in M.A.C.U.S.A do a thing about it." 

"There is nothing they can do." Red Eagle said. "It is but one town in a country full of them. Sometimes, there are other fish to fry." 

"You ever think M.A.C.U.S.A will send us some real help?" The Farmer asked. He turned his head to see a Range Rover arrive at his ranch.

Red Eagle turned his head as well. "It would seem that they have." He said.

From outside the Range Rover, Jason had gotten out of the Driver's Seat, followed by Maria. And all anyone could see was Red Eagle, and the farmer. 

"'Bout time you arrived here!" The Farmer yelled identifying them immediately as M.A.C.U.S.A.  

"Yeah. Traffic is fucking terrible." Danny commented. 

"Everything okay over here? We heard and saw an explosion." Jason asked.

"What you heard was some Bandits running about and trying to rob my Ranch." The Farmer answered. "They've been dealt with though. Thanks to Red Eagle here." He pointed to Red Eagle.

"Hello." Red Eagle greeted politely. 

"Sup." Jason greeted. "I'm Jason. That's Danny over there." 

"F.B.I." Danny added showing off his badge.

"Maria." Jason pointed to Maria. "Dana." He pointed to Dana. "That thing over there is Blue Eyes." 

Blue Eyes walked over. He towered over Red Eagle and the Farmer. Red Eagle stared at him indifferently. And the Farmer sighed. 

"Great.... it's gonna be one of those days. Just try not to cause too much damage please." He requested to Blue Eyes.

"Oh... don't worry. The only destruction I cause is for people I don't like." Blue Eyes assured.

"So do you not like him?" Dana asked awkwardly.

"I don't even know him." Blue Eyes answered. "Why would I not like him?"

"And you've also got the House Elves over here." Jason pointed to the House Elves all scrambling out of the Car.

"Oi! This Desert is too hot. Shit! Go somewhere more fucking temperate." Whammy yelled.

"They don't get out much." Maria said. 

The Farmer drew back his staff. "So what brings you all the way out here to West Texas. You don't all sound like you're on Craneo's payroll. And I'll be dammed if I here Craneo hiring No Mag." He said as he spat into a spit bucket 30 feet away on his front porch. Hit it right in the bucket. 

"That is cool and disgusting at the same time." Jason commented impressed. And he tried to spit. But couldn't even get a foot apart. "Shit. How do you... how do you fucking do that?" 

"City Boy." The Farmer rolled his eye. 

"We're not on Craneo's payroll. If anything, I've got a score to settle with him and the Crooked Man." Maria explained.

"That makes 2 of us." Jason agreed. 

"Make it 3 of us. Actually make it a whole town." The Farmer said. 

It didn't take a genius to know where this was going. "You mean with this Craneo guy?" Jason asked. 

"That's right." The Farmer answered. 

"So what about Red Eagle over here?" Danny asked.

The Farmer looked at Danny. And he started to walk into his home. "Come on in. Let's talk like civilized company." He motioned for the others to follow him. "You can bring your car by the house with you." He offered.

"I'll get it." Jason insisted walking back to the car. But as soon as he got to the car, parked it near the Ranch House, he noticed two gigantic figures walk up to the Ranch. And then he got out of the car. 

"Excuse me, Human." One deep voice said. 

Jason looked back. "Yeah, can I help..." He looked up to see two heavily armored gigantic Humanoid figures twice the size of the average human, with strong muscly builds and skin color of bronze, and jet black hair looking down. " big fellows." And he laughed nervously.

"You wouldn't by any chance happen to be one of the Bandits, are you?" The one on the left asked.

"No..." Jason answered. "I'm an Auror. Not a paid off one." 

"Good. We have had enough of dealing with Corrupt Aurors." The One on the Right said.

"Um... who are you guys?" Jason asked as they didn't look human to him.

"We are known by many names, but your human tongue would call us Bronze Skins." The one of the left answered. "And we are here to help a village that was kind to pay us for their protection. But more of that later." And they started to head into the home. 

"Giants named Bronze Skins." Jason thought. "Just when I thought the Wizarding World couldn't get any fucking weirder." He looked at Blue Eyes who was standing outside. "You didn't go in?"

"Best I stay out here for now. The Bronze Skins and the Demons have some... history." Blue Eyes answered. "And I'd prefer no bad blood to be spilled." 

"Fine. Stay with the car and warn us if any more bandits show up." Jason requested. "Please." 

