Chapter 18: We need a Plan.

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Ryder Household. Lakewood, New Jersey.

Chelsea returned to her Father's home for the Holidays. And conjuring up a magic ball with her wand and then throwing it in her hands and then throwing it through a makeshift Quidditch hoop while she was sitting on her bed. "And that's 10 Points for the New Jersey Horntails!" She shouted. Even though she wasn't a Horntails Chaser herself, she wanted to be. And she also looked at the picture of herself and her Father at a Horntails Game. The Moving Picture showed them both cheering and Chelsea jumping up and down. One of Chelsea's all time favorites. Back when the Horntails crushed the Indianapolis Thestrals 460-50. It was the same year the Horntails won it all with the U.S. Quidditch Cup. Eventually she decided to venture out into the hall. Looking at the Christmas Tree that she and her Father had both put up and decorated. It would only be a few days until Christmas. 

Chelsea began to conjure memories of her waking up and looking for presents under the tree. One year, she remembered at her Mother's House when her Father was away to Britain. And her seeing what looked like 3 shadows where there should've been one Christmas when she was 12. She would tell her Father this when he came back to America. And Jimmy just smiling.

But for now, Jimmy was being forced by Braga to be by Picquery's side when she made her official Presidential Speech in Chicago on the Solstice Inauguration.

"I still don't see what the big deal is with all the extra security Dad. Isn't the whole fucking shit with the Crooked Man, you know... over?" Chelsea asked.

"It is." Jimmy answered. "I just think that Braga loves making my life a living hell. Secretary of Defense and they put him in charge of security for the whole damn thing." He grumbled.

"You think that means he'll be a good defense secretary?" Chelsea asked. "Personally, I think you'd be better, Dad." 

"Probably. Or he just likes making my life a living hell." Jimmy answered. And then he paused to look at Chelsea. "Still... this one last thing, and then I'll be running the Auror Department. Say, you want to come to the Presidential Speech, sweetie?"

Chelsea didn't even hesitate to give her answer. "And be around literal backstabbers and liars we call politicians. No thanks, Dad. I can always watch it on T.V. And besides, the Horntails are going to play the Oilers later on. I don't want to miss it." She answered.

"Yeah. I figured." Jimmy said. "Okay. It's going to be boring as shit. But... that's just life. Try not to burn the house down." 

"And the idea of no contact with the outside until after the Speech is over?" Chelsea asked. "What kind of bullshit is that?" 

"Okay, love you sweetie." Jimmy kissed his Daughter on the forehead before leaving on the Floo Network. "And of course, stay away from the Pine Barrens."

"That only happened once. And it was to rescue Kathy, and she did not get killed by the Jersey Devil, if you recall." Chelsea reminded.

"Chelsea." Jimmy glared at her.

"I know to stay away from the Pine Barrens, Dad." Chelsea said not wanting to argue. 

"Thank you." And Jimmy started to walk out the door.

"Oh... Dad?" Chelsea asked before leaving. 

"Yeah?" Jimmy asked.

"Are Jason and Maria going to be at the Speech too?" Chelsea asked.

"No. Maria's stuck at M.A.C.U.S.A. And Jason is staying at home. Braga says he deserves to get a long good rest after all he's been through." Jimmy answered.

"Yeah. And Braga does this despite the fact that Jason wasn't alone." Chelsea commented before turning to the T.V again and letting her Father go out the door. 

Las Vegas, Nevada.

But Jason was not at home. He wasn't even in Annapolis. No. He was unconscious from the drugs in his Firewhiskey. A Firewhiskey that Braga had drugged. Marion Braga, the real Crooked Man. And he was dragged out into the Mojave Desert outside of Vegas by 2 of the Henchmen.

"Alright. This is as good a spot as any." The First Gangster declared as they were in the middle of nowhere.

"You sure about this place? I mean, there's a Cemetery in Vegas." The Second Gangster pointed out.

"Oh, yeah. Real original. Real Fucking original. You don't drag a living body and put in the Cemetery." The First Gangster said.

