{Season 2|EP.6}

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{Season 2|EP.6}

"The what islands?" Gin asked. "The Archipelago Of Gibfait." Scotch answered. "Adam said that she was shipped over there. Baccarat has a friend over there named Venus. She might know where Alice is now." Zayla answered. "Well what are we waiting for! The quicker we find Alice the better!" Gin smiled widely. "Some seems excited." Wendy said slyly. "I just want to finish of the D.A that's all." Gin said. "Is it though? Cause you said the quicker we find Alice the better, not the quicker we fight of the D.A the better. Meaning that you really want to find Alice." Musa smirked. "Shut up." Gin scoffed.

"The Archipelago Of Gibfait is very far away. And we don't have a boat." Felicity stated. "I think I know how we can get there." Tequila said as he whistled making 5 large creatures to appear. "These are Jaquins." Tequila said. "You have Jaquins?!" Felicity gushed as she petted one. "Technically yes. They're not mines but I found them when they were babies. They were part of a traveling circus. They just kicked them to the curb when the circus stopped." Tequila shortly explained. One of the Jaquins then licked his face.

"This is Migs." Tequila introduced. Migs was half-macaw and half-jaguar creature, large wings, fan-shaped tail feathers, tufts of plumage and fur, dark brown nose, yellow fur, orange spots and feathers, green eyes. "Hi cutie." Musa smiled as she petted Migs. "Migs, this is Musa." Tequila said as Migs quickly sniffed her and brought her up to sit on his back. "It's so soft." Musa smield.

"Weren't Jaquins the ones who fought in the war against the two queens?" Felicity asked as petted a purple one. This one was half-macaw and half-creature, large wings, fan-shaped tail feathers, tufts of purple and fur, dark brown nose, has even darker purple spots, brown eyes, and a white underbelly. "Yep. That's Dulce, Migs mate." Tequila answered. "I can't believe you raised all 5 of them." Zayla said as she got onto a red one. This one has orange fur, red spots and pink feathers, golden eyes.

"That's Luna. Believe me, she's just like you. Everything down to the fire." Tequila chuckled as Skylar balanced a flame on her nose. "Cool!" Zayla had stars in her eyes. Gin looked at the blue one. Something about it reminded him of Alice. "I'd be careful with that Zoom, he's antisocial, in a mean way. Even to me." Tequila warned. He has light blue fur, blue spots, bronze feathers and matching eyes.

"Hey." Gin said as Zoom growled lowly and smelled his hand and backed away. He tilted his head at him. "What's wrong?" Gin asked as he sniffed him again. "Why do you keep doing that?" Gin asked as Zoom kept sniffing him as growled lowly. "He says you smell like somebody he knows." Felicity translated. "Who is it boy?" Gin asked as he grabbed a stick and wrote the word ALICE in the sand.

"You know Alice?!" Gin exclaimed as Zoom nodded. "Where is she?" Gin asked as he lifted Gin onto his back and flew off. "Well, I guess we follow them." Wendy guessed as she and Vodka jumped on a beautiful white one, he had white fur, gray sports, silver feathers and silver eyes. "Come on Estrella." Wendy smiled as Estrella zoomed into the sky. "Why are they fast!" Vodka yelled as Estrella zoomed thru the sky with the others. "WOOO!!!" Musa yelled. Zayla stood on top of Luna so gracefully.

"How can you do that?" Scotch asked. "I used to ride Jaquins all the time on my friends farm." Zayla answered as she leaded sideways. Falling off of Luna. "Zay?!" Scotch yelled as he looked down to see Zayla upside down on Luna's underbelly, her legs wrapped around Luna's body. She smiled and turned right side up, on top of Luna's back again. "Don't scare me like that." Scotch laughed. "It's so soft." Felicity gushed as she brushed her head up against Dulces fur. "It's known to be the soft substance in the universe. That's why hunters want them so much, for their fur." Whiskey shortly explained.

"Are you sure you know where she is Zoom?" Gin asked as Zoomt dove down as the other four follow. They then landed on what seemed to be a beautiful nature island. "This is The Archipelago Of Gibfait?" Zayla asked as Zoom nodded.

"Where is she boy?" Gin asked as Zoom started sniffing the air. Walking deeper into the forest. He kept sniffing and sniffing until he stopped. Gin and Zoom looked down to see a water droplet earring. Zoom whimpered as they saw dry blood on the earrings.

"We're gonna find her okay?" Gin assured him as Zoom nodded sadly. "I think it's best if we rest here for the night. We need to be ready in the morning to find Venus." Carla suggested as they set up camp. Gin laid on Zoom's back looking at the stars. "We're gonna find that scent in the morning. We're gonna find her." Gin assured Zoom as they both fell asleep.


Far away, a blue hair water girl sat in her cell looking at the moon as the waves crashed up against her cell. "Protect him sea." she whispered as she laid down on her cot with the chibi sized doll that looked similar to a certain demon ice user. "Two years, it's been two years. Two years since I've stepped foot outside these walls. Two years since I've seen you. Tomorrow is so far away. So far away." She sighed raising the doll high above her head. "Do you miss me?" she asked the doll, knowing it couldn't answer.