Blue Eyes walked by the car. "Well... you did say please." 

As the Farmer walked into the home and past the screen door, Maria walked inside to see what was expected of a Rancher's home. The wooden walls like a Log Cabin, a rocking chair, and a stone built fire place. And on the walls there were many decorations, most notably elk heads, longhorn skulls, and some type of rifles. 

"Nice place you got here, sir." Danny commented.

"Name's Wes." The Farmer said.

An Old Lady was also seen in the kitchen watching the party come in. 

"You got some nerve showing up here after doing nothing, M.A.C-" The Old Lady started.

"Darling. We have company." Wes interrupted. "Help finally came. And it ain't Craneo's payroll." 

"We already got that thanks to Red Eagle here." The Old Lady pointed out.

"I cannot fight off Craneo alone." Red Eagle informed. "And neither can my companions." 

"Who are your companions? And weren't you on your own?" Maria asked.

"Not quite." Red Eagle answered. "Ah... here they come now." And he turned to see the two Bronze Skins enter the house, and they had to duck their heads.

"Woah. Big boys." Danny commented at their size. And Dana had dropped her wand to the floor when she saw the Bronze Skins.

The House Elves all groaned and moaned. "Oh... not the Bronze Skins." They all hissed. 

"You know these guys?" Danny asked. 

"Know of them." Whammy answered.

"Hey guys!" Jason yelled. "You won't believe who's inside the house-" He paused when he saw his team starring at the Bronze Skins.

"They are with me. I stumbled upon the twins by chance and we have all agreed to work together." Red Eagle explained. 

"Twins. Yeah. I can see it." Danny commented. 

"I am Jeliel." The one of the left introduced.

"And I am Hinaar." The one on the right introduced. "And as Red Eagle has explained to you. We are twins." 

"Bronze Skins. And you call us humans, but you're not? I just assumed that you guys were humans, just bigger." Jason said.

"The Bronze Skins are their own race that practice in the power of Magic. But they're not humans." Maria clarified. 

"It is as she says." Jeliel confirmed. 

"Oh, got it. Sorry. I'm a little new to the Wizarding World." Jason said. "Used to be a No Mag but now I'm a Wizard." 

The Twins examined Jason more closely. "Are you really?" Hinaar asked.

"Yeah." Jason answered.

"Surprising." Jeliel commented. "And what of him? I cannot sense a trace of magic on him." He pointed to Danny.

"Oh, I'm a No Mag. But I got a kid who's a Wizard." Danny explained. 

The Twins both looked indifferent to that knowledge. 

"Okay. That's out of the way. What's a Bronze Skin, exactly?" Jason asked. "I don't remember being told about that shit." 

"It makes sense that human kind does not talk about us at all." Jeliel said.

"But only because if it were known that we do exist to those youngers, I can guarantee that your exposure to the rest of your kind would be the least of your concern." Hinaar added. "I'm kidding. Although we can crush a human with ease." 

"We just prefer to live isolated from the hands of humans. Corrupt, greedy, and frankly egotistical." Jeliel said. 

"So there are more Bronze Skins?" Jason asked confused.

"Yes. As I've said, we live isolated. Preferably a good majority of our own people live in what you call Australia." Jeliel answered. "Our people prefer the rocky desert like environment above all others. Your House Elves can attest to that." He smirked at the House Elves. And the House Elves all glared at the Bonze Skins.

"Uh... Whammy?" Dana asked. She had not heard of the Bronze Skins either. And neither did Danny or Jason. 

"The Bronze Skins were one of the races to wield magic long before Humanity picked up the skills." Whammy answered. "Not conventional Wizards, but brilliant. And real technology efficient. They use magic to power up advanced machines, and are known for being strong warriors and great metal crafters." 

"Everything the House Elf says is true." Jeliel confirmed. "We tend to stay away from human conflicts, and our ways of both the understanding of science and magic have allowed our race to endure and prosper for centuries."

"While all you do is stick to your Middle Ages." Hinaar laughed.

"That's Europe. America's finally getting the ball moving." Maria shot back. 

"About time." Hinaar said. 

"Well, what are you doing in America?" Danny asked seeing as how America was a far away as one could be from Australia. 

"Here to make money, of course." Jeliel answered. "My twin and I traversed through the West Texas Desert, we met with Red Eagle here. He received payment for helping a town with its troubles, and he was looking for help. We happened to cross paths with Red Eagle, and we all decided to help the town. After they agreed to pay us too." 

