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Spencer: 1. How do you feel having your hearing back after so long? @thee_instagator
"Well, I was born deaf so hearing is completely new to me. Da-- I mean Tony made me these headphones to help block out the noise. Cho thinks the serum amped up my hearing and for experiencing it for the first time and it being so extreme, I didn't really get to enjoy it. I am excited to experience music though. I've felt the bass from songs by TheFatRat (weird name I know) and it's a cool feeling and I can't wait to hear them."

    2. Would you have preferred avoiding being kidnapped to getting your hearing back and getting electrical powers? The torture must have been horrible, but do you think the pain would be worth it if you had a choice? @thee_instagator
"I'd have preferred to have never gone to the Avengers Tower in the first place. I don't care for my hearing and... electrical powers? I have those? I thought I just needed it to survive... I guess I'll find out when I do some tests later. As for the... torture... I don't like talking about it. And it was definitely NOT worth it. I'd rather try and do brain surgery again before that ever happened thankyouverymuch."

3. What did you change in the serum? Is it just the electrical bit or did you do something else as well? @abstar101
"I used static electricity to change the serum entirely. I had no idea what it would do to a person but I had no intention of letting HYDRA utilize it. The electricity changed it so it wouldn't work correctly, and I added strings of my DNA so no one but me could use it. I think that is what kept the serum from killing me. I still have to experiment with it to see how much it changed me. After I figure out an alternative to this stupid electric TV thing. Maybe an energy drink..."

4. Who is your favorite out of the people at the tower you've met so far? @abstar101
"Well, I sure as hell don't like being around any of them if I can help it, but Natasha probably. She was the first person to find out I'm Tony's daughter so she was easiest to talk to. Don't start to think I like human interaction now though. Stick me in a dark room with my laptop and a pizza and I'll be set for life."

1. Tony, if you had to save Spencer or Pepper who would it be? @Kam_the_mess19
"What kind of question is this?" Pepper rolls her eyes. "Just answer it Tony. Stop being stubborn." Tony pouts. "Fine. Both if I can, I mean, I am Iron Man." Pepper gives Tony a look. "Tony we both know who you should choose." Tony looks very confused, and feels trapped. Is this woman phycology trying to trick him? "You?" He asks cautiously. Pepper sighs and shakes her head. "No, I swear sometimes... " She shakes her head and grumbles a bit. "Spencer obviously! She's your daughter and she's young." Tony nods, free from confusion. "Oh yeah." Pepper shakes her head. "Unbelievable."

2. What did you think about Spencer before you found out she was your daughter? @abstar101
"The little Weasel was a pain in my ass. Do you have any idea how insulting it is to be hacked? By a kid? Like seriously, she needed boundaries. Still, she was a good kid. Smart. I still want to get her IQ tested."

1. What part of your workout routine makes your ass look so great? How did you develop America's ass? @thee_instagator
Steve stares on in shock. "...Have you been talking to Tony?" Behind Steve, Tony tries to hide his laughs. Steve turns around and points at the billionaire. "We're having a talk later." Steve turns back around and makes a face at the odd question. "You'll have to blame the serum."

2. How does it feel to have Bucky back? @Kam_the_mess19
"Great. I've been worried sick, but thanks to Spencer I've got him back. I'm forever in her debt. Now, me and Buck are together to the end of the line."

3. What have you caught up on in this century? @Kam_the_mess19
"A lot, mostly history, but Tony has recently introduced me to these... things called me-me's." Tony bursts out laughing behind Steve. "What?" Steve looks around confused. He looks at the interviewer and shakes his head. "What did I say?"

1. Have you wanted children before Spencer came along, or was her appearance scary to you because you weren't ready at all? @thee_instagator
"This sounds more like a question for Tony, but yes I've thought about having children. Spencer's appearance was a bit shocking, yes, but a blessing nonetheless. Tony really cares about her, and she's an amazing kid and I wouldn't mind helping raise her. Plus, Phoebe was my friend. I think I owe it to her to care for her daughter."

1. Why is it your go to to use your legs to do a takedown? And why do you always seem to end up up with Bucky's face between your legs when you guys fought the Civil War? @thee_instagator
"It's easiest to do. Using my opponents own weight to pull them down. Again, it's strategic. It has nothing to do with his face. And how do you know what I did? Were you a witness? If so, you'd better report to Fury. More witnesses, the better. He likes solid reports."

2. What does it feel like to have Spencer's trust??? @ImFBoredd
"A Lot of people trust me even though they never realize it. Of course, that doesn't apply to Tony. My skills only work on functioning human beings. Still, it does feel nice that the kid is opening up. She's been through alot."

3. Are you going to tell us what happened in Budapest!!??? @ImFBoredd
Natasha and Clint smirk at one another. "Classified."

4. How many languages do you know? @Kam_the_mess19
"About 10 but I'm most fluent in English, Latin, Russian, French, German, Chinese and Italian."

