Character Q&A

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I've always wanted to do this and I think I'd be fun for this story

I'm going to list names below and you guys will comment on their names with questions. I will have the characters answer questions in their perspectives.

Here we go!












Btw I'm going to try and write the other Avengers in more now that they main team have moved to the new base.

Spencer will feel pretty conflicted about Wanda because of the whole mind reading thing. Wanda tries not to pry, but she can't always help it. Spencer is a very emotional person, and it's hard for a  telepath to stay out of ones mind with that much going on in it.

Pietro will scare her (yes he's alive) because of how hyper active he is. She doesn't like people like that. They make her nervous. He will manage to make her smile though.

Sam will be really supportive and I'm thinking of making him her... therapist or something. I'll need them to get close enough for her to trust him. Spencer still has her issues with men... and talking about how she feels.

Thor... Idk. He's too loud for her. She'll prolly keep her distance from him.

Bucky. Their relationship is going to be extremely strong. I'm not spoiling more than that. :)

Did I miss anyone? 

This part might be later deleted once I get enough questions.

Thanks for all the support!

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