"Okay, so what do you want to do?" The Second Gangster asked.

"I say we dig up a hole, and bury this fucker alive till he's dead." The First Gangster answered. 

"You mean with a shovel?" The Second Gangster asked.

"No. With Magic." The First Gangster answered like he was talking to an idiot. And he casted an Earth Spell, causing a massive hole in the ground to open up. 

Unbeknownst to them. A figure had seen the two strangers with Jason.

"We going to bury the wand with it?" The Second Gangster asked. "I mean... I could use it myself. You know, like a backup wand." 

"A Backup wand?" The First Gangster asked. "What's wrong with your wand now?"

"Nothing. It doesn't hurt to take one wand and have a backup." The Second Gangster answered. 

"Just snap the wand, bitch." The First Gangster pushed the Second Gangster.

The other figure walked forward.

"No way." The Second Gangster shot back.

"Oh, fuck it." The First Gangster groaned. "Let's just get rid of this body-" 

An Energy Disk spun from the figure and killed both Gangsters, and their bodies fell into the hole.

The mysterious figure looked at the bodies and then towards Jason. He held out his wand. "Enverate." He shot at Jason.

Jason's eyes shot up instantly. He gasped for air. "What the fuck? Where am I?" And Jason looked up at him. He was in the Mojave. "Oh... shit... the Mojave. Then... was that-? Was I-?" He started to ask. And then began to think that everything he had gone through was just a weird fever dream. 

"No. It wasn't." Jason then looked at the figure above him. A Native American with a wand in his hands.

"Red Eagle?" Jason asked.

The Man, Red Eagle looked at Jason. "Hello, Mr. Baker." He greeted. "You're a far ways from home, aren't you?"

Jason laughed. "Damn. Am I glad to see you!" He jumped up and hugged Red Eagle. Just happy to see a familiar face that was not going to kill him.

"Likewise." Red Eagle said awkwardly. "But what are you doing out here?"

"It's a long story." Jason answered. He then looked at the Two Gangsters. "Those guys. They were in Braga's Office." 

"Braga's Office?" Red Eagle asked confused.

Jason looked at Red Eagle. It was a lot to take in at once. But at the same time, Jason couldn't believe what had just happened. "No! I mean... yes! I mean! It's Braga! It was him all along-" 

"Pull yourself together!" Red Eagle slapped Jason in the face.

"Thanks." Jason thanked getting his senses back.

"Now what's going on?" Red Eagle asked. "Are you alright?"

"Okay. You probably heard... that I took down the Crooked Man in the Great Smoky Mountains, right?" Jason began with a calmly voice now.

"I have." Red Eagle confirmed. 

"Okay. Well, it was a decoy." Jason committed. "I've just discovered a horrible truth. Braga is the Real Crooked Man. He has been all along!" 

"The Crooked Man?!" Red Eagle asked.

"Yeah. He drugged me back in D.C. And ordered his goons to get rid of me. If you hadn't shown up..." Jason looked back at the pit. "He would've succeeded. So... thanks for the save." 

"And you're sure it was Braga who did this?" Red Eagle asked.

"Absolutely." Jason answered. "And he's going to kill Picquery. I've got to warn Ryder. Where's Colt?"

"You mean your wand?" Red Eagle asked. "It's right here." He picked up the wand from the ground and gave it to Jason.

"Thanks." Jason thanked. "Contactu!" But all that came out of colt was a small spark. "Contactu!" He yelled again. "Shit. I can't get in contact with him." But he had to remember that there was more than one way to get in contact with someone. He pulled out something from his pocket. A Phone Number. Ryder's Phone Number. "I need a payphone." He said.

Chelsea was left to her own devices as she sat in front of the T.V while watching what was going on. "In related news, the Triwizard Tournament continues in Europe as the fabled Yule Ball-" 

"Lame." Chelsea said as she changed the channel. "Why can't America compete? Or Africa or even Japan? Why is all about Europe? It's so much bullshit is what it is." She thought. But then the phone rang. "Now who could that be? Better not be another Telemarketer." And Chelsea picked up the phone. "Hello, Ryder residence. Chelsea speaking." 