5. Can you marry me please? @kiwicat76

6. What do you think of Spencer training wise? Does she have any weaknesses? @abstar101
"I think she could do with some trailing. She needs to know how to defend herself because we won't always be there. A situation like what just happened needs to be avoided. Weaknesses? Of course. Everyone does, though hers are far greater than the rest of us. She has a rough past and I wouldn't be surprised if she has some form of PTSD. Aside from that, a new weakness has arisen. Apparently, she needs electricity to survive and will need a constant form of consumption and an opponent could easily use it to their advantage."

1. For some reason the fandom seems to think you are the weak link on the avengers, so name one of the avengers that you have beaten in a one on one fight. You could even say a Justice League member you would beat and why. @thee_instagator
Clint looks offended. "Well that's just rude. Need I remind the fandom that every time I leave the team becomes a shit show? Besides, I can name two. Remember when I shot Loki in the face with an explosive arrow?" Clint laughs a bit and smiles at the memory of revenge. "Yeah that was fun. And Wanda. I don't like the whole mind control thing. Electricity to the head helps. And who's the Justice League? Some knock off Avengers group or something?"

2. Does a part of you like having another person knowing ASL even under the circumstances? @abstar101
"It's awesome! My hearing aids are so uncomfortable and I can take them out and still be able to communicate with Spencer or Tasha. Plus we make fun of the team and they never even know it."

3. Is there a part of Spencer's new abilities that stunned you more than others? @abstar101
"I'm still trying to get over the fact that she's a kid, but no, not really. If she really does have powers, I can't wait for her to start shocking people. So long as she doesn't do it to me. I may actually go visit her in the med wing after this."

1.  I don't really have a good one for you, just why are you cute and hit at the same time? And are you and Natasha still going to pursue the romance we saw brewing around your Ultron fight? @thee_instagator
Bruce nods. "That's fine and..." He looks down in shame. "I'm not cute. I'm a scientist." he makes a face at the next part of the question. "And what romance?" Behind Bruce, Natasha and Tony share a look. Tony snorts. "He's still clueless?" Natasha nods. "Yep."

1. Has anyone ever told u u look like Chris Hemsworth? If so how many people? @thee_instagator
"Yes. Whoever this Migaurdian is, they must be very handsome. I've been mistaken for him in the streets of New York a few times. Once someone thought Loki to be someone by the name of Tom Hiddleston. He thought it to be the first act of kindness a Midgaurdian ever showed him."

2. Do you like having another kid around and how did you feel when she hacked and found out who you were? Were you worried? @abstar101
"The small human has made it clear she'd rather be left to herself so I don't much notice her. She is very quiet. And I was not concerned when she discovered our files. Mostly because I didn't understand what it meant."

3. Was there any particular test result that surprised you? @abstar101
"I am actually quite whelmed about her electricity consumption abilities. It makes me wonder if she could take on a strike of lightning... " He starts to walk off and Steve rushes after him. "Thor! Don't you dare!"

1. Peter, on a scale from 1 to kill urself before he can, how scared of Irondad™ were u when you lost Spencer to the Hydra hoes? @thee_instagator
"Terrified. I thought he was going to kill me for a second. And wait. Irondad? Mr. Stark is a dad?! Since when?! I need to tell Ned!"

2. If you were to take Spencer on a date somewhere, where would it be? Hypothetically speaking ofc~😏@thee_instagator
"A date? What got you thinking I want to ask Spencer out on a date? Not that I'm saying I don't like her! I mean, Spencer is great! Beautiful even! I mean I'd be jealous of whoever she dated, but like, I don't have a crush on her. No way. But uh, if that were to happen which it totally isn't going to because I totally don't like Spencer - obviously - then maybe to the top of a tall building and eat pizza? I heard it's her favorite. And she likes stars. It's cute when she talks about them. Wait, did I just say that out loud?"

3. What are your thoughts on Spencer? *whispers* I want my ship to sail. @Kam_the_mess19
"Ship? There's no ship. I have no idea what you are talking about. There is absolutely nothing between me and Spencer. Nope. Nothing. Nada......."
"But if there was..."

4. Ship with Spencer @chloeaxella
Peter's face starts to become a violent read. "I'm telling you I have no idea what you're talking about Why does everyone keep asking?" Ned looks at his best friend and elbows him. "Dude you're blushing."

1. Can you dm me that pic of Tony and Spencer sleeping pls??🥺@thee_instagator
Cho nods and crosses her legs. "I don't see why not. I'll have FRIDAY get right on that." Cho looks around the room to make sure no one is listening and she smiles and leans toward the interviewer. "They are adorable aren't they?"

1. Do you take off your metal arm to sleep? Do you just pull it off and attach it to a magnet on the wall or something? @thee_instagator
"My metal arm is attached to me. I can't take it off, but Stark and Shuri are working on a solution for that."

    2. Do you like being in between Natasha's legs every time you fight? Is it intentional to put yourself in that position? @thee_instagator
Bucky looks appalled. "What kind of question is this? Is this a trap?" Natasha walks up to Bucky and starts to lead him away. "Ignore them. The fans are crazy." She sends a glare your way and walks away with the brainwashed Assassin.

3. Favorite Avenger? @abstar101

4. How many languages do you know? @Kam_the_mess19
"Seven. English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Russian, Latin, and Japanese."




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