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Hey, loves

I wanted to make a formal announcement about this story...

Back when I started writing this story in my freshman year of high school I was very naïve and very uneducated on Deaf Culture and sign language.

Now, as a senior in high school and having done extensive research on such topics, I look back and wish I had done this story differently.

Spencer is a character I hold very dear to my and I want to do right by her and create her story into something I'd be proud of.

I'm thinking of creating a re-written version of this story.

Deaf Culture is something that is so interesting and in-depth. I'm so glad that I took time to look into it. I learned so much, like how it is considered disrespectful for a hearing person to teach ASL - It should be taught by someone that is Deaf. As I plan to become an ASL Interpreter, I want to be proud of the expression of Deaf Culture that I have shared with you all in this story.

I know very well that I am not going to continue this story in 'Unmuted' as I plan to create something entirely new. Not only am I now educated and more mature, but my writing skills have also grown. 

When I started Spencer's journey the world fell into quarantine due to Covid-19. Writing was my escape during online school and now I realize it should have been more than an escape - it should have been something I did when I felt I had the time and necessary motivation and prepared storyline - Not something I did while ignoring online classes.

So, I would like to officially announce that I am re-writing Spencer's story. She may be entirely different when I release the new story, she may be the same, but all I know for sure is that it will be new and something I'm going to be proud of.

I hope all my lovely and devoted readers are well and safe❤️

- Kylie

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