Chapter 53

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A/N - This is a day early, as I have to proof read the special episode for Monday, and it's quite long! Also... I'm just super excited to get this chapter up, followed by The Wonderland Episode ;) Chapter Fifty Four will be posted next Saturday as usual!

Chapter Fifty Three

It was all Macro could do to stare at the lopunny. Sitting there, staring back at him, was a former member of his crew. A pokemon who'd left him because he was 'too reckless'. The very pokemon who'd left him feeling wounded and heartbroken. And now she was living in Spool City, as a detective, rounding up ruffians and space pirates.

He snapped his jaw together and flashed a canine as he tried to lever himself up on DL's offered arm. A pointless expression since Defrag couldn't see his face.

"So what's this?" he asked. "Trying to reform yourself? Gotta say, I didn't think a former space pirate could get a leg up in law enforcement."

"You just need to know the right pokemon." Defrag turned her chair to face her desk and idly tapped at her keyboard. "Some offer you the chance to reform yourself."

"And Socket is fine with that?" he spat.

"Socket doesn't know I used to work for you," she said. "Fortunately for your crew, after your little fiery feat only your face was plastered all over System Ground. I managed to get away from that by the skin of my teeth."

DL lowered her head to his. "What's she talking about?"

"It doesn't matter." He took the pachirisu's paw and made for the door. "Come on, we're heading back."

"Oh it does matter." Defrag span her chair around and flicked one of her long ears over the back of it. "So you go and drag another girl into your little exploits and refuse to tell her anything? Typical."

"Just drop it, Digit!"

He flashed a snarl at her, keeping his free paw on the door handle. His heart was hammering in his chest as he tried to mentally shake off the flashbacks. Defrag's demeanour softened and she looked between the two of them. DL struggled in his grip and he became aware he was almost crushing her paw. He relaxed his grip and fired her a sideways glance.

"Sorry," he muttered.

"Huh. Would you look at that." Defrag crossed one leg over the other and twirled back towards her desk. "I assumed you enjoyed causing trouble. I guess I was mistaken."

He stared at the back of her head for a moment, trying to piece everything together. Things hadn't ended well. The last time he'd seen her, she'd been calling him every name under the sun. Now she had him in a detective's office, and she wasn't even watching him.

A smirk tugged at his lips and he secured his grip on the door handle. "You're not a very good detective, are you? You're just gonna let me go?"

"Not exactly."

He twisted the handle and tugged, but it wouldn't budge. His eyes snapped back to it and he tried again, jerking it up and down in a vain attempt to jiggle the door open.

"I've locked it." She turned back to him and ran a paw over one of her long ears. "You really think I'm going to let you go when that creature is still out there?"

"Alright. So you've got me." He shrugged. "Forty thousand credits standing in your office. But I have you know, I am armed."

"So what? So am I." She shrugged. "But I know for certain you'd never shoot a girl. That's the only noble thing about you."

Every hair along Macro's spine stood on end. "Only noble thing..." He narrowed his eyes at the lopunny and pointed a claw at her. "I saved your life!"

Defrag rolled her eyes. "We all know why you saved my life, little mawile! But you don't go around saving lives. You're a criminal, not a hero."

"I'm not gonna stand here and take this." He reached into his belt for his gun and aimed it at the door.

"You damage that, you're paying for it," said Defrag.

"Look, I don't need to redeem myself to you," he said. "And I ain't payin' for a manky door. I've got a job to do, and right now you're stopping me from doing it." He tapped the door with the nozzle of his laser. "Open it, or I'll blast it off its hinges."

Defrag watched him curiously and flicked her ear again. "What job have you got here in Spool City? A deal in black sludge? Poison barbs? Some ruffian owe you a favour?"

He let out a bitter laugh. "Not this time, sweetheart. I'm gettin' rid of those beasts."

Her eyes widened briefly, but she quickly regained her composure. "Really? You? Fighting those bladed monsters? I've watched them cut pokemon down. What could you possibly do?"

"Find out where they're coming from, for one thing." He glanced towards DL and let his gun fall to his side. "Given what we know about it, any chance you can tell me which one it is? Might dictate which laser I use."

"Easily," said DL. "I read about each one in detail last night."

DL had both Macro's and Defrag's attention, the latter with a look of surprise.

"There's only one that fits a bladed description," said DL. "It's name is Kartana. Steel and grass type. It can cut through metal and rock with its limbs, but is so light it rivals gastly in weight."