"Chelsea! It's Jason! Is your Dad home?" Jason called from beyond the line in Vegas by a Payphone. With Red Eagle next to him. 

"Jason?" Chelsea asked confused. "Why are you calling me on the phone?"

"I can't use Contactu to find your Dad. I need to talk to him! Is he there?!" Jason asked in disbelief.

"Um, no. He just left. Braga's pulled him for security on the Presidential Speech. And he's also shut off Contactu with the Agents. Says it's all for security. But Dad thinks it's because Braga likes making Dad's life a literal hell." Chelsea answered.

"Fuck!" Jason yelled. That meant Ryder was in danger as well. 

"Jason, what is going on?" Chelsea asked trying to juggle the phone as she was recovering from Jason's scream which rattled her ears.

"Okay, Chelsea. Listen to me! Braga is the real Crooked Man! We killed a decoy!" Jason explained in a hysterical tone.

"What?" Chelsea asked confused. "Did you just say Braga is the real Crooked Man? You're kidding, right?"

"NO! Braga is the Crooked Man!" Jason repeated. "We're all in fucking trouble! The President! Your Dad! America! Everyone! Braga's going to take out the President!" 

"Oh shit." Chelsea said. And she could tell from the tone of Jason that this was serious. 

"We don't have much time." Jason said. "Listen, can you contact Maria and Dana for me?" He asked.

"Yeah. Of course." Chelsea answered. "But um... shit. This is a lot to... well it's shit." 

"I'm aware of what it fucking is." Jason said. And he hung up the phone. Until he realized something. "Oh shit. I forgot more details." And he smacked his head.

"Calm your mind." Red Eagle advised. 

Jason nodded. But it was easier said than done. His mind was racing. "I need a friend." He pulled out another contact card from his pocket. Danny's number. He got another quarter and dialed the number for Danny's house. 

"Hello?" The voice of Danny rang out.

"Danny! It's Jason! I've got a problem! Actually, fuck it! We've all got a problem! The Crooked Man isn't dead! We chased a Decoy!" Jason informed. And he looked around for any other Gangsters. "It's not safe to contact you here anymore." 

"Calm down, alright? Come to my house." Danny instructed.

"Alright. Alright. I'm coming." Jason replied. He then dialed Chelsea's number. "Chelsea! Meet me at Danny's House. Maria knows the address." And he hung up the phone before turning to Red Eagle.

"You better get to Detroit." Red Eagle insisted.

"It'll take forever to get there." Jason sighed. But then he looked at Red Eagle. "Can you help me?" He asked.

Red Eagle nodded. "Take my arm. I'll apparate you to Detroit." He insisted.

"This address right here." Jason pointed to the address.

And Red Eagle nodded taking a look at the address. "Not to worry. Now... hold still so I don't accidentally splinch you." 

"Splinch?" Jason asked.

But he and Red Eagle apparated to Detroit. Without worrying about Apparation.

Detroit, Michigan.

Jason had managed to land in Detroit successfully with Red Eagle. And in the distance, Jason could see the decrepit and crumbling city. Abandoned Car Factories in the distance, and crumbling infrastructure. "Shit. It's like L.A without running water." He commented. But then he looked at Red Eagle. "Thanks for the lift." He thanked.

"I wish you luck, Jason Baker." Red Eagle said before apparating away.

Jason then looked at the house. A lot nicer than the world around him. It had to be Danny's house. "Hope this is the right house." He said.

But then he heard the whiffing of Apparation. Jason held his wand out to see Maria, Dana, and Chelsea apparate behind him.

"Jason?" Maria asked. "Are you okay?" 

"Maria!" Jason yelled. But then he had a bad thought. He pulled out his wand. "Stop right there! How do I know you're really Maria Santiago?!"

