{Season 1|EP.17}

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{Season 1|EP.17}

Waking up on a beach is never fun. Unless you’re on a vacation, but when you’re separated from you friends and on god knows what island. Things tend to get kinda creepy. This happened to each of our heros. We’re gonna take this part by part. Now we already know what happened to Whiskey and Felicity. Let’s check up on out two cats. Zelos and Parviz.

“Where the hell are we?” Zelos asked helping up Parviz from the ground. “Dressrosa.” Parviz said. “Huh?” Zelos asked. “That’s what the sign says.” Parviz answered pointing to a sign that said Dressrosa on it with a red arrow point north. After getting off the beach it seemed like the Dressrosa’s town architecture is overall Spanish-inspired. The buildings seem to be colorful and extravagant, and many of them have wavy patterns and checkered rooftops. Parviz turned into their human forms before going more into the town. “Why can’t you turn human?” Parviz asked. “I have no idea! I was able to do it before.” Zelos answered. Parviz sighed and picked Zelos up. As they continued walking throughout the town the residents started looking at them strangely. “What are they doing here?” one woman whispered. “I don’t think they like us.” Zelos whispered. “No shit.” Parviz scolded. “I thought King Dooku killed them all off?” A man whispered to the man next to him. “Do you know what their talking about?” Zelos asked. “No idea. Let’s go inside. It’s getting dark out and I have a feeling it won't be good if we’re out at night.” Zelos nodded as they went inside a nearby bar. The four men in the bar stared at them as they walked towards the bar. “Two coca-colas please.” Parviz requested.

The woman behind the bar who was cleaning glasses turned around and dropped her glass. She was a fair-skinned, thin, and curvy teenager who is slightly shorter than Parviz. She had short white hair that went up to her shoulders. She wore a pink crop top with thin straps, a white leather jacket with golden buttons, a white pencil skirt and black flats. “Are you okay?” Parviz asked. “Y-yes. You wanted two sodas right?” The woman asked. “Yeah.” Parviz nodded and seconds later two coca-coals appeared on the bar top in front of Parviz and Zelos. “HEY!! Where’s our drinks!!” A man with black hair sitting at a booth with 3 other men. The woman sighed and walked over to the booth with the 3 men carrying a tray with 4 drinks on it. Parviz noticed on the back it has the chinese symbols: 樱花角斗士公 in gold. The symbols flashed in Parviz mind. On her way there she tripped over a piece of wood that wasn't nailed down, spilling the drinks. “You idiot!! For Kami’s sake can't you do anything right?!” The man scolded. She clenched her fist. “I’m sorry.” She sighed, trying not to punch the man. “You better be. That’s going off your paycheck!” whimpered a bit. The man stood up and started into the girl eyes. He rose his hand almost slapping her. Parviz grabbed the man’s hand. “It’s wrong to slap a lady.” Was all Parviz said before he kicked the man in the stomach, pinning him to the table. “If you were ever a gentleman you would know that.” Parviz scoffed. “W-Wait ti-till the King Dooku finds out.” The four men ran out of the bar. “Sorry about them.” She sighed. “It’s fine. I’m Parviz.” Parviz introduced. “I’m Yukino.” Yukino smiled. Parviz’s heartbeat quickened. “You okay Parviz?” Zelos smirked. “I-I-I’m fine.” Parviz answered, growling at bit at Zelos making him laugh. Yukino winced as she bent down cleaning up the mess. “You okay?” Parviz asked. “Y-Ye-Yep.” Yukino smile quivered. Parviz then came up behind her and picked her up, bridal-style. “You twisted your ankle.” parviz observed. “O-Oh...I’ll be okay.” Yukino assured him. “Yeah okay. I’ll take you home. Where do you live?” Parviz asked. “I-it-it’s right dow-down th-the blo-block.” Yukino stuttered, her face was completely red. She...she’s adorable...wh-what is wro-wrong with me?! Is it bec-because she looks so much...like...her? Parviz thought. He looked down at Yukino to see she was still blushing. “T-tha-thank you fo-for bri-bring me home.” Yukino thanked.

“You’re welcome.” Parviz opened to door to Yukiko's apartment. It was a small apartment. The living room had a leather couch. A coffee table in front of it. Right next to the living room was a kitchen. Down the hall was the bathroom and one room. Parviz laid down Yukino on the couch. “You didn’t need to bring me home. I-I coul-could’ve walk myself.” Yukino sighed. “No, you couldn’t you would have damaged your ankle even more.” Parviz smiled putting a pillow under Yukino’s foot. “My boss is gonna have a field day out of this.” Yukino groned. “Just tell him that you need to take a leave.” Parviz suggested. “I can’t. My boss won’t let me take off a day.” Yukino sighed. “I think he’ll understand.” Parviz put ice on her ankle. Yukino shivered from the coldness of the ice. Parviz felt Yukino's forehand. “You’re warm.” Parviz observed. “I-I’ll be okay.” Yukino assured him. “You might have a fever.” Parviz said. “Y-you know. You’re offly kind to strangers.” Yukino chuckled. “I was raised to be kind to everyone. Which is ironic because the person who raised me, not the nicest person.” Both Parviz and Yukino laughed. Parviz sat down next to Yukino. “Hey, can I ask you something?” Parviz started. “Anything.” Yukino smiled. “Why did everyone looked at me and Zelos weirdly?” Parviz asked.