"Yes, I miss you." She chuckled softly, trying to mimic the doll's human counterpart's voice. She smiled, picking up the doll and placing a small innocent kiss on it. "Two years of test. Two years of being locked in here. Two years of electric shocks for no reason other than to be mean. And two years of the stupid D.A." She sighed, there was then a loud knock at her door. "Hey! Wake up!" The voice on the other side of the door yelled. The door then opened revealing a young man whose most prominent features are his blue hair and a red tattoo above and under his right eye.

He wore a white shirt with a blue tint under a hooded dark blue coat with light blue edges, two strings with shield-shaped pendants hanging down from the hood and a prominent golden D.A symbol on the left part of the chest, plus simple, loose, dark pants tucked inside laced boots. "Hey, get up you worthless girl!" He yelled grabbing her by her ocean blue hair. "Come on!" He yelled as he pushed the girl out of her cell and into a hallway lining with a bunch of other cells. She looked down the hallway quietly, the chains that were connected to the cuff around her ankle clanked along the floor as she walked.

She wished she could use her magic to blast herself out of this hellhole, but she couldn't. The monitor around her neck restricted any use of magic. "Hey! Keep it moving!" The man yelled as he pushed the girl making her stumble a bit. She started walking a little faster until the man told her to stop when they reached a pair of brown doors with gold embroidery. He opened the door and pushed her inside, slamming the door behind him. The room was dark, she couldn't see a thing.

"Welcome, Alice." A voice spoke. "H-Hel-Hello." Alice stuttered. "Do you know why you're here?" The voice asked. "Cause you idiots kidnapped me." Alice mumbled. "What was that?" The voice asked. "No, I do not know why I'm here." Alice answered and before she knew it Alice was transported into a small tank of water. "This is why." The voice cackled. Alice soon felt immense pain travel all thru her body. Like she was being ripped out of her own body. "This is suppose to test your stamina and your withstand of pain." The voice said as the pain became worse. Alice screamed in pain but it was muffled by the water, which wasn't helping with her ability to breathe at the moment.

"Level 3 voltage." The voice commanded as the pain rose. This is level 3?! Alice thought as her lungs struggled to get air. "I'm surprised you're lasting this long." The voice chuckled. "Not a lot of people do. You're a special on Alice." The voice added as she upped the voltage level. "What's the highest it can go?" The voice asked. "10." A different voice answered. "Set it to 1o. I wanna see her at her max." The voice said. Alice felt like her body as ripping apart. Tears ran down her face. "Ple...Pleas...Please!" Alice struggled to say. Suddenly, the pain stopped and the water drained, causing Alice to drop to the floor. Alice gasped for air as she tried to regain her breath.

"Not bad. I think she's ready for more testing." The voice came closer to Alice. is a slim young woman of average height distinguished by her Eastern look: her long, straight and glossy black hair, reaching down to her lower back, while mostly left loose, being parted in the middle of her forehead and sporting two bangs framing her face and going down below her shoulders, her hair is also tied into a pair of bun-shaped Dango loops at both sides of her head, and a braid is present some inches below each of such loops.

Her facial make up is reminiscent of that worn by a Japanese "Geisha", with her lips being covered in glossy dark lipstick, and her slanted dark eyes, possessing long eyelashes, being topped by a pair of elongated, diagonal dark spots, seemingly acting as or covering her eyebrows. Her pale figure is considerably curvaceous.

Her attire is yet again Eastern-looking, with the woman wearing a strapless dress highly reminiscent of a "Cheongsam". This is shown to possess a large slit in correspondence to her left leg, exposing it all up to her thigh, and comes secured to her body by a number of dark laces on the back and to her right side, exposing a part of her right breast back side, and by a line of metal fasteners taking the shape of two horizontally-placed triangles with their bases linked together on her front left side.

Such garment is dark in its back part where the laces are, and light-colored on the front, where a large decorative motif representing a "Saber-toothed cat" menacingly lurking in the grass is present, in reference to the D.A. Her outfit is completed by a pair of shoulder-length ornamental gloves again bearing dual colors, dark on the arm and hand lower part and light on the upper one, and dark boots reaching up to her middle calves.

"Well, aren't you a cutie." She gushed as she squished Alice's face. "I love playing with the ones with cute faces." She smirked as she picked Alice up. "Y-You Morticia Woods." Alice observed as Morticia nodded. "I-I've see-seen the pa-pain-painting of yo-you in the hal-hallway." Alice stuttered. "Yep. That's me." She smirked stomping on Alice's stomach. "And you gonna be seeing a lot more of me."


Gin shot up, breathing heavily, his face sweating. "Are you okay Gin?" Whiskey asked as Gin nodded. He looked up to see the sun and the blue semi-cloudy sky. "You kept screaming. Was the dream you were having that bad?" Felicity observed as Zorua whimpered. "That's just it. It wasn't a dream, it seemed to real to be one." Gin sighed, putting Zorua on his lap. Zorua licked Gin's face in an attempt to make him feel better. "Thank Zorua." Gin smiled as Zorua looked at the Alice's necklace and whimpered. "You miss her too huh?" Gin as as Zorua nodded sadly. "Don't worry, we'll find Alice." Gin smiled as Zorua barked happily.

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