"That's why we've come here too. We received reports of crime and a powerful syndicate controlling everything in one particular town. Apparently, it's all done by a powerful motherfucker named Craneo." Jason informed. 

"It's true. But that's not all there is to the story." Wes explained. "Best if I be the one to explain it. If you're all done speaking with each other about where you're from." 

"Please do." Dana requested.

The Farmer's wife came back with a tray filled with glasses of Lemonade and Iced Tea. "Anyone want some?" She asked.

"Oh sweet. Thanks." Danny thanked taking a drink.

"This is nice hospitality. Way better than the House Elves." Maria confirmed.

"That may be for those soft assholes in Britain. But not here. You want something? Eat shit and die." Whammy confirmed.

"Yeah, fuck you too." Jason replied. 

"That's my wife, Arlene, by the way." Wes introduced. "We're simple farmers out here in West Texas. Making honest pay and honest work. And that includes the town." He began. 

"Sounds a bit redundant if there's all this corruption." Dana said.

"It was a good life we lived here in our town of Wyrm's Bend." Wes went on. "At least it was until Craneo rolled into town a couple of years ago. Set his crime syndicate on our people, oppressing people, taking over businesses, paying bribes to Aurors and the Sherriff. And he did it with his pal, The Crooked Man who's ready for Round 2." 

"Well, we all know the Crooked Man." Jason said. "In fact, we're trying to hunt him down and bring him to justice." 

"And I'll be singing hallelujah if that's true." Wes laughed. 

"Wait. Shouldn't this be reported that there's corruption going on in this town?" Dana asked.

"That Girl doesn't use common sense, does she?" Arlene asked Maria.

"She's a new Graduate." Maria informed. "Little naïve."

"Why would M.A.C.U.S.A investigate if they're told that everything is just fine and dandy in the world?" Jason asked. He knew how corruption in towns and cities worked in politics. He lived in Los Angeles. 

"Exactly." Wes confirmed. 

"Unlike the rest of the fuckers in M.A.C.U.S.A, we can't be bought or sold. And I've got a score to settle with the Crooked Man so... fat chance of me working for Craneo. He sounds like a real son of a bitch." Jason assured.

"You have no idea." Maria hissed.

"We recently discovered what Craneo's been doing. As far east as Louisiana. Selling off Girls to Dark Wizards as part of voodoo rituals." Dana explained. "Some of the girls came from this town." 

"And Mexico too." Wes added. "And it doesn't shock me that Craneo would do that. He and the Crooked Man are real close." 

"How close?" Danny asked. 

"Very. I reckon about 20 years ago, he and The Crooked Man were the most feared names in the United States and Mexico. The Crooked Man controlled North of the Border. And Craneo, the South." Wes answered. "At least they used to be until Derek Slayton, a Gangster who worked for the Crooked Man fucked everything up. He overthrew the Crooked Man's guild and along with some other Gangsters, they divided the Crooked Man's turf into their own holdings. Craneo also lost a lot of power and influence around the same time, especially after losing El Conquina. Everyone here in Texas knows the tale." 

"After Slayton's death. The Crooked Man started resurfacing. In hindsight, we should've suspected that Craneo would do the same." Maria informed. 

"So... now we've got explosions, criminals running wild, and the shit that is the Bayou and these Small Towns." Danny recapped. 

"Hey, I'd say we've already made progress by arresting Tremaine, shutting down the Explosive Factory, ruining the Crooked Man's chances to control Politics with La Beau." Dana said.

"It's a dent, and Jimmy will tell you the same thing." Maria corrected. "We need to get at the Crooked Man directly." And she began pondering something. "I bet if we take down Craneo. It'll be the final piece we need to bringing down the Crooked Man once and for all." 

"But for now we've got to liberate Worm's Bend?" Jason was looking for a name.

"Wyrm's Bend." Wes corrected. 

"Right. Wyrm's Bend from Craneo. Jason said. 

"We don't have many resources at our disposal, and all we had of our own money was spent trying to get help. Hence these guys." Wes explained.

"I'm surprised that Craneo's goons hadn't offered your hired help a better deal to stand aside." Dana commented.

"We don't break deals." Red Eagle informed darkly. "We have been offered work and have been given fair pay, therefore, we shall do what we were paid for." 