“Well, a long time ago, when KIng Nato ruled, people and Zuceest, like you and Zelos, lived happily side by side. Until one night, the Zuceest went on a rampage! He slayed everything in their path. The king tried to defend the Zuceest but the townspeople started rioting. The king’s step brother. Prince Dooku led the riot and drove his brother and the Zuceest out of town. Never to be seen again. Now everyone see the Zuceest as a disgrace to the country. It’s horrible.” Yukino shortly explained. “Wow.” Parviz sighed. “So what do the words on the back of your jacket mean?” Parviz asked. “Oh, um, something.” Yukino brushed it off. “Okay. Goodnight, Yukino.” Parviz smiled. “Goodnight Parviz.” Yukino smiled. Yukino then grabbed Parviz’s wrist. “Can...C-Can yo-you sta-stay wit-with me till I fall asleep?” Yukino asked sweetly. She...she’s adorable…god! Why is she so adorable?! Parviz thought. “Sure.” Parviz nodded sitting in the chair next to the couch. “U-Um...ca-can you lay next to me? Yo-you don’t have to…” Yukino sighed. Parviz chuckled and laid down next to her. Parviz’s face was buried in Yukino snowy white hair.

Zelos, who was sitting on the kitchen counter smirked. Looking at the two teens sleeping together on the couch. He himself then curled up on the head of the couch. Yukino then saw her watch blinking. She sighed tapping on the watch making a hologram of a woman with black hair popped up. “You know what time it is?” Yukino asked groggily. “Yeah, but you also have a job to do.” The woman then looked over to see Parviz. “Is that who I think it is?” The woman asked. “No...I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Yukino said. “Anyways, you know the rules Yukino. Now go.” The woman then disappeared as Yukino sighed and squirmed out of Parviz’s grasp. “Sorry Parviz. But, duty calls.” Yukino then went into her closed, moved all her clothes out of the way and pressed a button with a R on it making the back wall separate revealing an outfit. She touched the outfit and it attached itself to her. he wore a yellow scale armor bikini, with a turquoise paludamentum, as well as a ridge helmet, a pair of greaves and gloves, and high-heeled armor. But the strangest new thing about Yukino was her hair. Underneath her helmet, her braid splits off into two strands starting at her temples. She held the white short haired wig in her hand and put it on the manikin hair doll.

She grabbed the sword from the closet and held it in her hand as she opened her room window. She looked back into her living room from the outside of door to se Parviz still sleeping. She climbed back inside and walked towards Parviz. “Good night.” Yukino then kissed Parviz’s forehead. She backed off looking at the sleeping Zuceest. She then looked at the picture at the coffee table. It was Yukino as a little kid standing next to King Nato happy as can be. “Don’t worry, I’ll find you one day. Dad.” Yukino put her index finger and middle finger on the picture. Yukino jumped out of her apartment window landing on her feet. “Welcome back Yukino.” The inside of the helmet spoke. “Hey, James. Tell me the mission.” Yukino ran down the dark misty streets of Dressrosa, the streets we’re light with steamed lanterns. “There’s been an a attack at the HEART factory. A group of smugglers.” James spoke again. Yukino then made a sharp right and saw the HEART factory in shambles. She entered into the factory to see the workers held up at gunpoint. “It’s the Cherry Blossom Princess Gladiator! She’ll save us!” A woman cheered. Yukino smirked as she she kicked one of the smugglers into a wall. “Everyone get out of here.” Yukino yelled as the workers rushed out. “You little tramp!” one of smugglers yelled lunging towards Yukino. She roundhouse kicked him sending him into the coverbelt of the factory. “Who’s next?” Yukino smirked, suddenly all of the ran towards Yukino. Yukino slashed as dashed her way through the crowd but in the end, they all fell to her might will and power.

Once the cops came, Yukino explained what happened. The entire town came to see the sudden commotion . Even Parviz and Zelos came. Yukio was about to make her exit until something held onto her cape. “Hey, you we’re great out there. Rebecca.” Parviz winked. “Ho-How d-do you kn-know tha-that name?” She stuttered. “I saw you taking off the wig. That’s when I knew it was you.” Parviz held Rebecca’s delicate, but at the same time strong, hands in his. “I missed you.” Parviz simled. “I missed you to dummy!” Rebecca tackled him to the ground. “Never leave.” Rebecca smiled. “For you. I’ll stay forever.” Parviz smiled too. Parviz then looked up to see a ray of rainbow light shot into the air from far away. “What is that?” Parviz asked.

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