Maria pondered that for a moment. "Okay... on the way to Louisiana... we were going on about how fucked up Azkaban was. And Blue Eyes was in the car with us and even he wouldn't have done that-" 

"Yep. That's Maria." Jason figured. Then he looked up at Dana. "But how do I know you're really-" 

"Is he okay?" Chelsea asked. 

"He's following protocol cause you never know if we could be disguised in Polyjuice Potion or Metamorphmagus-" Dana started saying.

"Yep. That's Dana." Jason confirmed. And he breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Jason." Maria spoke up again. "What is going on? Chelsea called me and said there was a situation. She said that you said that Braga is the Crooked Man?" She asked.

"Yeah. We chased a decoy." Jason answered. "Imagine the most fucked up of scenarios where everything is fucked up and everything is about to get fucked up." 

"I can imagine a lot of things. So why don't you just tell us?" Maria asked.

"Okay... um..." Jason started. And he smacked his head around. "Shit! Yeah! We got a Decoy in the Great Smoky Mountains! The Crooked Man is literally Marion Braga! Our soon to be Secretary of Defense! And soon to be new President!" 

Dana's eyes went wide as her wand dropped to the ground. "I knew it was two easy bringing down the Crooked Man. No offense to you, Jason." 

"Yeah. None taken." Jason replied. "I've got to tell, Danny." And he started for the house and knocked on the door.

But it wasn't Danny who opened the door. It was instead a young 12 year old boy who looked a bit like Danny. 

"Hi. You must be Doug, right?" Jason asked.

"Yeah." The Boy known as Doug answered. "Doug Coughlin." He also noticed Jason's wand by the side. "I got one of those too."  

"Nice." Jason grinned.

"Although, we don't generally announce it." Danny said as he walked to the door.

"Danny." Jason breathed a sigh of relief. 

"What's the problem, Jason?" Danny asked.

"We've... got a problem. A big one." Jason answered.

Within about 15 minutes. Jason had just recapped the whole levels of shit that he had gone through. And when he was done. Danny was just as shocked as the others. "So, Braga is the real Crooked Man, and now he's preparing to take out President Picquery?"

"Yeah. At the Solstice Speech in Chicago." Jason answered.

"And you're sure that it's Braga?" Danny asked.

"Yeah. He told me himself. He even said that he was double crossed by his former protégée, Derek Slayton." Jason answered.

"Yep. That pretty much proves it." Chelsea confirmed. "I know for a fact that Derek Slayton was a protégée of the Crooked Man. And if Braga can get pissed off at the mere mention of a Slayton Double Cross. Yeah. He's the Crooked Man." 

"But it doesn't make any sense." Dana interrupted. "Why would Braga endorse us to take out all of his gang?" She asked.

Jason took a second to think about it. "Good question. You can ask him that when we find him." He sarcastically said.

"He probably didn't want anyone to know he was the Crooked Man. That or he was pissed off at his subordinates." Danny figured. "I mean, that's what I would do. Or... he wanted us to go after certain targets so that way after all was said and done, the Wizarding World would lower their guard."

"Well that checks out. Everyone thinks that the whole ordeal of the Solstice Speech will be a snooze fest." Chelsea commented. "Even Daddy thinks so." 

"But how is he going to kill the President and take power in America?" Maria asked. "Unless..." 

"The 2 Shipments still missing." Dana and Jason both came to the same conclusion. And then both looked at each other.

"I am not saying jinx." Jason commented.

"No. No. Forget it." Dana scoffed. "Those two shipments of explosives that are missing. What if they're not really missing. What if Braga's going to use them to blow everyone up at the Presidential Speech. Including the President." 

"That was probably his reason for building the explosives in the first place." Maria added.

"And then if the President is killed. What happens then? Don't you guys have a Vice President of M.A.C.U.S.A?" Jason asked.

"The Vice President and a bunch of the other Cabinet members are taken to a remote location. And there's a designated survivor that's taken to another separate location in the event of an attack on the President." Maria explained. "Think of it like the No Mag shit." 

