{Season 2|EP.21}

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{Season 2|EP.21}

Well here we are, the series finale of Skyfall. I never thought I get it this far, with 99 reads, wow, I’m just so happy that I got to share this book with the Wattpad Community. Please, sit back, relax, and enjoy the final instalment of Skyfall.

Gin walked through the dark hallways of the D.A headquarters. Whiskey gave him a piece of the ruby necklace he had to help him Alice, cause Gin knew that Alice was his soulmate and would do anything to save. Especially after he finally heard the words he wanted to hear escape her lips.

Gin looked down at the piece of ruby to see it was glowing faintly. He smiled, there was a chance he was getting closer to his beautiful water user. He ran as fast as he, hoping, praying, that it was her. The jewel grew brighter as he reached a pair of brown doors with golden embroidery. He kicked down the door to see Morticia sitting on her throne, drinking a glass of wine.

“Welcome, Gin.” Morticia greeted. “So we gonna do this or what?” Gin asked, very impatient. “Not so fast lover boy.” Morticia got up from her chair. “I’d decided that you deserve to see you’re little prize since you made it all the way up here.” Morticia smirked. “Oh, Alice.” Morticia called out as Alice walked out from the shadows, she looked different from when he last saw her.

Alice ties her aqua blue hair in a braid and locks it with a sky blue ornament. She has small eyebrows, medium sized yellow circular dangling earrings, and she paints her nails the same color of her hair. Her eyes are bright purple and have the traditional arbiter cross in her irises.

She wears a white buttoned top with puffy sleeves and a bit too large black suspenders attached to her black high-waist harem pants. Additionally, she has a red ribbon on her collar where her pin is attached to. Alice also sports violet sandals on her feet.

“You summoned me Miss Morticia?” Alice asked. “I would like you to fight Gin.” Morticia ordered as Alice nodded as she took out a bow and arrow. “Alice wait.” Gin started as Alice glared at him. I have to do this don't I? Gin thought, sighing. Gin took out his bow and arrow as well. Suddenly the room changed to a city during sunset.

On the rooftop at a city during sunset, Gin uses his grappling hook arrow to climb to the top of the building, he approaches the door before the handle is shot by a purple arrow.

Gin immediately took cover and looked to the other building, where Alice was seen loading another shot. They then both released an arrow aimed right at each other.

The two arrows clash and barely miss the heroes. Alice started firing more shots at his opponent while Gin hid behind an air conditioning unit and fired one back. Alice shot an arrow that cancels out the arrow Gin shot. They both started firing a multitude of arrows that they continually dodge and shoot.

“You will fall to your demise!” Alice smirked. “Not today sweetheart.” Gin replied.

Alice hid behind a water tower and fired three arrows at Gin. Alice’s opponent responded by catching them. “Alice what's gotten into you?!” Gin the released a subatomic particle arrow high into the air.

“Something about this…” The subatomic particle arrow explodes into multiple arrows heading for Alice. “...isn't very right…”

Alice then countered it with a tornado arrow, which spreads the purple arrows to the both sides. Alice then took cover from the raining arrows while Gin shoots a zipline to Alice's building and started sliding across it. Alice used the opportunity and shoot an arrow to cut Gin's line and sent him falling.

She then started shooting multiple arrows that Gin dodges until he shot a putty arrow that Alice caught but explodes in her face. Gin used the suction cup arrow to get to Alice's building as Alice used an acid arrow to get the putty off of her face.

“Ugh! Lucky shot punk!” Alice scoffed. Both of them prepared to fire five arrows at each other.

The arrows clashed and Gin immediately shot another one at Alice, who blocked it with her bow but was unable to block a couple more and hid behind an air conditioning vent. Gin walked over to her

“I know this isn't you Alice, I know Morticia's controlling you like a puppet. Just fight it. I know you're still in there.”

Alice looked at Gin and then at Morticia. “I...don't wanna...hurt you...” Alice struggled to say. “Alice! You listen to me! His words are lies!” Morticia yelled as she pressed the second red button causing Alice's eyes to turn a dark shade of blue.

Alice then rips the arrows out of her body.