That was when Danny spoke up. Having worked for the F.B.I. he was familiar with how these relationships works. If anything, to him, Red Eagle and the Twins were like working with Bounty Hunters. Whenever the Cops couldn't catch a criminal. Bounty Hunters could do the job and drop off the criminals to the Cops and collect their pay. "Okay. Well, since we all have the same goal, I guess we'll have to work together to take down Craneo." 

"Oh..." The House Elves all groaned hating the idea of working with the Bronze Skins. 

The twins looked at Red Eagle and Red Eagle nodded his head.

"Very well." Red Eagle declared. "We'll need a plan to liberate the town though. It's crawling with Craneo's men." 

"Hm..." Jason thought. "You know, this shit sounds like a Western Film. And I've seen loads of Westerns. I think I might have an idea. But I'm going to need an Abraxan. Um... Wes?" He asked. "How much for a loan?" 

Wes widened his eyes. "You want to rent one of my fine Abraxan?" He asked.

"Yeah. Name your price." Jason requested.

"Well, ordinarily I would charge you 750 Galleons to rent, and double to buy. But since this is to liberate the town. It's on the house." Wes informed. 

Jason smiled at the great deal. "Okay. Now... here's what we're going to do. With um..." He looked at Maria. "Your permission." 

"Go for it, Jason." Maria said.

"Now here's the plan." Jason said.

Wyrm's Bend was a small town in the middle of the Texas Desert. In many ways, it resembled that of an Old Western Town. A Dirt Street running through the main town, a small steeple for a church, and an assortment of different small shops. The only difference was that there were hardly any people around town, and a good majority of those were actually a force of Wizards, some wearing long trench coats with hoods. And they were laughing and gambling, and some even fell out drunk out of the Saloon. 

To Jason, if it was the definition of the Wild West, he didn't know what was. And it would be even more obvious as he rode into town on an Abraxan. Whammy walking next to him. "You sure this is a good idea, Baker? Because to me, this sounds like it's full of pure shit." Whammy commented.

"It's a great idea, Whammy. Haven't you seen a Western?" Jason asked.

"No." Whammy answered.

Jason looked at Whammy. "Wow... you are an uncultured swine." He said. "Just leave the talking to me." He looked around the towns. And he could see tools and other items that were moving of their own free will. Hammers pounding on anvils of their own free will, and automatic feeders for various Magical Creatures. But there were no people around. Except for the people in front of them. Probably on Craneo's payroll. "Yep. Full Western." He said.

As Jason walked into the town, Danny and Maria moved around using the Disillusionment Charm. And the other House Elves conjured up some stairs to move quietly on top of one of the buildings. Danny climbed.

"Okay, No Mag. Get in position." Maria told Danny. She also transfigured Danny's rifle into a Sniper Rifle.

"Thank you." Danny thanked. And he got in position.

Maria used the Disillusionment Charm again to conceal herself. She moved through the ground on the other side of the town so she could flank Craneo's Men.

"Revelio." Dana casted on the town to try and locate people. Some people were hiding scared for their lives, but a good majority of the people, were holed up in the bank. Locked behind a Vault and guarded by a good chunk of the Goons hired by Canseco. "We'll need to free the people held in the Bank." She told Red Eagle and the Twins.

"I'll deal with that." Red Eagle said. "And get the residents to safety too." 

"I hope that this plan works." Jeliel said. 

"It relies on a man who has seen a lot of 'western films.'" Hinaar added. "What is a film anyway?" 

"I'll show you later." Dana answered. "Better yet, let Danny show you guys." 

Jason continued the ride into town when he got stopped by someone with a badge. A Corrupt Deputy. "Halt." He ordered Jason.

"Just a drifter traveling through." Jason informed. A long cloak concealing his M.A.C.U.S.A armor. "Me and my... friend here." 

"You got a House Elf?" The Deputy asked.

"Sort of." Jason answered looking at Whammy. "Little inheritance passed down from a Rich Aunt. No other kids. I was left with her House Elf in the will. And I ain't dumb enough to give him clothes." 

"Smart." The Deputy replied. "But know that this here town's got a ban on foreign wands and other weapons. So check 'em in and get them back on your way out." Two Gangsters started to walk up towards Jason. 

But Jason remained undeterred. "Quite a lot of security for a small town." He noted. "Can't say I blame you. After all, the rumor is that Craneo is on the move round these parts." 

"Yeah. Craneo is a real son of a bitch. But we keep order here in Wyrm's Bend." The Deputy said.