"Yeah." Jason figured. "Okay..." A thought had drifted now to him. "Why do I have a feeling that Braga is the Designated Survivor?" He asked.

"Because he is." Chelsea realized. "His plan to become President. He's already the new Secretary of Defense, and once all the line of succession goes, than only Braga will remain." 

"And once he's President, America is fucked in both politics and crime." Danny said horrified. "More than usual."

"Chelsea. We need to contact your Dad, right away!" Dana informed.

"Won't do any good. All communications involved with the Solstice Speech are cut off. Braga's Security." Chelsea replied. 

"FUCK!" Jason yelled out loud. It was all part of Braga's plan. Now they couldn't contact anyone and warn them of what was coming. Or that Braga was the Real Crooked Man. 

"Jason. Watch the language. There's a kid here." Dana advised.

"Oh, I'm the one getting ordered to calm down. Why didn't you idiots just hand over America to Braga on a fucking silver platter?" Jason sarcastically asked.

"Maybe we did." Dana said silently.

"Unless somebody stops them." Maria commented.

Jason sighed. "And that someone has to be us." He looked at everyone. Maria nodded. She knew where Jason was going with this. And he was right. It had to be them. They were the only ones who knew about Braga's plan, the only ones who could possibly stop him, and the only ones who could save America. All of the Country was in trouble. Both No Mag and Wizards. It had to be them. 

"So what are you going to do to stop him?" Chelsea asked.

"Question is, what are we going to do to stop him." Maria corrected. "We can't trust anyone else in this room. We'll have to handle this ourselves. And that means we're going to have to fuck Braga up. If we don't... then Picquery is dead, Ryder is dead, and a lot of people are going to be dead." 

Jason looked at Danny, then at Maria. "The Crooked Man is still out there. But this isn't about settling a score for myself anymore. This is bigger than that now." He said.

"Good." Maria replied. "It's going to take all of us to stop Braga and save the world." She looked at Chelsea. "And we're going to need your help too, Chelsea." 

"Maria. I'm not of age." Chelsea reminded.

Maria figured that Chelsea would say that. "Well then I invoke Auror Protocol 23-2116." She informed.

"You want to translate that from bullshit to English?" Jason asked. 

"Auror Protocol 23-2116 states that any Witch or Wizard as young as 15 can be conscripted into the ranks of the Aurors, but only under extreme emergency." Dana explained. "And seeing as how this is a big emergency... yeah. It checks out. But... Maria, you do know that's going to make noise with the Aurors, right?" She asked.

"Dana. Do you think I wouldn't do that if I didn't know what the Protocol was?" Maria asked.

"Point taken." Dana replied shutting up. 

Jason then looked at Danny. "Danny... you don't have to come with us if you don't want to. I don't have the right to ask any more of you to do the shit that we are about to do. But if you can join us... I would greatly appreciate it. If you don't want to come. That's fine and I respect your decision. You've already done enough with us as is." 

But Danny looked at Jason. "Who's car we taking?" He asked to Jason's astonishment. "The Crooked Man isn't stopped. The Case is still open. Now who's car we taking?" He explained ready to jump in. 

"Well... that's settled." Maria informed.

"Maria. Braga will probably have tons of resources and nearly every other Gangster and Corrupt Auror on his payroll. We'll need some gear. And are we seriously going to take down an entire criminal organization by ourselves?" Chelsea pondered.

But Maria grinned. "I've got some contacts who can help us. And I've got some tactical gear tucked away someplace safe in the event that M.A.C.U.S.A was compromised. Which knowing Braga. It probably is." She explained. 

Jason looked suspicious of that. "What kind of contacts?"

Raleigh, North Carolina.

Those Contacts were the House Elves. Floppy, Whammy, Skeet and Gordon. 

"You know... I had a feeling there was something up with that bitch ass Braga. I knew it right here on the tip of my ears." Whammy commented as they walked up to a nearby house in the middle of Raleigh, North Carolina that looked very modern. 

