Tagged by Cateye992

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So this is English ofcourse. Because Cateye992 tagged me. Also if I make any typo's, just correct me on a NICE way please thank you. Let's start!

1. Would you rather go on a dangerous Auror mission with Tina or go beast hunting with Newt.

This is difficult.... probably beast hunting with Newt, because he is such a cinnamon roll and beasts are amazing and I kind of still want to pet a dangerous animal so yeah...😂.

2. Where would, in your opinion, be Newtina's first date?

Newt's case, probably. I mean Newt's case is awesome, but it could be pretty in a forest or something. I don't know, what do you think?

3. Would you rather bake with Jacob and Queenie, or visit Flourish and Blotts with Newt and Tina.

I think I would go baking. It sounds like a lot of fun to do, with especially Jacob and Queenie, but on the other hand, it would be nice to know in what kind of books they are.

4. Auror lessons from Tina or Zoology lessons from Newt?

Zoology lessons from Newt. I would love to learn all about his Fantastic Beasts and hear his passion for loving them.

5. Bunty or Tolliver?

Bunty. Definitely. Bunty is so sweet and shares the same passion as Newt. So yeah Bunty for sure.

6. Would you adopt a pet Thunderbird or a Raccoon?

Honestly, I want a pet Thunderbird. They are such majestic creatures and they are birds and I absolutely love birds, as you may or may not already know. (And Tina is a Thunderbird so yeah..)

7. If you could have any magical object in the wizarding universe (except Newt's suitcase) what would you get?

A wand, duh. Hahah. I mean you could do everything with a wand, you only need to know a few spells and you can swish and flick your way through life!

8. How and where would you like the Newtina kiss to finally happen?

Well, I think it would be in Newt's case. That would be amazing. All the fantastic beasts would crawl up, while Newt an Tina are cuddling and then, when they are in their elements, they kiss. And ohw my heart. This is a good idea, maybe I should write about it? Let me know!

9. Would you rather eat Tina's hotdog or let the Nifflers loose from their case?

Probably the Nifflers, because they are cute. However, a hotdog could go in my belly, but not if it's that old!

10. What in your opinion, would be the best plot twist of the century?

That's a tough one. I honestly don't know, but I really do hope, Leta is coming back and I hope that Queenie will return from the dark side 😣

Well that's it! Thanks Cateye992 for tagging me! And I will tag these people..





Good luck all! I'm looking forward to your responds!

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