"So if we face it head on it turns us into sashimi." Macro flexed his claws over the butt of his gun and looked back at the door. "Not one of us has a type advantage against that thing. I guess we're relying on fire power. Ground laser it is." He loaded up his ground type module with a flick of a claw.

"Interesting." Defrag tapped her claws over her folded arm. "You appear to know a lot about these things. Now I'm even more reluctant to let you go."

"Well, if you don't let us go, we can't round them up," said Macro. "And I don't really wanna stay. You've got one more chance to open the door."

Defrag pursed her lips together, not taking her eyes off him. He sighed and lifted his gun to the door again.

"Don't shoot," said Defrag. "I'll let you out. But only if you tell me why you're really here, and how you know so much."

"I told you. I'm rounding up those beasts."

"So you're trying to be a hero? Trying to fight something that is clearly much more powerful than you? If your little friend is right, then those things can cut through you as though you're nothing."

"I'm aware of that! I ain't goin' in there unprepared," he said. "I've been told to do this."

"By who? The Mayor?"

He snorted and tucked his gun away. "No. You're kiddin' right?"

"Then who?" Defrag asked. "Did someone in Spool City hire you?"

"Gotta be honest with ya, my first port of call wasn't actually Spool City. I was headin' for Meta City to look at those electric beasts. Find out what the damage is, and where they're comin' from."

"I can tell you all of that from right here." Defrag twisted back to her computer and tapped at her keyboard, bringing up a news article. "They've traced their origin back to some strange porthole in one of the back alleys. From that evidence alone, it's pretty obvious they're not from this world."

Macro darted to her side and leant on the desk, skimming over the information. It was all there, detailing the porthole complete with its swirling mist. There was no picture to prove its existence, but he didn't need one. Neither did DL or the rest of Wildcard Gamma.

"That sounds exactly like the one Switch came through," said DL.

Macro nodded silently.

"Who?" Defrag looked down at them and frowned. "You've seen this porthole?"

"Not this one exactly." Macro pushed himself back from the desk. "But if there's one in Meta City, there might be one in Spool n'all. I say we find it."

"And then what?" DL asked. "How do you suppose we close it? You know they pull us in!"

Macro sighed and let his paws fall at his sides. She was right. They couldn't close them. He looked back at her and shrugged his shoulders.

"But at least we'd know where it is," he said. "Easier to track down and get those creatures back home."

"All right!" Defrag rose to her feet and placed a paw on her hip. "I want to know exactly what's going on. If it weren't for seeing those creatures with my own eyes, I'd think you were pulling my leg! If you know something, you tell us. System has a right to know."

Macro chuckled and folded his arms. "Why exactly?"

"So the Mayor can do something about it!"

"The Mayor is the reason it's happening!" Macro threw his paws wide. "If System needs to know anything, it's that!"

Defrag's jaw dropped and she stared down at him, dumbfounded. Her eyes narrowed slightly and she shook her head.

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

"It's a long story, I ain't got time." He nodded to the door. "Open that or I'll whip out my old, tried and tested method."

"Nutshell it," she said. "Then I'll open the door."

Macro took a deep breath and placed a paw over his mask. "Okay, fine! But you better keep it to yourself. I don't wanna be responsible for a rebellion."

Defrag merely nodded.

"Socket is tryin' to tear open time and space," he began, "in a bid to find a new world to settle in. But only the rich will get a look in. She's gonna leave everyone else - the poor, the criminals and the space pirates - right here to suffer in all this rot."

Defrag stared down at him, meeting his eyes. Her expression was unreadable, and he braced himself for a string of accusations. His paw went back to his laser and he cast a fleeting glance to the door.

"I believe you," she said.

He snapped his head back around to face her and his jaw fell open. She believed him? Had he heard that correctly?

She shrugged. "What can I say? I've come across some information recently that's left me rather sceptical of Socket. I won't go into details, but you telling me she's responsible for these creatures... I can't doubt that."

"So workin' for the law hasn't changed your opinion, eh?"

Defrag turned back to her desk and reached beneath it. A sharp click came from the door. Macro drew his laser and crept over to it, straining his ears to hear outside.

"I'm not letting you go alone," she said. "If there really is a porthole somewhere in Spool City, I'm going to help you find it."

"Sure," said Macro. "You go one way, DL and I will go the other."

