Chapter Twenty-Two - Care

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I knew I'd face more trouble. I knew I was in for it. But I still smiled, because Hazel was right next to me.

The next day of school, she went alone. She hasn't faced any harassment so far, so I wasn't too concerned. I stayed home, on Father's orders, and my own wishes. He said he'd sort it out with the school, I trust him to keep his word.

I was surprised, but Will texted me, during class.

Will: are you okay?

I wasn't sure if I should be rude and resentful, or happy. So I just replied with "Yes." Then curiosity took over me, and I played my chances.

Me: Do you remember what I told you?

Will: what?

Me: about why I'm being bullied

Will: Synesthesia, right?

I took a deep breath.

Me: Yeah.

Will: Yes, I remember.

Me: Do you know what it is?

Will: The blending of the senses. It's a neurological condition, it's really rare in the human population. It's kind of cool!

Me: You think so? I find it annoying
Me: like you

Will: yay :D

I roll my eyes, but don't reply. He's okay with it, it's fine. He accepts me.

What if he already knew? What if the teachers told him. I ask, and all he said was:

Will: the staff just said you were being bullied, they didn't give me much detail

I sighed, feeling grateful. What if he is a real friend, or trying to be one? Maybe I need a friend. Maybe I need a friend like him.

Me: ok

I plugged my phone in, noticing it was at 13%, and laid in bed. My nose didn't really hurt, but it was difficult not looking at the cast through my line of vision. It was annoying. Embarrassing. Unpleasant.

I can't wait until it's off. Then again, I can, because I don't want it to happen again. Then again, Father's taking care of the situation. So I lay around for now, thinking. Just a bunch of random thinking, like if Spider-man was trans*, if a lightsaber could harm Superman, if the old Twilight Zone television show played on my favorite network, if I missed out on Spongebob when I refused to watch it as a kid. Stupid things like that, until the boredom succumbed me.

Despite my phone only being at 22%, I unplugged it and opened my contacts. Out of first whim, I opened up my messages with Will.

Me: Hi

I didn't expect him to reply so soon, but he did:

Will: hey, nico! Wyd?

Me: bored, what class are you in

Will: history, and I'm bored too

Me: so

Will: so what?

Me: so what do you want to talk about?

Will: idk, r u feeling better?

Me: yeah
Me: obviously

Will: just making sure! I couldn't stay at the hospital, remember?

Me: why would you want to?

Will: because I care

Me: caring has many dimensions and phases

Will: than do explain,  kind sir

Me: 1. don't call me that
Me: 2. fine
Me: caring is different for each person because each person has their own accustomed pleasantry. However, you can also care and not show it, or your care could be evened out with your self-respect so you don't go jumping off a cliff for a person you hardly know. Care is different for each person, and only so many people hold it dear to them or pay attention to it, whether they should or should not.

Will: that was deep, di Angelo

Me: it was true

Will: that too
Will: so I guess I'm the guy who'd jump off that cliff

Me: through better or worse, maybe

Will: what kind of guy are you?

Me: the kind who doesn't care

Will: haha, very funny
Will: but rly

Me: I'm not sure. Maybe the guy who cares only about his loved ones, and ignores himself. The selfish kind of guy jumping off the cliff.

Will: you know, you're kind of aggressive with your speech. It's passive, though

Me: I've been told.

After that we kind of fell into silence, but it was a comfortable silence, both of us caring that the other feels better still together. Even if we rarely replied with slow messages, we're still there.

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