“You should hear the boxing glove arrow when it hits!”

Gin stood there confused.

“It makes this "THWOOP" kind of sound. I'll record it and make it my ringtone!”

Alice shot a boomerang arrow, that Hawkeye soon caught, then tries the boxing glove arrow with the same result. Alice groaned it didn't hit him.  Holding his phone, Gin prepared his thirty megaton bomb arrow.

“Stop this Alice!” Gin yelled.

Alice dodged it as the arrow proceeded to blow up the building behind them.

“This is me now! Deal with it or die!”

Alice started shooting multiple arrows that Gin dodges.

“I know this Alice! This is the Alice who didn't understand friendship or love! The Alice that didn't want to live! This isn't the Alice I know!” Gin yelled.

Gin then goes in for close combat. Alice tries countering it, but Gin has her cornered and uses the opportunity. “Sorry Alice.” Gin then reached into Alice's soul, pulling out ball of dark red mist. Holding in his hand, Gin could see everything Morticia did to her.

He crushed it in his hands causing Alice drop to the floor. “You monster!” Gin roared. “I'll show you just how much of a monster I really am.”

Morticia launched a kick at Gin, but the latter catches the former's foot, kicks him off. Gin then charges a blast of purple energy in his hands before blasting it at Morticia.


After being hit by a such strong attack, Morticia's still standing from the blast, exhaustingly.

“Pathetic. Before you die, let me show you a true demon!” Gin then powers up immensely, aura surrounding him, and his dark, gravity deifying hair now glowing black, becoming the legendary status of a Demon Spawn.

“Hahaha! Tell me lady, does a lab rat like you experience fear?” Gin cackled his voice sounding demonic.

“You have... no idea... WHO YOU'RE DEALING WITH!” Morticia leaped up in mid-air and surrounds herself with seven black emeralds

“What's this?”

After she taps into the power of the seven emeralds, she turns from the regular Morticia into something more demonic with invincible demonic like powers, becoming Shadow Morticia!

“Behold the true power I possess!” Morticia announced, her voice shaking the whole castle!

“Wow... what a ripoff---” Morticia then tackled Gin mid-sentence “GAH!!!”

Gin gets attacked by Morticia, blocking a melee receiving from the demonic female. Afterwards, Morticia side kicked Gin, leaving projectiles of demonic energy after hitting Gin seven times, and from hitting by the energy left by Morticia, Gib then crash landed to the ground.

Morticia then launched a barrage of her Chaos Spear at Gin, but Gin jumped up and kneed Morticia in the abdomen, kicked her, and then launched a volley of Energy Bullets. But when the smoke cleared, Morticia was gone.

“Wha-Where did she go?”

“Right behind you.”

Gin charged a blast of energy at concentrated accuracy, but before he can blast it at Morticia, the latter snaps her finger, teleports the former underwater.

The hell? How did I get here? Gin thought groaning annoyingly.

“Hmph. That was easier than I thought, I guess I'm better than... SHIT!” Morticia cursed.

Gin suddenly jumped out of the water, his body full of energy


“Cheap trick! Teleporting me underwater, Coward! Cut the act and give up already! You're nothing compared to me!” Gin cackled.

Morticia snaps her finger again, this time teleporting Gin to the Earth's moon.

“Goddammit.” Gin growled as Morticia watched from a distance.

“Hmph.” Morticia smirked.

“Playtime's over, runt!” Gin yelled as he punched the surface of the moon, pushing it closer to Earth.

“No! Is he insane!?”

Morticia took off her rings, her body now glowing bright red, and shouts "CHAOS... CONTROL!", teleporting the moon back to it's place.

“Yes. I did it!” Morticia sighed in relief.

“Congrats, demon.” Gin said sarcastically

“It's time to end this!”

Morticia glowed bright red, shouting the words. "CHAOS... BLAST!", she then clenched her entire body before throwing out her arms like wings. But the blast didn't affect Gin, because Morticia demon form wore off before it hit.



Gin then fired the Final Flash at Morticia, vaporizing the latter into the same shade of her hair, smoke.

And that kids, is the story of SkyFall.


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