Jason could smell a rat a mile away. And this Deputy was certainly a rat. He already knew that those people weren't the good type of Aurors. And some of Craneo's goons. "Order. Is that what you call it?" He asked.

Danny readied out his Sniper Rifle for battle. "Come here. Come here you fuckers. You're about to get wrecked from Charlestown, motherfuckers." He said. And he could see Jason still talking.

"Because... I've heard cases of kids getting up ducted by sick shits. And used for Satanic rituals in the Bayou." Jason went on.

Maria went by the flank and next to Blue Eyes. 

"You heard wrong." The Deputy replied. "Now. You gonna hand over any weapons and wands, or you gonna leave?" 

Jason looked at the whole scene. He got off his Abraxan and whistled it to trot away. Whammy by his side, also was ready for a fight. And he sighed. "Fuck it." He said. And he dropped his disguise revealing his M.A.C.U.S.A armor underneath. To the shock of Craneo's men. "All you motherfuckers are dead." He declared.

"Go!" Whammy yelled blasting a few of the Gangsters back. 

At the same time, Jason drew out Colt, and his pistol shooting both fast against the Gangsters and the corrupt Deputies. He then started to run for cover running past all the wand fire. 

Danny figured that was the signal. He shot headshots from his Sniper Rifle.

"Leviosa!" Jason shot at one Deputy and then used his pistol to shoot the Deputy dead. He then used his wand to shoot fire spells at the Gangsters who were retaliating with as many spells as they could. Luckily, Jason's armor was protecting him. A Gangster was about to shoot at Jason, but was shot in the arm with Diffindo, the arm falling off. And the Diffindo shot had come from Maria who ran into battle, with Blue Eyes in tow. 

"Charge!" Blue Eyes yelled as he was blasted by spells. But all they did was just bounce off of Blue Eyes. And he banged on the ground. And it consumed a couple of the Gangsters into shadows and then they dissolved. "Still got it." He said.

Maria had run up, and create a massive dust funnel around herself. Then she launched it right at the Gangsters, smashing and cutting through their faces. She then emerged from the funnel and although surrounded by Gangsters. She blasted a few of her own spells at each of the Gangsters bringing them down.

"Fuck! Kill the hostages!" A couple of the Gangsters ran towards the bank where the townsfolk were held up.

"Oh, no you don't." Dana said. "You all give Aurors a bad name." And she started to fight off the Gangsters. But the Gangsters all drew their wands on Dana.

Red Eagle and the Twins started to run for the bank. But then the Twins noticed Dana against the wands. 

"3 are better than 1." Hinaar said to Red Eagle.

"Then go help her while I get the townsfolk." Red Eagle informed. He went inside the bank very calmly. And the only thing the frightened townsfolk could hear was the sound of spells being fired and the screaming of Gangsters. When the vault itself opened, they found Red Eagle standing above them and dead Gangsters on the floor. "Time for a withdrawal." He said. "Come! Come!" He yelled as he blasted a hole in the wall. Big enough for the people to come through. 

In the meantime, Dana was busy fighting off the Gangsters that moved against her. "Protego!" She shot to shield herself from spell fire. And a couple of the Stupefy spells to try and stun the enemy. 

The Twins in the meantime calmly walked up to Dana's left and right. The Gangsters noticed them and they started blasting at the Twins.

But the Twins both drew out their Metal Rods whose color was bronze and shielded themselves from Wand fire. 

"They dared to strike against us, Brother." Jeliel noted.

"Let's teach them a lesson." Hinaar declared. 

Jeliel nodded his head. And the twins charged ahead. Their Rods swinging full in their hands as Jeliel struck his into the earth and created a massive dirt storm through the town And at the Gangsters. Hinaar shot lightning from his rod and it electrocuted the Gangsters full. 

"Woah." Dana looked in awe at the Bronze Skins. But then she looked above her head. Gangsters were trying to strike from the high ground. "I'll get him." She insisted.

Jeliel then proceed to jump onto the wall of a building and climbed up the building without breaking a sweat. He grabbed one head of the Gangster, broke off the wand from the arm. And threw him into the air. Hinaar jumped up, transfigured up a spear and took it out of his arm and kicked it into the sky into the Gangsters chest. Hinaar then jumped back into the ground, causing the ground to rise from a shockwave. Jeliel took the initiative and filled the cracks with fire that swam up and devoured everything like they were Dragons rising from the ashes. Hinaar began swinging his staff and it started spinning like a circle with yellow energy and he tossed it into another row of Gangsters chopping their heads off and back to his hand like a boomerang. It stopped right in front of Danny as his head came centimeters with the rod, before the Rod turned around and fell back into Hinaar's hands. 