"Yeah. Sure you did." Jason thought out loud.

"You wanna another shit sandwich?" Gordan asked.

"As long as it's Skeet's shit. Everything he shits turns to gold." Floppy pointed out.

"Floppy has a point." Chelsea said.

"He's got no point." Jason chimed in.

"Oh, shut the fuck up already!" Dana demanded. "Look, this isn't the time to go point fingers and the blame game okay. We're all on the same side. And we've got very little time before the end of the world." 

Danny also noticed the big house. "You put a bunch of shit here, Maria?" He asked.

"It's a place a Dark Witch or Wizard would ever show up. In plain sight and with a bunch of No Mags around. I put in a lot of concealment charms and protection shit so that the No Mag Humans wouldn't do anything fucking stupid. Which they do... a lot. You know that, Chelsea?"

"Of course." Chelsea answered. 

While inside the house, a Mother could be heard arguing with her teenage daughter while the Father was sitting on the couch.

"You're such a fucking dictator!" The Daughter screamed. 

"You watch your language! This is my house! Not yours!" The Mother yelled.

"I don't care! I am going out with him! You never let me have fun! You're a bitch!" The Daughter screamed. "I'm going out and you can't stop me!" 

"Don't you dare call me a bitch-" The Mother started to say right as the Daughter gave her mother the middle finger. And that was as Maria, Dana, Jason, Danny, Chelsea and the House Elves walked in.

"Hello. Sorry to interrupt your clear family argument. Just need to borrow some stuff. Don't worry." Maria assured as she just walked past. And everyone was just silent. Especially at the sight of the House Elves.

"Nice Place." Whammy commented.

"You sure about this?" Jason asked.

"Revelio." Maria shot. And a massive crate sprung up from under the floor. Causing a massive hole to be unearthed from the ground. "Aha. There you are." 

"Um... Maria?" Chelsea asked as she pointed to the hole.

"Reparo." Maria fixed up the hole. "Come on." She said as she had the chest flying with Leviosa in the air. Before turning to the family and then casting the Obliviating Charm. "You did not see a group of Witches and a Wizard, you did not see 4 House Elves, you did not see any magic, you did not see a floating chest. You will love and respect each other as long as you live." She told the family wiping their memoirs and altering their minds.

"Which could be in the remaining 24 hours. So get to the love and respect." Jason added. And then he turned to the Daughter. "Oh, and respect whatever your parents tell you to do." He said before leaving the door.

"Come on, Jason! Time is not our friend!" Maria yelled from outside. 

"I would never do that to my parents." Chelsea commented. 

The family in the inside of the house just looked at each other.

"I'm going to my room. I love you, Mom." The Daughter said in a respectful tone. 

"And I love you." The Mother replied.

While on the outside, Maria opened up the chest. "We've got it all right here." On the inside was a full assessment of Auror Gear. Magic Combat Armor and an assortment of Potions. "Now suit up. We've got work to do." 

Jason got his Combat Armor on. Including a combat helmet. He also noticed the badge of the American Flag on the side, as well as the seal of M.A.C.U.S.A on the other. He looked like an army soldier. He truly was a Wizard now. He also noticed Dana and Maria had similar gear. And Chelsea too.

"Your Papa would be proud of you, Chelsea." Maria commented as she looked at Chelsea in the same armor.

"Well in different circumstances, I suppose." Chelsea figured with a grin.

"Well, you look fierce in that armor, Lady Ryder." Whammy commented as he and the House Elves were in their own metal armor.

"It feels like I'm back in the army." Danny said as he looked at his own armor.

Maria on the other hand had another idea. "You're an F.B.I Agent. Maybe you need a new makeover." She suggested. And she altered Danny's Armor to resemble that of an F.B.I Body Armor with helmet and everything.

"Thanks." Danny thanked. Now there was only one thing to do.

"Let's go get this mother fucker." Jason declared. 

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