Epilogue: But wait! There's more!

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June. 1995.

Jason Baker was in the inside of a Wizarding pub and bar that blasted rock music. The Texas Rangers L.A Dodgers game was on the screen at the request of Jason. "Come on! Come on! Oh! And he's out!" He praised. The Dodgers having gotten a strikeout over the Rangers. "I'll say it now. The Rangers are never going to win the World Series at this rate." 

"They'll get there someday." Dana pointed out while still ringing for hope for Cleveland. 

"I don't get this whole baseball thing." Maria commented. "I mean... where's the Quaffle, the Bludgers, the Snitch?" She asked. 

"It's a No Mag thing." Jason answered. "You wouldn't understand." 

"So we have one sport and the No Mags have a multitude of sports?" Chelsea asked "We've got to really do something about that. Dad. Can you talk to the President about it?"

"Maybe. Maybe not." Jimmy groaned right next to his Daughter. Chelsea was 17 now, and as promised, Chelsea was now old enough to use magic outside of school, was old enough to get married, drink, and all that shit. And she could now stay with whoever she wanted.  "Here you are." He poured a Fire Whiskey for his Daughter.

"Okay... down the Hatch." Chelsea grinned. And she drank it. But it tasted like shit. She spat it back out. "Okay... don't need to do that again. I think I'll just stick to the Butterbeer."

"You should get Bud Lite." Jason suggested. 

"Is it any good?" Dana asked. "I'm only asking because I've never tried a Bud Lite before... or any other No Mag drink for that matter."

"It's pretty good." Jason answered as he ate his Cheeseburger and a sip of Bud Lite.

"Hey, how'd that raid in the Pixie Dust Den in Virginia go?" Chelsea asked about their recent adventures.

"Well, they were a lot easier than the Crooked Man, that's for sure." Jason grinned.

"Well, here's to the Summer and to Chelsea's final Summer Vacation." Jimmy raised his glass. And the rest of the Aurors did the same.

"Here here." Jason said. The future seeming more bright than ever. 

Too bad it couldn't last.

That was when a Wizard arrived at the bar. "Excuse me, Mr. Secretary." He said. 

"Yes?" Jimmy asked.

"We've just received a letter all the way from the U.K. I think you should take a look at it right away." The Messenger informed handing a letter.

And Jimmy noticed the seal had come from a place he was very familiar with.

"What do the British want? Tea and Crumpets?" Maria asked sarcastically.

"It's not from the Ministry." Jimmy answered. "It's from Hogwarts."

That made Chelsea peak up in interest. "The School from Britain?" She asked.

"No. Hogwarts, The Potato farm." Maria sarcastically answered. "Of course it's the school from Britain. But what do they want with us?" 

Nevertheless, Ryder opened the envelope. "Hm. It's from Dumbledore."

"The Headmaster?" Maria asked.  

Jason turned his attention back to the game. The Dodgers had gotten a double play on the Rangers ending the Inning. "Hell yeah! L.A. Dodgers!" 

"You know they used to play in Brooklyn, right?" Chelsea asked.

"Know. Don't care." Jason replied. And he was so busy on the game that it came as a shock when he saw Jimmy being uncharacteristically silent as the grave.

"Oh my God." Jimmy said in alarm. The letter falling out of his hands. 

"What?" Jason asked confused.

"Dad? Is everything okay?" Chelsea asked alarmed.

Dana took a look at the letter. When she was done reading it, even she was alarmed. "It's not good. Something's happened in Britain. There's a new guy on the scene. And a great threat." 

"As in... like the Crooked Man?" Jason asked.

"Bigger." Dana answered. "An international threat. The Entire World is at stake now." 

But Jimmy took the letter. And he sighed. "He's not new, Dana." He pointed out.

Maria knew that there was only one man who fit the bill. "Oh... shit." 

And Chelsea knew who it was too. Like something out of a scary story to keep kids in their beds at night. "Uh oh..." 

But Jason didn't. "Well who the fuck is it?" He asked.

Jimmy looked at Jason. And he sighed. The name was cursed, but Jason was going to find out anyway. And with a simple and serious voice he answered the question. "Voldemort." 

That was when Jason started snickering, and then laughing. "Are you for real?!" He asked. "That's got to be the stupidest fucking name I've ever heard. Voldemort! It's like what, that sounds like some type of wart on a face. Voldemort. Oh hi, my name is Voldemort. Should I call you Volde or how about about Mort! Watch out for Voldemort! What is his name Mort?" He began taunting.

"Well his real name is Tom Marvolo Riddle." Jimmy pointed out. "But if you mix up the letters in a random order you get: I am Lord Voldemort." 

"But you can't call him... that." Dana said nervously. "You have to call him You know Who or He who must not be named." 

"Why? Because everyone is too embarrassed to say Voldemort that they'll just start laughing?" Jason asked still laughing. "That's not an intimidating name! Please! And I'm embarrassed to say it!"

"He's also called the Dark Lord." Chelsea added.

"Then why doesn't he just call himself that? That is an intimidating name." Jason said finally stopping his laughter. "Okay... so what are we going to do about it?" 

"Don't worry. I know a couple of guys in Britain who can handle Voldemort. We're safe for now. But..." Jimmy answered. "We'll have to monitor the situation and prepare for the worst." And he got up. "Come on. Let's roll." 

That was when the Aurors got up. "Well, back to work." Jason figured. 

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