She let out a single laugh. "I might not be afraid to hunt around Spool City alone, but there's safety in numbers. From what I've heard, there are two of those beasts. Three of us versus two of them? I think we'll have the upper paw."

Macro turned back to her and leant against the door, folding his arms. A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"Let me tell you somethin', sweetheart," he said. "It took four ships and a small army to take out one of those... Ultra Beasts. That's their name, all right? They come in many shapes and sizes. This one was all tentacled. You probably read about it."

"I did."

"Well. Wildcard Gamma, three other ships, a small army... and it took out two ships. One creature took out two ships! So don't underestimate these things."

"Given one destroyed an entire city, that's not all that difficult to believe," she said. "So wouldn't it make more sense to stick together?"

"Wouldn't make an ounce of difference."

"I think it would." She frowned down at him and inclined her head on one side. "Now. Tell me, where did you find out their name? Or is 'Ultra Beast' something you space pirates have coined? 'Cos it sure isn't on any websites."

"I ain't got time to explain."

"Nutshell it."

Macro rolled his eyes and threw his paws in the air. "Fine! Socket's pesky creation named 'em. The thing she's got opening these portholes. Can we go?"

He jabbed a thumb towards the door and turned on his heel, tugging the door open. Putrid air assaulted him instantly, permeating the mask. He did his best not to cough, and frowned up and down the empty street.

"Sure is quiet, huh?" he said. "Don't like it."

"No one wants to come outside because of those beasts," said Defrag. "The sooner we find out where they're coming from, the better."

"Well, if no one wants to come outside then it gives me less oppression to deal with." He stepped out into the street, keeping his gun cocked and ready. "I'm surprised something part grass type is willing to stick around in all this pollution."

Defrag stepped out beside him and locked the door. "If they're not from this world, who's to say their typings work the same way ours do?"

"No clue."

Macro moved away from her, ushering DL beside him. The only sounds were the flapping of torn posters and the breeze stirring litter along the gutter. He paused beside the alley they'd previously lurked in, straining to see through to the other side. That's where they'd seen the creatures. Were they still there?

One of the trash cans rustled and wobbled. He aimed his laser at it and took a step back. The lid cracked open, revealing the yellowed eyes of a tired trubbish. They widened and fixed on his laser, then vanished back into the trash can. The lid clattered closed behind him before teetering towards the floor. The trubbish reached out a tentacle to grab it and tugged the lid back in place with a loud clang.

"Already terrorising the locals, I see?" Defrag stopped beside Macro and nodded towards the end of the alley. "That's where they've been seen the most. If you're going to find those beasts, that street is your best bet."

"I'd rather find their way home first," he said. "That way we can herd them towards it."

"But what if it's that way?" DL nodded towards the street. "If they've been seen there the most, they might be sticking close to their way home."

"And willingly stay in System?" Macro snorted. "I'm gonna bet they're lost. But if you both believe we should check there first, then by all means."

He strutted along the alley, hopping over fallen trash bags that Defrag managed to tiptoe around with ease. The parallel street was just as quiet. It chilled him.

He looked up and down it, the fur on the back of his neck standing on end. The fluttering of the posters sounded like a thunder clap. To his left, a drain gurgled noisily for a good, long minute before fizzling out to a trickle.

"Cap'n?" Anchor's voice resounded in his ear. "How are ya gettin' on?"

"We're still in Spool City," Macro said back quietly. "Apparently they've got their own little Ultra Beast invasion."

"Really?" said Anchor. "What about Meta City?"

"Meta City can wait a while. They already know where their porthole is. I'm gonna search out this one."

"Alright. Keep me posted."

Defrag and DL looked at him expectantly. Macro shrugged and gestured with his laser to get moving. He gave the noisy drain a wide berth and cast a quick glance down another alley. Everything was so quiet. It was like a ghost town. If it weren't for the curious eyes peeking through windows, he'd think the place were deserted.

Killed off by the kartana.

He swallowed dryly and looked up at the sky. Just through the smog he could make out Wildcard Gamma. A huge shadow casting a wave of reassurance over him.

The kartana could cut through steel. They were as light as a gastly, if not lighter. But how high could they fly? Could they cut down Wildcard Gamma?

He tore his eyes off the ship and focused on moving forward. The wind was picking up again, stirring the posters beside him. He looked over at the street at a sliced up billboard, no longer playing its club animation. Wind whipped past his face and he stood aside, catching the glint as something sharp darted through the air. A few black strands of fur drifted after it before vanishing into the wind.

