{Season 1|EP.21}

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{Season 1|EP.21}

THE SEASON FINALE OF SEASON 1!! Man! I never thought we be at 54 reads by the end of season 1! Anyways, enough talking! On with the story!

“What do you think it means?” Gin asked his old mentor, Abbey, and Zayla. “That’s coming from the Emerald Amazon.” Zayla observed. “Do you think it’s you’re friends?” Abbey asked. Abbey has a short dress, where the top is made of white pleather with a waffle cone pattern in icy blue. The lines that make up the waffle cone are dripping, as if melted ice cream. The bottom of her dress is puffy and purple/pink, featuring melting sugar sprinkles of various colours: dark blue, purple, icy blue and white. Over the dress she is wearing a short pink faux fur jacket, around her arms.

From head to toe: she is wearing an big headpiece, which consists of an headband made of drippy pink translucent plastic and 4 ice cream cones sticking from it, resembling the Statue of Liberty. The cones of the ice cream are black and the ice cream itself is pink. Her earrings are upside down icecream cones dripping ice cream. They are different colours, the one in the right ear is pink and the one in the left ear is blue. She is wearing a necklace, which looks like a model of a like collar, but is meant to look like waffle cone designs, like her top. It is in icy greenish blue and it also features 3 melting skulettes in the right end.

She wears dark blue opera gloves textured like waffle cones. She has two arm bracelets, one in each arm, one looks like the patter in her top and the other one features a swirl of pink drippage around the arm. She is wearing a belt made of drippy dark chocolate with molded melting skulettes, in pink, blue and dark blue. From the belt falls a plastic apron-like accessory, which looks like a dripping ice blue waffle.

She also comes equipped with a bag that is a ice cream cup, in translucent pink and with molded dripping. The icecream is pink, with painted on cream and a pink cherry on top. She is wearing white fishnet socks, that bear resemblance to icecream cones, and platform shoes. The heel is an upside down icecream, where the cone is black, and the platform is also an ice cream ball. The shoe is open-toe and it has a strap made of dripping skullettes. In the heel there's also molded chocolate, dripping over Abbey's feet. The shoes are mismatching, in the right one the icecream heel is icy blue and the strap is pink and in the left one it the heel is pink and the strap is icy blue.  

“I guessing, but what does it mean?” Gin asked.

Meanwhile on Dressrosa Parviz was still mad about Viola. “Parviz, c-ca-can we talk?” Rebecca stuttered a little. “What is it Becca?” Parviz asked. “You’ve been so worried about Viola that you haven’t slept in days. She would want you to sleep.” Rebecca sighed, putting her hand on Parviz’s shoulder. “But I can’t sleep. I can’t sleep knowing that my sister might be tortured as we speak. I can’t sleep knowing that if they get you, you would have the same fate as Viola.” Parviz said. Rebecca then wrapped her arms around his stomach. “I get it, you’re scared. We all are. But it’ll be okay. I’m right here, and I know you’re sister is coming as fast as she can to safety.” Rebecca assured him. H-how come I’m so calm around her? Parviz thought as he felt the wrath of Rebecca’s arms around his body. The close scent of her body made his mind spin like never before. Parviz tried to control himself, but with Rebecca so close to him it was getting harder and harder to. “You’ll be okay, I promise. I’ll be okay too.” Rebecca smiled, the words sounded like poetry to him.

Sweet, sweet poetry that he just couldn’t resist. “We’re gonna get through this, together. I’m gonna make sure of it. Even if it means me killing everyone in the D.A.” Rebecca added. What is the girl doing to me?!?! Parviz sighed as he covered his flushed face. “Aww, is someone blushing?” Rebecca asked slyly. “S-stop bei-being so cute…” Parviz growled lowly. “And I’m not blushing! Soldiers don’t blush!” Parviz added. “But you are. So do I make you blush?” Rebecca asked, her voice rand inside his head like a school bell. “Th-that’s a litt-little t-to...u-um…” Parviz stuttered. “Is the little cat soldier stuttering?” Rebecca smirked as he got closer to his face. “N-no.” Now it was Parviz’s turn to smirk. “You should be the one stuttering.” Parviz chuckled as he back Rebecca up against a chimney of the building. “Pa-Parv-Parviz?” Rebecca stuttered.

“That’s more like it.” Parviz grin wided. “There’s my stuttering cherry blossom princess I love so much.” Parviz face came closer to her. “Parviz, come on, you know we cant.” Rebecca sighed as she put her left hand with a green jewel in front of his face. “Damn ring, let’s take it off. Along with all that armor.” Parviz smirked. “I don’t know Parviz...you know I promised my father I wouldn’t kiss any boy till I’m sure they’re the one.” Rebecca sighed. “How do you know if a boy is the one?” Parviz asked.

“T-the ring will glow.” Rebecca answered as she cupped Parviz’s face. Parviz looked at her ring to see it was glowing. “Parviz...I...I…” Rebecca started. “Stop talking Becca.” Parviz smirked as he softly kissed Rebecca. I-it’s so so-soft...li-like clo-clouds… Rebecca thought as she tried to kiss back. Being her first time, she was honestly scared. Rebecca felt as though the world just drifted away. Who would've thought Parviz would be the one for me...it’s funny really. Rebecca thought as she smiled into the kiss. Parviz slowly broke the kiss to see Rebecca’s flushed smiling face. “Why are you smiling?” Parviz asked. “I’m just happy that’s all.” Rebecca answered as they kissed again.

Back on SMILE island, Viola and Neighthan hobbled back to the meeting point. “Don’t worry Neighthan. We’re gonna get there soon.” Viola assured him. From the distance Viola could make out a semi-blurry figure. “What the?” Viola asked. “Hello?” The figure asked. “Who are you?” Viola asked. “It’s not important at the moment. You need some help?” The figure asked as it step forward to the street light. “W-Wh-What?!?!?!” Viola yelled.

Miles away, Vodka was going thru hell. “Agin.” Pandora demanded. “P..Pan...Pandora...We’ve been training non-stop for the past day and a half! C-can w-we atleast take a break?” Vodka asked tiredly. “No! We need to whip you back in shape.” Pandora smirked. “H..How co-come Wendy doesn't have to do this?” He asked. “Because, I have a special type of training for her.” Pandora chuckled. “H-Huh?” Wendy asked. A little feared for her life.

“Hey...Pandora?” Vodka asked. “Yeah?” Pandora asked. “What’s that?” Wendy asked pointing to the phoneonon in the sky. In the sky we’re 2 numbers and 2 letter.


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