"Will you fucking watch it?!" Danny yelled back to the twins. "That almost killed me." 

"You were fine." Hinaar said. "And it didn't kill you." 

Back to Jason, he was busy fighting off the Deputy. But he did stop to take a look at what the Twins were doing, while the House Elves were fighting off the Deputy. "Holy shit!" He exclaimed before returning back to the Deputy. His wand as his shield, while his pistol was the offensive weapons. And Jason also shot off the Deputies hat. 

"Petrificus Totalas!" Maria shot at the Deputy to the side, and the Deputy fell to the ground.  

Jason stood above the petrified corrupt Deputy. "He dead?" He asked.

"He'll wish he was." Maria answered. "Incarcerous." She quickly wrapped around the Deputy and right as Blue Eyes walked over. And the same was with Dana and Danny. 

"Why tie him up? He's already petrified." Danny asked confused.

"Finite Incantantem." Maria shot with her wand at the Deputy. 

The Deputy spat right at Maria. But she ducked and it hit Jason instead. The Twins and Red Eagle joined shortly after starring at the Deputy. 

"You didn't kill me?" The Deputy asked nervous.

"Don't tempt us." Jason said pointing his pistol right at the Deputy's face.

"I'm Deputy of Wyrm's Bend. Duly elected-" The Deputy tried to say.

"Consider this a fucking recall." Maria hissed. "By order of Maria Santiago, Auror and Agent of M.A.C.U.S.A." 

"And under Article 47, Section 58 of the M.A.C.U.S.A Laws. And I quote, that if any Deputy has acted against the oath he/she swore to protect their assigned town, then they will be removed and the role of protector of the town will temporarily shift to assigned Agent sent to investigate." Dana quoted handing out a rule book in front of her. 

"I have no idea what she just said. But I'm at least 75% sure that means that you're fired." Jason said.

"And you call yourself an Auror." Gordon commented.

"Shut up." Whammy hissed.

"Can we eat now?" Gordan asked. 

The Deputy started laughing. "Protector of the Town..." He repeated those words like they were a joke. "Protector of what? Against him? Do you know who you're fucking with? The force that he can bear?" He asked. 

"Yes." Maria answered simply. "Which is why we're fucking with him." She shoved the Deputy to the Twins. "This town got a Lock Up place?" She asked. 

"Right over there." Blue Eyes pointed to a local Guardhouse. 

"Twins. Put him in it. And someone guard-" Danny started to order.

"I'll do it." Blue Eyes insisted.

"You want to trust him?" Hinaar asked.

"He is a Demon of Hell." Jeliel added. 

"He's helping us. We don't have to like him, but we will work with him. I don't like Dana, but you don't hear me bitchin about it." Jason pointed out.

"Hey." Dana said offended.

The twins looked at each other and then nodded. "We're watching him." Hinaar informed as they dragged the Deputy away. 

After the Deputy was taken away, Red Eagle had gathered the rest of the townsfolk back into Wyrm's Bend. And all the Townsfolk took a look at their saviors. "Hey." Jason greeted to everyone who clapped him and cheered him. "Just like a Western to get praise from everyone after you've defeated the big bad guy." He whispered to Danny.

Danny gave a thumbs up. "Ain't that the truth. I stick out here. Everyone's got a Texas Accent, and I've got a Boston Accent." He said.

"I've got a California Accent." Jason pointed out. 

"At least the Town is safe." Dana said.

"Well... not yet." Maria interrupted getting everyone's attention. "When Craneo learns about what happened here. He's going to be pissed." 

"How pissed?" Dana asked nervously hoping that they didn't just kick down a Hornet's Nest.

"Very pissed. Trust me. I know how he operates." Maria answered. "The force he can bring... well... it's the equivalent of an army. And Craneo can afford the best type of muscle money can buy." 

"Second best." Jeliel corrected with a grin.

"He has not recruited us." Hinaar added, also with a grin.

That was when one townsfolk stepped forward, but he had in his hands a top hat. Danny noticed. "Is that the mayor?" He asked.

"Sure looks like it." Dana answered.

"Agent... Agent Santiago?" The guy in the Top Hat asked.

"That's right." Maria answered. "I take it you're the Mayor of Wyrm's Bend." She noted.