Defrag and DL joined his side, each of them clutching their own laser. The three of them cast their eyes around them as the wind picked up again.

"Duck!" shouted Defrag.

The trio crouched to the ground and a shrill whistle cut the air as another kartana swept overhead, narrowly missing his horn.

"They're too fast!" said DL. "We can't fight them like this. We need to slow them down!"

"Got any electrical attacks that can do that?" Defrag asked, firing a blind stream of fire in the direction of the kartana.

DL shook her head. "I've not tried."

"Now is as good a time as an-ahh!" Defrag ducked again, raising her paws over her head.

There was the sound of metal against metal, and when Macro opened his eyes he spotted the nozzle of her laser bounce across the tarmac. Defrag looked down at her ruined gun then looked after the kartana.

It was doubling back, its limbs outstretched like wings. Paper thin, glinting in the dim light.

"Step back," Macro said, rising to his feet. "I've got this."

He fired his gun, sending a stream of dirt towards the kartana. The attack struck the ground, creating a geyser of mud and tarmac. The kartana rose higher into the air, dodging the attack with nimble grace, and arced over his head towards the rooftops.

"You're going to bring the city down!" Defrag snapped.

"Shut up and let me do my job!" Macro rounded towards the kartana and fired off another beam.

He didn't know if it was his attack or the Ultra Beast, but the chimney slid from the roof and clattered to the floor in a shower of brick and mortar.

Macro wiped his paw across the goggles of his mask and strained to see through the dust cloud. He could still hear it, slicing through the air as it danced around him. He caught a glimpse of it and aimed his gun, but it vanished before he could pull the trigger. Then again, to his left. Then his right.

There was more than one.

His heart sank and he took a step back towards his allies. Defrag with her fire laser down. DL with nothing but a water and grass laser, neither of which could do anything to the kartana.

It was just him. One small mawile against two... no, three... four? Ultra Beasts that could slice through steel.

"There's too many," he said quickly. "We're gonna have to bail."

He pushed the button on his ear piece just as one of the kartana zipped towards him. He spun aside, firing his laser blindly. The creature zig-zagged away from him, spinning off balance in the air. He'd just clipped it.

"Cap'n?" came Anchor's voice.

"Send down the ladder," said Macro.

He ducked again then looked up into the air. The ladder wasn't coming down on their street? He grit his teeth together and grabbed DL's paw. Then he turned to Defrag.

"Move it!" he barked.

He took off down the alley, pushing DL ahead of him. When they got to the alley mouth, his eyes went instantly towards the ladder. He almost threw DL at it before diving after her. Something flashed to his right and his eyes flew wide open. His gun clattered to the floor and he brought his paws to his chest, catching the kartana's limbs in his paws. His back struck the floor, knocking the wind out of his lungs. He kicked his feet into the air and threw himself backwards, throwing the kartana over his head. Then he brought his horn up in an arc, smacking it square across the body. The sharp Ultra Beast flew back the way it came.

Macro wiped his bleeding paws onto his scarf, retrieved his fallen weapon and turned back to the ladder. DL was still waiting at the bottom of it, her eyes wide and frantic. Defrag stood beside her front door, fumbling in her pouch for her key card. But she didn't take her eyes off him or DL.

He clenched his paws into fists to stem the bleeding and bolted for the ladder. He shouted at DL to get on, throwing a paw at her to make his point. He could hear that whistle of air being sliced, growing in intensity. Crouching, he threw himself at the ladder, reaching for it.

The whistle stopped, and he was knocked to the ground. He heard his laser skitter across the tarmac.

"Macro!" DL dropped from the ladder.

The kartana was on him, but it felt no heavier than a large sheet of paper. He tried to take a breath, bracing himself to launch it off him with a swing of his horn. But his breath cut off as his entire mouth filled with metallic blood. Then he felt it shift. A searing, hot pain as it pulled its limb free from his body.

DL picked up his laser, aiming it at the Ultra Beast. He watched her, pleading with his eyes. He opened his mouth to shout 'no', but all that came out was a strained gag.

She fired, blasting the creature from his back in a spray of dirt. It seared across his body, and he screwed his eyes shut. Everything hurt. It hurt to breathe. He could feel blood pooling in his mask as it looked for a way out, clogging up the filter.

The last thing he saw was DL and Defrag rushing to his side before his world went black.

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