"I did. I had no choice but to let Craneo walk all over us. He threatened to rape my little girl if I didn't cooperate. I'm sorry." The Mayor admitted. 

"Shit. It's always the kids that are the weak spot." Danny said. "Where's your Daughter now?" He asked.

"In Mexico. In Craneo's Fortress." The Mayor answered. "Guarded by an army that's ready to deploy at any time and cross the border. He's got help from the Crooked Man."  

The rest of the Townsfolk all looked nervous around them. 

"Well then Wyrm's Bend is doomed." One townsfolk said nervously. Which began a string of nervousness. 

"No it's not." Jason interrupted suddenly. "I think I may have a solution." And he recalled such Westerns like the Magnificent Seven. 

"What solution? Us against an army of Mexican Gangsters?" Danny asked.

"The No Mag is right, we'd be slaughtered like cooked House Elves." Gordon agreed. 

"Well I've never had cooked House Elves but it sounds fucking disgusting." Jason said. "No. We're not going to be enough. We're going to need help." He then looked at all the townsfolk. "We're going to need all of you." He informed.

And all the townsfolk looked confused.

"I think you're laying it on a bit thick there, Jason." Dana said. Then she addressed the people. "What Jason means to say is that Craneo is going to come back. Well, we are Aurors from M.A.C.U.S.A and we've come to put an end to Craneo's reign of terror. For good." She informed. And she drew up her inspiration from all the Quidditch speeches she had from Illvermorny years ago. "But we can't do this alone! He's a bully, this Craneo. And there's only one way to beat a bully. You have to stand up to them. Together!" She informed. 

A few of the Townsfolk started to nod in response. "Yeah. That's right." One said.

"And this is Texas. And you don't mess with Texas!" Dana added she transfigured up a Texas Flag to prove her point.

That got everyone's attention. 

"Craneo's days of pushing us around are over." Dana declared. "I say we go after Craneo and bring him down!" 

"Yeah!" Jason also shouted. "What she fucking said! Fuck Craneo!" 

"Fuck Craneo!" All the townsfolk yelled. Except for one young Shop Keeper.

"That's all well and good, people. But we're not soldiers. We're just simple Townsfolk." The Shop Keeper pointed out. 

"That's how most Aurors start off. And hey, if we can teach a fucking clueless idiot like Jason, we can teach you." Maria said.

"Hey!" Jason did not take that comment very well.

Danny looked at Maria and Dana confused. "Um... Ladies?" He asked.

"Yeah, Danny?" Maria asked.

"You are aware that you're talking about crossing into Mexico. Now I'm not a fucking expert in Foreign Wizardry of whatever shit. But this is starting to sound like not in our jurisdiction." Danny pointed out. 

"Neither is most of the stuff we do." Jason said. "And besides... this isn't like we're going all the way to Canada. This is Mexico. We go in, we kick some ass, we get out. Easy." He figured. 

Danny shrugged. "Yeah. A lot of the boys in the F.B.I say the same thing when we try to catch a criminal who escaped into Mexico and we can't deal with them. This is payback." 

"But totally off the grid." Maria said. And she looked at Dana.

"Look. I get that it doesn't follow protocol... but this... if it's the only way to stop Craneo. So be it." Dana explained.

"Good girl." Maria said. 

"How long do you think it will be until Craneo finds out he lost the town?" Whammy asked. 

"Not long. About 2 Weeks." The Mayor answered.

"Then we've got 1 week and 6 days to train and then mobilize." Maria informed. "Everyone get some sleep. It's likely going to be your last for a while. We'll start tomorrow." 

"Hm..." Red Eagle looked at the Twins. 

"Excuse me... Miss. Santiago. We may be of use here." Hinaar informed.

"Yes. Bronze Skins are well skilled craftsmen. We have the ability to create some pretty powerful constructs." Jeliel explained.

"And we can get them to mobilize. Which means... you and your friends will have the ability to play with some of our toys." Hinaar added.

"Playing with Bronze Skin Toys?" Jason asked excited at that as he had seen the skills of the Bronze Skins first hand. 

The deadline had been set and the dye had been cast. Craneo was going down. 

"How do you make the toys?" Danny asked.

The Twins grinned. "We'll show you. But we'll need something in exchange." Hinaar said.

"What do you need?" Danny asked.

"A Workshop." Jeliel answered.

"A really big one." Both Twins added. 

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